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Harry Potter and Philosophy: If Aristotle Ran Hogwarts

Page 27

by David Baggett

  Caesar, Julius

  Calvin, John

  Campbell, C.A.

  Categorical Imperative

  Chamber of Secrets

  on house-elves

  Chang, Cho


  through actions

  through choices

  choices, importance of, to character


  on God

  and morality

  on ultimate reality

  the “climber”

  cogito ergo sum



  and confidence, relation between

  strategies for


  Crouch, Barty Jr.

  Cruciatus curse

  Dark Arts

  Death Eaters

  death and immortality in Western culture

  Delacour, Fleur


  Descartes, René

  Meditations on First Philosophy

  Diagon Alley

  Dickens, Charles

  A Christmas Carol

  Diggory, Cedric

  discrimination, meanings of


  Doctrine of the Mean

  domination, unacceptable forms of

  Dostoevsky, Fyodor

  Dowling, Colette

  Dumbledore, Albus

  on death

  on indifference, damage of

  on Kreacher

  on the Mirror of Erised

  on money and life, as choices

  on prediction

  strength of

  virtue of

  Dursley, Dudley

  Dursley, Petunia

  jealousy of

  self-deception of

  Dursley, Vernon

  the Dursleys

  obsession with normalcy

  self-deception of

  Edwards, Jonathan


  Einstein, Albert

  The Empire Strikes Back

  ethical subjectivism



  deceit of

  as dehumanizing

  as lies

  as parasitic

  as privation

  as self-destructive

  weakness of

  the Experience Machine

  danger of

  limits of

  fantasy-worlds, spatio-temporal relations of


  Fidelius Charm

  Figg, Mrs.

  Filch, Argus


  Flamel, Nicholas

  Flanders, Ned

  Floo powder

  flying car

  freedom/free will

  and causal determinism

  challenges to

  and divine foreknowledge

  paranormal challenge to

  and prophetic foreknowledge

  reconciling with foreknowledge

  religious challenge to

  scientific challenge to

  friends, types of


  full sense of

  moral effects of

  Fudge, Cornelius

  self-deception of

  Gandhi, Mohandas K.

  Gates, Bill

  Goblet of Fire

  Hagrid in

  Harry in

  Hermione in

  house-elves in

  Quidditch in

  Triwizard Tournament in

  Voldemort in

  Goleman, Daniel

  Vital Lies, Simple Truths


  Granger, Hermione

  as ambitious

  based on Rowling

  equality of

  hard work of

  on house-elves

  independence of

  key role of

  logic ability of

  moral maturity of

  rescuing others

  Gryffindor House


  character of

  friends of

  and Harry, friendship between

  happiness, achieving

  hard determinists

  Harry. See Potter, Harry

  Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. See also The Sorcerer’s Stone

  Harry Potter stories

  as alternate reality

  conferences on

  controversy about

  disapproved actions in, types of

  discrimination in

  divination in

  equality in

  ethics in, of magic

  evil in

  fatalism in

  female characters in

  friendship in

  good and evil in

  honesty in

  magic in

  magical places in, location of

  moral complexity in

  and moral relativism, issue of

  and occultism concerns

  power of love in

  rule-breaking in

  self-sacrifice in

  time travel in

  Hegel, G.W.F.

  Hermione. See Granger, Hermione


  co-education at

  as coordinated with Muggle


  houses of

  location of

  and Narnia, difference between

  virtues at


  honesty, advantage of

  Hospers, John


  enslavement of

  indifference to

  Hufflepuff House

  Hume, David

  on personal identity

  A Treatise of Human Nature

  imagination, importance of

  Imperius Curse

  James, William

  The Varieties of Religious Experience


  Johnson, Angelina

  Kant, Immanuel

  Kierkegaard, Søren

  Concluding Unscientific Postscript

  King, Martin Luther

  the Knight Bus


  types of


  Land of Oz

  “leap of faith”


  Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm

  Discourse on Metaphysics

  Lestrange, Bellatrix

  Lewis, C.S.

  Chronicles of Narnia

  The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe


  literature, and morality, connection between

  Locke, John

  An Essay Concerning Human Understanding

  Lockhart, Gilderoy

  Longbottom, Neville

  courage of

  as friend

  love, as deepest reality

  Lovegood, Luna

  Lupin, Professor

  Luther, Martin

  lying, moral rule against

  Mackie, J.L.

