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Georgia Pine (Southern Promises Book 3)

Page 11

by K. G. Fletcher

“I knew it!” Elizabeth erupted loudly, causing the girls to look their way.

  “Shhh, keep your voice down!” Jessica hushed.

  With pursed lips and one strong eyebrow raised, Elizabeth shook her head. “It’s about time you got together with a real man. How was it?” Her eagerness for details was unrelenting.

  “Mmmm. It was … incredible.” Her eyes closed and the memory of skin on skin caused her breath to hitch.

  “I’m so happy for you! Does this mean you’re going to make things official and tell me who he is?”

  Jessica opened her eyes in a panic. “No! I mean, not yet. He’s not ready for that. We’re still getting to know each other, and we’re taking things slow. Believe me, when I can, you’ll be the first to know.”

  Elizabeth puckered her lips and nodded. She picked up the crayon and started to color again before interrupting their quiet pause a few seconds later. “I have a brilliant idea.”

  “Oh, god…”

  “You need to ask him to the Gala—as your date!”

  “What? No, I couldn’t… the neighbors know him as a worker in the area, and my parents and Stephen will be there. Remember? Stephen is still on the board. I don’t want Tim to feel uncomfortable.”

  “Oh, come on, Jessica. You’d be taking a stand against your parents and Stephen once and for all, letting them know you are in control! You decide who you’re gonna date, not them. Wouldn’t it be a delicious moment to see the looks on their faces when you walked in with a guy like Tim on your arm? He’s so big and commanding.” Her friend’s eyes were about to bulge with excitement. “And screw the neighbors! Everyone is so uptight and cliquey—you could show them outright how to be decent and kind. And how to have a good time with an over-the-top scrumptious specimen of a real man!”

  Jessica was sure Elizabeth was having flashbacks from reading one of her infamous romance novels, obviously imagining Tim as her leading man. She chewed on her bottom lip, mulling over the idea. “I don’t know…”

  “If Tim has money, then he’s been to things like this before, okay? Easy-peasy! He probably owns a tux outright. Believe me. It won’t be awkward for him. It might even be an opportunity to come clean with everyone about who he really is.”


  Elizabeth reached across the table and squeezed Jessica around the wrist. “Just think, you could be dancing in a gorgeous dress with your tall, hunky man in front of Stephen and his little tramp without a care in the world. Everyone will be in awe, and the looks on their faces will be a glorious sight to behold! Ask him—do it!”


  The roar of the sturdy blower was muffled behind the protective headgear Tim wore as he finished blowing off Mrs. McDonald’s driveway. The sun was searing, zapping his energy, and sweat poured off his skin faster than he could guzzle water from a bottle. Almost finished, he looked forward to a refreshing shower and a cold drink. He didn’t hear the white Land Rover pull up in front of the residence, but caught Jessica waving in his direction out of his peripheral vision. Turning the machine off, he slipped the headgear around his neck and couldn’t help the enormous smile that spread across his face.

  “Hey!” he greeted breathlessly while taking off his dirty gloves.

  Jessica rested her arm on the rolled-down window of her SUV. “Hey yourself,” she smiled. The blasting AC drifted out the open window pushing her familiar fragrance toward him. Tim couldn’t help but inhale with pleasure.

  “What are you doing out and about on this hot day?” He peered into the backseat. “And where are the girls?”

  “They’re at home. Elizabeth volunteered to watch them while I went on a search for you.”

  “A search for me?” His expression turned grim. “Is everything okay?”

  Jessica ran her tongue across her top lip while suppressing a giggle. “Yes, everything is great. I wanted to ask you something. You don’t have to answer right away if you don’t want to.”

  “Okay. It couldn’t wait until I was done working?” He shifted uncomfortably on the neatly trimmed grass edging the curb.

  “No, it couldn’t wait. I’m too excited.”

  Tim watched her chest heave as she inhaled, her blue eyes squinting in the sunlight. “I was wondering if you’d like to be my date at the Country Club Gala that’s coming up. You’ve probably been to these kinds of things before with all the charity work you’ve been a part of over the years, and I know you’ve been on the arm of some famous women on the red carpet in the past. Those pictures on the internet are proof of that.” She paused and took a breath. “To be honest, I need a date. Who better to take me than you?”

