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Redbone 3

Page 6

by T. Styles

  And now, within a small room inside the Coffee and Wine Inn, the threesome danced on the floor slowly, completely naked. This is what Farah missed, the thrill of the hunt and she had Zashay to thank.

  High off the E and liquor Farah decided to take things up a notch. “How about you sit over here,” she said pushing Antonio to the edge of the bed. His dick was semi hard but it would be rock solid in mere minutes.

  Zashay observed as Farah slithered between his legs and massaged his dick to rigidness. “Damn, sexy,” Antonio said biting the corner of his bottom lip. “Shit feels good already.”

  She looked up at him and winked. “Just think, I haven’t even tasted it yet.” She moaned.

  His head fell backwards as he relished the attention he was receiving. In his wet dreams he imagined that heaven was just like this. But the show wasn’t over. When he glanced across the room his dick thumped when he saw Zashay gripping her breasts with one hand while the other tickled her own pussy. Adding to the exhibit she backed against the wall slid down to the floor and opened her legs wide. Offering him a clear view of her moist pink flesh.

  “Who the fuck are you two?” He moaned. “I ain’t never in my life seen this much sexiness at once.”

  Farah lowered her head and inhaled the soapy fragrance of his skin. In the past she had issues with household products but those problems were of yesterday. Being around The Fold made her stronger and with them she could do more. So the moment they entered the room, the three took a long sensuous shower together and now it was time for action.

  Farah’s tongue slithered along the right side of his dick and then the other. She hadn’t engulfed him fully yet and the anticipation was killing him. He contemplated shoving his dick into her mouth but didn’t want to ruin the mood.

  “Antonio, can I ask you a question?” Farah whispered.

  He gazed down at her yellow ass hiked in the air as she remained between his legs. “Anything, sexy, anything...”

  She giggled. “Can I make you famous?”

  He dropped his head back and said, “Yes. You can do whatever you want.”

  The moment the words exited her mouth Zashay crawled toward them and lowered her pussy on the top of his dick. Up and down she moved as her cream spilled along the sides of his stiffness. Her fuck game was so on point that although Farah remained hidden between his legs, he had no idea what she was doing, nor did he care.

  Suddenly there was a small discomfort below the base of his penis, directly under his balls. It wasn’t enough to cause pain, especially with the sex game Zashay was giving but he did take notice.

  He felt himself about to cum until Farah rose, her mouth covered in blood. His eyes widened. What was happening? They needed to move quickly or he would be terror-stricken and Farah didn’t want him to be fearful. Pain is pleasure was her motto and she wanted him to receive the message fully.

  Zashay slid off of him as Farah quickly jumped onto his stiffness in her place, while fucking him harder in the process. As he observed the crimson liquid over her skin he thought he was losing his mind.

  But why did it feel so good?

  “You got…you got…blood on your face.”

  She smiled and kissed his neck. “No I don’t, handsome. That ecstasy got you tripping.”

  Whining her hips harder, she bucked and stirred so much he figured she was right. Besides it was impossible for something to be wrong when he was enveloped in so much pleasure. Just like Farah, Zashay was now sucking as much blood from his dick as possible. Unfortunately for Antonio, he would be dead by the end of the night.

  And a slice to the dorsal vein on the penis would be to blame.


  Drunk and satisfied, Farah and Zashay entered the foyer of the mansion laughing. The moment they closed the door Mayoni was standing in front of them, arms crossed over her body. “Where the fuck were you two?” She yelled.

  Zashay looked down and cleared her throat, wiping extra blood from the corner of her mouth. “I was just giving Farah some air.” She eased her arm through Farah’s, pulling her closer. “Why…what’s wrong?”

  Mayoni exhaled. “It’s…its…Lootz, he’s been murdered.”

  Zashay’s eyes widened and she dropped to the floor sobbing, while Farah paced in place.

  And just like that the entire night was a miss.

  “Farah, there’s more.”


