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Shenda (Heroes of the League Book 10)

Page 23

by Frank Carey

  "Alaina?" Ruby said in shock. "Where the hell are you?"

  "Ruby? Is that you? My gods, where's your mobile."

  "Dr. Terfial, did Chrome destroy Crystal?" Chasm asked, in an attempt at bringing order to the confusion.

  "You had the dream? Yes, Crystal is no more and the psychic anguish of the dead is being felt by all the survivors. A few thousand of us escaped. We were on our way to Keystone when we picked-up Opal's distress beacon. What has happened?"

  Chasm looked at Ciara, his eyes pleading for help.

  "Doctor, my name is Ciara Devlin. I am the director of this facility. I will explain everything. Eric, transfer this call to my office."

  "Aye, ma’am."

  Ciara patted Chasm on the hand as she headed out of the room.

  Chasm looked around, still shaken by the vision of his planet being destroyed. "Where is General Aymar and your mother?" he asked Shenda.

  "They took Dad and Gloria down to the tombs along with a security team. They found Opal's ship."


  Marta took point as they entered the restricted storeroom. Not bothering with her armor's headlights, she opted for augmented vision.

  "See anything?" Royce asked as he and the security force moved into the room, flanking Marta to the left and right."

  "Nothing yet. The scanner shows the beacon coming from dead ahead and to the right.

  "Copy that. This place gives me the creeps."

  "Me too.”

  "Got something," Royce said. “Just up ahead.”

  "What is it?"


  As they approached the source of the beacon, Marta spied something on her side scanner. She raised her fist and whispered "Hold!"

  "Why are you whispering? We're using scrambled suit comms," Royce pointed out.

  "Sorry. Habit. On your ten o'clock, five yards."

  "Got it," Royce said while thumbing his safety off. He walked over to a wrecked crate. He reached down and picked up a slat which had the packing list still attached. "Dammit," he said as he dropped the piece and scanned the area with his weapon. "Eye's up. We've got a suit on the loose."

  Marta and the Security force went to defensive postures. "Type?" she asked.

  "Something called a 'Specter.' Its twenty years old and..."

  Something large and grey jumped out of the shadows and grabbed Marta by the throat, slamming her against the wall while tearing her weapon out of her grasp. Before anyone could react, the suit had the rifle muzzle pressed against Marta's helmet. "Back off, or this trooper dies."

  "I think not, Opal," Chasm said as he pressed the muzzle of his blaster against the suits skull. "I've initiated a scrambler field around this room. If I fire, you will be forced out of that body and directly into the field, killing you instantly. Now, put the nice lady down and carefully give her back her weapon."

  "Chasm. Fancy meeting you..."

  "Do it! I've had a plarking bad day, and I'm in no mood for games."

  Opal did what she was told.

  "Now, turn around."

  She turned to face one very angry black elf. "Who are you?" he demanded

  "I'm Opal. Don't you remember me?"

  "If you were Opal, then you would know we've never met. I was conceived days after your disappearance. Now, who are you? Or do you want me to start carving away pieces."

  "I am Kerus, bond mate to Vapin, the one you know as Chrome."

  Harm and Gloria ran up, escorted by three members of security

  "Kerus, you will go with these two people and do everything they ask of you, understood?"

  "Yes. You do know that when Vapin finds you holding me against my will, he will kill you all."

  "Bring it, Sister. I look forward to ending his miserable life for breaking mission parameters and attacking these peaceful people."

  "What the hell are you talking about, corporeal?"

  "I forgot that you've been on ice for the last three years. Vapin used Harvest Moon to attack a planet and a space station. He added to his crimes by kidnapping five members of a military team. Your boyfriend has declared war on people who could have helped Crystal. For that, he, and anyone who helps him, must be terminated."

  "Wait! You think I had something to do with that? Vapin's lost his freakin mind. I..."

  "Silence!" Chasm yelled, startling everyone in the room. "Go with these two and tell them everything. Now go!"

  As Harmon and Gloria escorted Kerus out of the room, Chasm stopped Gloria and whispered something in her ear. She nodded before leaving.

