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The Great Wolf: A Legacy of Kilkenny Novel Book Three (The Legacy of Kilkenny Saga)

Page 8

by Dawson, Devyn

  The building doors are open and cleared out for my pack and Marc. I shift back to tell them everything that happened. Surprising enough, Marc wasn’t acting like a dick and was rather helpful. He called his dad and brother into the meeting and we kept the room closed off to everyone else.

  The sound of Storm’s voice interrupts the room. “Uncle Abel, Pru needs us. She says a bad man has your friend Brianna and he is not being nice.”

  “Storm, you can hear Aunt Pru?” Sapphire asks calmly.

  “Yes Mommy, she said it is because I’m a Super-wolf. I kinda fell asleep, but not really, and she was in my dream. Aunt Pru is a Super-wolf too you know.”

  “I know, honey. Thank you for telling us, you’re very brave,” Sapphire says as she strokes his black hair.

  “I’m a werewolf, we’re all brave.”

  A pounding on the door brings us back to reality. Bryon opens the door and Quinney walks in. Pru must have been able to get in touch with him. He gives me a look, the kind that tells me things have gone south.

  “They’ve tied her to a torture rack and they’ve gone to get that girl from the Dublin pack. She thinks they’re going to….” He turns and sees Storm and stops what he’s saying.

  “It’s okay Mr. Quinney, I know they plan on hurting Brianna, but Aunt Pru will figure out how to save her,” Storm says with confidence.

  Marc sits still, his body is rigid and I see his muscles flexing in his arms.

  “Marc, we’ll get to her. Sapphire, if you don’t mind, will you take our Super-wolf to my mom and dad?”

  We all watch as they leave the room and we can talk openly.

  “If they took her by helicopter, how can we be sure we’ll get to her in time?” Marc demands.

  “That’s a good question. Pru was able to communicate with me within moments of being taken. I’m able to converse with my pack when I’m human. This is not common knowledge and I’d prefer it to stay that way. They’re not far, but since we’re not from here, we can’t be sure where they’d take her. Go grab your dad, maybe he can help us with the logistics.”

  “I’ll be right back.”

  The room goes silent as we all take in the seriousness of the situation. The aroma of coffee reminds me I haven’t had anything to eat since this morning. Out of the blue a tray of sandwiches is delivered.

  “I can’t eat,” Shaynie says.

  “Abel, are you there?” Pru’s voice is faint but clear.

  “Are you okay? Quinney was just here and said you’re with Brianna, what’s going on?”

  “Abe, it’s not good. They’re threatening to give me Amytal Sodium.”

  “Can you fight it? What do you know that they want to know?”

  “Your weaknesses. They want you, and they’re going to any length possible to get you.”

  “It’s okay, we’ll get you.” I’m not sure how to find her, but I won’t give up until she’s safe.

  “They’re going to kill Brianna. You need to save her Abel, she’s your person. She’s your mate, your wolf won’t rest without her.”

  “What have they done to you Pru? You’re not one to talk like that, what happened?”

  “I’ll be fine.”

  “What did they do to you?”

  “My leg is broken, they took a tire iron and broke my femur.”

  “Oh God… I’ll get there…. Don’t give up!”

  I look into the pensive face of Dolly, not knowing how to tell her about her only daughter and the fate she faces. The room is silent and my heart is breaking in a million pieces.

  “I want everyone to leave the room except for, Marc, Dolly, Parker and Oakley. Hurry up, we’re wasting time.”

  There is one expectation, and only one, the alpha will protect his wolves. I’m that alpha, and now I’m faced with two dilemmas, the girl I’m drawn to, or the girl who taught me who I am. No one said it would be easy, but they didn’t tell me it would be my own brethren who would be in danger.

  “Because we’ve taken the drug to keep us from communicating, Pru is able to talk to me and dream walk. Before anyone freaks out, listen to the facts. Pru is hurt, they’ve broken her femur and because of the torture rack, she’s unable to heal. Her legs are pulled far enough apart to keep the bone separated. Brianna is with her, they intend to kill her or draw me out.” Marc starts to say something but Dolly rests her hand on his. “They’re going to inject Pru with Amytal Sodium.”