  The way she was looking up at him with her beautiful smile and stunning eyes caused his manhood to stir. It was an innocent request—one that he could readily accept and perhaps, enjoy. But things were different. Jessica Kaufman was a recent divorcee who lived in an affluent country-club neighborhood where he was a hired yardman. At least, that’s what everyone thought he was.

  He ran his hand down his whiskered chin a few times contemplating her request as she continued to ramble; a noticeable habit that happened when she was nervous.

  “It’s black tie, and there’s going to be a big band and a great meal. And it’s for a wonderful cause! We’re raising money for the Make-A-Wish Foundation. The dress I picked out is long and pale yellow, but if you don’t like that color, I can always find something else. I usually wear my signature color, which is pink, but for some reason I decided to do something different. If you’re not into yellow and would prefer pink, we could even go shopping together if you’d like and….”

  Tim placed two sturdy fingers over her mouth, causing her to stop mid-sentence. He watched her shoulders slump in a sigh.

  “I’m doing it again, aren’t I? I’m just jabberin’ away like a magpie—”

  “I’d love to be your date,” he interrupted.

  He watched her eyes sparkle with glee. “You would?” she squeaked.


  A high-pitched squeal erupted out of her mouth as she jumped out of the vehicle and threw her arms around his neck. She peppered his cheeks with light kisses in broad daylight before landing on his hot mouth. When they came up for air, her smile was beaming as bright as the summer sun surrounding them.

  “I’m going to have the most handsome date ever,” she gushed.

  Tim chuckled and peeled her arms off him, keeping one of her small hands in his. “I’m almost finished here. You got any plans later?”

  Her free fingers stroked the damp hair around his mouth. “I’d love to hang out with you.”

  “Oh, yeah?”

  “Yeah,” she replied in a breathy exhale.

  He was a goner.

  “Come to my house when you’re done. You can shower there, and I’ll make you dinner.”

  “Sounds nice.”

  “Mmmm,” she ran her finger across his lips before quickly pecking them with her own. “I’ll see you in a bit!”


  It didn’t take Tim long to gather his yard tools and make his way to Jessica’s house. Parking on the street, he was taken aback by the candy-apple red Mercedes parked in the drive. Her friend Elizabeth was still on the property. He had hoped she would have been long gone by now.

  Wiped out from the long, hot day in the outdoor elements doing manual labor, he trudged slowly up the steep driveway, carrying his duffle bag and knocked on the front door. He could see Jennifer through the beveled glass scurry barefoot toward him with her little sisters following in her wake.

  “Hi, Tim!” she greeted with flushed cheeks. Grabbing him by the hand, she pulled him into the home and didn’t give him time to respond. “Mama said you were coming and to go straight to her room and take a shower.” The three little girls craned their necks to look up at him as they walked swiftly through the foyer. For some reason, they reminded him of baby birds anticipating their next meal.

  “Hey, okay. If that’s what your mama said. I’d hug al
l of you, but I’m filthy right now from working in the yard.” The cooler air was a welcome relief.

  Poised in the kitchen with Jo-Jo on her hip, Elizabeth greeted him. “Hi, Tim. Good to see you.”

  “Hey, Elizabeth.” He paused and patted Jo-Jo on the head as she wiggled in the woman’s arms. “Hey, Little Bit.” Looking around, Jessica was nowhere in sight. “Where’s Jessica?”

  “Oh, she ran off to the store. Said she had some special ingredients to get for the meal she’s preparing tonight. I hope you don’t mind that she left me in charge.” Her perfectly arched eyebrow raised as her gaze raked up and down his entire body, making him uneasy.

  “Nope. Don’t mind at all. Did she really want me to use her bathroom to shower? It’s been a long day, and I’m kind of grimy.”

  “She insisted,” Elizabeth smirked, sweeping her palm through the air toward the bedroom door. “Now, you go on and get nice and clean.”

  Tim could swear he saw the light glint off her intentional naughty smile. These girls were up to something.

  Standing in the massive, marble shower with two shower heads aimed at his body, Tim relaxed for the first time all day. Washing the grime off was nothing short of pure heaven, the cool water seeping into his skin and bringing the temperature down in his hot core. Standing naked in front of the large mirror, he brushed out his long hair and tied it back. He rolled on deodorant and dressed quickly, anxious to see Jessica and the girls in a more presentable way.

