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Bailey, Shawn - A Lover's Concerto [Young, Hot, and Talented 1] (Siren Publishing Allure ManLove)

Page 10

by Shawn Bailey

  * * * *

  The next stop on their itinerary was Tory’s recording studio, where Frankie and Jonas finally got to meet the people they would be working with. Tory introduced them to Calvin Miller, their voice coach, Antoine Fredricks, their dance instructor and the award-winning song writer, Travis Mayfield. Tory took them all to the recording room so Jonas and Frankie could perform a couple of numbers for their team. Tory’s daughter Amanda looked after Kalen while the grownups worked. Kalen would be starting daycare tomorrow, and Adam wanted the child to get used to being around other people.

  Tory had a guitar, violin, and piano waiting in the room when they entered. “Play something for us,” he said to the Kerrys once he and the other gents sat down. Frankie and Jonas were in the sound room with a guy manning the recording and sound equipment. They had on headphones so they could hear Tory.

  “Do you want to hear something classical?” Frankie asked.

  “No, do that K-Ci and JoJo song for us,” Tory said.

  Jonas sat at the piano while Frankie began to play the violin for the men. Adam had a big smile on his face when the song ended.

  “Well, what do you think?” Tory asked his professionals. “I need your honest opinion.”

  He got all thumbs up from the group, including Adam.

  “They have a nice sound,” Calvin Miller said. “I’m going to enjoy working with them.” He paused. “I think they need to record that song.”

  Tory chuckled. “I’m way ahead of you. I got permission from the owner to use it. And I want Travis to work along with them to come up with some more songs for their first CD,” Tory said. “I want a classical intro and entry song, too.”

  Adam raised his hand. “How about A Lover’s Concerto for the name of the CD?”

  “You mean the old song by the Toys?” Travis asked.

  “Yeah,” Tory said. “I heard them perform it. I think it might work. Hey, guys, can you perform ‘A Lover’s Concerto’ for these guys?”

  Jonas left the piano and got his guitar, and Frankie played the piano this time and sang lead.

  “Do these fellows write songs?” Travis asked.

  “Yes,” Adam said. He’d visit them every day and make sure they were writing.

  The song ended.

  “Okay, we need to get an activity schedule for these guys,” Tory said to Luke. “They begin training tomorrow. Get with my secretary. She’s real good at arranging these things.”

  “Yes, Mr. Albertson,” Luke said.

  “Call me, Tory. We’re one big family here.”

  Adam gazed at the Kerrys. Both guys seemed worried. He, too, felt a bit overwhelmed, but he was going to try his best to keep it all together.

  * * * *

  Luke went off to do publicist stuff. Adam was just about to go to the hotel after dropping the Kerrys off back home. Kalen was sleeping soundly in his bed. Jonas, too, was napping, and Frankie was in the kitchen preparing spaghetti and meatballs for dinner. And he was doing a good job of making the sauce from scratch and rolling the ground chuck into little balls.

  “Who taught you how to cook?” Adam asked.

  “My mother,” Frankie answered. “I grew up in the kitchen.” He paused. “Will you come back for dinner?”

  “Yeah, I’ll bring Sean with me. I’m sure Jonas would like that.” Adam prepared to leave. “Oh I nearly forgot. My parents are throwing a dinner party for the governor on Saturday night and they want you guys to perform a couple of songs.”

  “For the governor of Louisiana?” Frankie asked.

  “Yes,” Adam answered. “They want to meet you, too.”

  “I’ll tell Jonas,” Frankie said. “Will I get to meet the rest of your family?”

  “Yeah,” Adam said, stealing a kiss. “They’re going to love you.”

  “What should I wear?”

  “Let me take care of that,” Adam said. “I’m coming with an overnight bag, so be prepared to share your new bed.”

  Frankie blushed. “Okay. Can you pick up a bottle of Chianti on the way in?”

  “You’re too young to drink,” Adam reminded him.

  “It’s for you and Sean,” Frankie said. “My parents always had Chianti when we ate Italian food.”

  “Oui, oui,” Adam said. “I’ll be back around seven.”

  “Au revoir,” Frankie said.

  Adam left and drove back to the hotel.

