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The Great Wolf: A Legacy of Kilkenny Novel Book Three (The Legacy of Kilkenny Saga)

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by Dawson, Devyn

  The Great Wolf

  A Legacy of Kilkenny Novel

  Book Three

  By Devyn Dawson

  Published by Devyn Dawson

  ©Copyright 2014

  License Notes

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without the written permission of the publisher. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

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  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. The publisher does not have any control over and does not assume any responsibility for author or third-party websites or their content.

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  Cover design by Devyn Dawson

  Editing by Paris Kelly

  To Aunt Flo

  She would make a fearless Pack Alpha

  The Great Wolf

  Published by Devyn Dawson

  To Aunt Flo

  Chapter 1. Ireland

  Chapter 2 - Workout

  Chapter 3 Date Night

  Chapter 4 Imposter

  Chapter 5 Olympics

  Chapter 6. Through the Heart

  Chapter 7 Going for the Gold

  Chapter 8. The Game

  Chapter 9. The Hunt

  Chapter 10. Torture

  Chapter 11 Incarceration

  Chapter 12 Good-bye

  Chapter 13 The Great Wolf

  Chapter 14 What Is Mine is Yours

  Chapter 15 Day of the Dead

  Chapter 16 Home Bittersweet Home


  About the Author

  Chapter 1. Soccer

  Chapter 2. Casino

  Chapter 1. Ireland

  Less than twenty-four hours ago I was on my farm in Choctaw, Oklahoma, now I’m relaxing at Lyrath Estate Hotel in Kilkenny, Ireland. We rented the entire 137 room hotel for the Werewolf Olympic Games which is slated to begin in one week. I just left Dolly’s room, named; The Room 41, it has something to do with them decorating it like they did in the 1800’s.

  Oakley and I are sharing a room, per Pru’s demand that I not be alone in a foreign country. Since Pru and Oakley aren’t married yet, Dolly is happy to have her daughter as a roommate.

  Bryon and a couple of members from the IT team came out last week and set up the computer system, completely separate from the hotels network. The Inn Keepers, -Kane and MecKenzie Berne are part of the Werewolf Protection Committee. They are werewolves who keep up with the old traditions and run a reform school for rogue wolves. Every few years they’re the hosts of the W-Olympics and offer up their hotel for the American packs.

  “Are you just going to stand around and stare out of the window? I double checked, and the drinking age is 18, so you and your almost- not-a-teenager self can drink.” Oakley hands me my leather jacket and double checks his pocket for the key to the room.

  “You don’t want to unpack first? I’m sure everyone else is unpacking before we hit the pubs.” It isn’t that I don’t want to go to the pubs, it’s that I want to make sure everyone stays safe. Our Pack has a target on our back from the entire supernatural world. We sent witches in to cast a few protection spells over the grounds of the hotel. Kane and MacKenzie were adamant about their approval of any charms placed on their hotel. Thankfully, an agreement was made and we’re safe here, but not at the pubs. The hotel closed their doors to the public, claiming they’re remodeling and will reopen in a month. The games take ten days for the events to be completed and then the pack with the most wins will be the overall winner. “I want to hold a meeting before we go out. Can you have everyone meet downstairs in the conference room? Everyone must go, even if they’re staying in and resting.”

  “Will do, let me text Pru to come down here and stay with you while I gather everyone.” Oakley reaches the intricately carved door just as someone is knocking on it.

  Pru Phelan, werewolf extraordinaire struts into the room. She’s twenty-two and engaged to Oakley, as well as a shaman.

  Oakley takes her hand as he pulls her to him and leans in for a kiss. I avert my eyes, knowing this kiss might take a minute or two. They’re all business when we’re away from the privacy of our lair, but when they’re together at home, they’re blazing with fire. Sadly, I have werewolf hearing and no matter how hard I try to zone into something else, I can still hear every sloppy kiss.

  “You can turn around now Abe,” Pru announces. “Oakley just left. Are you going to tell everyone about mating?”

  “Oh jeez, you didn’t just ask me about mating! I guess I don’t have any choice, so yes, we’ll discuss mating.” My hair feels extra curly as I run my hand through it making sure my gel didn’t clump.

  “Let’s go, Mr. Sex-Ed man.”

  Bryon peeks his head into the room, “You ready?”

  “On our way,” Pru and I say in unison.


  Pru steps out of the elevator first, always on guard to make sure I’ll be safe. She’s not one to trust the charms after what happened in Paris, she doesn’t trust anything. The death of Gus sent her close to the edge of sanity. She’s spent the last year and a half training, determined it would never happen again.

  The doors opened to a large hallway, the high-gloss white tiled floor leads us to the check-in area. We pass a red brick wall with a fire burning in the fireplace. One of the bellhops escorts us down the hall to a conference room. The room is tastefully decorated with crystal chandeliers and gothic paintings on the wall. I pause at the door taking everything in. My wolf is memorizing scents from wolves he’s never met and faces he’s never seen.

