Bailey, Shawn - A Lover's Concerto [Young, Hot, and Talented 1] (Siren Publishing Allure ManLove)

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Bailey, Shawn - A Lover's Concerto [Young, Hot, and Talented 1] (Siren Publishing Allure ManLove) Page 19

by Shawn Bailey

  “I run a real estate company. I just sold Nico a nice house in Stonebridge.”

  Stonebridge was a private subdivision across the Mississippi River on the other side of New Orleans. “Congratulations,” Adam said to both of them.

  A waiter passed by again with more champagne.

  Nico and Solomon reached for a glass and then Adam.

  Frankie shook his head when the waiter got to him.

  “What’s wrong, Frankie? You don’t like champagne?” Nico asked.

  “No, I haven’t developed a taste for liquor,” Frankie said. “Plus I’m not as old as you guys.”

  Solomon chuckled.

  “Frankie’s just eighteen,” Adam said proudly.

  “I kind of helped discover him,” Nico said.

  Adam couldn’t deny that. If Nico hadn’t heard Frankie and Jonas singing in the park that day, he would not have met him. “And I’m forever grateful for that,” Adam said. “I’ll make sure I give you credit in Frankie’s biography.”

  “How’s Kalen?” Nico asked, ignoring Adam’s comment.

  “He’s growing like a weed,” Adam answered even though he knew Nico directed the question to Frankie. “He’s walking and talking and turning into such an adorable child.”

  “You’ve always been attached to him from the beginning,” Nico said.

  The brunette returned, and Frankie went off to dance with her again.

  Jonas and Sean still entertained Myron and his friend. So he got stuck with Nico and Solomon. And Nico was going out of his way to be negative. “Yes, I hope to have a son just like him one day. But until then I’ll enjoy being Uncle Adam.”

  Nico scowled at him. “Oh, I see Jonas. How is he?”

  “Fine,” Adam asked.

  Nico pointed Jonas out to Solomon. “He has the most gorgeous hair. Maybe I’ll let mine grow longer.”

  Both he and Solomon looked at Nico.

  “Don’t do it,” Solomon told Nico. “I think you look perfect just the way you are.”

  Relationship verified. Solomon was Nico’s new lover. “Listen to Solomon,” Adam said. “That style is for the younger generation. Shorter hair brings out your beautiful eyes and your exquisite features, doesn’t it, Solomon?”

  Nico raised an eyebrow as if wondering what he was up to.

  “Yes,” Solomon answered. “His face was the first thing that I noticed. My friends are so jealous that I landed such a catch.”

  “And he’s a damn good stylist, too,” Adam added.

  “Did he style your hair?” Solomon asked. “It’s very becoming.”

  “No,” Adam answered. “I found a guy near my home, but he doesn’t do it as well as Nico.”

  “Is that Frankie’s girlfriend?” Nico asked. He pointed toward the dance floor.

  “No,” Adam answered, watching Frankie slow dance with the female singer. “They’re just friends.”

  “But they look so good together,” Nico said. “I bet they end up dating.”

  “Maybe,” Adam said.

  Gerard and Luke came toward them.

  “Oh my,” Solomon said when he glanced at Gerard.

  “Tory is looking for you,” Luke said to Adam.

  Solomon looked at Luke. “Are you guys brothers?”

  Adam introduced them. “Gentlemen, this is Luke Austin, my assistant, and Gerard Tyler, the drummer for The Kerrys.”

  “It’s nice to meet you,” Nico said, ignoring Gerard and feasting his eyes on Luke. “You and Adam look enough alike to be related.”

  “Go get Frankie,” Adam said to Gerard. The song ended, and he didn’t see Frankie anymore or the girl.

  “Let the kid have some fun,” Nico said. “Women are dying to get to know him.”

  “I’ll get Jonas,” Luke said. “It was nice to meet you two.” Luke left and walked over to Sean’s little group.

  Gerard came back with Frankie. They were both laughing.

  “They look so cute together,” Nico replied. “I think Gerard’s a great addition to the group.”

  Luke came back with Sean and Jonas.

