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Ecstasy Bound

Page 11

by Kerce, Ruth D.

  Certainly, if they were Xylons, she would understand them even without her translator. Her stomach suddenly clenched. What if they weren’t Xylons at all? But were… No. It couldn’t be.

  “Oh…ah…” The sexual explosion they always gave her was only moments away.

  The first of many, she hoped.

  The man had her legs hooked over his arms as he thrust repeatedly into her cunt while on his knees. He grunted with each powerful lunge. “Duni, Tar’a. Duni.”

  She didn’t know what his words meant but her name spoken in his deep voice sent her into a state of pure pleasure and racing toward orgasm.

  The other man’s hands slid along her arms and down to her breasts. He tweaked her nipples and she squirmed. A deep chuckle reached her ears. He apparently had figured out that she enjoyed having that done to her.

  He tweaked her nipples harder. “Duni, yunep!”

  “Ah!” The pleasure zipped through her body like an electrical current, hitting every nerve as the orgasm erupted inside her and spread.

  The man fucking her groaned. He continued to fuck her, even after her orgasm began to wane. The other man twisted her nipples, not letting her relax.

  “Oh!” Her body came back to life immediately. Her clit throbbed anew. She felt something hard and moist being slowly pushed into her ass. She didn’t know what it was, but the ecstasy was incredible, especially with a cock still in her pussy.

  Yes. Fuck me. Something warm rubbed against her clit. She came hard. Each time she felt the incredible sensation, she came until she was sobbing. She’d never felt anything so powerful in her life. The man fucking her finally came in her pussy. They both shook and moaned from the intensity. That’s all she remembered before her eyes drifted closed and she passed out.

  He collapsed beside her, totally spent. Completely satisfied. After recovering his breath, he removed the Clans’ specialized sex tools from her clit and ass, then rose to lick one of her nipples. How she made him come so hard every time he fucked her amazed him. She was an incredible woman.

  In one sense her effect on his emotions and physical being angered him. He was supposed to hate her. But he never had. Not even the first time when he had found her dying in the rubble and discovered who she was. Something about her called to him, to a soft side deep within him that he had not even realized existed.

  As she healed, something inside him was healing too. The anger he had held in his gut all these years ebbed more and more each day. He never had felt as venomous as the rest of the Clans but a certain resentment still existed, a feeling practically inbred in him against those who ruled the planet. As such, he had tried to keep some distance between himself and the woman by limiting communication. It had not worked. She still got to his heart.

  Or maybe the incredible sex had simply fogged his thinking. Even injured, she knew how to make a man feel complete. At full health, she would be a sexual phenomenon.

  The trust she had shown by allowing them to help her humbled him. He sucked her nipple into his mouth, delighting in the taste, not able to get enough of her. He ached to lick her entire body. And would do so. Soon. But he wanted privacy for that.

  “She sleeps,” his companion said. “Do I fuck her anyway?” With a look of sexual intensity on his face, he stroked his hard cock.

  Letting her nipple slip from between his lips, he looked up at his clansman. “She does not need your seed at this time. Can you wait?” He needed to be alone with her.

  To savor her. Besides, her brain still was not fully functional and he felt extra protective about exposing her to too much.

  “I cannot wait but I will take care of my needs myself and let her rest.”

  “Good. She will heal,” he said looking back down at her, knowing she just needed time now. “That is fairly certain. Though she will still need us both for a while.”

  “And afterward? Which one of us gets her if the Clans allow it?”

  His gaze snapped up sharply. The thought that another might want her for his own had never crossed his mind. She belonged to him. But now was not the time to dispute ownership of the woman, for as he had said, she would still need both of them for a time.

  He would also need to convince the others not to torture and torment her in revenge for policies and experiments she had played no part in. They had a long road ahead of them. Any and all allies would be needed and appreciated.

  “We will handle things as they come. Go. Relieve yourself.”

  The other hesitated, still looking hungrily down at her.

  “Now. I tire of looking at your cock jutting in my face.”

  With a grunt, the man turned and left them alone. “I will return later,” he called back over his shoulder. “Next time, I will fuck her first.”

  “Do not count on it, my friend,” he whispered, stroking the soft skin of her stomach. “This woman is mine.”

  * * * * *

  Nav-Control Ship FSMF-36, Deep Space

  Frost stared at the technician in disbelief. “Are you certain?”

  “There’s no doubt. Both readings are the same.”

  “Keep this to yourself for now. I will issue orders soon.”

  He nodded and returned to his station. Frost sat down in her command chair and fingered the control device around her neck, now fitted with the new plug-in tracker.

  She could hardly believe the report she’d just been given. She knew where Kam was.

  An almost unbelievable coincidence.

  No, actually… It most likely was not a coincidence but a carefully calculated plan by Daegal. She needed to find out from her contact.

  He’d given her the other tracking information—the one that identified the spy who was supplying information to Daegal. He believed the informant would turn and serve them for a higher price. He’d left the negotiations to her, the timing and the details, since she had a talent for such things. Plus, it would allow him to remain anonymous.

