Book Read Free

LAND of the FREE

Page 26

by Michael W. Huard

  Mahira was smashed into the wall by Omagus and tumbled to the floor. Both Q-Jin were down now, side by side; they instinctively reached for their weapons and Mahira was able to grab her axe and twist it into the black bot's lower legs, cleaving them both clean out. It was one hell of a move. He dropped and hissed as his electrical power died. Now only the most deadly of bots, Omagus, loomed over them.

  The super bot's sword looked like a lightning bolt made out of a laser beam. Mahira instructed Raegan to act in unison as to their defenses and attacks. He was too powerful for one of them to defeat alone. She was a gladiator and had been in many situations like this. Omagus, however, was far better than any she had faced before, and she needed Raegan to be there every step of the way. The metal man waved his blade about, slicing and swirling towards the girls. The expensive, state-of-the-art robot had gaps where his joints connected, these were hologram like areas, and Mahira knew these were his weak spots. "Cut at his joint connections only," Mahira again insisted to her friend. "Together, we react each time the bot attacks, do as I say. First, we go for his right hip connecter."

  They had a plan as he started his attack!

  But, Omagus had a plan of his own. He threw a green lightning bolt sword directly at Raegan's chest. Death was knocking on her doorstep, but Mahira was a true fighter and her quick reaction of placing the flat surface of her battle axe in front of her friend's body, just in the nick of time, had saved the Mystical Slayer leader's life. As a bonus, the bolt reflected back at the super-bot and hit him directly in the chest. The lightning bolt damaged his armor. He recoiled back and almost fell to the floor. "Take that!" the little gladiator yelled out.

  But he kept his balance, and immediately produced new laser beam weapons; two jagged, glowing swords, one now in each hand. However, they were smaller than the long lightning bolt versions and Mahira knew exactly what to do. "Turn and face me," she instructed Raegan, "put your sword together with my axe and advance with me. He will not be able to strike us straight on. We have the length. He will lean left or right to swing at us. When he leans low in either direction, we roll with his attack, spin about behind him, and both attack his hip joint. Here he comes!"

  The move worked well. They were able to avoid his attacks and both cut into his hip joint as planned. However, on an unexpected backswing, Omagus caught Mahira slightly on her shoulder. She did not get low enough in time with Raegan by her side. It was nothing too serious, and the trickle of blood only made the battle more intense. Raegan was still concerned, "Are you okay?" she asked. Mahira nodded her head and the craziness continued.

  The three circled each other and Omagus suddenly moved like the wind. He accelerated beyond a bot's normal means and swiped each girl in their lower legs. His wicked grimace told both women he was not falling for any more of their tricks. "He's too quick," Raegan insisted to Mahira. "I'm not sure what do!"

  Again, Omagus danced about. He quickly faked left, then darted right, spinning around and swirling both short laser swords. One went directly for Mahira's waistline, but she knocked it aside just before it made contact; the other went for Raegan's sword holding hand which she also barely missed. Mahira called to Raegan, "I'm going low, you go high," as the bot advanced once more.

  Raegan waited, and just as her gladiator friend dropped to get the thing's initial reaction to cut left, she swung her sword with everything she had at the hologram neck opening, hoping to slice off Omagus' head. Mahira went low and rolled to her right. With her axe tucked away and ready, she came up from the roll, angled herself away from the bot and sliced the axe into his open hip joint again. The super robot could not block both women. He deflected the high cut from Raegan, this time cutting her hand deep enough to have the woman drop her blade. The smaller one diving below him, however, he did not react to fast enough. Her axe had cut deep into his upper leg and he felt a stiffening of movement as he recovered and turned around. His body had now caught on fire. An internal warning notified him of serious electrical damage and urged him to hurry up.

  With no weapon in hand, Raegan turned to Mahira for advice. This was no ordinary fight. This machine was of the highest standard. Without both acting together they would stand no chance. He seemed to be healing already.