  “Will you excuse us,” Adam said. “We have a meeting to attend. Please enjoy the rest of the party.” Adam led his people away from Solomon and Nico. “I have no idea where we’re supposed to go.”

  “Tory told us to come to an office in the administration section,” Luke said. “He said someone would be there to show us the way to the meeting.”

  Adam just followed the younger man. Luke led them directly to where they needed to be. Tory and some other prominent members of the Superdome committee were already present.

  “Come on in,” Tory said. “You guys were sensational,” he said to the Kerrys.

  The other people in the room agreed.

  Tory introduced everyone.

  “Jonas, Gerard, and Frankie, I’d like you to meet Thomas Avery, the manager of the Superdome productions.”

  Thomas Avery was a portly white guy with mingled gray hair and long sideburns. He had rings on most of his chubby fingers. “It’s nice to meet such fine young men. You’ve done your city proud tonight and have made thousands of new fans.”

  Adam still had no clue why they had been summoned.

  “Mr. Albertson told me that you guys are about to start your first tour. I just found out that several companies want you guys to sponsor their goods. You know endorse their products.”

  Endorsements. Cha-ching. Adam smiled. Frankie would look so cute wearing sport jerseys and sneakers. Maybe one of the companies would come up with something so the Kerrys could make it their signature style. And maybe they’d get some magazine covers. The possibilities were endless.

  Thomas Avery continued speaking. “You guys are going to be big. Everyone will be clamoring for you to perform at their arena or dome.”

  “Of course I’ll have my lawyers check all of this out,” Tory said. “But I think this is on the up and up.”

  “And my daughter just went gaga over you, Frankie,” Thomas said. “It is nice to see that the two of you hit it off and were dancing earlier.”

  The smile disappeared from Adam’s face.

  Frankie didn’t even act surprised. He just continued to look calm while Adam sweated bullets.

  “Who is your daughter?” Adam asked.

  “Her name is Tierney Avery. She’s the lead singer for the group Cinnamon.”

  God damn it. “They’re a talented group, too,” Adam said.

  “Maybe I’ll have two singers in the family now instead of one,” Thomas said, laughing. “Maybe we can get both groups to perform together again when the Kerrys return from their tour.”

  Adam felt a headache coming on. He didn’t think an endorsement was more important than he and Frankie’s relationship.

  “Yes, sir,” Frankie said to something Thomas had asked him.

  Adam scowled. Or maybe he could be mistaken.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  “Hello, Frankie.”

  Frankie looked up to the sound of Nico’s voice. He’d just entered the empty room in the dome to get a breather and never expected anyone to follow him. “Hey.”

  “Are you hiding from Adam?”

  Frankie shook his head. “No.”

  “Or maybe the pretty brunette singer?”

  Did this guy have no life? “No, I just came in for a little peace and quiet.” The view out of the window was breathtaking. He’d never been outside of Louisiana in his life and now he was about to go on tour and one day maybe travel out of the country. Sometimes the thought of success and growing up frightened him.

  Nico entered and sat down on a sofa near him. “I suppose this has been a lot for someone your age, you know, from the streets to the palace?”

  “I suppose,” Frankie answered, not sure what Nico was up to. Kind words or not, Nico was still the enemy.

  “Adam doesn’t love you. He just feels sorry for you.”

  “That’s not true,” Frankie said. “Adam isn’t the type of person who wou
ld be with someone out of pity. And if it was true how come he’s still with me now?”

  Nico chuckled. “You don’t know the real Adam. He’s with you because you’re pretty and young and you have a nice body. That’s what’s keeping him by your side. But the minute you put on a little weight and your hairlines starts to recede, he’s going to drop you for a young guy just like he did me. Hell, he might be waiting around for Kalen to grow up. Adam does love him.”

  “Adam did not drop you,” Frankie said. “You sent him away. I would have been just as happy to be his friend. He’s a very nice guy, so don’t make him out to be some kind of monster. I am grateful for all the help you gave us, but don’t blame me for your mistake. Should Adam want to leave me, I will gladly step aside because I want nothing but happiness for him.”

