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Lovers and Other Strangers Box Set: The Boston Stories

Page 35

by L. C. Giroux

  If he hadn't loved her before he would have after the afternoon they spent riding. His chest hurt just remembering how wild and free she looked. She had left her hair down and worn jeans and a bikini top with a shirt over it. The vision of her on the horse, wind whipping through her hair, her laughing, daring him to catch her was breathtaking. It was a moment he would treasure always. She had fallen asleep in the sun after lunch. It gave him a chance to at least pretend that it could be like this forever.

  So now he stood hiding in the dark waiting for her to arrive. He was far enough away from the entrance that she wouldn't think to look for him there. He had told her he would bring her in through the doors in front so she would be expecting him to come from that direction. His palms were sweating while he waited for her to show up. Would she reconsider? She had seemed adamant about wearing the dress and meeting him when she was talking to Violet. Could she have changed her mind? When he looked up his heart stopped and then slammed in his chest.

  Harold had escorted Marie in.

  "Mademoiselle, are you certain you want to do this?"

  "'arold, now you sound like Violet, I will be fine. 'e will be 'ere for me en une minute. Allez, Allez-vous, go, 'e is very shy." Allyn shook his head behind the pillar. Did everyone think Mr. Smith was evil?

  "Do you have your phone if you need it?"

  "Ought," Allyn almost burst out laughing at the caricature of an exasperated teenager, "Oui Papa. 'arold, 'e will not allow anything to 'appen to me, seriously. Go!"

  "You have my number if you need a ride home." Allyn heard Harold walk to the entrance and then heard the door open as he left. He stood there a few minutes to get his breathing under control. As he did the musicians had started tuning up, as much as he loved the symphony, listening to them tune still made him twitch with the cacophony. This was one time he was happy for it though.

  "Close your eyes. Don't turn around." His breath was warm on her ear and she struggled to control her immediate reaction to startle. She closed her eyes.

  "Bonne nuit, Smith." He kissed the back of her neck and she shivered as he raised goose bumps all over her. She felt his arms come around her and fought the urge to sink back into him. She couldn't just fall apart at his feet no matter how much her body might want to. Then she felt the silk slide over her cheeks and groaned.

  "Monsieur, we 'ave already established that you are not ugly. Is this still nécessaires?"

  "Ah, that is true, but it makes you so exquisitely sensitive, I can not resist." She slumped in resignation. She didn't mind the blindfold, in truth he was probably right but she was hoping he would reveal himself to her tonight. When he finished with the scarf he wrapped his arms around her again and nipped at her shoulders ending with a possessive bite on the back of her neck. She fought against the melting sensation that threaten to overtake her. As soon as he had pulled away, she twisted in his arms and kissed him. She poured everything she was feeling into that one kiss, her desire, the emotions he had stirred the last time they were together all combined in a tidal wave. She almost laughed when he went stiff at her kiss. Did he think he was the only one that could surprise. He had been so sweet when they had gone riding. As much as she liked the excitement of Monsieur Smith, she liked his sweetness and protective urges also.

  "Missy, if you keep doing that we'll never get in the theater." He turned her around and stepped beside her as he slid one of his arms around her waist. He guided her down the aisle of the theater. She was surprised when he stopped her and told her to sit. Somehow he had them bring in a couch or divan. She stroked the velvet with her hands. She felt the couch dip as he sat beside her.

  "Are you comfortable?"

  "Oui, c'est bon. Don't leave me, oui?"

  "I will be right beside you." She smiled at the quiver in his voice. He had found the chain around her hips that she had used to cinch the dress slightly so the back wouldn't be quite so scandalous. His fingers were playing with it.

  "Do you like my addition to the dress? It makes it more sexy, non? It still clings at the hips mais the top is free, comme, un costume grec. Ah, a toga."

  "Yes, you look very like a goddess. Am I worthy of worshiping you?" She turned toward him. She didn't need eyes to hear the smile in that statement.

  "Peut-être, maybe, I will 'ave to come up with some tests to determine your worthiness." He placed a chaste kiss on her shoulder.