  But he hadn’t said anything about Kam being at the same location. Maybe he didn’t know. Daegal certainly knew, if the spy had kept him informed. If Daegal was keeping information from her contact, he might suspect some sort of betrayal. On the other hand, if the spy was withholding information from Daegal, then he was probably trying to work a better deal. She’d have to be extra careful from here on out.

  She began to believe that she should just go ahead with her own plan. Not give anyone an advantage that could be used against her, if they didn’t already know this information. Several Xylons might have survived, as Kam had. And in the same location.

  A slow smile crossed her face as her fingers stroked the control device.

  She’d had to engage the controller for the tracker to also engage. The test had gone well. She knew Kam had felt the effects, for she’d monitored the change in his body.

  She’d disengaged the controller once she had what she needed.

  Now that she knew exactly where he was she could begin taking over his actions.

  How much control she’d exert depended on whether the others were with him. Once she made contact, she’d know.

  She didn’t trust anyone to do this but herself. She stood and walked off the command level and headed toward her quarters, where she’d have privacy. Her heart rate kicked up with each step. If what she suspected was correct, her goal would be much closer, achieved much sooner, than she’d ever dreamed possible.

  Fate and the ability to manipulate others made life so incredibly tasty.

  Chapter Eight

  Planet Xylon

  Auxiliary Underground Shelter

  Frustration rolled through Briggs. He was tired of waiting. He could be putting his time to better use than standing here in the middle of the conference room, waiting for someone to tell him what to do, as if he were some lackey. He was accustomed to being the one giving orders, not being in the position of an observer with no say in what was going on.

  He glanced up at th
e cameras mounted in the corners. He was not thrilled about this ceremony being recorded.

  For a brief moment, a vision of some sex tape of him spreading across Earth’s internet filled his mind. He could see the caption now. Aliens fuck with U.S. Military.

  Literally. He’d bet that would get a hell of a lot of downloads.

  On the flip side, he pictured the video being used to teach future medical personnel about the new rite, if it ever had to be repeated to get more chemically altered sperm for the needed shots. Not the way he wanted to go down in history.

  He’d rather be memorialized for his military service than the workings of his dick.

  Brianna was the main woman he’d be fucking, along with possibly one or two others. He couldn’t refuse to participate. But he didn’t intend to just roll over and let them, well, butt-fuck him to their hearts’ content.

  He and Brianna had been through a lot together. He felt a connection with her and he didn’t want to use her simply as a cum receptacle. Even for an experiment. Brianna deserved more than this kind of cold joining. Cold, unemotional, since he wouldn’t be letting his innermost feelings run free while others watched. Physically, he suspected they might burn down the walls.

  He was feeling as if his time was growing short. He needed to report again. To warn his superiors about the planned spinal fluid extractions, since he didn’t know how much they’d been told. Probably not everything because he couldn’t imagine them sending him all the way out here without being fully informed.

  As he headed toward the door, determined to take some action while he had the chance, Laszlo entered, stopping him in his tracks. Damn.

  He wiped all emotion from his face, determined to keep his feelings to himself. He had to remember that this was a military operation and these people, though not the enemy, were not necessarily his friends. An image of Brianna came into his mind but he pushed thoughts of her aside before he said or did something contrary to his military training.

  He immediately picked up a bad vibe as he studied Laszlo. The look on the man’s face was definitely not good. He almost hesitated to ask—more trouble was not what they needed. “Problem?”

  Laszlo dragged a hand down his face. “Only minor, but aggravating. We’re going to have to delay the ceremony a bit. Something is not coming out right in the tests.”

  Even though the man had said minor, the tone in his voice made it sound like anything but. If they couldn’t perform the ceremony and get the formula they needed for the injections perfected, Earth would certainly fall into the hands of the Egesa, for the military couldn’t protect the planet with no immunity from the alien poisons and diseases he’d been told about. “Just aggravating, not serious?”

  “No. I really don’t think it’s going to be a major problem. The levels in the drugs we need to give you are just a little off from what I’d like them to be for the best effect. I’ll get Leila’s help and we’ll straighten it out. In the meanwhile, use the extra time to rest.

  You’ll need all your strength and endurance for later.”

  He decided not to ask anything further about the formula but to wait and see if they could get things fixed. Concentrating on the negative did no good. Besides, there wasn’t anything he could do to help correct the problem. On the up side, with everyone busy, maybe he could finally find a quiet corner to transmit from. “Actually, getting some rest sounds good to me.”

  “Use my private quarters. You won’t be bothered there and it has a real bed.”

  Briggs eyed him in surprise. He was offering his own quarters? That sounded almost too good to be true. He’d have complete privacy and could take his time reporting to Earth. A real bed would be a nice treat as well. He hadn’t slept much lately.

  “Are you sure?”

  A smile crossed Laszlo’s face. “I won’t be using it. I think you’ll find the room very appealing.”

  * * * * *

  Planet Earth, State of Colorado, U.S.A.

  Underground Tracking Facility

  Jaeda sat on her bunk with her back pressed against the wall and her legs crossed.

