Bailey, Shawn - A Lover's Concerto [Young, Hot, and Talented 1] (Siren Publishing Allure ManLove)

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Bailey, Shawn - A Lover's Concerto [Young, Hot, and Talented 1] (Siren Publishing Allure ManLove) Page 20

by Shawn Bailey

  “Go to him. He needs you, too,” Adam said. “We’ll stay with Kalen.”

  “Thank you,” Frankie said to Sean.

  “No thanks needed, Frankie. We’re family.” Sean left the room.

  Frankie looked over at Kalen. His curls lay plastered on his forehead, and his skin looked blotchy. “Is he going to be okay?” he asked the doctor.

  “Yes. He has an ear infection and strep throat. The other young man told me that Kalen attends nursery school.”

  “Yes,” Frankie answered. “Did he catch it there?”

  “Maybe,” the doctor said. “But just to make sure I want you to keep him home for a week. The antibiotic I gave him should do the trick, but you need to keep him isolated so he can’t infect anyone. I’ve sent a prescription to the drugstore near your home. Keep it refrigerated and make sure you give it to him as directed.”

  “Yes, sir,” Frankie said.

  “Does he still have a fever?” Adam asked.

  “Yes. It was one hundred and three when he arrived. “It’s down to ninety-nine. I gave him a fever reducer. If the fever goes up, give him some more in about four hours. Give him plenty of liquids and some of those freezer pops. We don’t want him to dehydrate.”

  Adam amazingly was putting all of this into the notes app on his phone.

  “You can take him home and put him to bed,” the doctor said, printing out the discharge papers. “Make sure you have his pediatrician check him out at the end of the week. And bring him back to emergency if he gets worse.”

  “Thank you,” Frankie said.

  Adam picked up Kalen and gently held the child against him.

  “Wait,” Frankie said. “Let me take him. You might get sick.”

  “Didn’t you hear what Sean said to you? We’re family.”

  The doctor left first, and Adam followed, carrying Kalen.

  “Let’s go find Jonas,” Adam said.

  Jonas had already been discharge, and he and Sean were in the waiting area when he and Adam walked in. Jonas looked tired, and his skin was pale with a gray undertone like he lacked air. That would explain the mini oxygen tank hooked up to his wheelchair.

  The five of them left the hospital and ended up in the parking lot.

  Adam strapped Kalen into his car seat. “Do you have a prescription?” he asked Jonas.

  Jonas answered after he removed the mask from his face. “Yes, the doctor called it in to the pharmacy.”

  “Take all of them home,” Adam said to Sean. “I’ll pick up the prescriptions and then meet you there.”

  Sean helped Jonas into the front seat.

  Frankie kissed Adam and then climbed into the van. Adam got into his car and drove away. Sean followed him out of the parking lot.

  * * * *

  Both Kalen and Jonas were sound asleep when Adam arrived with the medicine. Frankie was in a chair in Kalen’s room resting.

  “How is he doing?”

  “The fever’s down,” Frankie answered.

  Frankie looked exhausted. He even staggered a bit when he stood up.

  Adam caught him and steadied him. “Where are you going?”

  “To fix breakfast,” Frankie said. “I have to do something to keep busy.” He turned on the baby monitor and walked out the room.

  Adam followed him to the kitchen.

  Sean entered shortly after them.

  “How is Jonas?” Adam asked.

  “He’s better,” Sean answered, sitting down at the table across from Adam. “I was so scared trying to drive and make sure that Jonas was breathing.”

  “You did well,” Frankie said. He started unpacking the things out of the bag Adam had gotten from the pharmacy and putting them into the refrigerator.

  “Has Jonas been taking his medicine?” Adam asked as Frankie began cooking.

  “I don’t know,” Sean admitted. “I’ve seen him take his shots a couple of times, but he hardly ever uses the inhaler.”

  “You’re going to have to stay on his case about it,” Frankie said calmly. “Jonas needs to use that purple inhaler before bed and in the morning.”

  “Okay,” Sean said sadly. “He was gasping for air and I couldn’t do anything.”

  “He has a rescue inhaler, too. It’s tan. He is to use that when he can’t breathe. And it won’t hurt you to take a CPR course and learn to give him insulin shots. If you’re going to be with his royal prettiness, you have to keep on his ass about taking his medicine. Our mother used to get on him all the time about this.”

  It was the first time he’d heard Frankie mention his folks in a long time. Adam continued to watch Frankie cook.

  “He and Kalen sure are lucky to have you, Frankie,” Sean said. “You always seem to have it all together.”