  "I await your challenge to prove my devotion, my lady. The musicians are now about to begin." Then she was surrounded by music. She had been to the symphony before both in Paris and home in Grasse but this was different. Maybe he was right, the blindfold had made her more sensitive to the sounds, also to everything that touched her skin. It was as if the music became physical as it brushed past her. This combined with the silk of the dress, the velvet of the couch, and his caresses were affecting her like nothing she had ever experienced before. Just when she thought she wouldn't be able to stand it anymore the music stopped. She started clapping then stopped when she realized she was the only one that was. Then it dawned on her they were the only two in the audience.

  "'ow did you do this?"

  "I have some pull with the board. Actually this is just a rehearsal, they would have been here anyway. I just got them to let us in and to bring in more comfortable seating."

  "Are the musicians done?"

  "No, they are just taking a break. Did you enjoy their selections?"

  "Oh, oui, merveilleuse."

  "I'm glad. Would you like some champagne?"

  "Oui, the music, champagne, I feel like I could float. Do you 'ave a magic carpet, monsieur?" It was all so sensual. She would have liked to feel his body hard against hers. She sipped from the champagne flute he had given her. She felt the couch shift as he got up and then again as he sat back down.

  "Come, let me be your magic carpet." He pulled her into his arms. He had turned so that he could lie back on the couch with her on top of him.

  "Merci Monsieur. Are you wearing a tuxedo?" With her free hand she had started exploring his chest and was surprised to find a vest and bow tie.

  "Yes, actually I am. I thought since I had picked out an evening gown for you I should dress appropriately."

  "That was kind of you but take it off." He choked on his champagne and started coughing.

  "I don't think this is the place for that."

  "Oh, not all of it. 'old this, s'il vous plait." She handed him her glass and then found the ends of his bow tie and pulled on them undoing the knot. She skimmed her hands down and found the buttons of his vest and quickly undid those. Now she could start on his shirt. She caressed his jaw and trailed her fingers down his neck to the collar of his shirt and one by one popped the studs back through the holes they were in. When she reached the middle of his chest she stopped and ran her hands under his shirt. She smiled but managed not to laugh at his shiver she when she did it.

  "There, you must be more comfortable maitenant. I would bet you look more 'andsome aussi. Très debonair."

  "Yes, I am more comfortable, but no, you don't get to peak to see if I look handsome." She took some measure of satisfaction that her undressing him left him intrigued at least his voice sounded like he was as affected as she. Good! She was starting to get frustrated with the silly blindfold. Should she just tell him she knew who he was? Her thoughts were interrupted when she felt the chain around her waist give way.

  "There now you will be more comfortable also." His fingers stroked slowly down her spine. He spread them across the back of her hips sending the heat from his hand to pool in her belly. When he got to the edge of the dress he slid them under the silk to caress the individual curve of each cheek. Finally his fingers tantalized the sensitive skin just at the top of the break. He was not intrusive, instead he was barely touching her, the softest stroke like swan's down on her skin. When she whimpered he kissed the top of her head but removed his hand. When she was tried to sit up in protest he found her lips and stole her breath with his kiss.
  "The musicians are coming back in and I thought I would remove my jacket. As lovely as you are in this dress, I'm afraid the air-conditioning is a bit chilly." When her brow furrowed he laughed at her. "Trust me, this will be better." He sat them up and she could hear him remove his jacket. He then wrapped his arms around her and lay back down with her on his torso. He covered her with his jacket like a blanket. She had to admit she hadn't really felt chilled but she was more comfortable now. Then he started stroking up and down her spine again. "Now no one can see where I am touching you." Something in his voice made her gasp.

  "What are you going to do?" she didn't mean for it to come out as a whisper.

  "What would you like me to do?" The way he was touching her made it difficult to breathe let alone think.

  "This. 'ow you were touching me before." He continued to stroke her skin and with his other hand he started to massage her scalp. The two combined made the urge to melt into him overwhelming. Every muscle relaxed under his touch, she had never felt so safe and adored.

