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Lovers and Other Strangers Box Set: The Boston Stories

Page 21

by L. C. Giroux

  "A perp on a case I'm working on. Guy's a scum bag, likes to make women feel like shit. I was thinking of paying him a visit and seeing if he liked having the tables turned." Cam's head snapped up and Delia gave her head a subtle shake letting him know she wouldn't actually do that no matter how much she might enjoy it.

  "Hey, you guys gonna do dinner here? I'm kinda craving Carbonara."

  "Yeah, I know what that means. If I cook, you do the dishes. Evie you feel up to making a salad?"

  "What? Sorry I was off somewhere. Salad? Sure." She went to get up but Cam held her against him for a little longer. She was all warm from her nap, he could have held her like this forever. Maybe she was coming back around. She got up to make the salad and Cam started to make the Carbonara sauce while the pasta water boiled. He forgotten what it was like to have company at dinner. With Sal off finding herself and Delia's crazy schedule he often just grabbed something on the way home. Tonight he had Delia on her best behavior- Evie must have been right, the kid did like her, and Evie even if she was quieter than he'd seen her. He wished he could get in her head and clean house. She had all these crappy ideas about herself and that let morons like Bernard prey on her feelings. Which reminded Cam of something Bernie-boy said.

  "Evie, who is Rayna?"

  "How do you know about Rayna?" She looked like he'd slapped her.

  "Bernard mentioned her, made her sound like a man-eater. She his girlfriend?" Evie choked on her wine.

  "Not hardly! Rayna is a sexual predator, not that she goes after kids or anything but yeah, man-eater, although come to think of it, I know some lesbian couples she's broken up too."

  "Any chance she would know more about Bernard than you do?"

  "I suppose she might. I don't think he'd go for her type though."

  "Why not, I mean if she's hot..."

  "She takes up too much oxygen. When she's in the room, she's the brightest thing there. You may have noticed Bernard likes to have all eyes on him."

  "I've noticed."

  "Could you help me find her so I could talk to her."

  "She doesn't really like me, I mean, not enough to do the damage that has been done but she always acted as if I was a lower life form, not worthy of even addressing me." Cam suddenly felt like the art world was some kind of primitive jungle where only the true bastards survived.

  After she'd gotten the dishes done Delia took off which left the two of them alone again. Much as he'd love a repeat of last night, Cam suspected Evie was going to turn in early. He set the lights low and turned on the fire anyway. Maybe he'd get lucky and be wrong. She sat on the couch stared at the fire for half an hour when she said she was going upstairs. Damn, he hated being right.

  "Okay, you go ahead, God knows it has been a tough day. I'll come up later, maybe watch some TV or read."

  "Okay, night." She gave him a soft kiss on the cheek. Dammit she was acting like a whipped dog and it was killing him. He didn't want to come on too strong and just take over but he didn't know how much longer he could see her hurting and not do something. Tomorrow he'd get the security system plans started. He tried to read and couldn't concentrate enough to follow the story. He thought about going upstairs when his cell rang.

  "Michael, Violet okay?"

  "Yeah, I'm fine too, thanks for asking."

  "You're not pregnant, that beautiful woman you trapped into marrying you is."

  "Yeah, I know." Cam could hear Michael smiling even over the phone. He was happy for his friend. Poor guy never thought it could happen.

  "So to what do I owe this pleasure?'

  "You called me, something about taking the "girls" out. Unless you know I am having a daughter I am assuming you have a date."

  "Didn't Violet tell you?"

  "Violet can't remember where she parked her car half the time, the doctor said it was the hormones and she'll be better after she delivers."

  "Oh, um yeah, I have a date. At least I think I do."

  "That sure? This doesn't sound like you. What happened to the guy that women, including my wife, I might add, act like idiots around."

  "This one is a little different. I need to go a little slower, not run so hot and heavy."

  "That sounds serious."

  "It is, at least on my part but she keeps blowing hot and cold."

