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Georgia Pine (Southern Promises Book 3)

Page 8

by K. G. Fletcher

  “I don’t think so. I’ve got a lot to do after this weather rolls through. I’m afraid they would wither away and die in my hot truck.”

  “You could always come back after you’re finished and pick them up. I don’t mind. I’m sure your lady-friend wouldn’t mind either.” Mrs. McDonald’s brown eyes glinted with delight.

  Tim shrugged and set his glass on the table. “I’m afraid that’s probably over. I haven’t heard from her in a couple of days.” His shoulders slumped as he thought back to his last moments with Jessica. He had asked her to look him up online, hoping that what she found would fill in the gaps. What he hadn’t planned on was the possibility that she might not want to have anything to do with him after learning the truth about who he really was.

  Driving by her house each day on his regular route, he had hoped he might catch her outside. It took every ounce of willpower not to knock on her front door. He wanted to give her space and not come across as anxious, the ticking clock driving him crazy. He contemplated calling her outright but hesitated with the knowledge that the proverbial ball was in her court—or end zone—or whatever the fuck you wanted to call it. Not talking to her was frustrating and he wanted to know how she was feeling now that she knew his truth. He also wanted to reiterate how important it was that she not reveal his secret to any of her friends or neighbors in the subdivision. At least, not until he was ready.

  “Thanks for the tea, Mrs. McDonald. I need to get back to work.” Towering over the small woman, she seemed disappointed.

  “But it’s raining cats and dogs out there. Why don’t you stay a few more minutes?”

  “A little rain won’t hurt me. I’ll see you next week.”

  The old woman stood and patted his arm. “You take care out there. If you change your mind about the flowers, let me know. I’ve got plenty to share.”

  Tim let his truck idle in the driveway as he tried to decide what to do. He wanted to speak with Jessica once more. If she wasn’t interested, he needed to know and have closure so he could move on.

  The rain came down sideways as he eagerly jogged up to the front door of the Kaufman home with the hood of his jacket protecting his head. He rang the bell and peered inside. There were no lights on, and the house seemed too quiet for this late in the day. Water dripped from his exposed whiskers as he spotted Jessica coming down the foyer hall. She paused before she opened the door wide. There were dark circles under her eyes, the exhaustion on her face evident.

  “What’s wrong?” Tim was immediately concerned.

  “Hey, Tim. Come on in.” She held the door open wide and allowed him to enter. The house was spick and span, the Kaufman girls’ absence noticeable. Jessica was barefoot wearing black running shorts and a plain white tee.

  Tim stopped in the hallway and touched Jessica’s arm. “I haven’t heard from you, and I’ve been worried.”

  She forlornly looked up at him before she took two steps forward and wrapped her arms around his dry middle protected by his jacket. Not sure what to make of the unexpected embrace, Tim cautiously held her in his arms.

  “Talk to me, Jessica. What is it?” He stroked the back of her blonde hair and held his breath.

  He felt her sigh against his chest. “I thought once the divorce was final, things would settle down and be different,” she mumbled into his shirt.

  “What do you mean? What happened?” He pulled back from her and held her shoulders firmly. “Please, talk to me. I’ve been dying to talk to you for two days.”

  She nodded before she pulled him by the hand into the family room. They sat closely, side by side and continued to hold hands. “Stephen came by again yesterday, unannounced.”

  “Oh, shit.”

  “Yes, oh shit. He was fuming mad about you making him give back his key.”

  Tim gripped her hand. “Why didn’t you call me? I could have come over and—”

  “And what, Tim?” she interrupted.

  “And stopped him from harassing you. Stopped him from bullying you.”

  Jessica flopped back on the couch and closed her eyes. “He called me a slut. He thinks I’m sleeping with the gardener.” She giggled, turned and looked up at him. “I think he’s jealous of you.”

  Tim forced a puff of air out his nostrils, not sure what to make of Jessica’s conclusion. “What happened after that? Did he threaten you?”

