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Critical Intelligence

Page 13

by Mandy M. Roth

  Unbuttoning his shirt quickly, she took it off and let it fall to the floor. “No,” she said, moving to walk past him. The cool air in the room made her exposed nipples stand on end. A slow smile spread over her face as she watched Roi’s body tighten. “I’m planning on hitchhiking, but not in your precious shirt. Fuck you and your mercy.”

  Roi was quiet for a moment. His tongue darted out and over his bottom lip. She would have found the entire act erotic if it wasn’t him performing it. “You can’t go out like that. You’re naked.”

  “You’re so astute. I don’t think I’ll have any problem getting a ride this way. Do you?”

  A feral look came over his face, making her take pause. Alpha leaked off him in waves. Backing up, she tried to put as much distance between them as she could. “I said that you aren’t going out like that and I’ve already told you it’s not safe right now. What part of that are you having issues with, Melissa?”

  “Hmm, let me think, oh the part that has me penned up here with you.” Staring at him as he stood there was almost too much.

  Something akin to pain flashed over his entirely too handsome face. He leveled his gaze on her and smiled. “You’re sexy when you’re mad. Hell, you’re sexy all the time.”

  “Pfft, Roi, it’s clear to see why there is no evidence of a woman living here.”

  “This isn’t my main home, Melissa. I didn’t take you there.” There was something in his tone she couldn’t make out.

  Shrugging, she did her best to play off the fact that it hurt to know Roi didn’t think enough of her to bother taking her to his home. “Wonderful to know where I rank, Geoffroi. I’d offer to take you to my place but I want you in my house about as much as you wanted me in yours. I need my clothes and my phone.”

  He crossed his arms over his large chest and raised a brow. “Do you need to call Eadan?”

  “Well, he would have fucked me when I asked him to and not have thrown it in my face after the fact. He’d have eased my pain and not been a total and utter dick about it.”

  Roi cocked his head to the side, his eyes spinning with yellow and blue. Missy tried to remember to breathe, but facing a man who thought of her as a whore, a spy, and the enemy while he was on the verge of a shift wasn’t what she wanted to do while she was not only unarmed but facing a man she didn’t want to harm.

  “Is that what you are, Missy? Are you a spy? Did you shake your ass in front of me and bat your eyes, knowing I’d be unable to resist? Did you stage the entire event last night to assure that you’d end up in the safety of at least one of the I-Ops’s arms?” Roi asked, his voice sounding deeper than normal.

  Her mouth fell open. How could he believe that about her? Better yet, how had he known what she’d been thinking? Her decision to leave was the right one. It was clear by his accusations that he wasn’t her friend or her mate. But it was better that way. It was better that he thought the worst of her, that he believed she was the enemy. It would keep him safe. “Yes, it’s all true. You were supposed to trust me.”

  “Lies, lies, lies.” Roi’s eyes went wild with color as he made a move for her.

  Missy readied herself in case Roi decided to attack. The idea she could have been wrong about him never hurting her caused her more pain than Roi ever physically could. She’d been so scared of how she felt for him from the moment she laid eyes on him that she’d done her best to keep her distance both physically and emotionally. She’d been wise to do so. It was evident by the situation she now found herself in. Roi took a step closer and she backed up, hitting the wall. She knew that she had nowhere else to go but through him. If she had to, she would.

  Please, God, don’t leave me with no way out but through him. I can’t hurt him. Please.

  Roi narrowed his gaze on her. “Why can’t you hurt me?”

  “Huh?” The moment she said it, she knew what was going on. Roi was listening in on her thoughts. That surprised her. “It’s rude to eavesdrop on other people’s private thoughts.”

  “It’s also rude to lie to my face, yet you have no problem doing that, Melissa.” He shook his head and laughed. “I’m trying to head off something horrible. I won’t let PSI take you in for questioning. It doesn’t matter if they’re the good guys, if they want to know something they will get it out of you.”

  “I know,” she whispered.

  “Baby, if you know, then why are you fighting me about staying here?”

  “I have to go to my house. I need to get to something before they do, Roi. Please.”

