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Page 11

by Sandra Brown

  way to insure Mandy a good social standing, then that's what I'm going to do. I

  don't want her sitting out parties, like I had to."

  Laura had the grace to look guilty. "If that's all you want, I could help by


  He shook his head emphatically. "My daughter needs a mother, Laura. I can't

  continue to be both parents. I never made the honor roll, but I'm smart enough to

  know that. She needs a woman's influence. And the older she gets, the more

  important that becomes."

  "You could hire somebody, as you did before."

  He tossed off her feeble suggestion with a negligent wave of his hand. "That's no


  He peered at her closely. "Do you think you could grow to like her?"

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  "Like Mandy? James, she's adorable. Of course I like her, and I'm sure in just a

  while I'd love her to distraction. But there's much more involved here."

  "Like what?"

  She stared at him with exasperation. "Like, for instance, you and I have nothing in

  common. Like you might fall in love with someone else. Like I might."

  He frowned. "You aren't in love with anyone else, are you?"

  "No." I'm in love with you, she thought. And it breaks my heart that you're

  proposing marriage to me like a business transaction. "It just wouldn't work,

  that's all."

  "Isn't keeping Twenty-two Indigo Place worth a few sacrifices?"

  Score one for you, she thought. But she wasn't ready yet to concede. "Asking me to

  spend the rest of my life with you hardly qualifies as 'a few sacrifices.'"

  He braced his hand on the wall behind her head and leaned forward. "Am I so


  No. That was precisely the point. She wanted him to pledge undying love and

  consuming lust, but he was talking about a live-in governess, a hostess with social

  credentials. He wanted her to warm the community's attitude toward him and she

  wanted to warm his bed. "Out of this marriage you would get a mother for Mandy

  and the social endorsement of my family name."

  "And you'd get to keep Indigo Place. A very fair bargain, I think. I'll throw in

  enough money to pay off the rest of your father's debts."

  "I'm not a whore you can buy, James Paden."

  He looked genuinely remorseful. "I'm sorry. That was unforgivably tactless. I

  didn't mean to imply that you are for sale. You see, Laura, I, as well as my

  daughter, need your tutelage. I've done well in business. I learned to play hardball

  with the big guys. I've cleaned up my language – most of the time – and my table

  manners. But I'm still ignorant when it comes to social graces. Teach me."

  "I can't think." Groaning, she pressed her temples with her fingertips. "This is so


  "Sudden? I know. At least to you it is. I've been thinking about it for days."

  "Days! Why not give us a few weeks, months?"

  "Can't afford the time," he said, shaking his head. "Mandy starts kindergarten in

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  the fall. I want everything settled by then."

  Laura looked forlorn. "I don't know why I'm even talking about this. It makes no


  "It makes perfect sense. Say yes."

  "We're practically strangers."

  "We've known each other for years."

  "But not with any degree of … of…"

  "Intimacy." He verbalized the word she was having such difficulty with.

  "Yes." She lowered her head until her chin was almost touching her chest. "Would

  this be solely an 'arrangement' or would you expect me to be an actual wife to

  you?" Her heart was hammering so hard it hurt her chest.

  Placing his finger beneath her chin, he raised her head and tilted it back until she

  had to look up at him. "Do you think I'd marry any woman without expecting her

  to share my bed?"

  Her lips were trembling so drastically she couldn't answer. She merely shook her

  head. His eyes homed in on her damp, tremulous lips. "I can't wait to get you

  beneath me in bed," he whispered roughly. "When I do, I'm gonna give you the

  best time you ever had, Miss Laura." Softly, she gasped. "Say yes."


  He pressed a hot, fierce, brief kiss on her mouth, then withdrew. "I won't take no

  for an answer. Say yes. "

  He kissed her in earnest then, lightly grinding his lips against hers until they

  parted. The deep, drugging kiss robbed her of her reasoning powers. She

  submitted to the dictatorship of his mouth.

  He practiced no restraint, but kissed her as though she were the last woman on

  earth and he were under a deadline. He kissed her with primitive freedom, as if no

  rules of any society applied. Her lips were throbbing when he finally released




  "Say it."

  "Yes, I – I'll marry you, James."

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  "You'll become a Paden?"

  She nodded, her lips already eagerly reaching up for his and another kiss. She

  wasn't disappointed. If his tongue was undisciplined before, it was savage now as

  it plunged into her mouth. She melted against him, feeling boneless and malleable

  and more womanly than ever in her life. His manliness demanded femininity

  from her. He coaxed it from every pore.

  While keeping her mouth a willing participant in a thoroughly carnal kiss, he

  finished unbuttoning her blouse. Reaching beneath it in back, he unfastened her

  bra. He slid his hands around her sides and under the loosened garment until he

  cupped her full, warm breasts.

