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Till The Dead Speak (Killer Affections Book 2)

Page 22

by Jerrie Alexander

  “You know this guy?” Lenny asked under his breath.


  “His walk says he’s looking for a fight.” Lenny looked like he’d braced himself to trade punches.

  “He always walks like he’s on a mission.” She wanted to throw herself into his arms, yet wanted to smack him for not contacting him. Linc wouldn’t see her discomfort. There’d be no blushing today.

  “So you’re okay?” Lenny relaxed.

  “Yes, really. I know him.” But she didn’t, did she? She was just a weekend fling to him. She slipped on her dark sunglasses before starting down the beach to meet Linc. Her pulse quickened with every step.

  “How’s it going?” Linc removed his sunglasses and hooked the earpiece in the neck of his collar.

  His hair had been cut. Gone were the flyaway blonde curls. The new style made him look taller, more masculine, and a little less like a Gentleman’s Quarterly model.

  “It’s almost finished.” She gave him her best smile to demonstrate she harbored no ill will toward him, while a tide of emotions swirled just under the surface. “We salvaged a few pieces of the old place. The Cage will look and feel like the old one, but with a fresher face.”

  His features softened, jaw relaxed, and the corners of his lips curved upward. “Charlie would be proud of you.”

  “Maybe he knew this is where I belonged.” Forcing herself to stand her ground, she held her chin up and her arms still at her sides.

  “He was a smart old man.” He took her elbow and directed her back from where she came. “Show me around?”

  “You’re well?” she asked. The muscles in her arm jerked at his touch, memories flooded, forcing her to move a step away from him.

  “So they say. I feel great.”

  “The haircut says you’re going back to work.”

  “Not for a few days. I wanted to speak with you first.”

  “Talk away.” The dark sunglasses she wore hid the tears welling in them.

  “I haven’t given up on finding Charlie’s murderer. I never will.”

  “Have you been assigned to the L.A. office?”

  “Not yet. I’ll go to Quantico first to be read in to all the changes and qualify for my firearm; then they’ll give me my assignment.”

  “Well.” She bit the inside of her mouth of keep her voice from shaking. “I appreciate everything you’ve done.”

  “Colton and I are doing everything we can.”

  She led Linc through the construction site, hoping with each step that he’d tell her about his new assignment.

  “Do you come to the site every day?”

  “No. Leo was supposed to meet me here with the accounting books. He’s a no show.”

  “I’ll check on him.”

  “Dave is calling him.”

  Samantha introduced Linc to Lenny, then stood aside while the two men discussed the project. Then she and Linc finished their tour.

  “How much did you salvage?”

  “We saved a few of the autographed pictures of Charlie and his dignitaries. Nana’s having them restored and framed. Part of the original decking was salvaged, so I had it delivered to a woodwork expert. He created a star to be laid dead center in the new patio. It was Nana’s idea. She thought Charlie would like that.”

  “You’re different from that woman I met at the airport. You’ve changed. Today I see a free spirited, more creative woman, who’s a hell of a lot surer of herself.”

  “Thanks. I’d like to think so.” Linc’s words touched her heart.

  “And you haven’t heard from Dylan.”

  “Not a word. How did you know?”

  Linc slipped on his sunglasses and smiled, sending his dimples deep into his cheeks. “That’s a trade secret.”

  She wanted to remember him this way, warm, happy, and generous. For that to happen, and to keep her from blurting out something she might regret, she had to get away from him…now. Glancing at her watch, she feigned a look of panic.

  “I have to run. My grandmother and I are driving out to check on the house.”

  “Sure. I didn’t mean to interrupt anything,” Linc said, backing away from her. “Take care of yourself, Sam. Good luck.”

  She nodded because if she’d spoken, her voice would have broken. Her lips quivered as she took one last look at him, knowing that she’d love him for the rest of her life. She wanted to run after him. To try and break down that tough demeanor he was asking her to buy, but her ego didn’t need to be rebuffed again, so she turned away. She could physically stay away from Linc; now she had to figure a way to do the same with her mind. His memory filled her thoughts and try as she might, she couldn’t keep him out. She missed his touch, the way his muscles vibrated under her fingers, and the happiness she felt when they were together.


