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LAND of the FREE

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by Michael W. Huard

  Land of the Free

  Mystical Slayers Book 1

  - By Michael W. Huard

  Legend says that in mankind's fallen hour, a hero will rise.

  In our story, it shall be a sisterhood of kick butt women.

  Copyright © Michael W. Huard 2017

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publishers.

  The novel is entirely a work of fiction Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. For requests, information, and more contact Michael W. Huard at

  Available in ebook and print.

  First edition: 2017

  Also By

  Michael W. Huard


  A Mystical Slayer's novella, coming in 2018


  A Mystical Slayer's Prequel, coming in 2018

  Hope Bringers

  Book two in the Mystical Slayer's Trilogy, coming in 2018

  Sisters of the Dawns Early Light

  A Mystical Slayer Novella, coming in 2018

  Subscribe to my newsletter for all the latest in updates at:

  Table of Contents

  Also ByMichael W. Huard



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31


  About the Author:



  This book is dedicated to all the beautiful people in the world; those that always have hope, believe in love and cherish freedom.


  In a dark, damp room, far below a once legendary New England stadium, a sparkling blue-eyed blond was giving Mahira, her friend, a pep talk. "Listen to me; you have done this a million times. We have been everywhere, and you have fought the best there is. This weekend is no different." She smiled at Mahira, "This time I just won’t be so close, and I won't be watching."

  Mahira, today’s competitor, rolled her neck to loosen up. She was stressed; this was a crucial time for not only her and this tournament of champions, but also for all the sisterhood. She took a long, deep breath and looked to her cyborg sister. "I just wish you could be up there, and be with us to help once I've won this thing."

  Tyne Gem nodded in agreement, "Me too. But there’s no way I would go undetected, the corporation drones are everywhere. Believe me, I have wracked my computer system and it’s just too dangerous, especially with our plan to overthrow Y-Wood at their annual extravaganza party."

  The dirty-blond, pint sized gladiator knew her friend was right. Her hazel eyes began to ignite with the fire she needed to go out there and win. "If something goes wrong, Tyne, and I never see you again, thank you for everything. Our time together traveling and competing has been pretty darn awesome."Mahira reached out and grasped her sister’s hand. "Don’t let anyone ever tell you that you’re anything but special. I have met few humans as cool as you."

  Tyne squeezed her friend’s hand, "Well, I have never met a human that can kick ass like you! Thanks for the nice compliment. We may not be of the same blood, but we’re family, and I am happy for that."

  With that, Tyne massaged the sleek shoulder and arm muscles of the sisterhood’s fighting warrior. The moment was drawing near and there was only one last thing to do. Mahira grabbed her two-headed axe; its trademark robot face stared back at her. She then turned to Tyne Gem, "Shoot me up. Do me a double, I’m going to need it," she insisted.

  Tyne removed a syringe filled with a light purple liquid, which she then administered into Mahira’s thigh, then she pulled out another syringe and shot it up into her arm. Tyne’s piercing blue artificial eyes looked serious now. "For the sisterhood," she told her friend.

  Mahira took a deep breath as the liquid coursed through her veins.

  "You do realize," she said, looking to her friend, "if this is the last tournament I ever win, I will have to find another way to release my anxieties. I was raised to be strong, to never give up, and to always believe in myself. I have always fought for like-minded people and I always will. I'm ready." Mahira raised her hand to the sky as she shouted her motto, "Live free, or die!"

  The time had come. Mahira was up next, the other sisters were all gearing up for what was to come, and if all went right, together, they would fulfill their mother’s dream; after hundreds and hundreds of years, the Mystical Slayers would topple the top juggernaut that had ruined their nation.

  This is where we begin, and it’s a story worth telling.


  By the year 3016, the United States of America has fallen into great despair. Advanced technology, robotics, and a power-crazed corporation now govern the country. Religious and nuclear wars have made the landscape more savage than ever, and the rich now rule the world. But there still is a glimmer of hope. A sisterhood of beautiful, patriotic women, enhanced with superior intelligence and martial arts training, are out to make the nation free once again.

  One such woman prepared for battle this very evening. The night was cool, and the moon was nearly full. The scent of marijuana filled the air, and all were on the edge of their seats. A space craft, a Corporation security vessel, flew above her and a backdraft of wind blew her blond hair all about her face.

  Blood and guts had filled the arena’s turf, as man, beast, and robotic creation littered the playing surface. The onlookers who dared to sit up close were sprayed with the blood of those less fortunate, and they enjoyed every minute of it. The ones who were hit with stray spears and swords, did not enjoy it quite so much.

  A gigantic television screen proudly displayed a Corporation announcement on the arena wall. R-Bel News Commercial Interruption Broadcast: Bringing action as it happens. Y-Wood Corporation takes great pride in our nation's security and military prowess. Each citizen is embedded with a microchip for train and flight safety identification. Our soldiers watch over the country with a keen eye, never resting or needing to sleep. Today, the world around you is a much safer place."