  “Yes. Said he was going to continue to stop by and check on his children. That the girls didn’t need some low-life, blue-collar worker taking advantage of their mother.”

  “But you know that’s not what I am. That’s not what I’m doing.”

  “I know that, but he doesn’t. He always does this, Tim. He always wants to be in control of everything.” Jessica sat up and sighed. “We have signed documents from the judge. This is supposed to be over.”

  Tim didn’t know anything about the dissolution of a marriage. The legalities could be complicated, for sure. He recalled a couple of his former NFL teammates lamenting about their marital choices and the financial consequences their divorces entailed. “You were awarded full custody of your girls—end of story. You might want to make an appointment with your lawyer or file a restraining order if things continue.” Jessica nodded while they sat in silence. “By the way, where are the girls?”

  “They’re with my parents till after supper. On top of all this Stephen nonsense, I’m helping Elizabeth with the upcoming gala at the club. There’s so much to do! I needed some time to clear my head and focus on the biggest fundraiser we do every summer.” She peered at him from under her long lashes. “I’m sorry I haven’t been in touch. It’s been kind of stressful, and I didn’t want to drag you into it.”

  Tim sighed with relief. They were finally getting somewhere, and he was still in the picture. “I want to be dragged into it. I want to be there for you, and your children. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you since I last saw you.”

  A blush of color spotted her cheeks. “I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you either.”

  Tim finally allowed himself to smile for the first time in two days. “Why didn’t you say so?” He pushed his hand through the side of her hair and held her head. “I missed you,” he whispered.

  “I missed you too.”

  His lips tingled, and he moved forward, pressing them against hers. She moaned into his mouth, causing his adrenaline to spike. He was desperate to claim her, desperate to connect with her intimately. He meant what he said, that he would defend her and protect her. The thought of anyone hurting his Southern belle rocked him to his core.

  Their kiss became passionate, the two of them firmly entwined. Her lips and tongue explored his mouth, licking and nipping as she switched positions and boldly straddled him on the couch. He started to pull her shirt up and over her head before she stopped him, covering her chest with crossed arms. She panted and stared at him with wide, blue eyes.

  “I don’t know if I can do this,” she whispered, seemingly embarrassed.

  Tim tilted his head and reassured her. “We don’t have to if you’re not ready. But with the girls out of the house, it’d be so easy.” He didn’t want her doing anything she wasn’t ready for, but alone time with Jessica was a gift, pure and simple.

  “It’s just that…”

  “What?” He ran his index finger down her bare arm and licked his lips. Oh, to be inside her.

  “I looked you up online.”

  Tim stopped caressing her skin. He had been so caught up in his desire for Jessica that he totally forgot about how she might be feeling after her research. “Do you have any questions? Do you want to talk about it?”

  She shook her head. “Watching those interviews after the worst moment in your life was very telling in the kind of person you are, Tim.”

  “Oh?” His teeth clenched, the past rearing its ugly, antagonizing head.

  “I can’t imagine what that must have been like. To have to get up the next morning and continue with your lif
e, knowing there would always be someone pointing at you and reminding you of your worst moment.”

  Tim could feel his heart sink as the memories came rushing in, slapping him hard across the face. He tried to avoid her eyes, but Jessica firmly grabbed him by the chin, forcing him to look at her.

  “Tim, to fail is human. You didn’t purposefully drop that ball. Anyone could see that. It was a fluke. It wasn’t meant to be. You can’t let one moment in time define who you are. I read the stories about your charity work—you’ve helped so many people. You’re such a good person. Look how you’ve helped me.”

  She hesitated, lightly touching the skin above his beard with her fingertips. “You were an incredible football player. A first draft pick out of college? I mean, come on! You can’t forget the years and years you had before that Super Bowl. You’ve shown great character before and after that game. Sometimes things just don’t work out. And you know what? That’s okay. I mean, look at me. You think I expected to be divorced with four little girls to raise on my own? Things didn’t work out. But life still has meaning and purpose and fine moments.”

