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Shenda (Heroes of the League Book 10)

Page 12

by Frank Carey

  "Lucien, its Shenda. Something is seriously wrong," she said, while pointing at the screen.

  Harm sat down and looked at an image of Shenda looking up at the camera. She was in a darkened room, standing in front of a terminal, her eyes white and glowing.

  "Losi, it's OK. Now, tell me what I'm looking at."

  In a halting voice, Losira explained, "Ciara was worried you had too much on your plate, so she asked if I knew about a security breach a few days ago. It happened during a meeting you attended along with her and several members of a delegation from one of the new worlds looking at joining the League..."

  "Yes, the Tungustans. Nice people. Very calm. We were with them all day."

  "Well, someone used your access codes to enter the secure terminal room on level six near Shenda's quarters. The user accessed the logs pertaining to your mission to Vodalorn. This was the security video from the room."

  Harm turned back to the feed and rewound to when the user entered the room and accessed the terminal. After a few minutes, the user stood up to walk out. As she took a final look around the room, she looked directly at the security camera. It definitely was Shenda.

  "Damn, Shenda," he said, "Not a good look." His fingers flew over the keyboard.

  "What are you doing?"

  "All Cube security cameras overlay scan data on top of the video and embed it for future review. It allows Security Division to determine whether the user is the proper species for their identity."

  The view changed as scan data was brought forward. It showed Shenda surrounded by a reddish glow. Harm typed some more, and a picture of Shenda from right after she entered the room appeared next to the glowing one. There was no glow around her. "Just as I feared, she's got a non-corp inside her." He typed more commands and a flashing “?" mark appeared. "Her new friend doesn't seem to appear in the League registry of AI's and spirits..."

  Losira looked at him in shock.

  "What? It was the AIs idea, not ours. They wanted to make sure innocent members of their kind weren't mistakenly blamed for 'events', so they created the registry."

  "Oh," Losira replied, adding a sigh of relief.

  "Let's try expanding the search into places we're supposed to go..."

  The screen lit up with a single name...


  He read the attached file...

  Harm leaned back in his seat and stared at the screen.

  "Lucien, what is it?"

  "Muntz, Head of Special Projects Division and the man who tried to turn me into an assassin. According to the file, that power mad zealot created a living vessel for an entity he stole, an entity known as Cleth, and guess where Cleth is from?"


  "A large plateau on the planet Vodalorn. According to the report, Shenda and her siblings are the vessels for this Cleth demon."

  "No, that's impossible."

  "Oh, it’s very possible. Muntz took my DNA and used it to create Shenda, Torren, Christa, and Bobby, then he implanted Cleth in them for the express purpose of bending Cleth to his will."

  "Oh my God, Lucien."

  "I know this is a nightmare. I don't know if Ciara knows. If not, should we tell her? Think about it, my kids are carrying around a demon, and they probably don't even know it. Kids..." He stopped. "Computer, open a priority one comm channel to Torren Aymar on Ventos Prime, double scrambled."


  "Dad, is that you? Where are you?" Torren said as the connection was made.

  "No time, Torren. Are Bobby and Christa with you?"

  "Yeah, we're having a party tonight and..."

  "Go find them and bring them to the communicator and make sure the three of you are alone."


  A moment later, the three sibs entered the room and closed the door behind them. They sat down in front of the camera. "OK, we're here and alone," Christa said. "Dad, what's up? You're scaring us."

  "Sorry, but we're kinda in the middle of a crisis here. I need information. Tell me about what happened on the asteroid when you saved Aerith."

  "Our eyes went white, our voices got deep, and we were able to throw Atmar across the room with only our thoughts," Torren explained. Then we channeled Gloria to help us save Aerith."

  "Anytime since then?"

  "Yeah, the eye-thing happened twice in the last two weeks, but I was alone or with Bobby," Torren continued. "I don't know about Christa."

  Christa nodded. "Once about two weeks ago and again a few hours ago," she explained. "Dad, what's happening?"

  He explained what he and Losira had found.

  "Wait a minute," Christa exclaimed. "You're really our biological father and SpecPro had something to do with it?"

  "Yes, and though I'm pleased as punch about the former, I plan to have words with OffSec about the latter."

  The conversation was interrupted by a knock at the apartment's front door. Moments later, a contingent of the Royal Guard entered the room. The guard leader walked up to the feed and came to attention. "My Queen!"

  "Lt. Morta, report!" Losira replied.

  "OffSec informed us of a plot by Lortan and his insurrectionists to kidnap one or more of the Aymar quadruplets. We have been ordered by the Queen Mother to take all four into protective custody."

  Harm looked at Losira, then back to Morta. "Lieutenant, take Christa, Torren, and Bobby to Castle Atlantea’s infirmary. Queen Losira will be in contact with the staff to issue instructions. No one, I repeat, no one is to get near those three until we contact you with counter-orders. Understood?"

  "Yes, My Prince!"

  "Good, now put the kids back on."

  "Yes, sir!" Morta replied as Harm's kids came back into view.

  "Kids, listen carefully. Go with Morta to the Infirmary and do whatever the docs there tell you to do. No questions, no guff, understood?"