  Her time had come. Today was not an ordinary combative event. This was the mother of them all, and she was the wildcat that people had come to see. She took a quick breath and entered the pit. It was an epic sight, the venue of Old Fenway in Boston, Massachusetts. A one-time relic now filled to the brim with frantic people, all thanks to the most influential Corporation in undivided America.

  She looked around, noticing the one hundred fully armored, ruthless, robotic killing machines encircling the area. Each of the robots' eyes lit up green, which was an intimidating factor to say the least. Safety, after all, was a Corporation priority.

  "This is going to be fun," she said to herself.

  Mahira was a small woman, yet despite her slight appearance, she was very muscular, fit
, and as tough as they came. She wore her patriotic colors with great pride, mainly to mock the high up world leaders.

  The crowd, thousands of them, now stood fully and focused on Mahira. She was pretty, and that was crucial to them. Very few gladiators in the 31st century looked and fought like she did in such brutal matches. These fights were not for fun. They fought to the death. The possibility of a pretty little blood-soaked kitten being cut in two had this insane crowd in a mad uproar.

  First round rules applied, which banned the use of laser guns. The blond haired woman had her trusty, double bladed, death dealing, and wickedly sharp axe in her hands. She crouched into her customary kneeling posture in brief meditation. A quick look to the sky, and she was ready to rumble.

  Out stepped Mahira's first opponent of the spectacular multi-round tournament. As expected, it was a robotic creation, devilish in appearance, and most likely, very powerful. He was seven-foot of solid silver, his chest was broad, his shoulders wide. He had horns on each side of his head, more for show, and he looked evil. Everything about him was put together with expertise and skill, and no doubt, at a huge expense. The crowd screamed out in anticipation and roared with delight at his entrance.

  The robot carried a curved, serrated sword, which was twice the length of his giant metal arm. His eyes lit up in an ice-cold blue, and he marched straight at Mahira. He moved well. Mahira noted the connections to his arms and legs, as she liked to remove the odd limb or two from her opponents.

  To win the event meant one would be granted entry into the prestigious Corporation ball, to be held later that weekend. Entry to the ball was vital; as Mahira and her sisterhood were planning their biggest ever move against the tyranny of the Corporation.

  Her metal adversary ran left, then suddenly right at his opponent. He swung his blade in an attempt to take off the tough gladiator's head. Mahira ducked the slice and jumped to her right. She used efficiently placed footwork to keep circling to the robot's right, so as to take away the powerful striking ability from his clearly right handed attack. The bot chased her and swung low, slicing for her legs. She leaped high in the air, causing him to miss yet again. The audience cried out in lust for Mahira's blood. The devil-bot stomped the ground with anger and steam came out from his ears.

  This robot was intelligent. His wealthy owners had made sure of that. He moved in again, and faked a few cuts before thrusting home the deal breaker; a stab to his small female adversary’s heart. As his sword approached, Mahira twisted to the left and watched as the long blade missed her flesh by mere inches. Her body movement was quick and precise. With the butt end of her axe, she busted the metal robot square in the face. She then spun around behind him, and while twirling the axe high above her head, she sliced down and carved a good chunk of metal from the back of his robotic shoulder joint. Electricity sparked out and again the audience went berserk.

  The bot turned to face her, his eyes were flashing blue and white with hatred for the female warrior. His program modified in an instant and he sped up several gears. With a figure of eight twirling sword pattern, he went at Mahira once more. It would be hard enough for an opponent to deal with such power and speed head on, let alone with the thing’s massive sharp sword to also contend with. The small gladiator was highly trained for such attacks though, and waited until he was almost ready to swing before rolling forward and slicing her axe into both of the bot's legs. But he was built with top notch steel, and did not falter from her attack. Both were back up fighting again.

  The two circled one another as the silver beast studied Mahira's movements. He was taking it all in, computing and calculating his next plan. Mahira took great pleasure in destroying this smart type of robot; too many of them now worked for the Corporation, controlling the land far and wide. This one needed to cease operation.

  She feinted left, and then right and leaped up to take the bot's head off. It was a slick jumping technique, but the robot swayed back and her axe just missed his throat. He countered with a punch to the wild woman’s face and Mahira fell back a step; her head spinning from such a brutal blow. She could feel the blood rushing from her nose.

  This time the bot rolled at Mahira, his rock hard, metal body curled up enough to form a powerful ball that rammed into Mahira’s lower body. She fell hard to the ground. Her axe was lost in the tumble, and now only her quick jiu-jitsu skills could save her.

  The robot stood, kneeled over her, and drove the end of his thick sword straight down to finish this highly trained woman he knew was enhanced by something.