  Mad-Eye Moody


  and applied science, analogy



  and science, connection between

  Malfoy, Draco

  friends of


  The Matrix (movie)

  Maugham, W. Somerset


  Mavrodes, George

  McGonagall, Professor Minerva



  Mill, John Stuart

  Mirror of Erised

  authenticity problems of

  limits of


  in Christianity

  and self-interest

  moral obligations, and God

  moral relativism

  Morris, Tom

  Munch, Edvard

  The Scream



  as amoral

  Nearly Headless Nick

  Neville. See Longbottom, Neville

bsp; Newton, Sir Isaac

  Nietzsche, Friedrich

  Nozick, Robert

  Nussbaum, Martha

  Nyberg, David

  The Unvarnished Truth


  Order of the Phoenix

  on death

  dementors in

  Dumbledore in

  Gilderoy in

  Harry in

  Hermione in

  Kreacher in

  Mrs. Weasley in

  Snape in

  Unforgivable Curses in



  Parfit, Derek

  Reasons and Persons

  Parkinson, Pansy


  Peirce, C.S.


  personal identity, questions of

  Pettigrew, Peter

  Philosopher’s Stone. See also Sorcerer’s Stone

  The Philosopher’s Stone. See also The Sorcerer’s Stone

  Pinnock, Clark

  Plank, Professor Grubbly

  Platform Nine and Three-Quarters



  Polyjuice Potion

  Pomfrey, Madame

  positive illusions

  question of evidence for

  Potter, Harry

  ambition of

  bravery of

  character of

  courage of

  strategies for

  and dementors

  fear in

  and Hagrid, freindship between

  honesty of

  and Mirror of Erised

  mother’s love of

  and Pensieve

  and Ron, as friends

  seeing through Voldemort’s eyes

  step of faith

  in Triwizard Tournament

  Potter, James

  Potter, Lily


  as destructive to society

  wrongness of

  Prisoner of Azkaban

  Hermione in

  as movie

  time travel in

  psychological reality

  Quidditch, women in

  Quirrell, Professor

  Rand, Ayn

  Ravenclaw House


  religious faith, and imagination

  Riddikulus! charm

  Riddle, Tom

  Ring of Gyges

  Rowling, J.K.. See also under individual titles; Harry Potter stories

  Russell, Bertrand

  Sartre, Jean-Paul


  arguments for

  dangers of

  of the Dursleys

  role of

  Shacklebolt, Kingsley

  Ship of Theseus

  Skeeter, Rita

  skepticism, danger of

  Skinner, B.F.

  Skywalker, Luke


  Sliders (TV show)

  Slytherin House

  ambition in

  virtue of

  Snape, Severus

  as ambitious


  soft determinists

  Solomon, Robert C.

  Solzhenitsyn, Alexander

  Sorcerer’s Stone. See also Philosopher’s Stone

  The Sorcerer’s Stone

  the Dursleys in

  Hermione in

  Neville in

  Snape in

  Sorting Hat in

  Voldemort in

  Sorting Hat

  S.P.E.W. (Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare)

  Sprout, Professor

  Star Trek

  Stevenson, Ian

  teletransportation, and personal identity

  Theodoric, King

  Thorndike, Lynn

  History of Magic and Experimental Science


  tensed view of

  tenseless theory of

  time travel

  causal loops in

  Tin Woodman

  Tolkien, J.R.R.

  Lord of the Rings

  Tonks, Nymphadora

  traditional morality, assumptions of

  Trelawney, Sibyll

  Triwizard Tournament


  coherence theory of

  correspondence theory of

  pragmatic account

  Twain, Mark

  Huckleberry Finn

  Twelve Monkeys (film)

  Umbridge, Delores

  the Unforgivable Curses

  universalizable acts

  Vader, Darth


  at Hogwarts

  and magic

  virtuous character

  criteria of


  appearance, of

  character, of

  dehumanizing of

  disembodied survival of

  as evil

  friendships with, as corrupt

  greatness of

  lies of

  as parasite

  on power

  sacrificing others

  weakness of

  Weasley, Arthur (Mr.)


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