  When he walked out into the living area, he was bombarded with little girls anxious to get their hands on him.

  “Hey!” Hoisting Julia and Jill by the waist, he carried them into the kitchen as they giggled uncontrollably. By this time, Jo-Jo was already secure in her highchair and flailed her chubby arms at the sight of him. Elizabeth perched on a barstool, sipping on a glass of wine the color of apple cider, and Jessica was busy at the stove stirring vegetables in a large wok. When she turned around, she quickly wiped her hands on her frilly pink apron and approached him with outstretched arms. Still firmly holding the girls at his sides, she hugged him in front of everyone and surprised him with a wet kiss on the mouth. The look on Elizabeth’s face was priceless.

  “What can I get you to drink? I’ve got white and red wine, cold beer and a fully stocked bar downstairs if you want a cocktail. Anything you want, you name it.” Her giddiness was contagious, and her scent was intoxicating.

  “Beer is good,” he said, settling the girls onto their feet. He curiously peered into the wok and pinched a snow pea from the pan, popping it into his mouth. “Mmm. What are you cooking? It smells great.”

  “It’s her famous shrimp stir-fry. It’s to die for,” Elizabeth chimed in.

  Jessica cupped his cheek before taking a few steps to the sub-zero fridge and grabbing a bottle of beer. “I ordered the girls a pizza. I hope you don’t mind that Elizabeth stays for dinner. She’s the one who convinced me to ask you to the Gala. She has some thoughts on the matter.” Handing him the cold beverage, she resumed cooking at the stove. Her comfortable expression gave nothing away.

  “Thoughts on the matter, huh?” He twisted the cap off the bottle and took a long pull of the drink. “What kind of thoughts?”

  Not knowing much about Elizabeth and her intentions made him cautious. The only thing he knew was that she had money, her last name was Rich, and she was one of Jessica’s closest and wealthiest friends. Simple questions came to his mind, like, where did they meet? How long have they known each other? Did she work for a living or was she someone’s trophy wife?

  Elizabeth swiveled the bar stool and crossed her tanned, bare legs from under her short skirt and leaned her elbow on the back of the chair. “Well, first and foremost, do you own a tux?”

  Tim leaned his forearms on the cold marble and stretched his back. The first question was easy. “Yes. As a matter of fact, I do.” He watched the woman give Jessica the side-eye.

  “Excellent. A real gentleman owns his tux. That’s very respectable, Tim.” Her Southern accent was smooth and intentional. “For the record, this is a black-tie event. Everyone who’s anyone in this area will be there with deep pockets and designer suits. Would you happen to know the designer of yours?”

  “Does it matter?” Jessica asked, turning around with her hand on her hip. The look on her face conveyed concern.

  Tim decided to play along with Elizabeth’s little game. “Givenchy,” he said matter-of-factly, the designer name rolling effortlessly off his tongue. This time, Jessica gave Elizabeth the side-eye.

  “Well, well, well. The man certainly knows his designers. Once again, I’m highly impressed. Do you care to indulge me and tell me where your taste in designer apparel came from?”

  “Elizabeth…” Jessica warned. As if on cue, the doorbell rang. “Elizabeth, would you mind answering the door? That’s probably the pizza man. Cash including the tip is on the side table in the foyer. He could be cute.”

  Elizabeth stood and straightened her skirt. “Oh, goody. Come on girls, let’s get your pizza!” All three Kaufman girls stopped what they were doing and squealed, their bare feet slapping across the floors, following Elizabeth from behind.

  With her friend and the girls out of earshot, Tim approached Jessica from behind and wrapped his arms around her waist, holding her snug against him. She leaned her head back on his broad chest and moaned.

  “What’s with all the questions?” he asked quietly into her ear. “Your friend seems pretty curious about me. You haven’t told her anything, have you?”

  Jessica set her tongs on the countertop and turned the heat down on the stove before turning around and looking up at him with big, innocent eyes. The high pitch of her response conveyed otherwise. “No, of course not. I haven’t told her anything…except to trust me.”

  “Ah, there it is.”