  “What’s that?” Oakley asks.

  “Basically, it’s a truth serum. They intend to mess with her head enough to get her to tell secrets about my abilities. She says Brianna is my mate, but the abductors don’t know how my wolf feels about Brianna. They know we’ve been out a couple of times, that is why their intention is to torture and kill her.”

  Oakley’s face is turning red and his hands are gripping the side to the table.

  “I have an idea, I need to make a couple of phone calls though. Someone needs to get me the antidote. Not being able to communicate with everyone while I’m human is starting to get on my nerves. Dolly, I want you to get in touch with Chrissy, get her here to heal Pru. She’s going to need supernatural and human medicine. I think she may need to heal Brianna too. Spare no expense. I’m going to call Allie and have her get Arien. He’s been able to communicate with her before; he might be able to find her.” Oakley will hate involving a vampire, especially Arien, but he’d do anything to save Pru. “Parker, talk to Quinney and see if he can get us in the general area of the torture site. I’m taking Shaynie and Marc with me. Before I do anything, I need a minute alone, I need to try to talk to Pru before she passes out. Marc and Shaynie, I’ll meet you outside of these doors. Stay in touch, and if you believe in prayer, now’s the time to do it.”

  Parker walks over to me and whispers, “I’m going to kill every single one of them.”

  It wasn’t a threat, it was a statement. Parker will go through with it too, he’s known for his brute strength and fierce punishment. It isn’t my place to stop him, it’s my place to make sure I stand behind my pack and protect them.


  Chapter 10. Torture

  “Abel, it’s time to make a statement to the pack. We can’t keep everyone in the dark,” Parker’s voice is stern.

  I exhale the breath I didn’t realize I was holding and nod. “No one has been in touch with her in two hours. What do I tell them? That I’m a failure? I can’t even keep track of the one person who’s had my back since day one!”

  I’ve been at the table for the last thirty minutes, waiting on word from the I.T. people here in Ireland. They’ve been working on getting satellite images of the helicopter arriving and leaving, hopeful for a hint as to where they’ve been taken to be tortured. The last communication was with Quinney, he said she was weak and her spirit was down. Why shouldn’t her spirit be broken, I’ve failed to save her.

  “Go get Bryon for me, I’m going to assign him as the spokesperson for the pack. I don’t want to face the hundreds of werewolves out there,” I say and point to the window. Everyone who’s come to the Olympics is gathered outside, waiting for a glimpse of me, to hear me give them words of wisdom and hope.

  “Okay, I’ll get him, but you must talk to our pack and reassure them that we’re going to find Pru,” Parker demands as he walks out of the room.

  My sister said she’d get word to Arien but I haven’t heard from either one of them. For all I know, the vampires are behind the abduction.

  I don’t know how much time had passed. Maybe a minute, maybe ten. The door opens and in walks public enemy number one, Arien.

  “So sits the Great Wolf, the leader of all werewolf-kind, and you’re calling on a vampire to save your ass.” Says Arien, arrogant as always and dressed like a wealthy businessman.

  The door flies open with Oakley rushing into the room. His eyes are wild with fear for Pru. She’s his ‘person’, which makes her his priority.

  “Sit, I don’t have it in me to witness a pissing c
ontest between you two,” I demand. Both of them reluctantly obey.

  “Listen to the big wolf giving orders like a true alpha, I’m impressed,” Arien gloats.

  Without giving him any ammunition, I press forward for information. “You’ve been able to get in touch with her?”

  “I’ve done better than that; I know where she’s located.”

  “Where?” Oakley and I say at the same time.

  Arien sits back in his chair and presses his fingertips together in a triangle. I’d like to knock the smug look off his face, but it isn’t the time to piss off the vamp.

  “I’ll give you the information but it will come at a price,” Arien says.

  I don’t need the antidote to figure out what Oakley’s thinking; he’s mentally calming himself down.

  “What do you want?” I ask.

  “There are two conditions, the first is easy, I will go with you and he won’t,” Arien points at Oakley. “The second condition is for you to postpone your wedding for a year to allow Pru the chance to date other people.” His eyebrow lifts as he finishes his demands, his lip twitches fighting to smile.