  Mayoni sighed and wiped her face. “Have you spoken to Mia yet?”

  Farah’s eyes widened. “No, uh, for what?”

  Mayoni gazed at Zashay and then Farah. “It’s your grandmother…she’s been murdered too.”



  “I’ll Always Be A Baker. Dead Or Alive.”

  The Bakers’ shrieking voices stirred Audio’s soul as he circled the floor. Della sat on the couch quietly, bags packed at her feet. Her espresso colored skin, sweaty due to her illness taking up space inside her body. The air surrounding the family was already heavy and yet Audio added to it with his recent act.

  In Audio’s mind the crime was justifiable. Smoke Farah out in any way possible.

  What he didn’t take into consideration was the reaction from his family. Killing Elise caused more tension within the lineage than he envisioned and for the first time he wondered if he’d made a mistake. “So all of this is my fault now?” He paused. The kid was clueless. “They get to do what they want and we do nothing?”

  Killa, Major, Judge and Grant were loading their weapons. With Lootz and Elise being murdered consecutively they were certain that The Fold was invested in the crusade now more than ever.

  “You pushed the red button little nigga,” Grant smirked. “Now you’ll definitely get the blood you desired.”

  “I don’t see why all of this is even necessary,” Audio said eyeing the assault weapons spread along the dining room table and floor. “The beef is with Farah not, The Fold.”

  “Nigga, are you that fucking stupid?” Killa yelled as he wiped the fingerprints off his bullets before loading. “Or just plain selfish? You hit a gang member and an old ass lady in a month! Haven’t given none of us a chance to pop shit.” He pointed at the window. “Fuck wrong with you?”

  “Not to mention we don’t even know who these niggas are,” Major added. “Outside of favoring red and black that’s all the Intel we have. We got no location or direction on them people. And now this.” He paused. “But you never gave a fuck did you?”

  “It’s not like that I—”

  “Answer the fucking question!” Major yelled causing everyone to take a momentary pause. Normally it was Killa who spoke the loudest so even Della was surprised.

  “I wanted her to face us,” Audio said calmly, although somewhat afraid. “And what better way to make her do it than to kill that funky old bitch?” He stuffed his hands into his pockets. “If I’m guilty charge me.”

  “Stupid lil nigga,” Major said shaking his head.

  “Our family is in added danger now,” Judge added. “Trust me, that move was the dumbest thing you could’ve done in this war. Family members are always off limits and you went and killed their Grams.”

  “You act like your wife is here. She down south, so she safe.”

  He cleared his throat. “Don’t make a difference if she down there or not. Ya’ll are here so it’s the same to me.”

  “Well I don’t see it that way,” Audio replied plopping on the sofa.

  “And that’s usually the mark of a selfish nigga,” Judge continued.

  “You know what, leave the kid alone,” Grant said. The creepy smile that always dressed his face still in place. “He moved from the heart and now we have to add to his actions.” He shrugged. “Maybe this is the thing we needed to go forward.”

  Judge frowned. “You can’t possibly think that what he did was right.”

  “It’s not about it being right,” Grant explained. “It’s about what’s being done now. We can’t change the pa
st. But we can make the right moves going forward.”

  “This won’t end well,” Major whispered.

  “And that’s why I sent for Tanoyka and Quipper,” Grant continued. “They’ll be up some time next week.”

  Killa’s eyebrows rose. “You called up more cousins already?”

  Grant smiled manically. “Yep. With this move we need more assistance and who handier with .45’s than them?”

  Killa shook his head.

  “Well we not paying for the stay,” Major advised. “We barely got enough paper to pay your tab now. Not to mention the piece of pie going toward Slade’s attorney is getting smaller by the day.”

  “Don’t worry, their fees are on me,” Grant winked.

  Della wiped her hand down her face and observed her family. This was not what she wanted. When the trip started from Mississippi her only request was to keep her sons together. And now they were further apart.

  One was in prison. One was murdered and the others were walking dead men. “Audio, I want you to take a look at your family right now.”