  "Yes, sir," they replied as one.

  "Good. I'll explain everything the first chance I get."


  "Yes, Christa?"

  "We're glad you're our real dad," his daughter said with a smile, "regardless of any stinking genetics." The other two nodded in agreement.

  "And I'm so glad I'm your father."

  "Bring back Shenda," Bobby added.

  "I will. Now, put the lieutenant on."

  "Sir!" Morta said as he returned to the screen.

  "Transfer me to the Infirmary!"

  "Yes, sir!"

  The screen changed to a rotating Royal Seal as the call transferred.

  "What are you thinking?" Losira asked.

  "I think Cleth is trying to return to his point of origin with Shenda along for the ride. I'm worried he might be trying to break his confinement in the kids." Harm said.

  "At this distance?"

  "That's what worries me. I think Christa, Bobby, and Torren are in danger, and Shenda is not aware of it."

  "OK, let me talk to my staff," she said.

  "Go ahead. I have to set up a call with the Cube. Let me know when you're finished.

  Harm got up and headed forward, while Losira talked to her staff. Before calling the Cube, he made a call to the Searcher to confer with his wife.

  "Marta, it's Harmon," he said as a comm channel was established.

  "Harmon! What the hell is going on? We're getting reports of crashed ships and kidnapping attempts."

  He explained.

  She was shocked.

  "Do you think Shenda is aware of all this?"

  "I don't know. I don't know how much control Cleth has over her. My gut tells me she may have been misled by the demon, but that may just be my dad genes kicking in."

  "How are you holding up?"

  "Truth be told, I've had better days. How about you take over saving the League from ethereal creatures while I grow pansies in my garden?"

  "Works for me. Hang in there, my love. We'll get through this together."

  "Damn skippy, Marta McMurphy. I love you."

  "And I love you, Har
mon Aymar. Searcher out."

  Harm sat quiet for a moment while collecting his thoughts. "Computer. Connect me with Cube Director Ciara Devlin, same priority and security level."


  "Harmon, are you all right?"

  "Yes. Security scans are clear out to one parsec. I've deployed leading and trailing sentry bots per protocol. Any new developments?" he asked as Losira joined him.

  "Communications Division is still processing the logs from the Rachel. We think she landed on a large plateau with Shenda still aboard. We got word of a kidnapping attempt to be made against Shenda by operatives under orders from your old friend Lortan. It's possible the attempt was what led to the crash of the Rachel. You should also know we've heard word of a coup attempt against Losira. We've informed Ventosian Security and the Queen Mother. She has requested I come and give her a personal briefing. I'm leaving in an hour." Someone off-camera handed her a report.

  "What's happened?" Losira asked.

  "Tench Rescue Services have picked up the crew of the Rachel sans Shenda. For some reason, she rode the wreck down to a crash site on what the Tench refer to as a haunted plateau. It's supposedly home to a demon."

  "She was probably trying to steer the wreckage clear of inhabited areas."

  "That's what we thought. The strange part is what the crew reported happened before things went sideways. They all report the kidnappers' weapon power packs shorted out, instantly killing every kidnapper aboard the Rachel. And it wasn't just the personal weapons. It sounds like the weapons aboard the kidnapper's shuttle shorted out as well, which caused the shuttle to explode. Harm, what the hell could do that?"

  Harm looked at Losira before answering. "Ciara, you'd better sit down," he said before launching into the Cliff's Notes version of what he and Losira found. When he finished, he watched Ciara as shock spread through her.

  "That son-of-a-bitch Muntz! I never authorized any ops involving demons or your kids. I promise you, heads will roll before this is over. Dammit!" She stopped and thought for a moment. "This could become an interstellar incident. Have you told the Tench yet?"

  "What would I tell them? My daughter is bringing back their missing demon?”

  "I see your point, but we've got to tell them something?”

  "For now, let's just stick with my having to find Shenda. I know their leader, and she'll be fine with that. Once this shit storm has blown over, we can send in a diplomat to deal with the fallout."

  "What's your plan?"

  "Losira and I are going to go down and retrieve my daughter. I'll work out the details when we get there."

  "Keep me posted and good luck. Oh, and try not to get killed in the process."

  "Copy that," Losira said from the cabin."

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Shenda woke up to find herself still strapped in the pilot’s seat. She looked around and realized the helm station had miraculously remained intact while the rest of the bridge, and the ship for that matter, had disintegrated around her. Above the sounds of the jungle, she heard a voice.

  "Welcome to Vodalorn," Cleth said from his perch on top of what was once a quad thruster pack.

  "Are you responsible for my surviving the crash?"

  "We both were, though the effort took a lot out of you. You've been asleep for several hours."

  "So, that's why I feel like plark. Did any water or food rations survive?" she asked, while unbuckling herself from her seat.

  "An emergency kit made it. It's over by that deflector generator against the big tree.”

  Shenda stopped. "Our powers don't work here. If they did, you would have lofted the kit over here."

  "You are very perceptive. To answer your question: no, our telekinesis powers do not work here."