  “Listen, I have nothing against you. It is partially my attitude that made Adam leave me. So I’m just telling you this so it won’t come as a surprise to you when he finds someone else,” Nico said.

  Was the man not even listening to him?

  “And you need to think about your career. Do you think the world is that accepting of a gay relationship? Women will certainly get turned off once they learn that you’re letting a guy give it to you up your ass.”

  “That’s the difference between me and you,” Frankie said. “I don’t care what people think of me. I can’t help being gay any more than you can. We were born that way. Adam is my manager, and even if we break up he’s still going to be in my life. I hope you understand that even if he comes back to you.”

  Nico laughed. “You are so young, and I bet you’re not even gay. I think you just feel the way you do because of what Adam did for you and your brothers.”

  Frankie didn’t think so. How could he get turned on by just smelling the man’s cologne if he wasn’t gay? And how would he explain getting sexually aroused around Adam and not Tierney Avery. Nico is just trying to fuck with my head. “Adam did not take advantage of me, if that’s what you think.”

  “I saw you dancing with that young lady earlier,” Nico said. “You two looked good together. Listen, do yourself a favor and date her before your fans find out you’re sleeping with a man. Think about the scandal it could cause Kalen.”

  Low blow to use his baby brother in his argument. “Kalen will be okay. Jonas and I will make sure of that.”

  “But what’s going to happen if this music thing doesn’t work out for you and Jonas? You think Tory will keep people on his payroll who aren’t generating income? You can find yourself back on the streets again?”

  Frankie had enough. “That’s never going to happen. You’re just being mean because Adam chose me. Why can’t you be happy with Mr. Solomon? He seems like a very nice man. What would he think if he knew you were in here trying to poison me against Adam so you can get him back? Why are you doing this?”

  “Because Adam and I are great together,” Nico answered angrily. “He and I would have had a great life together had you not come along. Enjoy him now, but when he gets tired of playing with a child he’ll come back to me.” Nico rose and stormed out of the room, leaving Frankie to stare at his back. If Nico thought he was just going to hand Adam over to him, he was crazy.

  * * * *

  Adam watched Nico leave the room where Frankie had been resting. He had decided to go check on Frankie once he saw Nico follow him, but he had stopped outside the door and just listened to their conversation. What he’d heard had literally knocked him for a loop. Little Frankie Kerry was in love with him. Adam didn’t think he’d ever heard kinder, sweeter words, and he knew it was true because Frankie wasn’t the type of person to lie about something so serious.

  Frankie came out of the room looking flustered. He headed toward him.

  Adam decided to meet him halfway.

  “Hey,” Frankie said.

  “Hey. Are you okay? I saw Nico come out of the room you were in.”

  “Yes, I’m fine,” Frankie said. “He didn’t do anything to me. He just tried to get me to leave you.”

  “Are you?” Adam asked.

  Frankie shook his head. “No. You’re kind of growing on me.”

  “I’m not going anywhere,” Adam assured him. “I love you and you’re stuck with me for the duration.”

  Frankie rewarded him with a beautiful smile. “I love you, too. No matter what Nico said I know you and I are perfect for each other.”

  Adam had to resist the urge to kiss Frankie at that moment. “Like peanut butter and jelly.”

  Frankie nodded. “Yeah.”

  Frankie looked exhausted. “Are you tired?” Adam asked.

  “Yes, but I don’t think we can leave because we all came together in the van.”

  Adam reached for his phone and dialed for his driver. “This is Adam. Meet me on Poydras in front of the Superdome.” He disconnected the call. “Now all we have to do is find the others and tell them that we’re leaving.”

  Gerard and Luke were easy to find. They were on the dance floor in the midst of a crowd. He found Sean and Jonas still talking with Myron and the guy he’d came with.

  “Hey,” Myron said as soon as he saw him and Frankie. “This is Caleb.”

  “Nice to meet you,” Adam said. “I’m the Kerrys’ manager.”

  “Hello,” Caleb said. “It’s nice to meet you and Frankie, too.”

  Frankie just nodded and didn’t look at Myron.

  Adam wasn’t worried about the two of them ever getting together because Frankie loved him. “Frankie and I are about to split. He’s tired.”