  Linc leaned against the outcropping of rocks and watched the construction site from a distance. All this time he’d worried that he’d hurt Sam. Yesterday, he’d come to apologize, but quickly saw it wasn’t necessary. She couldn’t wait to get away from him. The same way she’d left the hospital and hadn’t come back. He pushed off and finished his jog down the beach back to his apartment.

  “You ready?” Dave asked from his perch on the condo stairs.

  “For what?” Linc plopped down next to Dave. Still smarting from his brush off by Sam, he didn’t want company.

  “Get your wet gear, we’re going surfing. Water’s cold, and the waves are ankle slappers, but you take what you can get. Right?”

  “No can do. I have a few days before reporting to work, and while I have time, I’m going to concentrate on solving Charlie’s murder.”

  “What about Samantha?”

  “What about her? The Cage will be open soon. With Sam as owner and you managing, it’ll be a big success.” Linc pushed off from the steps and leaned across the railing. He stared out at the low rolling waves.

  “What about Samantha?” Dave repeated. His voice had a sharp edge to it.

  Dave had never pushed Linc about his relationship with her, something Linc had appreciated. Turning to look at his friend, Linc saw something he hadn’t seen before. Anger.

  “Don’t start. Leave it alone.” Linc shot him his best don’t-fuck-with-me look.

  “That’s the same bullshit line I’ve been feeding Maggie. Every time she wanted to kick your sorry ass for the way you treated Samantha, or when you behaved like a jackass in the hospital, or sulked around feeling sorry for yourself, I told Maggie to leave it alone. Over and over, I’ve told her to mind her own damn business. But I was wrong, and it’s time somebody knocked some sense into you.” Dave stood, his legs spread wide as if ready to pounce.

  Laughter rolled from Linc’s chest, and he let it flow. Damn, how long since he’d had anything funny happen? “That’s a whole lot of words strung together for you. More than you’ve put together in one sentence since we met.” Waving Dave off, Linc sat on the steps. “I’m not going to fight you, so knock it off. And you don’t need to worry about Sam.”

  “Is that right? You’re psychic now?” Dave didn’t act like he believed a word.

  “You were there when she took me on the grand tour. She had nothing for me. She’s done. I could tell from her actions and her speech.”

  “You could tell? Hell, Linc. If cupid bit you on the ass, you couldn’t tell. She’s in love with you, you idiot.”

  “Bullshit. She couldn’t wait to get away from me. Drop it.” Linc spoke firmly as he could with the lump wedged in his throat.

  “You’re either a selfish son-of-a-bitch or a stupid one, I’m not sure which.”

  “Now that hurt,” Linc joked to an unsmiling Dave. “Go surfing without me.”

  “I’ll do that.” Dave shook his head before giving him a look of pity. “I wouldn’t get near the water with you on a board. You’re so damn blind you’d get us both killed. I’ve got something to live for. You would too, if you’d open your eyes.” Dave turned his back and
walked away.

  Alone, again, Linc remained seated, watching the sunset. His back itched like a son-of-a-bitch. The doctor said it meant he was healing, but then the doc’s back wasn’t driving him nuts. He couldn’t make himself go inside. Even now, Sam’s essence permeated the walls and furniture in his apartment. He couldn’t lie down in his own bed without remembering her body responding to his touch. He couldn’t step in the shower without remembering how she’d lost her inhibitions, grown bold and made love to him. And forget going out on the balcony. So he’d move to another room…and there she’d be. Her memory…it was every-fucking-where.

  If there hadn’t been a fire, if he hadn’t taken the blow to the back of his head, would he have gone to Texas after her? He’d been a jackass, and now it was too late.

  Staring at nothing, listening to the sea, he waited for some kind of peace to find its way to his soul. Waited on the steps outside his condo for hours. Waited for the ocean to offer him solace or comfort. But the waves continued pounding the shoreline, slamming into the sand before rushing back to the sea. But peace never came. He carried the heavy weight on his chest as he pushed off the steps and went inside to call Colton.