  As if trying to keep her emotions in check, Jessica exhaled slowly and leaned her forehead against his. “I want to share some more fine moments with you.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Jessica waited for Tim to reply, his warm breath skating over her lips. She couldn’t help but jump when his hand fisted in her hair and he held her head firmly against his while his voice rumbled in her ear.

  “I watched the film several times after that game. I wanted to deal with it appropriately. It was horrible that day. But as I worked through it over several months, I started to feel better. It’s something I’ll never forget. The fans won’t either.”

  Jessica pulled back from him, in awe that he was so transparent with her. “But people move on, Tim. Don’t live in the shadows forever because of a few fanatical fans.”

  Tim smiled and pushed her hair over her shoulder. “I know that. But it’s been nice living a quiet life for a change. It’s not something I ever had while I was in the NFL. I wish I could stay ‘Tim McGill’ and live my life in peace forever.”

  They let the moment breathe for a few seconds.

  “You said you weren’t sure if you could this, and then you said you wanted to experience ‘fine moments’ with me. Which one are you leaning toward?”

  Jessica pressed her lips together and struggled with her uncomfortable inner dialogue. She owed it to Tim to be entirely truthful, even if it was embarrassing to talk about.

  “What?” His expression pleaded.

  “Well, when I was scrolling the internet, I also saw a bunch of stuff from before the Super Bowl.”

  “Before the Super Bowl? Like what?”

  “You dated some pretty famous people.”

  Tim nodded. “That was a long time ago. I’m sure you dated several guys before you got married?”

  “Yes, but not supermodels or famous actresses. Tim, I’m not even on the same scale as those women…”

  Tim shifted, grasping Jessica around her trim waist. “Jessica, come on. You’re just as beautiful and believe me, ten times more interesting than most of those girls.”

  She hung her head and whispered, “But I have battle scars.”

  His brow wrinkled. “What do you mean, ‘battle scars’?”

  She averted her eyes and palmed her soft belly. She was only eleven months post birth with Jo-Jo, her body not even close to what it was before she started having children. And she’d had four.


  Looking straight at him, she confessed her inner struggle. “I have stretch marks, Tim. A lot of them. My stomach is soft, and my boobies are sagging and sad.”

  Tim pressed his full lips together and chuckled softly. “Your boobies are sad?”

  Jessica giggled. “Yes. They’re sad. And I’m not sure I’m ready for a man who is the epitome of fitness to see me in all my sagging, sad glory. Don’t get me wrong; I’m happy I gave birth to four beautiful and healthy daughters. But if you’ve never seen what a woman’s body goes through during pregnancy, it could be quite a shock to see it up close. Lord knows I don’t want to shock you.” Her heart was pounding in her chest. “Stephen hated what pregnancy did to my body and always made sure that I knew it.”

  “Oh god, Jessica. That’s awful. He’s a prick.”

  She nodded in agreement. “I know that. But still, as a woman, as much as you love your children and what you went through to have them, it’s still hard to come to grips with all the changes your body goes through.” She dragged her index finger across her abdomen. “I have a huge scar from here to here. Four C-sections. It will never go away.”

  Tim splayed his hand across her tummy. Suddenly, he pulled his hoodie up and over his head, then he removed his tee-shirt. His bare chest was inches away from Jessica as she continued to straddle him.

  “What are you doing?” She was breathless, his glorious eight-pack abs flawless.

  “You’re not alone. I want to show you my battle scars.” His expression was even and focused as if he was determined to prove a point.

  “See this?” He pointed to a small scar near his clavicle. “This is a battle scar from a surgery I had to repair my clavicle after the bone broke and pierced through my skin.”

  Jessica swallowed hard.

  “And this one.” He lifted his right wrist and twisted it, pointing to another scar. “Two pins in my wrist after being tackled by a three-hundred-pound linebacker.”

  He shifted her off his lap and stood, pulling down his pants and pointing at his right knee. “This battle scar is from arthroscopic surgery to repair a torn medial meniscus. I was out for a whole season in recovery.”