  “I don’t,” Frankie said. “I am running pretty much on adrenalin. But I’m terrified, too. Jonas will always have diabetes and asthma, and there’s nothing I can do about it but help him keep it under control.”

  It was a lot to hang on the shoulders of an eighteen-year-old, but Frankie never complained.

  “I’ll do my best to help you,” Sean said.

  “I’ll help, too,” Adam said as Frankie began putting food on their plates. “I have no problem putting my foot up his ass.”

  Frankie cracked a smile as he carried the plates over to the table and placed them before him and Sean. He went back over to the coffee pot and poured coffee for them. He brought this over to the table, too, before sitting down with them.

  “Either I’m starving or this tastes good,” Sean said after eating a piece of his omelet. “You really need to teach Jonas how to cook.”

  “Jonas can cook,” Frankie said.

  “What?” Sean asked.

  “Our mother taught both of us, and Jonas used to cook all the time and have dinner ready when our parents came home from work.”

  “How come I’ve never seen him cook anything?” Sean asked.

  Frankie chuckled. “Because Jonas likes to appear helpless and be pampered.”

  Adam laughed at Sean. “This omelet is good, Frankie.”

  “Thanks,” Frankie said, looking over at the baby monitor.

  “You’ll hear Kalen if he wakes up,” Adam assured him. Both Jonas and Kalen had on their cool air vaporizers. Frankie made sure there was one of those in every bedroom to add moisture to the air. Adam slept like a baby when he stayed over.

  “Do you think the Kerrys will be able to go on their tour?” Sean asked.

  “Yes, we’re touring,” Frankie answered for him. “Jonas and Kalen should be okay by then.”

  Adam sure hoped so because there was so much money at stake. If they didn’t go on the road, Tory would be financially responsible for all the contracts he signed. Adam rose.

  “Where are you going?” Frankie asked.

  “I am going home to get enough clothes to last for a week, and my laptop. The three of us have to take turns looking after Kalen and Jonas to make sure they take their medicine and get well. We have to make this tour or Tory will lose a lot of money and probably kill me.”

  “Oh,” Frankie said. “We can’t let him do that.”

  Adam left. A week later Jonas and Kalen’s conditions had improved and everything was back to normal.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  “I can’t believe we’ll be leaving New Orleans tomorrow,” Frankie said as he and Adam soaked in Adam’s big tub. The reservations were made, their plane tickets were purchased, and Adam had finally hired a tutor for Kalen to go on the road with them.

  “Yes, are you nervous?” Adam asked as he washed Frankie’s back.

  Frankie nodded. “Yes. I’ve never been on a plane before.” His stomach had a serious case of butterflies. “Will you hold my hand?”

  Adam kissed him on the neck. “Yes, but you’ll have to get used to flying if you want to continue your musical career. It’s just not practical to drive all over the country and the last time I checked you couldn’t motor to Japan.”

bsp; Tory had mentioned that a trip to Asia might be in their future. Frankie had already purchased a language tape to learn to speak Japanese.

  Adam had stopped washing him and was busy planting kisses on Frankie’s shoulders and back.

  Frankie trembled. Adam’s lips were so soft and Frankie was sensitive between the shoulder-blades.

  “Let’s get out of the water and continue this in the bedroom,” Adam suggested.

  “That is an excellent idea,” Frankie agreed. He pulled the plug out of the drain to let the water escape. Adam stepped out of the tub first, dried off, and then Frankie followed. He wrapped Frankie in an oversized bath towel and led him out of the bathroom.

  Soft soul music played on a radio station in the bedroom. Adam turned back the thick black comforter on the bed and Frankie climbed in. He got the tube of lube from under the pillow and proceeded to work some of it into his ass while Adam watched.

  “Does this mean I’m on top tonight?” Adam asked as Frankie positioned himself on the pillows.

  Frankie spread his legs. He was no longer shy when it came to Adam seeing his body. “Yes. I’m in the mood to be ravished.”

  The lusty look in Adam’s eyes indicated that he was fine with the idea of being the ravisher. He climbed upon the bed and crawled between Frankie’s thighs. Adam had his cock in his palm and gently stroked it.

  “Yummy,” Frankie said, watching with interest. “Is that for me?”

  Adam nodded. “Do you mind if we skipped the foreplay? I need to bury this deep inside of you.”

  Frankie lifted his hips. “You may begin the ravishing.”

  Adam placed the head of his cock against Frankie’s small hole and pushed it inside with one powerful thrust.

  “Ah!” Frankie gasped as Adam claimed him. His own dick now saluted. He was so glad that Adam knew his way around a man’s body.

  “Are you okay?” Adam asked as he began screwing him.