  Colton answered on the first ring. “According to my car’s GPS, I’ll be at your apartment in two shakes of a lamb’s tail.”

  “I’ll be ready. Doors unlocked.” Linc pushed his personal feelings aside and went inside to shower. Enough feeling sorry for himself. He hurried through his shower, dressed, and was dialing Leo’s number when the door opened. Again, he found himself leaving a message.

  “You don’t look like you were almost dead.” Colton big frame filled the doorway.

  “And you don’t look right without your hat.”

  “I considered wearing it, but figured my shit-kickers would be sufficient to tell your Californians a Texan was in the room.” He lifted his foot and polished his boot on the back of his leg. “Sam tells me that Leo is avoiding her.”

  “He’s not answering my calls either.” Linc felt the sting of jealousy zip through his veins. Colton and Sam were buddies?

  Colton walked through the condo, stopping to take in the view. “You California guys must make a lot more money than we do.”

  “How so?”

  “You live pretty high off the hog.”

  “I saved every dime I could while I was in the Army. I sent it home and my dad invested it for me. So stop profiling me.”

  Colton laughed. “You’re a little tense, aren’t you?”

  “There is that rumor.”

  “Do you know where Leo Cornetta hangs his hat?”

  Linc smiled at Colton’s words. “I know where he lives.”

  “Then let’s take a ride.”

  “Let’s.” Linc walked outside to the parking lot, stopped at his car and turned to his guest. “Top up or down?”

  “Fuck me. Top down. I figure if you can get in this thing, so can I.”

  The trip out the freeway was fast. Linc glanced at Colton, who looked like a kid with a new toy. He took the Eden exit, wove through a modest housing addition and parked in front of the house where Leo lived with his girlfriend. “Ever ridden in a convertible?”

  “Not unless you count riding in the back of a pickup. That was fun.”

  The front door opened before they reached the sidewalk. A tall brunette walked to meet them. She was striking, with creamy skin and red lips. Her shorts and halter were skin tight, so much so that they barely covered the essentials. Her gold sandals made a clipping sound as she came closer. A slow smile lifted the corners of her mouth.

  “Whatever you’re selling, I’m buying.”

  Colton pulled out a black leather ID holder and flipped it open. “Mrs. Cornetta?”

  “Hell no.” Her hand went to her hip. “Jen Rider. Leo and I live together, but we’re not married. If he’s been arrested for something, tell me, because I’ve been wearing out the carpet worrying about him.”

  “May we come in?” Linc asked drawing her attention to him. Recognition crossed behind her eyes.

  “I know you.” Jen’s gaze slid from Linc’s head to his toes.

  “Linc Hawkins from The Cage.”

  “Come in.”

  “Yes ma’am.” Colton fell in step behind her. He shot Linc a silly grin. He had to admit she had a walk that any red blooded man would follow willingly. Inside, she waved at the couch.

  “So what’s happened?” She sat across from them with her feet under her.

  “We were hoping you’d tell us.” Colton leaned a little heavy on his accent. “We’ve been trying to reach Leo but he’s not returning our calls.”

  “Talk to that woman he works for. He left here yesterday to meet her and never came home. I figured he heard of a game and lost track of time.”

  “A game?” Linc gave her a puzzled look, pretending not to understand, hoping for an information dump.

  “Yeah. A poker game. He’s had a run of bad luck, but as soon as he wins a big pot, he’s quitting that job and becoming a professional.”

  “Ma’am,” Colton said with a smile. “Ms. Anderson waited for hours, tried calling Leo, but he never showed up or returned her call.”

  “So she called the Feds?” Jen gave them an eye roll. “What a bitch.”

  Linc chose to ignore her comment. “Did he have the restaurant’s books with him when he left?”

  “Of course. He carried a stack of them to her. Like I said, he’s a professional gambler. We’re moving to Vegas soon.” She tilted her head and frowned at Colton. “If she didn’t call you, why are you here?”