  The visual of Tim in his boxers took her by surprise, and she reeled from the quick moment. He lifted his pants back up and sat next to her, still bare-chested. He pulled back his long hair and pointed to a small scar above his left eyebrow. “This one is from a couple of stitches after getting pegged with a beer bottle from a crazy fan at a nightclub.” He shifted again and looked up and down his left forearm for one final scar.

  “Aha! And last, but not least, this one. My very first battle scar.” He pointed proudly at the faint discoloration that was barely noticeable.

  Jessica peered at his skin with interest. “What happened?”

  Tim’s smile was beaming. “Skateboard accident when I was thirteen. I thought I could beat my friend going down River Canyon Road in the Valley. I lost.”

  She traced the faint scar with her fingertips, aware that his body was giving off noticeable heat. He held her fingers and brought them up to his mouth to kiss them, his evergreen eyes hypnotic.

  “We all have battle scars, Jessica. They tell a story. And I love your story.”

  She gulped and nodded, boldly bringing her hand down to his chest and running her fingertips across his ripples. It was an incredible relief to finally touch him.

  He leaned forward and lightly kissed her on the mouth. She was acutely aware of him pulling up her shirt again. She allowed him to continue and watched as he flung it across the room. Her ample bosom rose up and down in her D-cups as she breathed heavily. With her gaze fixated on his, she shamelessly reached around her back and unclasped the bra, letting it drop in her lap. She hadn’t been bare-chested in front of a man in a very long time. Stephen didn’t want to have anything to do with her during her pregnancies. And when she wasn’t pregnant, she was usually breastfeeding which caused another whole mess of issues.

  Tim reached forward and tenderly cupped her breasts in each hand. “You’re gorgeous, Jessica. All I see is beauty in front of me.” He started to bend forward but stopped mid-move. “Are you okay if I kiss you here? You’re not still breastfeeding Jo-Jo, are you?”

  She shook her head quickly, the anticipation of his mouth on her breasts causing her lower region to pool with heat. The instant his lips kissed the delicate skin around her nipples, she rolled her head back
in ecstasy and steadily held on to his arms for support as he ravaged her chest. His lips traced her neck up to her ear, his hot breath molten with desire.

  “I want you, Jessica. I want you so bad.”

  Her nod was slight before she continued nodding vigorously, letting him know without words, she wanted him too. He scooped her up into his arms, and she held onto his firm, warm body and bit her lower lip, knowing what they were about to do.

  Laying her on the king-sized bed, he stood over her, his gaze full of wonder and longing. He reached for her shorts and swiftly pulled them off, leaving only her panties on. He lay next to her and propped his head in his hands, his long hair pooling on the mattress. They stared at one another, Jessica frozen, not sure what to do next.

  “Touch me,” he whispered.

  Bringing her trembling hand down to his pants, she caressed the outer fabric.

  “Touch my skin,” he insisted, confidently.

  Jessica nodded before swallowing hard. Why did she feel so nervous? A million-dollar professional athlete wanted her to touch him. She slid her hand under his waistband and immediately met the tip of his manhood. It was rock-hard and scorching to the touch. A wave of pleasure ran through her body as she gripped him, and she was delighted to hear him inhale sharply from her touch. She closed her eyes and relished the pleasure she was giving him, aware that his lips were on her chest again. He moved, causing her to let go and when she opened her eyes, he was leaning across her with his elbows on either side of her head. His long hair and beard tickled her chest as he kissed her intentionally, his slow downward movements indicating he was taking his time. He licked and flicked her erect nipples for several minutes before slithering down to her belly. She held her breath, wondering what he was thinking while he stared at the massive scar where her children were born. Caringly, he ran his fingertips across her flesh and kissed the scar four times.

  “You’re absolutely beautiful,” he said, peering up at her.

  A small gasp escaped her mouth, and she closed her eyes, pinching back tears.


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