  Mahira was able to pull her head out of the way just before the sword stuck deep into the dirt floor of the arena.

  She then pushed herself back off the bot’s shoulder and butt-scooted away just enough to get back to her feet. There was no way she was going to out-muscle this creation, even with the powerful influence of Starigen 6280, a strength and dexterity enhancement drug used by all the elite freedom fighters.

  The giant, silver man attempted to knock her off her feet as she rose, but she jumped back to avoid his grasp. Her axe was now close by and she ran to pick up the weapon. At the same time, the robot had retrieved his sword and was now starting to get up. Mahira wasted no time and cleaved down on his right hand, completely severing his arm. The crowd went wild and a shower of objects was thrown onto the playing surface; fruit, rocks, and many other items were tossed all about. It was a tradition and often used when a match was not going the way many had hoped for. In this case, many audience members had bet what little they had on the robot winning this fight. His missing arm had pissed them all off.

  A chant started to rise for the dirty-blond woman quickly thereafter. She was an amazing little dynamo, a hellcat in red, white, and blue. At first, they had been too intimidated to cheer for the well-known, heroic girl, but all caution was thrown to the wind and the chants began. Mahira, Mahira, Mahira.

  One fan jumped over the small stone fence, which had separated him from the arena, and ran over to her in awe. He just wanted a hug, but Mahira prepared to kill him. A Corporation drone appeared in the sky above the adoring fan and fired a series of laser beams into his chest. He dropped instantly and his dead body was dragged from the arena by an army of small rolling bots.

  The match continued.

  Mahira's opponent, now with one remaining arm, rose to his feet with no intentions of slowing down. Mahira rotated her axe in a sideways motion, and dodged the metal beast's lunging frame as he charged at her. She ran to the stone fence and turned to the upper levels of the audience, raising her hand in defiance. The Corporation President, his associates, his special guests, and his billion dollar, hologram-like robot sidekick all looked on. The president chuckled to himself. This little girl still had a long way to go in the competition, but he and his guests were actually enjoying the show. She could rowdy up the crowd all she wanted.

  Mahira looked up at him, high above the arena. He was no real president, those days were long gone. He was just a leader of the greedy, the wicked, and the unrighteous.

  Mahira wiped the sweat from her brow, threw her axe to the ground, and walked towards her one-armed adversary. He punched out at her and she ducked under the flailing weight of his metal arm. She drove a knee into his hip joint and slipped behind him, smashing an elbow to the back of his head. This pint-sized hellcat also had some very effective Muay Thai skills.

  He turned and kicked out at her, but she caught his foot and flung his leg upwards, sending him swaying to the side. With the robot momentarily unstable, Mahira took the opportunity to sprint by him, executing a flying side kick at his other hip joint. The robot tumbled to the ground and Mahira, scooping up her weapon, strode back at him, axe in hand. The devil-bot, now on his knees, tried to strike out at her again, but she bashed his fist aside with her axe. A nasty upswing with her blade landed right into his neck, slicing under his protective metal armor. The wires inside the robot's neck began to split apart and his head fell to one side. Mahira w
as not done. She backed off a bit, and with one last run at the robot, she slammed another axe cut down on the back of his neck; undoubtedly a fatal blow. The thing's head sprung free and rolled across the dirty arena floor, leaving behind it a display of electric flares and sparks. The now headless body erupted into a ball of flames, throwing a plume of thick black smoke up into the air.

  Howls of delight bellowed around as the crowd went absolutely ballistic. Mahira, the much underestimated, pretty little gladiator, took a bow.

  There would be no time for celebration; more matches needed to be won. She made her way back to the fighter’s stables at the far end of the stadium.

  Mahira needed to be the tournament champion. It was the only way she herself, could gain entry to the all important grand ball. The mission was to destroy the Corporation. She and her sisters' duty was to make this forsaken world a better place. They would all have their work cut out for them this weekend.

  Chapter 1

  Let us now start at the beginning.

  The world is not as it once was. Man himself has already destroyed most of it. The first changing war or catastrophic event was the releasing of nuclear bombs all over various regions of the United States of America, as well as other countries worldwide. The human population was struck hard and its numbers dropped significantly.

  Then religious chaos from too many mixed cultures finally erupted. People turned to their gods more than ever before. They killed for glory, or to become a martyr; it was the only way to prove oneself in a world gone mad. Every god or goddess had followers that, through false representation, sought to go to war to hurt others, and to further ruin the world around them.

  The biological wars were next.

  The world was devastated and changed forever. It had become a land of survival. You would do all you could to stay alive, to take care of anyone you called friend or family. Buildings collapsed, food became harder to come by, water ran low, fuel was all but gone unless you were rich, and life, as anyone once knew it, was gone.


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