  He sighed. “Baby, it’s really hard for me to swallow that you’re with PSI. I’m sorry if that hurts your feelings but it’s true. A PSI agent wouldn’t have fallen as quick as you did, blinded by a new weapon or not.”

  Missy knew that. She didn’t need Roi to point it out. There was no way she was about to admit that she was too worried about him to watch out for herself. “Roi, please…”

  He shook his head and tossed his hand in the air. “Forget I asked. I mean, come on. You want me to believe that a girl in her twenties has worked for almost nine years with a branch of the government that is sending an interrogation team to the I-Ops headquarters as we speak? Do you even work there at all, Missy? It’s virtually impossible to get in touch with the director. And very few people have ever met him face to face. It’d be easy to lie and tell me that no one but him knows about you. I’m guessing you could lie and Eadan would swear to it.”

  Missy’s eyes filled with tears that she desperately tried to blink away. She almost told him he was right, that she was feeding him lies, but she couldn’t.

  Goddammit, I’ve been trained to lie under any circumstance imaginable and I can’t do it worth a shit to him. He better not be my mate or I’ll shoot myself and save the PSI rogues the chance … I can’t win with him. I give up.

  “Melissa, I’m positive you’re my mate. That’s why I can read some of your thoughts. Sure, we’ve got kinks to work out on that end, but still. And I’ve already hidden my weapons, so you can’t shoot yourself. Sorry about that.”

  “You hid your weapons? You thought I’d hurt you?” There was no way she could hide the shock and hurt in her voice. Rubbing her hand over her neck, she closed her eyes as she felt the effects of the chemical they’d injected her with kicking in again. There was no way she was going to go through the effects of it with Roi again. He’d been too willing to not only turn her away but also throw it in her face. No, Roi didn’t want her. She’d figure something out. Eadan would help if she needed him.

  Eadan? Are you there? she pushed out, down the mental path she’d established with Eadan long ago.

  He was quick to respond. Missy-bean? Ohmygods, are you okay? I’ve been worried sick about you.

  She couldn’t help but smile when she heard him answer back. I need to get home, now.

  In a flash, Roi was before her, clutching her chin and grinding his hips into her stomach. The hard bulge in his pants dug at her as he tightened his grip on her. “End the connection with him now, Melissa. You’re my mate and I told you…”

  She ignored him. Eadan, are you home?

  No, I’ve been searching for you. The guy you left with doesn’t exist, Missy. Tell me you’re not still with him. Tell me that you’re headed home now. Put my mind at ease.

  I can’t.

  Roi shook her. “End the fucking link, Melissa!”

  Missy glared at him as he rocked against her body. “No.”

  Damn it, Missy. He could be working for anyone. Get the hell away from him any way you can. You’ve my permission to exercise any amount of force necessary to do so. I can’t pick up on your location. Someone is masking your presence from me like… like… what happened before.

  Roi won’t hurt me. At least I don’t think he’ll hurt me.

  “How in the hell could you ever think I’d harm you? You are my mate,” Roi said firmly.

  She had to laugh at that. “No I’m not, Roi. I’ve met my mate before. You aren’t him. He was
kind, loving, and would never treat me this way.”

  Roi looked as though she’d slapped him. “You’ve already met your mate? That can’t be, Melissa. I’m him. I’m your mate.”

  Missy-bean, what’s wrong? Eadan asked. I’m sensing you’re upset. Are you hurt? If he hurt you at all, I’ll kill him.

  Eadan, he’s one of the Immortal Ops, she returned.

  Roi snorted harshly. “Yeah, ask how Blondie likes me now? Punk ass son-of…”

  Missy smacked Roi hard in the face again, shutting him up. His eyes swirled more as he thrust himself against her so hard that pain radiated throughout her body as Roi smashed her against the wall.

  Is he part of Team I or Team II? demanded Eadan.

  She didn’t want to alert Eadan that she was scared of Roi so she did her best to hide her fear. I think he’s part of Team I.

  You think? Melissa, is he or isn’t he? I need to know. Is he the one—

  Something snapped her connection to Eadan, cutting it off instantly.