  Frankie rolled his hips. “Yes. This feels so good.”

  Adam slid out to the head and then thrust in harder and deeper.

  “Oh shit,” Frankie cried out as Adam found the little sensitive spot inside of his ass. He wrapped his legs around Adam’s back and slid down on his cock. This made it go in deeper. It always amazed him how much the little crevice could stretch. “Fuck me harder please.”

  Adam whipped his hips faster, sending his cock in and out of Frankie with continuous thrusting.

  “I think I’m going to come,” Frankie said as he moved his behind in time with Adam’s thrusts. The bottom of his stomach clenched. Frankie tried to hold off as long as possible but Adam was giving it to him good. “Oh lord, here it comes!” The cum spurted through the slit and splattered all over Frankie’s stomach. Both he and Adam stopped moving so Frankie could catch his breath. “That is just the best feeling in the world.”

  Adam chuckled triumphantly. He eased out and swooped down on Frankie for a kiss. “No, this is.” Their lips locked and their tongues met inside of Frankie’s mouth.

  Frankie wrapped his arms around Adam’s neck, pulling him down upon him. Adam’s erect cock pressed against Frankie. Adam guided it back into Frankie’s behind and their lovemaking began again. Frankie freed Adam and his lover rose and positioned Frankie’s legs against his chest. It felt a bit awkward to Frankie, but it allowed Adam to bury his dick so deep that his balls bounced against Frankie’s butt. Frankie couldn’t help out much, forcing Adam to work hard to achieve orgasm. Adam didn’t seem to mind. He kept at it for a couple of minutes before withdrawing completely and putting Frankie on his knees. He entered Frankie again, grabbed him by the hips, and moved Frankie’s body back and forth fast.

  “Ah!” Adam uttered behind him. “You have the best ass I’ve ever seen, and you’re so warm and tight I can keep this up forever.”

  Frankie’s knees rubbed against the sheets. He didn’t think he could do it in this position forever. He opened his legs wider and Adam moved in closer and continued to fuck him senseless. His cock woke up again. He didn’t know how Adam knew this but Frankie appreciated the man’s warm hand as it wrapped around it.

  Adam stopped thrusting and rolled his hips. He worked Frankie’s cock while Frankie rocked back and forth on Adam’s dick. “I love you so much, Frankie.”

  Frankie heard the confession even though his mind was clouded with desire. “I love you, too, Adam. Keep fucking.”

  Adam chuckled. “I’m serious. I’ve never felt this way about anyone. You make my life complete.”

  Adam’s body shuddered. The man stopped jerking him off and started working his hips like he was about to come. Frankie backed up against Adam so he could help him. Adam spooned him and pushed his entire length in again. He found Frankie’s spot again. “I’m coming, Adam!” His body shook. Frankie sprayed the sheets.

  “Me, too, baby,” Adam said.

  Adam’s warm offering filled Frankie’s cavity and then Adam slumped against him. Frankie held Adam’s weight for a couple of seconds and then his knees gave out and they sank down upon the mattress. “I love you, too, Adam. Please don’t ever leave me.”

  Adam kissed the back of Frankie’s head. “I’m not going anywhere, Frankie Kerry.” He eased out of Frankie’s behind and rolled off of him.

  Frankie moved to his right so he and Adam could snuggle. Adam put one of his legs over Frankie to hold him into place. Frankie felt exhausted but thoroughly loved. The next sound he heard was Adam breathing softly. Frankie closed his eyes. All the nervousness he’d experience earlier had disappeared and now he looked forward to going on tour to Los Angeles with Adam by his side. “Thank you for all you’ve done for us, Adam. I don’t know what would have happened to us if you hadn’t taken us off the street and given us a home.” Frankie wasn’t overly religious but he did thank God every night for sending them an angel. “I promise to always try to make you happy.”

  “You already have,” Adam said, putting his arm around Frankie and moving him closer. “Thank you for allowing me to share your wonderful family. I don’t know what the future may bring us, but I’m looking forward to being there for you guys every step of the way.”

  Frankie turned to face Adam, kissed him, and then closed his eyes and went to sleep in his lover’s arms.




  Shawn Bailey writes from New Orleans, Louisiana. Shawn is an avid manga and yaoi novel collector and watches a lot of Japanese anime. When she’s not writing, Shawn works as a financial analyst and looks forward to one day retiring, going to writing conferences, and traveling to Asia. Of course, she will have to get over her fear of flying. She is currently working on several new gay romance manuscripts which she hopes to get published in the near future.

  For all titles by Shawn Bailey, please visit

  Siren Publishing, Inc.




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