  “Oh, but the night is still young,” Sean said.

  “You guys can stay and have fun,” Adam said. “I’ve called for my driver.” He turned to Frankie. “Come on, let’s roll.”

  Frankie followed him out of the building.

  George had made it there and stood beside the car. “Did you two have a delightful evening?”

  “Yes,” Adam answered. “And I’m expecting to have more fun later with Frankie.”

  Frankie rolled his eyes at Adam and climbed into the car.

  Adam followed, chuckling.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Frankie’s cell phone rang at five in the morning. He groaned. He and Adam had just gone to bed about an hour ago. The room was still dark, so he had to blindly feel around on the nightstand to find it. He glanced down at the display and saw Sean’s number. “Hello? What? He sat up in the bed. “Where are you? Okay. I’ll meet you there.” He disconnected the call and climbed out of the bed.

  “What’s wrong?” Adam asked. His voice was still groggy with sleep. He reached over and turned on the light.

  Frankie hurried over to the closet and pulled out some clothing. “Kalen and Jonas are sick. They’re at the hospital.”

  “Both of them?”

  “Yes,” Frankie answered as he got a pair of clean briefs out of the bottom drawer of the dresser. “Sean said Kalen is burning up with a fever, and Jonas had an asthma attack.”

  Adam hopped out of the bed and began getting dressed, too. “What hospital are they at?”

  “Tulane,” Frankie answered as he pushed his feet into a pair of loafers.

  They left the house, and Adam drove him instead of waking George.

  Frankie’s heart beat rapidly as he worried about his brothers. Jonas seemed perfectly fine when they left the party a couple of hours ago, but Frankie knew something as simple as someone’s cologne or an air freshener could bring on a coughing attack. And poor Kalen had been so happy when they dropped him off at Amanda’s last night.

  They arrived at the hospital, and Frankie and Adam ran inside and to the triage desk in the emergency room.

  “My name is Frankie Kelly. My two brothers Jonas and Kalen were admitted.”

  The nurse checked the computer. “Yes, they’re both being examined by a doctor at the moment. Please have a seat. I’ll let you know when you can go back there.”

  “Thank you,” Frankie said, not knowing if he could j
ust sit and do nothing.

  “Sean must be with Kalen,” Adam said, leading Frankie to some seats.

  Frankie sat down, and Adam sat down next to him.

  Adam reached over and patted Frankie’s hand. “Try to relax.”

  “But Kalen’s never been sick before. He must be so scared.”

  “Kids get sick,” Adam said. “Has he had all of his immunizations?”

  Frankie nodded. “Yes. He’s up to date. He had a fever once when he was teething.”

  “He’s never sick because you take excellent care of him. Jonas, too.”

  “Maybe the excitement was too much for Jonas tonight,” Frankie said.

  “Has he been using his maintenance inhaler?” Adam asked.

  Frankie shrugged. “I used to keep up with that when it was just me and him. But now he sleeps in a room with Sean and I just don’t know anymore.” If he’d lost either of them, he didn’t know what he would do.

  The phone rang at the nurse’s station. “Mr. Kelly, you can go back now. The doctor wants to talk to you.”

  Frankie hopped up out of his seat.

  Adam followed.

  “Are you a relative?” the nurse asked Adam.

  “Yes, an uncle.”

  Frankie would have chuckled at the lie if the situation hadn’t been so serious.

  They went through the door leading to the examination rooms. There were several people walking about, lying around on gurneys, and sitting in wheelchairs. Adam took Frankie’s hand as they went room to room looking for their loved ones. They found a sleeping Kalen first. Sean and the doctor were with him.

  Sean looked toward the door and saw them. His eyes looked bloodshot from too much partying and lack of sleep. “I’m so glad you guys got here. Amanda said Kalen started running a fever and crying after she put him to bed. We left the party as soon as she called.”

  “What happened to Jonas?”

  “I think it was too cold for him at the party. But you know him. He would never complain.”

  “Where is he?” Adam asked.

  “In another room. The doctor gave him something to calm him down and help him to breathe.”


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