  “Like hell I will!” Oakley yells and leaps up from the table. I’m on my feet in an instant to stop him from killing Arien…before we find out where Pru is located.

  My wolf is growling in my chest and by the smirk on Arien’s face, my eyes have gone wolf.

  “Those are my conditions, take it or leave it.”

  I grab Oakley by the elbow and escort him to the door. “Oak, come out here and let me talk to you for a minute.”

  “Take your time wolfy. Tick. Tock.”

  We storm down the hall to the men’s restroom. The smell of bleach and lemons tickle my nose.

  “Oakley, we have to do it, there’s no other way. Nothing has come through so far,” I exclaim. My chest is heavy with the burdens ahead, knowing Pru will freak out when she discovers what I’ve done. What promises I’ve made. How I’ve screwed her wedding plans.

  “You’re okay with the idea of her dating that blood sucking leech? What the hell is wrong with you?” Oakley starts pacing back and forth, pausing briefly to punch a stall door here and there.

  “Of course it’s not okay with me, but it’s my decision. Pru’s never going to go out with him and you can stay here to protect Dolly. I don’t have time to debate this with you. If she’s dead, you’ll never get married.” What I didn’t say was Brianna is with her too.

  “Would you make the same decision if it were Brianna?” Oakley asks as if he read my mind.

  “You have to have faith in Pru and yes, I would make the same decision. He’s making the deal with our human, not our wolf.”

  Oakley scratches his head and pounds his fist into the stall door one more time. “Whatever saves her, but she better be told I wasn’t on board with this at all.”

  “Trust me, everyone will know you’re not on board.”


  We step out of the bathroom and are met with quizzical looks from Shaynie and Bryon.

  Arien is still seated right where we left him.

  “I have a condition of my own,” I blurt out.

  “Do you now?” Arien leans forward, giving me his undivided attention.

  “If she goes on a date with you and says she wants to continue with her plans to be married next summer, you release her of the obligation.” I catch the surprised look on Oakley’s face as I wait for Arien’s answer.

  “Fair enough, but there’s no way she’ll agree to marry the mutt when she can have a pureblood like me.”

  “We have a deal?” I ask, placing my hand on Oakley’s to keep him in place.

  “We have a deal, Abel. I want to be clear about something…If you go back on your word, I’ll kill your mate and your parents. I don’t believe in broken promises.” He watches us for our reaction. “Get together six of your best people and we’ll need air transportation.”

  “We have a military Blackhawk helicopter to use. It’s fueled and ready to go. Where are we going?”

  “They are holding them in an industrial park on the outskirts of Belfast. I’ll give the pilot the information.”

  “Is she okay?” Oakley asks under his breath.

  “She’s suffering, and for that alone, people will die,” Arien states matter-of-factly.


  15 minutes later

  Marc is still fuming about a vampire being with us on the flight. As much as I agree with him, it isn’t the most ideal situation, I know Arien has a fondness for Pru. No one has realized how torn I am between Brianna and Pru’s safety. Pru’s words keep running through my head about how she’s my person. Wouldn’t I know it without a doubt if she were?

  I catch myself rubbing my arm where the antidote was shot into my bicep. Marc received it too. I have two syringes with me for Brianna and Pru. I’ve opened my mind to listen to everyone’s thoughts and made sure no one is privy to mine. They’d be as confused as I am if they could hear what I’m thinking.

  A stupid Olympic game meant for endurance and intelligence has proven to be my Achilles heel.

  After checking out the window, Arien was cleared to tell us what he knows.

  “Before anyone states the obvious, I’m perfectly aware I’m a vampire. Why should you trust me; you may ask yourself. Poppycock! I’m more trustworthy than many of the half-breed mutts your werewolf community is littered with.” His British accent is stronger than I remember it to be when we were in Paris. “Pru’s abductors are from Siya, a little town in Egypt. It’s close to Libya where a huge amount of rogue supernaturals live. Their leader is a man by the name of Tao.” He takes a long drink from his environmentally friendly cup. By the smell of it and the hint of red on his lips, he’s drinking blood. Nice. “Ironically, he’s a werelion.”