  “Mr. Albertson called while you were out,” his secretary said to him when he arrived. “He’s faxing over the Kerrys’ schedule.”

  “Good,” Adam said. “Let me know when it arrives and make me five copies.”

  “Yes, Adam,” Linda said.

  Adam spent the rest of the day going over the books, hobnobbing with the hotel guests and trouble-shooting problems. Then he called Sean. “Don’t make any plans for tonight. We’re having dinner with the Kerrys at their new home. And bring a change of clothing if you plan to spend the night.”

  Sean giggled like an innocent.

  Adam laughed and got off the phone.

  The fax arrived, and Adam looked them over. Tory had the boys busy from Tuesday to Friday, but off on Saturday and Sunday. Good, their schedules wouldn’t conflict with the governor’s dinner.

  Nico called just before Adam was about to leave the office. “How are things going?”

  Nico told him he’d met someone and was happy.

  “Good,” Adam said, meaning it. “Do you have time to style my hair on Saturday morning? I’m going to a fancy dinner party.” He decided not to rub salt into the wound by asking him to style the Kerrys’ hair. “I’ll see you on Saturday.” He hung up the phone.

  Adam went up to his suite, showered, grabbed a change of clothing, and drove to the Kerrys after he remembered to pick up the Chianti.

  Kalen was up, tearing through the house on his toddler bike. Jonas was watching television, and Frankie was taking a shower. Adam iced the Chianti while he talked to Jonas about their schedule and the dinner party.

  Sean arrived shortly after him, surprising Jonas with flowers. The two of them shared a kiss, which made Adam smile.

  Frankie got a big chuckle out of seeing Jonas with flowers when he joined them into the kitchen. He had changed into a pair of shorts, a T-shirt, and sandals, looking like the poster child for the boy next door.

  Both Jonas and Sean got a big laugh out of seeing Frankie tie a barbeque apron around his narrow waist to protect his clothing.

  Adam understood as soon as he saw Kalen try to feed himself spaghetti and sauce. Adam sampled the food. Delicious. Frankie made good use of seasonings. The meatballs were juicy, and the toasted French bread had just enough garlic and butter. He can cook. Maybe he should send Frankie to culinary school.

  Jonas poured wine for Adam and Sean.

  “Thank you,” Adam said.

  Kalen tried to feed Adam some spaghetti. He had it all over his cherub face and his hands.

  Adam leaned over and accepted the offering.

  Kalen giggled when Adam ate the food. Then Adam got up and cleaned Kalen’s face and hands with a soapy towel. Unfortunately it was in vain, since the tyke went back to feeding himself.

  “Would you care for dessert?” Frankie asked them later.

  “You made dessert?” Adam asked.

  Frankie nodded. He dashed into the kitchen and came into the dining room carrying a tray of parfait glasses. “It’s sugar free so you and Jonas can eat it.” They passed around the dessert glasses filled with gelatin and whipped topping.

  Frankie gave Kalen a bowl filled with gelatin cubes so he could eat it using his fingers.

  “Ooh,” Kalen said as he looked down into his bowl. “Mine.” He giggled.

  Jonas and Frankie chuckled, too.

  Adam sighed, remembering his childhood. He liked gelatin, too.

  “Bath time,” Frankie told Kalen after Kalen had gelatin and spaghetti on every part of his body.

  “Do you need any help?” Adam asked.

nbsp; “No, I can manage. You guys go relax in the den. I’ll join you in a few minutes.” He dashed off reciting the alphabet with Kalen.

  Jonas led the way to the den and put on some music. The three of them were discussing their favorite singers when Kalen toddled in and climbed up on Adam’s lap.

  Frankie came in, too, wearing another outfit and smelling of soap. “I had to wash Kalen’s hair,” he explained. “Bathing takes on a whole new meaning with this kid.”

  “You had to get into the tub with him?” Adam asked playfully, and a bit turned on.

  “Yeah, he sailed his boats while I washed the spaghetti out of his curls.”

  “I’m sorry I missed that,” Adam teased.

  “Don’t be,” Jonas said. “It’s not as cute as it sounds. Kalen likes to splash, and it never as much fun as you might think it should be. It’s like trying to handle a soapy wet water monster.”