  “Look, I ended the link for you, Melissa.” Roi’s long tongue darted out and ran over her cheek, causing her pussy to quake with anticipation and her heart to speed with fear.

  “Get away from me. I think we both know that the only reason you’re standing here is to prove you can have whoever you want. You don’t want…”

  Grabbing her breast with his free hand, Roi squeezed it. A low growl emanated from his throat. Missy couldn’t move, couldn’t breathe. “I do want to fuck you, Missy. I want to feel what it’s like to have my bare cock buried so fucking deep in you that you beg me for mercy. Why is that? I bet you know. Oh yeah, because I’m your mate. What I don’t understand is how you weren’t sure if I was a shifter or not last night. See, you’re either one hell of an actress or a woman who was given only tiny pieces of the puzzle. I want you to tell me while I fuck you. I want to hear your sweet voice whispering the truth while I’m in you to the hilt.”

  He licked her face again and put his lips against her ear. “Does that make me an animal or just a man tired of having your hot little ass waved in my face, teasing me, taunting me all while I’m hearing lies come from you?”

  “No, no, not an animal… Please, Roi.” When he didn’t move from near her neck, her breathing became shallow. He was a predator in every sense of the word. He was also Roi, the man she could have staked her life on never hurting her. The man she’d truly believed was her mate before he’d shown her this side. She’d been wrong only once in her lifetime when it came to someone’s character and didn’t want Roi to be the second. He had his faults. He was too cocky, too pushy, too horny, too Roi, but oddly enough, that side of him was growing on her. This wasn’t the Roi she’d thought about nonstop for weeks.

  “Who are you?” she asked softly, not understanding how his personality had changed so much.

  He reached down between them and began working his pants open. “I’m the man who’s about to fuck you.”

  That statement should have scared the hell out of her; instead, her mouth went dry and her breasts ached for his touch.

  “If you really wanted me, you’d have taken me the first time we met,” she said boldly.

  “Oh, I wanted to fuck you then too, Melissa. I’ve wanted to sink my cock into you from the moment I laid eyes on you, but you couldn’t care less. I’m tired of waiting for permission to fuck you, waiting for the thumbs-up to proceed safely, and I’m to the point that I couldn’t care less if you hate me or not. You’re my mate and it’s time you learned what that means.”

  “Roi, I don’t hate you.”

  Lifting her up and off her feet, he pressed his lower half against her mound. The head of his cock pushed at her, digging to get in. Her mind screamed at her to keep her legs shut, but her body acted of its own accord, opening to welcome him.

  Grabbing hold of her arms, he pinned her to the wall. “Tell me you don’t want me to take you here and now and I’ll let you go. Say it and mean it, Missy. If you don’t want me as much as I want you, I’ll hand you your clothes and phone back. Hell, I’ll drive you where you want to go. But you need to mean it.”

  Missy’s eyes widened as Roi aligned his cock with her entrance.

  “Answer me, Missy,” he growled out. “Do you want me in you? Do you want my cock buried deep in your body?”

  What did she want? Did she want to run or did she want all that he promised? Penetration. Satisfaction. Pleasure. Danger. “Yes. I want you in me.”

  With that, he thrust into her, tearing her open with one hot, long, hard shove. Pain rippled through her as his girth pried her open to the brink of breaking in two. He continued to enter her with his seemingly never-ending shaft. It had to stop soon. She couldn’t take any more.

  Roi growled as he continued to push into her. “You’re so tight. Uh, Missy.”

  Missy cried out as a cross between a moan and scream broke free from her. “I can’t… Roi!”

  He clamped his mouth down onto hers and shoved his tongue in, allowing her no time to protest. His cock rammed deep and she yelped into his mouth. Roi snarled as he bit gently at her lips. Her body ached, burned everywhere from the massive intrusion that was causing her to cream like she’d never creamed before. The wet sucking sound of sex surrounded her as he withdrew slightly from her, before slamming back into her. Gasping, she fought to redirect the burning pain that was laced with so much pleasure that she never wanted it to end.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Roi held tighter to Missy’s wrists and he pumped the full length of himself into her body. She was so wet, so tight, so perfect. “Nirvana,” he whispered as he continued to take what was rightfully his, what was his own personal heavenly oasis—Melissa. She shifted and winced beneath him.