  "God, I've been dying to do this," he said in her ear with a growl. His open mouth

  inched down her neck while his hands familiarized themselves with her breasts.

  "You've been driving me crazy. Crazy." He moaned as his fingertips feathered over

  the dainty tips.

  Laura made a whimpering sound of longing and shame when her nipples

  tightened against the delicious pressure he applied. Her femininity felt warm and

  full and moist. For the first time in her life she wanted a man to fill her.

  "That's right, baby. Hum for me now. Because when I get inside you, our bodies

  are going to sing. That's a promise." James dipped his knees slightly and nuzzled

  her breasts with his open mouth. His hands caressed the backs of her thighs,

  parting them marginally, so that when he straightened up, his manhood was

  wedged in the soft, yielding notch.

  "James!" Laura was thrilled, but alarmed, at the stunning contact.

  His fervency mellowed immediately to tenderness. He soothed her comfortingly.

  "Shh, shh." He ran his hands through her hair and pressed his lips against her

  cheek, breathing heavily, until both had regained their equilibrium. "Don't worry.

  I don't want our first time to be in a barn. I want a bed. A wedding bed. With you

  in it." He put space between them and gently pulled her blouse together over her

  breasts. "I had a wife, but that was onl
y a legal term." He framed her face with his

  palms and gazed down at her. "You'll be my bride."

  * * *

  Once the wheels were set in motion, there was no stopping James, who had the

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  momentum of a steamroller. Apparently he had given their marriage even more

  thought than he had confessed to. Otherwise the arrangements wouldn't have

  clicked off with the rhythm of a ticker tape.

  He called Laura later that same afternoon to inform her that the wedding would

  take place on Saturday in the courthouse. That gave her less than a week to

  prepare herself.

  Early the next morning a familiar pickup truck clattered to a halt in the curved

  driveway in front of the house. Even before her husband, Bo, had a chance to

  assist her, Gladys got out and puffed up the steps of the front porch to embrace

  Laura, who had watched their unannounced arrival with open-mouthed


  "Oh, I'm so glad to see you." she cried. "But what are you doing here so early in

  the morning?"

  "Coming back to work, that's what," Gladys said.

  "Coming back—"

  "Mr. Paden hired us back, and not a minute too soon, I reckon," Gladys said with

  affected querulousness. "No telling what my kitchen looks like." She pulled an

  apron from her enormous handbag and tied it around her thick waist.

  "Bo, are you gonna stand there grinning like a 'possum all day or are you gonna

  move our stuff back into the quarters and start getting this yard in shape? Lordy,

  Lordy, look at that flower bed.

  "Let's go inside, lamb." She placed a possessive arm around Laura's shoulders.

  "Get out of this heat. I'll fix you some breakfast. You're skinnier than a willow

  sapling. I'll bet you haven't eaten a decent meal since your Gladys left."

  With customary bossiness Gladys reestablished herself as housekeeper. When she

  happened to glimpse tears in Laura's eyes, she expressed immediate concern and

  took the younger woman in her smothering embrace. "No, nothing's wrong,"

  Laura assured her. "It's just that I'm so glad to have you and Bo back."

  "There, there, lamb, now, hush your crying. We're gonna take care of you, just like

  we promised your daddy. And I've got a new baby to spoil in that Mandy Paden.

  She reminds me of you when you were that age."

  Having the Burtons back relieved Laura of the responsibility of running the

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  household. The negative effect was that it gave her more time to ruminate about

  her pending marriage to James Paden.

  During the ensuing days it became official. She was actually going to marry him.

  Laura had hoped there would be no more than a discreet mention of their

  forthcoming marriage on the society page. As it turned out, the newspaper ran a

  full-scale article about them. She was portrayed as no less than the glamorous

  reigning belle of Gregory society, while James was depicted as a returning

  conquering hero.

  He laughed over the effusive story, recalling the time someone had written an

  editorial about the "vandalism" in the high school. "It was when me and some of

  my buddies drunkenly decided that the Confederate cannon in front of the

  courthouse would look better painted pink."

  "You actually did that?" Laura exclaimed, laughing in recollection of the civic

  outrage the incident had prompted. They were sitting on the porch of Indigo Place

  in the wicker glider. Mandy was with Gladys in the kitchen, "helping" her bake tea

  cakes. "You were alleged to have done it, but I thought that might just be gossip."

  "We used washable paint." He sounded repentant, but then winked in a way that

  made Laura think he'd do the prank again, given half a chance.

  "You're a bad boy."