  "This the one from the auction?"

  "Yeah, turns out we knew each other in high school. I ever mention the girl with the leg braces to you?"

  "Oh yeah, a couple of times. I remember you said she was kinda plain but you kissed her once and she lit up like spring time and was beautiful for a second before she ducked her head."

  "You remember that?"

  "I was being home schooled by cranky old tutors remember, there weren't even any plain girls to kiss in the halls at my house."

  "'s’pose not."

  "She the one?"

  "Yeah, but she's not so plain anymore, as a matter of fact she's down right stunning but she doesn't believe it. Find someplace nice and let me know, it would be good if I didn't have to take a second mortgage to pay for dinner either."

  Michael started laughing "I'll cover dinner, I want a ringside seat to see the woman that has brought the great Joseph Camenitti to his knees."

  "You're fucking funny."

  "Oh I owe you a hell of a lot more than that and you know it."

  "Hey, I was doing you a favor."

  "And payback is a bitch. I'll call you with the info. I can't wait till Saturday."

  Cam growled at him and hung up. He headed upstairs, he figured he'd try to read in bed, not like anything else was going to be going on up there. When he passed by Evie's door he saw the light was off. He thought about checking on her but decided he didn't want to take the chance of waking her up. He started stripping off his sweater and T-shirt before he even got to his door. When he entered his room he was surprised to find Evie curled up in his bed. He smiled but then frowned. Now what was he supposed to do? She had definitely given off the 'let's be friends' vibes all night. Should he just go sleep in Sal's room? Fuck it! He liked his bed and he liked this woman in his bed and hell even if he just held her it had to be better than sleeping alone. Except of course for the aching hard on he already had and would only be worse by morning. His cock was just going to have to deal because there was no way he was sleeping somewhere else.

  He stripped off his jeans but left his shorts on. He needed something to keep the monster at bay. She stirred when he touched her.


  "Ssshh, go back to sleep, I'm just going to hold you."

  "Mmmm, 'kay" She was back to sleep in a minute. Joseph curled himself around her. It was as much to comfort himself as her. Sometime in the night she rolled over and pressed her face into his chest. He could feel her tears against his skin, even without opening his eyes he pulled her closer and wrapped her tighter in his arms.

  "I'm sorry." she whispered. He didn't say anything, still half asleep.

  "I'm sorry I can't be enough woman for you." She'd said it so quietly at first he wasn't even sure what she had said.

  "What?" He forced himself to whisper when he wanted to scream. Did she really have no idea? "Is that what this is about? I thought you were upset about your tools and your piece and all this time... Evie," He held her face in his hands and forced her to look into his eyes. "I am falling in love with you. If you were anymore woman... Actually that is a ridiculous statement a woman is, you couldn't be more or less one than you are. How could you think I want more than what you are?"

  "But the things he said..." Cam fought off a wave of rage that would have had him twisting Bernard apart with his bare hands if the bastard were here.

  "He isn't me." He fought again to keep his voice under control. His anger wasn't at her. "I won't talk about him when we're together like this. I want to show you what you do to me. He gently rolled them so she was beneath him. He had to take a couple of breaths to keep control of himself. His Evie, naked under him, finally.
He needed to slow down. She was so raw with everything that had happened. He kissed her lips softly, then her eyelids, and finally kissed the tears away that still clung to her cheeks. "You are more than I ever dared to dream about. You are everything I could ever want." He said the words quietly so she'd be forced to pay attention. Then he brushed kisses along her neck and across her collar bone. She grabbed fistfuls of his hair and pulled his mouth to hers. She demanded with her tongue, her lips and he gave. When she stopped to take a breath he kissed his way down her body to her abdomen.

  "You know this little pooch here?"

  "Oh God." She tried to squirm out from under him but he had her pinned.