  Omagus readied himself once again. The law of not being able to shoot these attractive women was one he hated and even with his intelligent thinking, it was one he could never quite understand. He also couldn't understand why this law had not been overridden tonight, as it would have been normally. Omagus knew how the human males of Y-Wood thought with their cocks instead of their brains. He wondered why in the world they would care so much for these humans anyway. These women were stinky, weak, and demanding all in one. It was time to show these two bitches what he was made of. "Are you both ready to die now?" he bellowed out.

  His mouth then suddenly emitted a vaporous, gray colored gas, which both girls immediately found themselves choking on. They fell back and felt their heart rates accelerating with their blood pressure rising all too high. Both women centered their one-spot, a technique all Q-Jin worked on through years of training. The gas would not over take them just yet.

  As they fell back, he launched himself at them. First, he kicked Raegan as she was turning to her weaponless friend, the flat of his foot sent her crashing into the wall and away from the gladiator. He then leaped up in a somersaulting motion and both his feet landed heavily into Mahira. She was knocked back well onto her butt and dropped her weapon.

  She looked to Raegan. "Get to me, fast! Togetherness is the key, remember?" Mahira then tried to grab the bot's attention by screaming at him to come for her again as she climbed to her feet.

  "Here, over here, you metal freak! You and me . . . c'mon, bring it on!" she cried out to him.

  Omagus went to her welcoming call out.

  They exchanged hand strikes and counters only, as weapons were now not in play. He was too strong for just her on her own, even when she was super juiced on Starigen 6280. His hits did more damage, a punch to the jaw almost knocked her out and another to the ribs keeled her over.

  Raegan reached her friend and drove a strong, Muay Thai knee at him and then kicked hard into his already damaged hip joint. Her stomp dislodged the section even more. Mahira then dove for her axe and sprung back to her feet. Omagus turned to face her, but she was too quick and had already swung, chopping off one of his arms. His electronics went bonkers, fire and sparks now gushed out of his shoulder. With one arm, he swung madly back at her, over and over. She bobbed and weaved to avoid his angry blows.

  Raegan now tried kicking out from behind the super robot's leg. He did not fall, instead he backhanded her and spun the Slayer leader around in a circle. He then tried to strangle her with his one hand, wrapping such around her neck. Mahira again drove her axe into his lower section, and this time it finally came apart. Omagus dropped to the ground, releasing his hold on Raegan's neck. The gladiator chopped at his metal parts with a savage fury while Raegan just stepped back out of the way. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhh . . . Rahhhhhhhhh," war-cried Mahira, slicing and dicing the remains of the fallen super Y-Wood Corporation robot.

  In the end, Omagus had been cut up into many pieces. Raegan eventually joined Mahira in the dismemberment.

  Raegan dug out her IHF, and each sealed their wounds as much as possible with this healing magic. Mahira was still bloody and sweated heavily. She tore off her shirt and pulled out her well-known USA halter top, made from that material her dad and family had given to her long ago. She wore it with pride. "Fuck it," she said, "they all know who we are now. I’m hot, sweaty, and pissed, might as well show these colors." She then reached for something in her boot. "Here, inject me," she motioned to Raegan.

  Her sister paused, then placed her hand over the needle case. "I think you are pretty juiced up already."

  Mahira ignored Raegan's concerns and did it herself. "I am fine, let’s go!"

  They had no time to savor such an amazing
victory and were walking forwards once again. Together, they moved in the direction of the coveted door. That’s when the showerheads erupted from hidden alcoves all along the corridor. The spider snakes with pointed steel, razor-sharp maws came at them in a single staggered row of seven. But Mahira was just warming up. "I got this," she said, pointing at them as they slithered their approach. The gladiator, then with a full head of running steam, dashed down the hall and with swipe after swipe, killed every single one of those little bastard biting robotic demons. The door was almost in sight.