  "I certainly am." He drew her close for a sexy kiss. "And I'm going to make you

  bad too," he promised with an affectionate snarl.

  That was what she was afraid of. Since she had accepted his proposal, he never let

  pass an opportunity to kiss or caress her. Each of those kisses left her tingling

  with desire. And while she liked the sensation, she was afraid of it.

  Publicly the town was taking the prodigal to its bosom, but Laura wasn't fooled by

  this seeming change of heart. In the minds of Gregorians, James would always be

  that wild Paden kid. Now that she was going to be that wild Paden kid's wife, she

  was the object of sidelong glances of speculation, the kind the girls who went to

  the drive-in movie with him used to get.

  Laura held her head up proudly, and coolly acknowledged congratulations on her

  marriage. Inside a mischievous imp was wanting to say, "Yes, his kisses are all

  they're purported to be and more. You should be so lucky."

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  If the social mavens in town were curious about the relationship between the

  bride and groom, they were positively rabid with jealousy over the marquis

  diamond that weighed down Laura's left hand with six and a half carats.

  "But, James, this is— I can't— Why…" When he slipped the ring on her third

  finger all she could do was sputter.

  "It reminded me of you," he said, staring into her eyes. "It's cool and smooth on

  the outside, but has lots of fire deep inside."

  "But it's so … big." The last word was spoken in a weak voice. He was nibbling

  around her ear.

  "Baby, I can't wait to fan your fire."

  Her arms folded loosely around his neck and she gave herself up to his

  tempestuous kiss. "Where are we going to sleep?" He mumbled the question

  against her lips when he pulled away slightly.

  "When?" she inquired groggily, half thinking he was wanting to haul her off to bed

  right then.

  He chuckled. "When we get married."

  "Oh!" Blushing hotly, she pushed away from him and made an ineffectual effort to

  straighten her hair. "I don't know what I was thinking."

  "Bet I do." Wearing a lazy smile, he strummed the backs of his knuckles over her

  breasts. "And I like the idea. A lot. But I want to wait until Saturday night. I want

  to savor the thought of you. Besides, I'm afraid Gladys would whip me if I made a

  wrong move toward her lamb."

  Laura shivered with the sensations his caressing fingers elicited, but forced her

  mind to focus on the question he had broached. "Mandy will take over my

  bedroom, won't she?"

  "I think that's a fair guess. She calls it the Princess Room," he said with a grin he

  reserved for his daughter. "Anyway, it's too small for both of us, don't you think?"

  "I suppose so. And there's a fireplace in the master suite. That might be nice on

  cold winter nights."

  "For atmosphere. We won't need it for heat."

  "No, the house has year-round air conditioning."

  "That wasn't what I was talking about either." His arms went around her and

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  pulled her against him as he bent his head low for another lengthy kiss.

  Laura tried not to think about that kiss the next day as she began, with Gladys's

  help, preparing the master suite for a newly married couple to inhabit. Since her

  mother's death, the bedroom and adjoining dressing area and bath had taken on

  the ambiance of a bachelor's quarters. Randolph Nolan had left his stamp on the


  Without robbing her old bedroom of any of its "princess" charm, Laura moved

  some of her personal belongings into the master suite. She installed new linens on

  the bed and towels in the bathroom. She and Gladys were pleased with the results.

  The suite now had a softer look and feel. The word "romantic" came to Laura's

  mind, but she shoved it aside.

  The day before the wedding, James and Mandy officially moved in, bringing very

  little with them except their clothes, books, records, and Mandy's toys. He had

  sold all their furniture with the house in Atlanta.

  By nightfall, everyone was agreeably tired. Mandy complained of having to spend

  another night in the hotel, but James promised that it would be the last one. His

  good-night kiss left Laura breathless and weak-kneed.

  "Later," he said gruffly when he finally released her.

  The bride had very little to do the following morning except to dread the hours

  before the ceremony and to "make yourself beautiful," as Gladys said.

  In fact, had it not been for Gladys's solid presence at her side at the top of the

  stairs, issuing encouragement, she might not have walked down them to meet

  James when he arrived to drive her downtown.

  "What have I done?" she kept asking herself.

  But when she entered the judge's chambers with him and they began to recite

  their vows, she knew why she had accepted his proposal. She loved him. She

  wanted to live with him. That she would live with him in Indigo Place was an

  added bonus, an almost insignificant bonus, she realized as she turned toward

  him at the conclusion of the short ceremony.

  "Hello, baby," he whispered. His clothing was correct, his behavior above

  reproach. But underneath the decorum befitting the solemn occasion, she saw the

  man, wild and undisciplined and dangerous, an enticing temptation to "nice girls"

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