  "This is one of my favorite parts of you." She stopped struggling. "I love this and do you know why?" She was mesmerized now and just shook her head no. "This little bit of padding is there to feed the child I want to put in your belly." He saw her shock and almost smiled. "Not tonight, but maybe in a year or so. Women think men want hipbones, biologically men want their woman to carry their child. I want my woman, you, to do that. I get so turned on thinking about you round with my baby in you I can barely stand it." He rested his cheek on her abdomen and tried to control his breathing.

  After a minute he heard her try to speak. Her voice was rough from the crying and he hoped a few other more pleasant emotions. "Joseph, I need to feel you, all of you, but I don't want anything between us. I need skin on skin, I need to feel that, to know this is real. But, I'm not on anything." He placed a soft kiss just above her pubic hair and then kissed his way back up her body.

  "Well, I think we can come up with something." He rocked his hips against her pubic bone. His cock felt like it was going to tear away from his body is was so hard. Her moan made the damn thing twitch. He still had his goddamned shorts on. They seemed to realize it at the same time and both started scrambling to get them off. He rolled off her and she stripped him of them.

  "Spread your legs for me baby." He slid his cock over her clit, across the triangle of hair and then into the soft flesh of her belly. Her eyes got wide and her lips trembled. She looked amazing. The rush of the different textures against the sensitive spot under the head of his penis left him barely able to breathe. "That work for you sweetheart?" She had her lower lip clenched between her teeth so she just nodded yes. He reversed the movement and almost gasped out loud. The head of his cock was covered in his pre-come making it slide against her skin. When he rocked forward this time he told her to move. "Try wrapping your legs around my hips." When he moved now she just about screamed at the extended contact with her clit. He tried to hold himself back but the sound of her pleasure drove him harder.

  "Joseph, my nipples, Oh God! They hurt."

  "I got ya babe." He sucked one of them into his mouth kneading it with his lips. She pushed more of her breast into his mouth. He sucked hard then soothed it with his tongue. She was panting, the only sounds coming from her throat were primitive growls. God she was glorious. He couldn't hold out any longer so he reached between them and pinched her clit with his thumb and finger. Her eyes flew open and her breath stopped. Then she howled in a way that was half human, half animal. Joseph followed her over the edge with a cry of utter satisfaction. He lay on top of her panting, sure the dead weight of him was crushing her. When he tried to move she wrapped her legs tighter around him.

  "But I'm crushing you."

  "No, I love the feel of you on top of me. Its comforting somehow." He kissed her forehead and then took her mouth in a possessive kiss. While he was kissing her he flipped them so that she was now on top. He reached around for the covers and pulled them over the both of them. She curled herself up and drifted off to sleep. How did she manage to do that? They were both sweaty and sticky from humping but she didn't stink, no, she smelled like vanilla, not cookies but the flowers, warm, a little spicy.

  He was going to have to wake her or they were going to be stuck together. The foolish girl was right she wasn't a woman, she was a temptress sent to torment him. He'd been trying for days to get in her sweet body and she always found a way to distract him from his goal. He wasn't complaining exactly, the last few orgasms had been unreal. He thought she might feel the same way. He could only imagine what kind of pyrotechnics were going to ignite when they finally consummated this love of theirs. It had come on like a hurricane, he had to make sure it wouldn't blow itself out just as fast. He hoped talking about getting her pregnant didn't freak her out. He'd meant every word even if he hadn't planned on saying it at the time. Her hair had slipped over his shoulder and down his neck like it wanted to wrap itself around him too. Wonder if he could convince her to sleep like this every night? He kissed the top of her head to try to wake her up.

  "Evie? Evie, honey, We've got to clean up or we'll be stuck together."

  "Mmm, sounds good."

  "I was right you aren't a woman." She snapped her head up but relaxed some when she saw his smile. "I've decided you are a temptress sent to punish me for all the times it was too easy to get in a girl's panties."


  "I have been trying to get between your legs for three straight days and you keep coming up with some new way to undo me."

  "Are you upset with me?"

  "Hell no! These three days happen to be some of the best days of my life even if being with you has completely ruined me for any other woman."