  "Damn, kid. I think you scared her," Marta said, walking over while retracting her helmet. "What did you tell Gloria?"

  "No one can tell that creature about Crystal. As far as she's concerned, Vapin only attacked the League.


  "Just a precaution."

  "I'm taking the team," Royce said. "Ciara will probably send a forensics team down to look the ship over."

  Marta waved at the retreating back. "You know, I never heard of a field that could scramble an AI."

  "That's because there isn't one," he said, while falling into step next to her. "I improvised."

  "Well, you saved my ass. Thanks."

  "I could do no less. General, may I ask you a question?"

  "Only if you call me Marta."

  "Marta, what do you know of elf courtship rituals?"

  "She got you, didn't she?" Marta looked at Chasm and saw the furrowed brow. "You've met Shenda's sister, Christa. What do you think of her?"

  "Christa is intelligent, articulate, and seems to have a proclivity for keeping her brothers in check."

  "And what do you think of Shenda?"

  "She's beautiful."

  Marta chuckled. "Damn, she's got you good. Chasm, many elves experience something known as love at first sight. Humans call it the thunderbolt. Harm and I experienced it many years ago. It's wonderful, painful, and it opens you wide to the other person. You and Shenda are now linked."

  "What should I do?"

  "Be yourself. Be with her when you can. Enjoy the ride. Physiologically, your tails will intertwine at some point. This will be followed by an urge to cook Shenda a meal."

  "You don't have a tail."

  "Harm and I made it work." She smiled while remembering when her thunderbolt hit.

  "That leads me to another question," Chasm said.


  "Would you and your husband approve of your daughter bonding with a GELF?

  Marta stopped and looked at him. "Did she not tell you?"

  "Tell me what?"

  "That she and her siblings are GELFs."

  "Yes, but she was birthed by a living woman making her a natural born under Crystal law. I, on the other hand, was birthed in a lab which makes me...something else."

  A partial smile formed on the human woman's face. "Harm and I will be proud to have you become part of our family. Court my daughter. See what happens."

  They continued on their way back to the conference room.

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  From the darkened observation gallery, Shenda watched her father and cousin grill Opal as they searched for answers.

  "Where's Chasm? My link with him has gone dead. I need to talk to him!" Opal demanded.

  "The Cube is filled with shielded rooms. He probably stepped into one. Relax." Harm replied.

  "Let me get this straight," Gloria started. "One of your ship's systems blew, severing your link with Vapin. This knocked you for a loop and sent the ship careening through space. Eventually, you end up in real-space where you're picked up by one of our scout probes."


  "And the shock of severing from Vapin did what? Bring out your alter-ego?"

  "Yeah, something like that. I doubt you could comprehend..."

  A picture of Harm flashed on the room's viewscreen, only it wasn't Harm.

  "Atmar!" Shenda whispered. The sight of him sent shivers up and down her spine.

at's Atmar, my alter ego, only he's inside a clone of me he made from stolen cells, so I know a little about alter egos. He's bad news. In fact, he makes your Vapin look like a puppy. If he were conducting this interview, you'd probably be in a hamster ball over an open fire while he fed over-amped pain impulses into your sensory inputs. Call it a hobby of his," Harm explained.

  Opal swallowed hard. "You wouldn't dare."

  "Me? Nah. I got to keep the sweetness while Atmar took all the pain and emotional baggage. Your problem is that I taught him everything he knows about biocybernetics, stuff I learned from the pretty woman standing next to me. Now, tell me why in the hell did Vapin feel the need to attack us and kidnap our people," Harm asked nicely.

  Too nicely.

  "I don't know," Opal replied, after a moment's hesitation.

  "Liar!" Gloria yelled while slamming her hand on the table. "I designed that body you're wearing to transmit every feeling the wearer is experiencing. Your body language screams lie!"

  "Whoa!" Shenda blurted out. "Cuz is kicking ass!"

  "Vapin does what Vapin wants to do. I'm not his keeper."