  Audio sighed. “Ma, I—”

  “Take a fucking look at them!” she yelled.

  Audio observed his kindred.

  “At the end of this war some of us won’t make it and it will all be your fault, son. Are you ready to live with that kind of guilt? Because it’s coming.”

  Audio shook his head. “I just wanted her to face us, ma. I wanted her to pay for what she did to Knox.” He hadn’t said a thing new which had Killa wanting to drop him.

  “No, what you wanted was things your way despite Slade being in prison waiting on an attorney we can’t afford. We aren’t even working with Willie anymore because this thing with Farah has consumed you. That means no extra cash is coming in.”

  He stood up and grabbed his gun, tucking it in his waist. “Even if I have to kill them niggas one by one that’s on me.”

  There was no getting through to him. So Killa rushed him, pushed him against the wall and lifted him off his feet by his collar. He loved plastering him against the wall for effect.

  He breathed heavily into his face. “You see that woman over there?” He pointed at Della.

  Audio’s eyes widened and he swallowed. “Yeah, I see ma.” He huffed.

  “Nah, nigga, that there is my mother. She can’t be yours with you moving the way you do in these streets. So let me make shit clear. If something happens to her, you as good as dead.”

  “Brian!” Della yelled. “That’s your brother!”

  “Nah, ma,” Killa continued, “He need to hear this.” He eyed him closely. “You ain’t no Baker.” He released him. “Nah, you a gunner who going for self.”

  Audio frowned and choked back the tears that wanted to roll. “You got it messed up, bruh.” He smacked the wrinkles out of his shirt. “I’ll always be a Baker,” he huffed. “Dead or alive.” He stormed out.

  Della sighed when the door slammed. “He can’t receive you now, Brian.” She paused. “Needs more time to understand where he’s gone wrong. And that he can’t take Slade’s place.”

  “I know, ma. But I’m getting tired of it now. I’m sick of trying to explain to that nigga why he has to stay under control. He needs to get himself together and be the grown man he proclaims.” He sighed. “Forget all of that, let me help you up.”

  “Yeah, ma,” Major added. “Your plane leaves in two hours. On everything the last place you need to be is DC, especially now.”



  “I Can’t Be Caged Forever.”

  Farah walked the last box into Shadow and Mia’s new apartment in Baltimore. It was a small abode, not big enough to call a home. But who needed space when the waking hours would be consumed with getting revenge?

  After Elise was murdered a week ago Shadow made a decision that he was no longer hiding under The Fold’s protection. Instead he elected to enter the light and Mia agreed to go with him for retaliation support.

  “That’s the last box, brother,” Farah smiled breathing heavily. “I don’t know why you wouldn’t let The Fold help. They wanted—”

  “I’m done taking handouts from them,” he said cutting her off. His eyes narrowed as he moved closer. “Look, I appreciate your peoples. I do. But I’m not a dame and I don’t need saving. What I need is vengeance and that’s all the fuck I care about these days.”

  Farah shook her head. “This is not smart, Shadow.” She paused. “The Fold got people waiting to catch the Bakers slipping right now. Don’t forget, they killed Lootz so they out for revenge too.”

  “Like I said, I fight my battles,” Shadow said. “So do me a favor, go on back to your little soldiers because we got this over here.”

  Mia sighed. “So you gonna fight Farah about not moving out everyday?” Mia asked. “If so I think you’re wasting time. Besides, they are after her more than us and I feel safer with her being in the mansion than out here.”

  “She’s a traitor,” Shadow said firmly knowing it would hurt.

  Farah felt she couldn’t breathe upon hearing those words. Part of her hesitance from leaving with Shadow was because Bones deposited into her mind daily all of the ghastly things the Bakers threatened to do to her if caught. And she believed him, not knowing that most of what he claims was all deceit.

  “We’ve all killed in the past,” Farah reminded him. “Nobody is innocent here.”