  Kirk sat in a chair across from her with a mug of coffee in his hand. The aroma made her nauseous and her head hurt. This had not been a good day.

  “Sure you don’t want a sip?” he offered.

  “I’m sure. Do you have anything that’ll give me a buzz? I’ll take some of that, if you do.”


  She nodded. She wasn’t much of a drinker but right about now a shot would go a long way to numbing her out. Besides, she was off duty and entitled after the day she’d had.

  “Not on me.” His eyes filled with concern.

  “Too bad.” Kirk had been a good friend to her and he always listened. He didn’t go about constantly trying to prove how great he was, nor did he make excuses if he screwed up. She respected that. They made a good team.

  Silence hung in the air between them. A comfortable silence, as was only experienced between friends.

  “So, what did the General say?” he finally asked, after taking a sip from his mug.

  “How’d he take the news?”

  She’d rather not think about that. Her head still pounded from their encounter.

  “Let’s just say he was less than thrilled.”

  “I’m sure. But is he going to act?”

  She shrugged. “I don’t know. Since we don’t have any real proof of what that blip was, he wasn’t immediately impressed. He’s going to get back to us on it after he and his staff study the reports.”

  “What about the message from Briggs?”

  “You know that came in garbled.”

  “But we extracted some of it.”

  “Not enough in his estimation to properly interpret the transmission.” Enough in her estimation, combined with their computer readouts, to know that something bad was headed their way, just as predicted. They needed to prepare now. Not wait for absolute confirmation. It could be too late then.

  They had no way of contacting Briggs and requesting a retransmit of his message to confirm one way or the other the status of the project. Taking the warning signs too lightly could prove deadly in the end. She understood caution but it seemed as if they were being too cautious.

  Maybe the General was acting behind the scenes without her knowledge. She wouldn’t put that past the military and had actually begun to suspect such even before now. These people weren’t stupid, after all. Nor were they the bad guys, so she supposed she needed to show a bit more trust, hard as that might be for her.

  “So what do we do?”

  “Keep monitoring. I’ll pull in a couple of favors. We might be able to get some additional information from my sources.” Since working here, she’d felt so cut off from everything she’d known before. She barely had time to keep connected with the important people in her life. Now she needed their help.

  “Do I want to know from whom?” He eyed her curiously.

  “No.” Though Kirk had been a good friend, she’d still kept a few things about herself from him.

  Complete trust of anyone did not come easily to her. Self-preservation did.

  He chuckled and stood from the chair. “All right, boss.” He checked his watch. “Get some rest. I’m on in fifteen. You’ve got six hours. Make use of the time.”

  “Oh yes. I’m going to enjoy those hours.” Her body tingled, looking forward to a long sleep, for she knew exactly who was waiting for her in her dreams—a sexy man, with a very lickable cock.

  * * * * *

  Planet Xylon

  Auxiliary Underground Shelter

  Brianna turned off the computer. She hadn’t found any sign of Daegal via the deep space tracker. So, basically, they knew nothing more than they had known before she’d started the search. Not that it had surprised her. If Daegal was well on his way and past the mid-galaxy marker, they likely wouldn’t be able to pick him up with the outdated equipment dow
n here.

  She’d alerted Braden in the control room about her findings or lack thereof. He hadn’t been happy. Without proof one way or the other, they pretty much had to take Laszlo at his word. The consequences for Earth were too severe if they didn’t and he was right. Not knowing when Daegal would reach Earth, if indeed he was on his way, made the situation even more grave.

  She stretched out on Laszlo’s bed. After sleeping on a mat all these nights—well, sleeping maybe, but not restfully—a soft, thick padding beneath her felt great. She’d checked in with Laszlo again briefly, after contacting Braden, and knew the Initiation had been delayed. Nothing seemed to be going their way lately. Her nerves and her emotions were shot.

  Thinking to get some sleep, she let her eyes drift closed. But she didn’t feel sleepy.

  She felt itchy…or something. With a sigh, she shifted positions, hoping it would help her feel more comfortable. She really did need to relax. Once the ceremony got under way, she’d need all her energy and then some.

  With her eyes still closed, her hands slid down her uniform, lightly massaging her body. Her earlier sexual thoughts returned. She wondered what they meant, if anything. Normally, she had more control over her daydreams, if that’s what they were, but these odd visions seemed to pop up at the most inopportune and unusual moments.

  If she didn’t know better, she might even have believed they were breeder visions. But that was impossible, for her object of lust wasn’t a Xylon male.

  She opened the front of her uniform and slipped out of the garment. She knew she had plenty of time to herself and wouldn’t be disturbed. Maybe she could finally get that sexual relief she’d needed so badly earlier. With the Initiation delayed, she felt justified in taking care of herself so she could relax. Then she’d sleep and be fully refreshed later for the ceremony.

  An image of Sam entered her mind and she smiled. She’d been burning to fuck that man for a while now but too much had been happening. The Initiation wouldn’t exactly be the best circumstances either. Not with all the people who would be watching. They wouldn’t be able to express their feelings except physically. Nothing wrong with that but she wanted some private time with him. To tell him how she felt.


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