  As they slowly walked forwards, a television screen played out on a side wall, R-Bel News Commercial Interruption Broadcast: Bringing action as it happens. Your health is our number one concern with all that you do. At Y-Wood, rest assured our team of medical bots, never . . . craaaaackkkkkkkkkkkkk! Raegan took the hilt end of her big sword and smashed it into the screen, shattering it into many pieces. "I always hated those damn commercials," she fumed at Mahira as they moved on.

  Omagus, now in a billion dollars' worth of pieces, could not pursue them. As he watched the girls disappear, his chest piece had just the slightest flicker of a blue energy light appear. Of course, he did not have a heart, but something still lit up where a heart would have been. The flickering something wondered how those two ladies had survived his gas attack, which normally would explode a person’s heart.

  Chapter 25

  The moment of truth had arrived.

  Arn Marcou was ready. He had taken a drug to produce a long erection, and his rebuilt organ was now fully capable with such assistance. He felt the young reddish-brown haired, petite lawyer was also ready to let go, to give in. He was too powerful, too famous, and too rich; everything she could dream of was before her. He blocked out the silly distractions from earlier and went in, hopefully, for a starter kiss.

  She had to stall him long enough to allow her sisters to move about the compound without him checking on the alarm issue. It was bad enough that associates and Omagus had been sent to investigate, probably leading them right to her fellow sisters. She toyed with the idea of a prolonged foreplay, but it just made her stomach turn.

  Zaey was not impressed by money or a much older guy, but she faked it as best she could. She started with some small talk to lead the man onto discussing other things, but he was done talking. He took her more quickly and forcefully than she had ever expected. He tried to kiss her, to fondle her, and tried to remove her clothing.

  She instinctively grabbed his hand, rolled his wrist over, and swung her armpit over his elbow joint, thus driving him down to one knee. "Ouchhhhhhh," he shouted, reacting to her lock on his arm. The president paused, looked up at her, and grinned.

  "So, you wanna play rough? I like it rough," he announced.


  Resin paused in surprise. He did not know what to think. "Trust me," Sinaye said to him, "get out of here, now!"

  The man slowly backed away from the scientist, his mind racing. "Again, you do realize who I work for, right? Why would I just up and leave? I'm not quite sure you know me well enough, dear."

  Sinaye tried to explain everything to him again. He was amused at first, somewhat in shock, but continued to listen to her explanation. An alarm in the distance suddenly went off, making them both uneasy.

  He could kill her now, or put her in prison. But there was one other option. He could leave. A plan for such madness had not been previously considered. However, if anything was to actually occur here and Y-Wood was overtaken, or if President Marcou was injured or . . . and the thought made Resin smile . . . miraculously killed, such results could be quite extraordinary!

  Resin mocked her a bit. "If what you're saying is true, and you're some sort of Mystical fighter whose friends are taking down Y-Wood Corporation this very night," he laughed to himself, "if you should fail, how could I then explain to everyone here and all over the country that I suddenly just vanished and let it all happen?"

  He awaited Sinaye's reply.


  Meanwhile, Arn Marcou was done joking around. For one, the alarm was still going off and was driving him nuts. Two, this little Australian girl was being a tease, which was also driving him nuts. He got more aggressive. Pulling back from her hold, he grabbed her around the waist and tried to sweet talk her while pressing himself into her loins. She then kneed him in the nuts. He dropped back down to a knee in pain. "Well, that certainly was not necessary!" he shouted out. He got back up and advanced towards her.

  She moved across the room and ran behind a couch. He liked this game and chased her about the room. When he managed to back her into a corner, he tried to convince her to give in. "Okay, enough joking around, come here and let me peel your clothes off . . . let's have some fun." She tried to move away again, but he grabbed her arm. She twisted free by flipping her palm and elbow up, easily yanking out of his grip.

  She moved away once more, but he charged at her and tackled her to a nearby plush love seat. They hit the thing with a bounce and rolled to the floor. He was strong, but she was juiced with a drug which gave her strength too. It was a hard fought struggle. He managed to get on top of her, between her legs, and in control. His was excited by all this sexual play.