  Kalen cuddled up to Adam and played with a button on his shirt until he dozed off several minutes later.

  “I’ll take him,” Frankie said. “He’s had a full day.” He took Kalen out the den and walked with him to his room.

  Adam told Sean about the governor’s dinner. “Do you want to come?”

  “Sure,” Sean said. “Is it formal?”

  “Yeah, “Adam answered. “Do you even own a suit?”

  “Yes, but not one good enough to hobnob with the governor,” Sean answered.

  “I’ll take you to the tailor’s tomorrow with me since we’re practically a family.”

  “I’d like see him in a cummerbund,” Jonas said. “Red would bring out the color in his eyes.”

  Sean’s cheeks got a little pink from the brown-eyed guitarist’s perusal of his person.

  Frankie returned, and Adam grabbed him for a dance.

  “Men can’t dance together,” Frankie insisted.

  Jonas and Sean joined them.

  “See,” Adam said. “They’re not embarrassed.”

  “I bet you won’t dance with me on Saturday at the governor’s dinner.”

  “And you’re right,” Adam said. “Sometimes you have to pick your battles. But if we get a sitter later, I’ll take you guys to a club where no one cares.”

  “I’m eighteen,” Frankie reminded him.

  “Oh yeah, I forgot,” Adam said. “Then I’ll take you out on your twenty-first birthday. I promise.” He dipped Frankie. Adam did know of some clubs for gay teenagers in the Quarters but decided to surprise Frankie by taking him there soon.

  The song ended, and they sat down again.

  “Tory sent your schedules. You guys are going to be pretty busy for the next four days.” He got up and got his briefcase and passed copies to Sean, Frankie, and Jonas.

  “Why did you give me one?” Sean asked.

  “Congratulations. You’ve been promoted to my assistant.”

  “What?” Both Jonas and Sean asked.

  “I suspected that you might want to be at Jonas’s side while he travels, and you know a thing or two about music,” Adam explained. He didn’t think it was a good idea when Nico first thought of making Sean a part of the team, but after seeing Sean and Jonas he realized that Jonas could be a professional even if Sean is around.

  “Does this new job come with a raise?” Sean asked.

  “Yes. I know you’ll need money to wine and dine your superstar. Tomorrow after shopping you and I will go look at some offices space near the hotel. Do you think you can handle it?”

  “Yeah,” Sean said.

  “Good. Your first assignment is to find yourself an apartment. You’re going to be way too cool to stay at your parents’ place. And I’m sure they’re anxious for you to move out.”

  Sean chuckled. “That they are.”

  “Why don’t you move in here with us,” Jonas said. “We have plenty of room and you can help Frankie out around the house.”

  “Shouldn’t you discuss it with Frankie first?” Sean asked.

  “We’ve already discussed it,” Frankie said. “Welcome to the family. Stay out of my bathroom.”

  Adam sighed. “All my chickadees under one roof. I think I’m jealous.”

  “You can sleep over every now and then,” Frankie teased. “We’ll even give you your own bedroom.”

  “Yeah, like he’s ever going to use it,” Jonas said sarcastically.

  Jonas and Sean went up to Jonas’s room around ten.

  “Want to wash the gelatin out of my curls?” Adam asked Frankie.

  “Yeah,” Frankie said, turning off the music. “But I warn you. I’m a splasher, too.”

  Chapter Ten

  “I thought we were just going clothing shopping,” Sean said to Adam the next day when they drove onto the lot of a car dealership.

  “I didn’t want you to give the surprise away. I’m getting the Kerrys a SUV. They need something to move around town in.”

  “Can they even drive?” Sean asked sarcastically.

  “Yes,” Adam answered. “I let Frankie drive my car, and he’s a good driver.”

  “The Mercedes?” Sean asked.

  Adam nodded.

  “Boy you sure must love him.”

  “I do,” Adam said.

  “I can’t imagine Jonas driving. He’s more the passenger type.”

  “That’s because he’s a diva,” Adam explained.

  “Yeah,” Sean agreed. “But a warm, loving diva, if you know what I mean?”