  There are two white table clothed tables filled with trays of hearty food. Cheese and meat are adorning the gold serving plates and chafing dishes with sterno heating whatever is inside. My stomach rumbles at the sight of everything. I haven’t had anything to eat since we were on the plane a couple of hours ago. My metabolism has gotten out of control as the wolf in me emerges more often. I snag a hunk of ham and a square of Swiss cheese popping them in my mouth simultaneously. Pru grabs some cheese and shoves them in her mouth causing her cheeks to bulge out on the sides.

  “Damn, I’m so hungry; I had no idea how hungry until we walked in this room. We might have to let everyone grab a plate of food before you give them the speech. The Dallas Pack is here. They sent me a text before I came to your room. We should have chartered a flight and flown together. We’ll keep that in mind for next time. After paying for first class for fifteen people, I bet the price wouldn’t have been too much more.” Pru says as she walks over and grabs more cheese.

  “Yeah, I bet you’re right. Hey, I talked to their alpha for a few minutes and he is going to make an anno
uncement too. Things aren’t looking good in Texas. Remember the issue with humans and other supers collecting supers? Well, I guess one of the Olympic qualifiers is missing. It’s this guy from a California pack. He was on his way to visit his family in Houston, Texas when he disappeared. He was signed up to compete as a sprinter.” It is exhausting trying to keep up with all the responsibilities of a pack alpha. I haven’t officially become the alpha, but Dolly and I have agreed that the Olympics are the perfect time to take over as the leader of everyone.

  The room starts to fill up with everyone; they’re freshly showered and ready to go out on the town. It’s 4:00 pm Kilkenny time, 10:00 am Oklahoma time, and by the look on everyone’s face, it’s party time.

  From behind me, someone clears their throat. Her power vibrates throughout the room and everyone stops talking and turns our direction. Dolly eases herself between Pru and I and claps her hands together.

  “Wolves, we need everyone’s attention up here. Don’t worry, the food will still be there after we go over some base rules with you.” Dolly sets a folder on the podium in front of the large meeting room. “Everyone who has competed before, I want you to migrate to the right side of the room. Your right. If you haven’t competed in the past, go to your left,” Dolly’s voice carries through the room. “I want everyone to pay attention to what Abel has to say. I’d love nothing more than to rush out to the pubs and grab a pint of beer, but right now is business. You’re here as a Pack on a business trip. Jake, the alpha of the Dallas Pack, informed me that a sprinter has come up missing. All US Packs, especially those in Texas and Oklahoma are on high alert. Abel Casey is a target, and to get to him, our wolves in-turn become a target. Don’t trust anyone you don’t know, and be careful about them too. We’re here to win these Olympic games!” The room applauds at the mention of winning. “Everyone must check-in every two hours with your alpha or beta. Now, Abel is going to talk to you,” Dolly steps away from the podium.

  I fidget with the change in my pocket, doing my best to avoid eye contact with anyone. I’m either about to burst out laughing, or I’m going to turn and run straight to the pub.

  “You’ll do fine Abel, stop freaking out,” Pru whispers.

  “Easy for you to say.”

  I walk up to the podium and realize I know almost everyone in the room, except a couple of the wolves from Texas.

  I’ve taken two public speaking classes and watched hours of Youtube videos on how to handle nervousness. I steady my breath and move the microphone closer to my mouth. “Hey everyone, glad to smell everyone cleaned up.” Everyone in the room snickers at my joke. “As I’m sure you’re aware, with so many wolves in one location it can cause tempers to flare and hormones to run wild. I’ve heard from Dolly that this can also be the time to find your true mate. Instincts are what we survive on, and you need to be careful about flirting with another wolf’s mate. Your body and instincts will kick in if you’re really meant for another wolf. Mating is much different from being horny and attracted to someone.” The room chuckles at my awkwardness as I talk about mating. “With so many pheromones and animalistic attraction, you need to be careful. If anyone from the Phelan Pack gets into any type of trouble while we’re here in Ireland, you’ll be on rogue duty for a year.” We send wolves out looking for rogues and bitten humans who are turned into wolves. We then rehabilitate them. It means the wolf can be away from the pack for months at a time, and as pack wolves, we thrive to be together. The younger the wolf, the harder it is to be away. One of our wolves, Parker, would always volunteer for rogue duty. Well, he did, up until he found his true mate Sapphire and they have two children together.

  I glance around the room to see if anyone else is as uncomfortable about this speech as I am. No one seems to be embarrassed or bored. “Each alpha will be responsible for punishing their own wolves. On to other things. The drinking age in Kilkenny is 18 which means almost all of us are legal to drink. My pack is allowed to go to the pubs, but no one is allowed to get stupid drunk. Don’t drink too much, and each group must have a chaperone that is NOT drinking. If anyone is caught drinking and they don’t have a chaperone, they’ll be punished by their alpha. We have three mini-vans with a driver that will drive us around town. The hotel has been gracious enough to put together a tour of the town tomorrow afternoon. If you didn’t sign up when you arrived and you want to go, stop by the front desk and sign up. Everyone, regardless how hung-over you are, you will report to the gym at 6:00 am. You must get your body on Ireland time or next week is going to be a disaster. I see everyone has a glazed over look, so time to grab a snack. Don’t drink on an empty stomach! Six in the morning comes fast. Be safe. Be smart. Be alert.” I glance in Dolly’s direction and she gives me a thumbs up sign.