  Of course he’s a werelion, why wouldn’t he be the king of the jungle? Does Egypt even have a jungle?

  “I’ve read stories about him. I didn’t realize he was still living. When he murdered a coven of witches in Syria he went underground. That must have been twenty years ago. If he has other supernaturals in his inner circle, they must be as ruthless as him,” Parker says.

  “Yes, he’s unrelenting and that means his followers are as cunning. Our job will be to outsmart them. Years ago, he was known to be ritualistic with his killings. One of the things he’s known to do before killing, is to pray for twelve hours straight. He uses the Book of the Dead for his practices. It’s said, he doesn’t get up for anything or anyone. With that being said, he will have guards to protect him. He’ll have guards watching the victims too.” Arien pauses momentarily. “I have someone meeting us at the landing strip who was once one of the people in his inner-circle. She will be able to give us the low-down on his techniques and how to penetrate his barriers. Be warned, she too is a therianthrope. She’s a werecat.”

  “Are you saying she’s a werelion too?” Parker asks.

  “She’s more than just a lion. She’s able to change into any type of cat she wants. She can be a panther or lion, even a domestic cat. Don’t mistake her kindness as a weakness; she’s a killer without a conscience. The only reason she’s agreed to help us is she wants Tao dead.” Arien sits back and crosses his arms. I’d like to slap him.

  “What’s her name?” Marc asks, his voice dripping with bitterness. His Irish accent is toned down, probably because he’s sober and scared. I’ve been listening to his inner thoughts and he’s petrified of losing his sister. He’s accepted me as the Great Wolf and believes, Brianna, will go with me back to America. He’s been trying to figure out how to ask if he can go with us too, he wants to serve me as a guard. It would be a win win for his pack. We both know his father would be fine with them being part of my inner circle.

  “She goes by, Ard,” Arien answers.

  “Odd name for a girl don’t you think?” Marc asks.

  “It’s short for leopard. She’s mostly known for turning into a leopard, hence the name.”<
br />
  I sit back and close my eyes; it is that moment when I hear Brianna. Her thoughts are clear, she’s praying for me to be okay and to find them. She’s in the same room with Pru, who’s unconscious with her head hanging down. My wolf tenses, he’s angry and ready to punish her captors. I try to see through her eyes, to get a better visual of their surroundings.

  “Brianna?” I say. I know she’s been given the medicine to block the pack, but I’m testing to figure out if she can hear me.

  “Abel? Oh my god, Abe you’re alive! They told me you were dead. Are you looking for us?” Her words are fast.

  “We’re on our way to rescue you and Pru. Is she alive? Are you okay? What have they done to you?”

  “They know she’s a shaman so they asked her about you and your future. They injected her with something, she was screaming ‘no’ over and over. It was horrible. She told him something, and they started talking in another language.”

  “What did she tell them?”

  “That….well, that you and I are…. You are my mate.” Brianna stammers out.

  My wolf practically jumps through my skin. I know the lump in my throat and the swirling in my brain are telling me she’s right. She is my mate. She’s the one. Brianna is the one I’d die for. I’d choose her over Pru. My rescue mission is for Brianna. Who have I been kidding? My wolf never reacted to Chrissy this way, he never felt empty once she was gone. No, my wolf has claimed Brianna as his. I hesitate before I answer her, I let the realization reverberate through my body.

  The helicopter begins its descent to the landing pad.

  “I think it’s why I can hear you. We’re on our way, can you tell us anything about the people who have you?”

  “They’re not using names, just numbers. Most are men, but two are women. They’ve hurt Pru, she’s not doing well. I think her ribs, arm, and leg are broken. A video of tortures they’ve done to other prisoners is playing on a loop. Over and over we watch as different supernaturals are beaten.”

  “Are you on a torture rack too?”

  “No, they have my hands zip-tied to a pole. They gave both of us some type of shot to keep us from shifting, I don’t know what it was though. About ten minutes ago two of the people got into an argument and I think one of them shot and killed the other. They make it obvious they don’t care who they kill or torture, just as long as they are hurting someone.”


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