  Adam chuckled. “Yeah, I heard you two getting busy all night.”

  Sean didn’t even have the decency to look embarrassed. “I really like him. He’s smart, too. It’s a shame he had to drop out of college.”

  “I’m about to drop him back in,” Adam said, admiring a sleek burgundy minivan. “You and Frankie, too. It’s always good to have something to fall back on. You can take classes on line while we’re traveling.”

  “Good idea,” Sean said. “I like this SUV. Kalen’s car seat should be able to fit perfectly.”

  “You like the kid, too?” Adam asked.

  “Yeah,” Sean said. “He grew on me.”

  “Me, too,” Adam said. “They’re starting to feel like family.”

  “I’m so glad you found them and decided to take a chance on them,” Sean said. “I shudder every time I think about them living on the streets. I’d be so lost without my parents.”

  “The Kerrys are a lot stronger than they look,” Adam said. “Let’s go test drive this baby.” Adam purchased the car loaded with twin DVDs so Kalen could watch cartoons while he rode. The SUV would be delivered on Friday.

  Afterward Adam and Sean went to check out office spaces, for them and Luke and the future assistant he would hire for the Kerrys.

  Adam had dinner with Tory that evening.

  Tory filled him on the Kerrys’ first day at work. “For some reason all the women have fallen in love with them. And you should see them in dance class. Antoine is just tickled pink with them.”

  “How is the song-writing coming?” Adam asked.

  “Great. Frankie played some of the songs he’s written and Travis is helping him arrange them.”

  “Whew,” Adam said. “We’re really going to do this.”

  He and Tory clicked their glasses together.

  “Oh yeah. We’re going to take them to the top.”

  * * * *

  “What is this?” Frankie asked Adam as he and Jonas joined him outside on the driveway on Friday afternoon.

  “Your chariot,” Adam said. “You two will need to get around town to your appointments.”

  “Is it really ours?” Jonas asked.

  “Yes. This is the family car, and you have been appointed chauffer. And if you take good care of it, I’ll think about taking you to look at sports cars.”

  “There’s enough room for my guitar,” Jonas said excitedly. “And it has a car seat for Kalen.”

  Adam laughed. “Now you can go grocery shopping without me and George. Both of us are too old to be mobbed.”
br />   Jonas hugged Adam. “Thanks, man. She’s beautiful.”

  Frankie gave Adam a thumb up. It was the SUV Frankie told him Jonas had always wanted. He knew Jonas would want to contribute to the cause since he was unable to perform any physical labor around the house. Chauffeuring his two younger brothers around town was a perfect venue for him.

  For dinner Adam treated them to pizza after Sean arrived with his things and moved in. Luckily Adam had thought ahead and brought furniture for the two guest rooms. Jonas put on some music, and Kalen entertained them with his dancing. He had a feeling the youngest Kerry had a lot of talent, too. Adam spent the night but left early the next morning so the young men could enjoy sleeping in late and preparing for the governor’s dinner.

  * * * *

  Kalen went off to the sitter’s early while Jonas, Frankie, and Sean dressed for the occasion. Luke had taken them to the stylist earlier and gotten Sean to promise to deliver Frankie and Jonas promptly as nine for their performance.

  “I’m so nervous,” Frankie said once they left the house.

  “You’re not getting stage fright, are you?” Sean asked him.

  “No,” Frankie said. “Do you think Adam’s family will like me?”

  “Oh,” Sean said. “I guess they will. You’re looking kind of cute.”

  Jonas chuckled. “That is just going to make him more nervous. Imagine introducing your family to your boyfriend.”

  “Ah, my family is going to be here, too, tonight,” Sean said.

  “What?” Jonas asked nervously. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “Because I didn’t want you to panic like you’re doing now.”

  “I’m not panicking,” Jonas said, pulling down the visor and checking out his appearance. “This is a big step in our relationship. What if they don’t like me?”

  “You got me out of their house. They are going to love you.”

  “I bet you and Adam planned this,” Jonas said, putting down the visor. “What if they think my hair is too long? Or what if they think I’m some drugged-out rock singer?”

  Frankie realized he wasn’t as emotional as Jonas.


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