  His jaw twitched. “So you making excuses for them niggas murdering our Grams?” He paused, nostrils flaring. “At the end of the day the Bakers assassinated her and Slade gave the order.”

  Her eyes widened. “He would’ve never done anything like that. If this move was done, trust me when I say he didn’t know anything about it. This was solo.”

  He chuckled. “If you really believe that put it on Chloe’s soul,” Shadow continued. When she didn’t respond he nodded his head, having gained satisfaction. “Exactly what I thought.”

  Defeated, Farah plopped on the only chair in the living room. “Shadow, I know you don’t think I have your back. Which is fucked up because I’ve never been afraid. You know me. I’m ready for anything.” She looked at him and then Mia. “All I’m saying is leaving the mansion when we don’t know where they are is a death wish. And whether you hate me or not I want my brother to survive.”

  “News flash, Farah. Them Bakers still posted up at the Platinum Lofts! The niggas moved us out!” Shadow yelled. “Roaming around like nothing happened. They think we jokes. And you know why they’re so comfortable staying there?” Because they don’t consider us a threat. And you know why they don’t consider us a threat? Because we haven’t done shit but hide for a year. We been laid up in a mansion eating coochie while these niggas out here killing our people.”

  “Don’t lump me in with the pussy eating shit,” Mia frowned. “And they only killed grandma. Please don’t make it sound like they knocking Cottons off left and right.”

  “You know what I mean.”

  “Shadow, do you agree we’re at war?” Farah asked.

  “Been saying it from the gate.”

  “Then how you gonna fight without soldiers?”


  “They took Grams and somebody paying for it.” He grabbed a few bills off the table and stormed out the apartment.

  “They’re going to kill him,” Farah warned. “If we don’t get a hold of him they’ll bury him in the concrete.”

  “Don’t say that,” Mia exhaled. “I can’t take anymore blood.”

  “What should I do, sister?” Farah pleaded, feeling her face flushing. “Should I stay in this apartment and fight? Or should I stay at the mansion? Because I don’t know what to do right now.” She could feel hives popping up over her skin.

  “You’re not gonna do us any good by being out here. Just you sitting here scares the hell out of me. The only reason I got some relief is because I know we’re in Baltimore and the Bakers are in DC.” She paused. “So please, stay where you are. I�
��ll talk to Shadow.”

  Farah shook her head. “I’m thinking about going to see Slade. Maybe he can make some of this go away.”

  Mia sighed. “Can’t say if I agree or not. I can’t even say the war will stop if you do. So for real that’s your call.”

  “It can’t hurt to try right?”

  Mia exhaled and stood next to her. “They took Cotton blood, Farah. And that means at least two Bakers have to fall. If a truce is called after that than so be it but not a day before.”


  Farah walked to the Lincoln Town Car that was waiting in front of Shadow and Mia’s apartment. The driver, a white man, opened the door and she slid in back next to Bones. “Hives huh?” He softly gripped her chin and moved her head from left to right, carefully examining her face.

  She nodded. “Yep.”

  “You always did where your feelings on your face.” He paused. “How’s it going in there?” He pointed at the building.

  “I’ve seen better days.”

  Bones sighed. “Anything I can do?”

  “You’ve already done enough by getting The Fold involved. Although I think Mayoni and Carlton hate me for it.”

  “Why you say that?”

  “They brought me in, introduced me to you and now they act like they don’t know me. Or even like me.”

  He looked out the window. “Don’t worry about them. I’ll talk to ‘em. It’s tough on everybody because Lootz is dead.” He paused. “You know you’re safe as long as you stay with me right? And that the Bakers will pay for your grandmother and Lootz?”


  “But why do I have a feeling that you don’t want that?”

  “Want what?” Farah asked with raised eyebrows. “Want for the people who killed my family to come to justice?”

  He laughed. “Exactly.”

  She shook her head. “You’re probably reading me wrong, Bones. I mean, I want someone to pay. But I don’t want one of my siblings to be killed in the process. Look at everything that’s happened so far.”


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