  "Now I have you, you little rascal." He tried to kiss her again, but she put her hand in the way, blocking his mouth filled with false teeth.

  He pushed the hand away and held it to the ground. "Okay, okay," Zaey said, faking a defeat, "go easy, be more gentle now,"

  "Finally!" the horny-as-can-be president blurted out. "I’m going to give it to you so good!"

  He let up, and then sat back to relax his pressure on her a little. She quickly took advantage of his moment of calm by scooting her hips back and placing a foot on his hip. She now, finally, had some space. Her other foot drew back and she up-kicked him in the face. As the leader of the Corporation grabbed his now bleeding nose, she scooted further back away from him and got to her feet. He screamed at the top of his lungs, "You're not who I think you are, are you, little one?"

  He had come to his senses and was suddenly upset, pissed off, and angry. "Tell me why you are here and who the hell you really are, you little cunt! Or I will stop messing around and beat the shit out of you." The CEO was growling now. "Who are you?" he demanded.


  Back in Resin's room, the suite was silent as both he and Sinaye contemplated what to say next. They had both come to a calm discussion and talked some more about the situation. Resin had to choose and choose quickly. He was smart; he had seen an opportunity in all this.

  "For you, sweet lady, I would be willing to leave. However, I need an explanation for my disappearance and a way back in if all this shit fails." In his mind he was thinking of his dream, that being to succeed the current president and become the president of Y-Wood himself. It had always been his goal from day one. The alarm which was still sounding, had confirmed to them both that stuff was indeed seriously happening. On the small chance this robotics expert before him was correct, even if only partially correct, his vision could become a reality.

  Sinaye was smart too. "Is there a way for you to fly somewhere, and just get far away from the stadium?" Resin voiced his concern that her idea did nothing to cover his leaving, even though he was still pretty sure that this whole sisterhood of girls attacking the place would certainly fail. Sinaye had an answer, "I can program a distress call, or better, I can program a bot here to announce a distress call to you. Say a vessel went down nearby? It’s late, your boss is busy with a girl, and so you went and took care of it yourself. It will work, Resin. We can be together again another time, in another place." She anxiously awaited his reply.

  He liked that she liked him, and he wanted her too. So, torn between their connection, his lust, and his mental capacity to think straight, he went ahead and agreed with her. He really had nothing to lose. Despite the worry that he may be fooling himself into this false confidence, he had made up his mind. There was a get
away flying machine in a port near his room.

  He let Sinaye work on a bot he had summoned. She was one intelligent woman. Sinaye changed a few things in the droid’s backside and reprogrammed his hard drives to schedule a distress call to go out to Resin in a few minutes.

  The two of them hugged and briefly discussed what future they may hold together. She was different, he felt this now, something deeper than he had ever felt before. She was unique. He'd take a chance. "Listen, whatever happens here, you have to watch out for yourself and get out if it doesn't work out as you have all planned. The entire idea is nuts. If you don't have the guards shut down or disabled, they will destroy every one of you."

  Sinaye knew this to be true. But she had to carry on, to keep hope. Lomax and everyone else had taken care of the disabling, and she held on to the mission at hand. She kissed Resin Cador and looked him in the eyes, "We will see each other again, I just know it. Go, get far away from here, and I will see you again someday soon."

  He kissed her and squeezed her tight. Not wanting to let go, he looked into her big brown eyes, "You promise?"

  She touched his cheek with her hand, "I promise!"

  He smiled at her. Then the top assistant of the Y-Wood Corporation left the building.


  Zaey was now hearing shots being fired in the area around them. Marcou was as well. "What the hell is going on here?" he uttered while scowling at Zaey. "I think you might be a spy, darling." He then went after her again, this time with serious, obviously harmful intentions. Zaey was no match for his powerful actions. He had upgrades all over his body, and she knew it; his shoulders were powerful, his arms strong, his torso still muscular, even for a man of one hundred and fifty years. He tried to catch and punch her right in the face, but she avoided his strike.


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