  “I asked him to ride along with me. Purely unofficial. I was worried about Leo.”

  “I’ll tell him you came by.”

  Colton handed her his card. “Have him give us a call when he gets home. Just so my friend doesn’t worry.”

  They left her standing at the door with one hand on her hip. Linc wondered if she knew where Leo was but wouldn’t say. “I’ll call Phil Garner and ask him to run a license check. See if we can locate Leo’s car.”

  “He’s been cool about sharing intel.” Colton settled down in the car seat and buckled his belt. “So you and Sam aren’t a thing? If you are say so, because I don’t step on another man’s heart. I’m supposed to take her to supper tonight.”

  Just hearing Colton call her Sam grated on Linc’s nerves, but he wasn’t about to show it. “She’s a grown woman. One who has a mind of her own.”

  “So you’re cool with that?”

  “Isn’t that what I just said?”

  “Easy. Either you give a shit or you don’t.”

  “Call Phil.” Linc started his car and got on the freeway as fast as he could. It was the logical way to end the conversation about Sam. Of course, he gave a shit. Just the thought of another man putting their hands on her was enough to make him go mad. Once he got back to work, maybe if Sam…no, he couldn’t go there. They’d had a weekend of sex and that was all.

  Colton texted his request and got a quick response. “Phil wants us to meet him at his father-in-law’s office.”

  “No problem.” Linc changed lanes, and took the exit toward LA. He blew out a breath relieved the topic had turned serious. In twenty minutes, they walked into Ham’s outer office to find Phil waiting for them.

  “Will you let Ham know we’re here?” Phil said.

  “Right away.”

  All business, Phil shook Linc’s hand and then Colton’s. “I think maybe you brought us a little luck.”

  “You can go in now.”

  Linc followed Phil and Colton into Ham’s office. His feet froze to the floor. Sitting at the conference table with Ham was Sam. The California sun had gently kissed her skin, giving her an amazing glow. Her hair had been pulled back and secured at the base of her skull, showing off her beautiful face.

  “Come join us,” Ham insisted. “We’re due in probate court in forty-five minutes. You can congratulate this young lady. All her affairs will soon be in order.” Ham
stood and shook hands with all three.

  “Samantha, what a nice surprise.” Phil crossed the room and shook her hand. “And convenient. I’ll only have to tell this once.”

  Her gaze settled on Linc. He smiled at her, nodded, a stopped a feet steps away. The electricity in the room vibrated. “Sam. You’re looking good.”

  “Thank you. You look healthy.”

  Colton strolled around the conference table and sat next to her. “Hey, gorgeous.”

  “Hey, Colton.” She turned to Phil. “You have good news?”

  “I have news. How good is yet to be determined. It’s not from hard work on my part, but I’ll take a win when I get one.”

  “Tell us.” Ham tapped his watch.

  “One of my snitches was picked up on a DUI last night. He sent me a message that he had information. He’d overheard a guy bitching about having to set fire to the very place he worked.”

  “You think he was talking about The Cage,” Sam asked.

  “I’m on my way to find out. I’ll get the full scoop and a description of the man. See if he was sober enough at the time to work with a sketch artist.”

  “Leo is missing.” Linc spoke directly to her. “Colton and I just talked to his girlfriend. He left to meet you and never came back.”

  “He’s running?” she asked.

  “We don’t know that,” Phil answered. “I’ll know more when my CI sobers up.” He glanced at Sam. “Confidential Informant.”

  “I watch TV.” Sam’s gaze stopped on Linc’s and held for a moment. She moved on but not before he saw a glimmer of interest.

  “I hope you learn something.” Ham stood. “You’ll have to excuse me, as I have a couple of things to do before Samantha and I leave for the court house.”

  “I have to go too.” Phil stood and Ham left the room. “Samantha, congratulations on getting everything settled.”

  “Thank you. I hope this man’s information is good.”

  “He’s sitting in county lockup without enough cash to make bail. He’ll tell the truth.”

  “You’ll tell me if he mentions the name Dylan Smythe?”


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