  Shenda walked over to the kit and opened it. "If your powers are muted, how do you plan to vacate my body and my siblings’ bodies?" She pulled out a pistol and utility belt, which she checked before strapping it on. Once armed, she grabbed a bottle of water and drank deeply.

  "We have to find the temple, a structure which is the point of origin for the energy dampening field which suppresses my powers while keeping Hernog and me apart. Once we find this structure, we must neutralize the field."

  "I hate to ask this, but do you know how to neutralize this field?"

  "I am hopeful that you can perform this task using your skill and aptitude for solving problems."

  Shenda finished gearing up before policing the area. She found several bottles of water which she used to top-off her canteen before quenching her thirst. "Which way?" she asked as she checked the compass she took from one of her utility belt pouches.

  "East by northeast, about twenty miles. Do you see that double peak in the distance? Head there."

  "Copy that," she said while grabbing a machete and a pack from the kit and heading into the forest. Before she entered the tree line, she happened to look back and see that Cleth was gone. "Wonderful," she murmured as she headed off into the dark forest beyond.


  Several hours later, Shenda had made it halfway to her goal. The shadows were getting long, and she was tired. She called it a day and made camp next to a shallow cave near a stream, after first checking the opening for signs of any current occupants. Satisfied, she started a fire before pitching a small tent from her pack. By the time she was finished, the sun had set while the stars gathered above her.

  "It's beautiful here," she said to no one in particular.

  "Yes, very, but even beauty such as this wears thin after a while."

  "How long were your here?"

  "We lost count of the years. See that bright blue star up there to the west of zenith?"

  "Ah, we call that Sugar Roy after the first explorer of the system."

  "When Hernog and I were banished here, that star was two hand spans to the west of its current position."

  Shenda performed some mental calculations before whistling. "OK, that was a really long time ago. Why were you banished?"

  Cleth jerked his head up to look at her, while his breath became slightly heavy. "I don't know. One minute we were together on our home world, the next, here, separated, most of our powers gone." He continued to stare at her, unblinking.

  "Well, it doesn't matter. Soon, you and Hernog will be together. Any plans for the future?"

  Cleth relaxed. "See this galaxy. The League is full of people we would love to meet."

  "One final question. You're able to manifest telekinetic powers when we're outside the influence of this field. Can you read minds as well?"

  Cleth laughed. "No, and neither can I influence your actions. Think of me as a fire hose that needs a fireman to point and control."

  Shenda smiled while trying to control the panic rising inside her. Her father and aunt had both taught her and her sibs how to read people. She was positive Cleth had lied to her about not knowing why he and Hernog were trapped on this plateau. Trying to put the thoughts of dread aside, she banked the fire before crawling into her sleeping bag. Sleep was long in coming.


  After a night of fitful sleeping, Shenda rose with the dawn and prepared for the new day. After a breakfast of rations and a cup of tea, she put out her fire and broke camp, stowing the tent and sleeping bag in her pack. With one final look around, she crossed the small creek and headed east by northeast toward the twin peaks while around her the forest life switched from night to morning songs.

  "Hey, Cleth, tell me about Hernog," Shenda called out to forest.

  Cleth appeared, walking next to her. "You can actually walk?" she asked, having only seen him sitting on this, that, or another thing.

  "Yes, I can walk since I am only a figment of your imagination. As for Hernog, she is a lithe spirit. Like me, she can join with other lifeforms. Of late, her preference has been what you call butterflies."

  "She sounds nice."

  "She is, mostly, but she has a temper, especially if I'm threatened."

  "You ca
n be threatened?"

  "Yes, as can Hernog. For instance, we can only survive short periods outside of a living host. If our host—vessel, if you will—is killed while we are inside, then we will die as well, taking the other with us. We have had several close calls in the past."

  "Oh. Then why butterflies?"

  "Her butterflies are carnivorous and have adaptive optics scales which can concentrate sunlight into laser beams. More than one carnivore has become food for the scavengers after Hernog finished with it."

  "Wow. You two sound like you would be extremely formidable when you’re together as one."

  Again the jerk of the head and the heavy breathing. "When we're together, we are interested in more intellectual pursuits."

  "Right. Tell me, why do you take this particular form when we talk?"

  "It is the form my people took before crossing over to the next continuum, when we became non-corporeal."

  "And Hernog would kinda look like you?"

  "Yes, sort of. Your turn. Tell me about your father and mother. I have never manifested while they were present, so I know little about them from a personal standpoint. I can see you get your eyes from your mother, and I assume your elf traits are from Harmon."

  Shenda got the impression Cleth was trying to change the subject, but she played along. "My siblings and I are adopted. We don't know who are parents are."

  "Really? I came across a file from Special Projects Division which stated that Harm was, is your genetic father. I assumed you already knew this."

  Shenda stopped dead in her tracks and looked at the phantom standing next to her. "What did you say?"

  "Harmon Aymar is one of your parents. Did I forget to mention that back at the Cube? Forgive me; I have a lot on my mind."

  "Does he know?"

  "He was never told by his captors, and the project was buried after Special Projects was disbanded, so I doubt it."

  Shenda fought the urge to hyperventilate. "This can't be happening. Who the hell gets adopted by one of their birth parents without either knowing they're related."


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