  She wanted him to feel the same way. She forced herself to move. First her hands finished unbuttoning his shirt then spread it so she could lay her cheek against his skin. Her hands finally got to explore the muscles she had sensed the other night. She pressed kisses over his flushed skin almost down to his waist.

  "I don't think that is a good idea." His voice sounded like he was strangling.

  "I do not agree, Monsieur. I want to make you feel as good as you have made me." She could hear him nearly panting, his control was stubborn though. "You will not win this argument, I would give up now." She ran her fingers along the skin just under his waist band and felt him flinch. She didn't intend to do anything more here but he didn't know that.

  "Oh God, not here, not now" Now he was panting.

  "Where et when? Je te veux, Monsieur Smith, I want you.

  "Yes." he whispered before hauling her up to kiss him. They writhed together on the couch like teenagers for a few minutes.

  "Ça suffit, I want more of you than I may 'ave 'ere. We need to go to your maison."

  She sensed him startle and realized the problem, he couldn't take her to his house because it was also her house at the moment. "Ah, non, it will be too far. Is there a 'otel nearby?"

  "Yes, next door."

  "Bon, take me there."

  Allyn's heart threatened to pound its way from his chest. She wanted him. He had waited so long to hear her say that. The foundation kept a suite at The Continental for visiting guests. Hell, he couldn't just walk in there with a blindfolded woman, could he? Why not? He'd tell the desk it was all part of a surprise, it sounded silly but then what didn't these days. He quickly put himself to rights and lifted her off the couch.

  "Monsieur, you are not going to carry me all the way there, are you?"

  "Yes," he laughed "I think I am. It isn't so far." He loved the feel of her in his arms and before setting off buried his face in her shoulder to give her a quick kiss.

  Chapter 4

  Allyn carefully set Marie-Hélène down on a couch in the lobby. She was half hidden by a palm so she wouldn't draw too much attention. He tried to act as natural as he could but he felt like a boy on prom night. Of course, he had never gone to a prom so he could only imagine.

  "Stay here, I'll be right back. I won't be more than twenty or so feet away."

  "Don't forget about me." The woman was insane if she thought that was even possible. He walked to the front desk. The boy behind the counter couldn't have been more than twenty-two.

  "Hello, welcome to The Continental, sir."

  "Um, Hi, I'm Allyn Bellows of the Bellows Foundation. We keep a suite here for guests but I'm going to need it myself tonight."

  "Yes Mr. Bellows, I see that here. I will need some ID of course."

  "Yes, of course." Allyn pulled out his wallet and fished out his driver's license. "Um, this whole thing came up pretty suddenly, I realize it is late but is there any chance I can get you to open the gift shop? I just need to pick up some sundries, toothbrushes, toothpaste, that kind of thing."

  "yes, of course. How many key cards will you need?"

  "Um, two, I suppose. My guest may be here after I leave tomorrow."

  "Here are your keys. If you'll come with me, I can let you into the gift shop." Allyn stood in front of the displays and picked up what he needed or at least what he had said he needed. Where the hell did they keep the damn condoms? He'd just have to ask, why did that make him feel like a lecher?

  "Excuse me, my girlfriend and I..."

  "Oh, those are behind the counter. Hang on, I'll grab a box for you." The kid had a loopy grin on his face. He probably thought Allyn was too old to even have sex any more. He pulled out a box and put it on the counter. Allyn wanted to groan. He'd been through this before and it always felt like the set up to a bad joke.

  "Um, not to be rude but do you have the larger size?" The kid just stared at him and then looked at his own shoes. Ah yes, all men wish they had a giant penis but the sad truth was, if you did, it wasn't the be all and end all everyone thought it was. Women would take one look and back away. Men would openly stare in bathrooms. He might not have even known he was larger than average if he hadn't gone to an all boys boarding school. He'd matured early and well... Thank God he'd been tall and broad shouldered or he would have had to suffer regular fights. The kid rummaged around in the bin and found the larger size.

  "Got'em. Let me total everything up. Should I just charge this to the room?"