  “No. She’s very nosey, that’s all. Remember, she went through most of my failed marriage to Stephen with me.”

  “Hmmm,” Tim frowned, not convinced.

  Batting her eyelashes, Jessica continued. “And I think you’ve become her latest fantasy. Believe it or not, Elizabeth Rich is addicted to romance novels.” Her hands splayed across his chest, smoothing out the fabric, her eyes crinkled in a broad smile. “She thinks you’re a hunk. Of course, I had to tell her you were already taken. And that we kissed. That sent her over the edge…”

  “You told her we kissed?” he teased, pushing a loose strand of hair over her ear. Tim’s eyes were drawn to her lush pink lips, and a reminiscent spark tingled across his own. He snaked his arm around her waist and pulled her up against his hard body. She gasped as he let his hand dip lower and gently cup her tight ass, dragging her closer. With his lips a breath away from her own, he said, “What else did my beautiful Belle say?”

  Chapter Fifteen

  “Thanks for letting me stay for dinner. I’m sorry for all the questions,” Elizabeth gushed, kissing Tim on each cheek as if she were a European celebrity. “I can’t wait for you to meet my husband, Jacque. He’s a Frenchman with a longing for a man-bun. You two will hit it right off.”

  Jessica watched Tim chuckle while shoving his hands into his pockets, making his biceps bulge. “I’m sure it will be a great evening. I look forward to it.”

  “Me too!” Elizabeth turned her attention to Jessica. “Good night doll. I’ll see you after the weekend. We have so much to do before the Gala!”

  Jessica allowed her friend to kiss her on both cheeks and smiled the whole time. “Can’t wait. Drive home safely.”

  “Yeah, like driving an entire two blocks home is going to be dangerous.” She tittered loudly. “Ciao!”

  “Goodbye!” The giant front door clicked shut, and Jessica sighed with relief. She hooked her arm through Tim’s bent elbow, and they slowly ambled into the family room. “I’m sorry about that. I should have known better than to invite my over-zealous, romance-novel-addicted friend to dinner. She dominated the whole evening. And don’t think I didn’t n
otice her looking you over like eye candy a few times,” she added.

  They stood behind the large sofa, looking at each other while the girls were stretched out on their tummies watching a television show. Baby Jo-Jo had already been put to bed. Tim rested his hands on her shoulders before pulling her forward in a tight embrace. She could feel him sigh against her cheek.

  “It’s getting late, and I’m pretty beat…”

  “But it’s Friday night,” she interrupted, craning her neck to look up at him with a full-blown pout spread across her face. Grabbing him by the hand, she didn’t give him time to respond, pulling him into the living space. “I’ll sit here, and I want you to lay your head in my lap and relax. I know you’ve had a long day, but you can’t leave yet. I don’t want you to.”

  Tim hesitated and noticed the girls turning their attention to him before the TV lured them back into submission. He was too exhausted to protest and inhaled deeply. “Okay.”

  Jessica grabbed a throw pillow and put it on her lap as Tim adjusted his large frame onto the sofa. It took a minute for him to settle and lay his head back.

  “There. Isn’t that better?” Staring down at his hairy face, she absent-mindedly stroked his beard and noticed his eyes were droopy with fatigue.

  “Mmm,” he mumbled, crossing his arms. By this time, Julia had silently come near and stood next to Tim, watching her mother caress his face.

  “Come on up, little lady.” He hoisted her tiny body and settled her in a sitting position across his broad chest with her back against the sofa. The little girl burrowed into the cushion and clutched her precious blanket to her cheek. Tim’s large hand settled on her little leg, and her blue eyes met Jessica’s, the two smiling knowingly at each other.

  It felt nice to freely brush her fingers across Tim’s handsome face, lulling him into a relaxed state. His long lashes curled up slightly while his eyes were closed, and his full lips tempted her to lean down and suckle them. Stephen had never laid his head in her lap before, opting for solitude after most dinners when he was home, insisting his female family keep quiet so he could relax after the long, hard day. If one of her girls had sat on him while he was stretched out on the sofa, he would have gone ballistic! Her ex had no idea what a long, hard day was. Tim did. No wonder he was exhausted, and rightly so. He pushed himself to the limit daily.


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