  Pulling out halfway, he stared down at her. “Does it hurt?”

  Missy cupped his face gently and gave him a soft smile that made his chest ache. “Baby, you aren’t a small man.”

  Arching his brow, he leaned in and captured her sweet lips. The kiss was sensual and perfect. “Mmm, I know. What I don’t know is if I’m hurting you. If I am I’ll stop.”

  She tightened her legs around his waist, driving him back into her. Her tight pussy squeezed him to the point he wanted to burst. “Fuck me hard. I want all that you promised.”

  Hearing Missy tell him to fuck her hard just about did him in. Knowing he wasn’t going to last long in her silken depths, Roi did as she instructed—he fucked her hard. The beast within wanted out. It wanted to mark her. So did Roi. Needing her to acknowledge that she belonged to him, he pumped into her fast, making tiny yelps come from her. “Mine,” he growled out. “You are mine, Melissa. No one else’s. Now and forever.”

  Missy moaned and bucked against him, nipping playfully at his lips as he rode her body. “Mmmhmm.”

  “Am I yours, Missy doll?” he asked, doing his best to hold off his ejaculation.

  “Yours… I’m yours, Geoffroi, and you are mine. No one else’s. Just mine,” she panted.

  Saying he was elated was an understatement. He wanted to run through the streets with a flag of victory held high in the air. Never in his long life did he ever think he’d feel this victorious, this ecstatic, this happy pledging himself to one woman and one woman alone. As Missy’s tight channel grasped at his shaft and her scent assailed him, he knew he would never look back, never look at anyone but her.

  “Ahh, right there, yes there!” Missy wrapped her legs around him tighter, squeezing his midriff as he continued to sink into her. Her hot core grabbed hold of him, acting as a vise on his cock to the point that if he moved another inch, he’d more than fill her with his seed.

  “I’m coming, Roi… oh, gawd, yes, fuck me harder, harder!”

  Ah, hell!

  “In you or on you?” he asked, his breathing labored. The muscles in his neck bulged as he fought to restrain not only the beast within, but his orgasm as well. His balls tightened to the point they hurt and he had to struggle to keep his teeth from leng


  “Do you want me to come in you or on you? There’s no going back, Miss.” He bit each word out as his body threatened to shift shape while still in Missy. Somehow, he didn’t think that would go over well. “Hurry, decide!”

  Ah, hell!

  Every bit of reason in him told him to pull out and ejaculate on the floor, but when his balls drew up even more and his back went rigid, he knew it was too late. Seed shot forth from his cock, filling her womb, saturating her with his lycan semen, and forever sanctifying an unbreakable bond between them.

  “Mine,” he whispered. He knew his eyes had shifted.

  The second Missy looked up at him, he saw hers shift to ice blue. “Yes, I’m yours and you are mine. Don’t ever forget that, Majors.”

  Missy threw her head back and rode him wildly as he continued to deposit his rich seed within her. His mouth burned for the change. The wolf within wanted to bite her, mark her too, claim her and then fuck her again.

  Just when he thought he couldn’t possibly have another ounce of come left, his cock twitched and spit forth another load. Waiting until the last wave of his seed spilled into her, he pulled out slowly and let Missy down gently.

  Her swirling gaze shifted downward and a sultry smile played across her face. “You’re still hard.”

  Glancing down, his eyes widened. “Damn, I am going to die of erection overload.”


  His cheeks reddened as he gave her a sheepish smile. “Missy doll, I’ve had a hard-on since the moment I laid eyes on you. I just had the most incredible sex ever and I’m still hard as a rock. Woman, you are going to kill me.”

  “Maybe,” she said, dropping to her knees before him. “Or maybe not.” Her hot mouth clamped around his cock and they moaned simultaneously. She pulled back long enough to look up at him. The sight of her long black lashes and dark brown eyes staring up at him was one of the most erotic things he’d ever seen. “You taste like us, and it tastes like heaven.”


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