  "Completely. Now get up!" He smacked her ass with his hand and she turned his favorite shade of pink and ground her hips against his whimpering. Interesting, she didn't look horrified. She climbed off him slowly and just stood there. Seeing his cum all over her belly made him ache to enter her, immediately, like he'd marked her as his.

  "Care to take a shower together? I could soap you up." He could feel her getting warmer from her arousal. Hell, she could demand the moon and stars, he'd find a way to get them for her, she was that amazing.

  "And if I say that you're still not getting in?" He groaned.

  "You gotta give a guy hope."

  "I didn't say never, just not tonight. Joseph, that skin on skin thing you did, it was breathtaking."

  "See and then you talk like that and I think as long as she keeps coming up with new ways to make this torture last I am a dead man." Her eyes were glued to his now almost fully erect penis.

  "You don't look dead to me."

  "Get in there! You are completely screwing with my head." She laughed at him. Oh, she was gonna get him off and he was going to make her work for it this time. It was after two AM when they made it back into bed. He was convinced that even if he had two functioning legs he'd have needed a wheelchair to get there. She had pulled out all the stops and his climax had left him feeling like a babbling idiot. Damn! Soap, a sponge, and a pair of tits, he'd heard tales but never imagined.


  What the hell was that banging? He opened his eyes and saw it was still dark out. The banging sounded like a door slamming on its hinges. Was it the storm door? Couldn't be, it was too steady, if it were the wind then it would stop occasionally. It sounded like it was coming from the back of the house. He looked over at where Evie had been laying and she was gone. Could she be making that kind of noise? What the hell? He rolled over and got some pajama bottoms on and pulled a sweatshirt on since he was now cold. If she was responsible he might give her a spanking for waking him up this early. The thought caused his gut to tighten in anticipation. Would she let him go totally caveman on her? He found her in the kitchen throwing something at the table.

  "Evie, you wanna tell me what you're doing up this early? Especially since we didn't really go to bed till after two."

  "I'm sorry I woke you up. I... I needed to work. I always work when I'm angry but all I have is this damn clay and I want to hit something so..."

  "Are you pissed at me?"

  "Oh No! I was just thinking about the things Bernard said. He has been saying that kind of stuff since I've known him. When it is all about him he's sweet as can be b
ut if I ever wanted to talk about my work or needed to do something he didn't want to. He'd put me down and say shit and, and now I realize what he's been doing I just want to ring his scrawny little neck." She was nearly screaming when she was done and he was really glad it wasn't him she was pissed at because he sure as hell didn't want to be Bernie-boy the next time she saw him.

  "Hon, I haven't said anything yet because I don't have any proof but your Bernie-boy is not a nice guy. He had a date rape charge brought against him when he was in college and had a restraining order taken out against him for stalking some woman when he was in grad school. He seemed awfully interested in our relationship. If he thought he had a prior claim on you then he could well have caused all the damage. I just want you to be prepared. I don't want you near him. Don't confront him on your own under any circumstances. Got it? I'll feel a little better once we get some security set up but that still isn't perfect."

  "If he is responsible..." she started growling and twisting the clay in ways that indicated serious destruction to whoever had messed with her life.

  "Your eyes get bits of gold mixed in with the blue when you are angry. You are so sexy when you are pissed."

  "You think? Maybe I should take some of this energy out on you." The look in her eyes at that point was walking a very fine line between pleasure and pain.

  "Why don't we discuss this upstairs."

  "You go, I just need some space for a while."

  "Whoa, I don't know if I like the way that sounds?" She smiled at him and reached out to stroke his cheek.

  "We're good, really. I just need to deal with this and then I'll be fine. The clay is soft now so I won't be banging as much. I promise I'll be quieter."

  "You want to come with me to talk to Rayna this afternoon. I'd like to find out if she knows anything about Bernard."

  "Sure. Now go back to bed. You're gonna need your rest."

  "Come with me."

  "I won't be very good company."


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