  “You did a great job,” Pru says as we walk over to one of the tables. “It sucks being a grown-up doesn’t it?”

  Oakley and Dolly are across the room talking about who knows what. My parents aren’t going to be here until next week, so I’m sure it has something to do with me going out tonight. I mean seriously, who goes to Ireland and doesn’t partake in a little fun?

  “Yeah, but it has perks too. Do you know what your mom is telling Oak?”

  “You have wolf hearing too, why don’t you check? I know, you like to give them privacy, but you have no problem if I eavesdrop. Anyway, she’s just making sure he remembers he’s assigned to you for the duration of our stay here and he has to stay sober and alert. We all know it would take a lot of alcohol to get any of us that drunk, we’d heal from the alcohol before it got to that point. You were really good at talking to everyone, those classes you took helped. I could eat these tables, they better finish so we can go find someplace to eat.” Pru abruptly leaves and walks over to her mom.

  I stand there alone, eating cheese and drinking water, the life of the Great Wolf.

  “It will only take a minute, you guys look great but I look like a boy,” Pru says. She had her hair cut short a couple of weeks ago. Now she resembles Ashley Greene with red hair. Typically, she’s modest with her clothes, but recently she started wearing short sleeved black sweaters with plunging necklines, proving she’s all girl. Oakley doesn’t seem to mind, but I think it has to do with her thinking she looks like a boy.

  Oakley twirls around in a circle and mocks Pru by asking if he looks like a boy. Pru reaches over and smacks his arm. The average person could break their hand trying to smack Oakley in the arm. He’s bulked up so much during our training, he’s had to buy a whole new wardrobe. Tonight he’s wearing a white long sleeved button down Ralph Lauren Polo and I’m wearing a red one just like it. Good thing guys can wear basically the same clothes and none of us wig out about it.

  “Prudence, there is nothing on your perfect body that looks like a boy. You’re 100% woman.” Oakley kisses her on top of her head and smiles at me.

  “You always say that, but I’m going to go change anyway, I’ll be right back.”

  Oakley grins and shakes his head at her. “Go on, but I’m starving, so please hurry.”

  “When did she get so girly?” I ask.

  “The minute someone cut a foot of hair off her head.”


  The pub is filled with humans and werewolves from our hotel and others I’ve seen in the Olympic tryout tapes. By the amount of noise it sounds like the party has already started. A girl with big brown eyes and a smile plastered across her face comes over to seat us at a table. I glance at the bar and the first thing I notice is the plethora of Irish whiskey with taps on them like beer has in the United States. My wolf hearing is trying to understand what everyone is saying, but it’s hard since half the voices have an Irish accent. Some are speaking in Gaelic, but most are speaking English. I think I even heard someone talking Spanish, they’re probably someone from a Texas pack. Sensory overload is running through my brain, especially since my body believes it’s an alpha.

  Dolly talked to me about changes a body goes through as it becom
es an alpha. The first thing is the ability to hone into pack members. It makes me uncomfortable to invade into their private conversations and thoughts.

  The hostess is crossing the restaurant with two girls close behind her. The moment she walked by, the air filled with fruity lotion and a sweet lingering scent that put my senses on high alert. Her chestnut colored hair fell over her shoulders in big waves. For a split second, she and I glance at each other and for the first time in my life, my heart quivers in my chest.

  “You okay Abe?” Pru asks.

  “He’s fine, he’s admiring the view.” Oakley and Pru exchange a look, the kind couples do when they’re willing the other to read their mind.

  “Do you know who she is?” My wolf is pushing for me to go over and introduce myself to her. My logical self says to keep my butt in my chair.

  Pru is grinning and shaking her head back and forth. “I don’t know her, but she’s a member of the Dublin Pack. If you’d studied the packs better, you’d know who she is. She’s Brianna Coghlan, the sister of Denny and Marc Coghlan.”

  “I did study the packs, she didn’t look like that in the pictures. She had to have been twelve when they took the pic, she doesn’t look twelve now.”

  The waitress comes over and sets a pint of beer in front of Oakley and I. Pru is our DD although she isn’t driving. “No mind your money, we’re jammy to have the Great Wolf in da bar. Would you like some shorts of whiskey? No worries, we won’t get you too bollixed. Da chef made a beautiful Sheppard’s Pie for all da wolves, would you like a green to go wid it?”

  Hopefully, Pru will have a clue what the waitress is saying. I glance over at Brianna and catch her looking at me. She giggles and shifts her eyes back to her friend. I turn my attention to Pru and the waitress as they discuss our evening dinner. The waitress smiles at Oakley and I as she walks off with her tray.

  “What was she saying? I figured a short of whiskey is a shot, but what about jammy and bollixed?”


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