  "No, here, this will cover it. Keep the change." Allyn tossed a fifty on the counter and the kid grinned like he'd gotten the keys to the kingdom. He ran back, collected Marie, and got her into the elevator with out drawing too much attention to themselves.

  Once they were in the room she put her hands on his shoulders, kissing him and it was as if they had never been interrupted. Allyn dumped the bag on the table near the door. The suite was more like an apartment really. He lifted her up and carried her to the bed. She looked so beautiful. Her skin was as smooth as the silk of her dress. He stretched out next to her, running his hands up and down the sides of her body, not in a way that was blatantly sexual, but caring, a little possessive even. He really just couldn't believe she was lying here beside him. He wanted to pull the stupid blindfold off but he didn't have the nerve. He wanted the time to be right, to know that she wouldn't be disappointed it was just him.

  Marie-Hélène sensed a shift in him. He had wanted her before, she thought he still did but it was different. The hunger that had been in the theater was gone. This felt deeper, like longing.

  "You will make love to me, non?"

  "No, my sweet. When I make love to you I want to look into your eyes." She reached up to remove the blindfold but his hand stopped her. "Not yet, trust me, waiting will make it better." When she started to get out of bed he pulled her back into him.

  "Now just where do you think you're going? I said I wasn't going to make love to you, I did not say we were through here. I want to touch you, I want to explore this beautiful body of yours." His voice had taken on a seductive quality she hadn't heard before.

  "That is all good Monsieur, mais, do I get the same privilege? Will you let me explore you?" Lying against him she couldn't miss the deep breath he took. She ducked her head to hide her smile while she waited for his answer. "Well, Monsieur, do we explore each other or am I leaving." He groaned.

  "You'll keep the blindfold on?"

  "Oui Monsieur, I like our little game."

  "Fine." He sounded anything but fine. He was always so in control, maybe as Smith she could get him to loosen up, at least enough to enjoy himself.

  "Me first! I want your clothes off so I can touch you."

  "I don't think that is a good idea just yet."

  "Non, you said you are a gentleman and a gentleman allows a lady to go first."

  "Fine." The word sounded as if he bit it in two. She ran her fingers over his cheeks and then bent down and kis
sed him.

  "Bon, merci, this will not 'urt, you may even enjoy it." She started working on his shirt again since he had redone the studs. When she got to his waist she fumbled with the belt some since she still was blindfolded. She had to bite the inside of her cheek when he started mumbling that she was going to kill him. Finally he brushed her hands away and undid his belt and pants in a second. When he did he let out an audible groan. She skimmed her hands over his hips. She tried to keep the smile off her face but couldn't. His body felt so good under her hands. She slid further down his thighs. She wanted to feel his skin against hers even if it was just her hands.

  "This is frustrating... Take off your clothes."

  "Oh no, you wanted this you, you take them off." The impossible man thought she would give up. She would show him. She tried to move on the bed but her dress kept getting in the way. Bon, she knew how to get him to take his clothes off.

  "Ah, I can not move with this dress. As beautiful as it is. It is too long for what I need to do. She got off the bed and felt along the edge to stand at the end. She waited a moment so that she knew she had his attention. She turned her back to him and reached around the back of her neck for the closure. When she released it and the silk slid away from her neck she heard him gasp. She turned to face him now. Her other hand had caught the fall of the material over her breasts.

  "Mmm, this feels so good against my skin." She licked her lips. He groaned back at her. Part of her enjoyed teasing him. It would be more fun if she could see his reactions but he wasn't very good at hiding how he felt from her even if she couldn't see them. "Monsieur Smith, I have a secret." she whispered. "With a dress such as this, you can not wear any lingerie." then she let the dress fall in a puddle at her feet.

  "Mother of..." He sounded a little like he would choke.

  "Smith, I would very much like to feel your skin against mine. Will you please take your clothes off?" He jumped up so fast she thought he would fall over. In seconds he was holding her. His body felt so warm against hers. She ran her hands over his shoulders as his erection pressed against her belly. When she tilted her face up to his, he kissed her almost as if he couldn't believe she was real.


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