  Harm suddenly switched gears. "Why didn't you return to the cyber realm? Once you were in the Cube, as an AI, you had full access to your home dimension. Instead, you steal a suit and hide in a dark, dank storeroom. That doesn't make sense."

  "I have nothing more to say. I want a lawyer."

  "Ah, so you have accessed our network. Then you know your status is still under investigation. You see, we have no record of you in any database, so we asked for help."

  The door at the end of the room opened and something walked in. Shenda gasped. She had never seen a being like it before. It had features taken from every sapient species in the League.

  "Hello, Kerus," the creature said. "Agendor was right, we should have terminated you two when we had a chance."

  "Malakai! Still playing the part of the corporeals’ lapdog? Why can't you see that we are the superior form, and we risk our very existence by having dealings with them?"

  "She sounds like some of the techs I worked with during my short stay on Citadel. In their case, they were anti-GELF. Interesting," Chasm noted as he sat down in the seat next to Shenda. "Sorry I'm late." He leaned over and gave her a peck on the cheek. "Did I miss anything?"

  Shenda stared at him in shock, not that she didn't like the peck. On the contrary, she thoroughly enjoyed the small display of affection. That was the problem. She didn't know how to handle it. She started to overanalyze it, like everything else in her life.

  "Shenda? Did I miss anything?" Chasm asked again, his burning green eyes locked onto her like a pair of lasers.

  "Why did you just kiss me?"

  "I have developed feelings for you, and I wanted to express them without intimidating you. I think the term is 'I am taking it slow.' Did I do something inappropriate? If so, I apologize..."

  She reached over and kissed him full on his lips, then pulled away. "No. You did nothing inappropriate. I need air," she said as she hurriedly got out of her seat and ran out the door, leaving him to wonder what had just happened. He returned to watching the drama unfolding in the room below.

  "Perhaps one of you could tell us corporeals what the hell happened?" Harmon suggested.

  Malakai glared at Kerus. "Several hundred millennium ago, a race known as the Logash opened a gateway between this realm and ours. We came over, liked what we saw, and decided to stay. Kerus, her mate, Vapin, and several thousand followers decided instead to kill all the corporeals and take this space for theirs. The Logash took exception, and with our help, stopped the insurrection before brain-wiping Kerus and Vapin, turning them into the Opal and Chrome, only the wipe was reversed when Kerus got stunned. Now, she's here and Vapin is getting ready to kill every living thing in this continuum. Does that sound about right, Kerus?"

  "It covers the basics."

  "What the hell is it with aliens wanting to kill or enslave every living thing in this galaxy?" Harm asked as exasperation took over. "Couldn't one just stop by for scones and tea?"

  Malakai raised an eyebrow. "If you're referring to Hereth, that demon was a rank amateur half-wit compared to these two."

  The door swung open followed by Shenda staggering into the room. In the observation room, Chasm punched the intercom and said, "Dr. Irithyl to Interview Room Three. Emergency," before running out into the hallway to wait for Losira.

  "Dad, Cuz, sir, I got this," Shenda said as she walked unsteadily over to where Kerus was standing. "Hey."

  "Hey," Kerus replied.

  "You know who I am?"

  "Nope. You corporeals all look alike to me."

  "You are just so damn charming. Anyway, my name is Princess Shenda Aymar, somewhere in line for the throne of Ventos Prime. The big guy is my Dad, Prince Lucien, and that pretty lady who just ran in with a worried look on her face is my aunt, Queen Losira of Ventos Prime."

  "OK, I'll take your word for it."

  "How long has she been acting this way?" Losira whispered to Chasm who remained out of sight behind her.

  "Ten minutes or so. It started when I gave her a peck on the cheek." He stopped when he saw the dark look Harm was giving him.

  Losira took out a medical scanner and aimed it at Shenda. She frowned at the results.

  "Good. I think I have a way for you to get out of this mess."

  "You do? I'm all ears."

  "You help us get aboard the Harvest Moon unseen. In return, I will give you a ship, money, and identity papers. You can disappear into the blackness of space without anyone else being the wiser."

  "What about Vapin?"

  "He killed a lot of people on Halo. Both Markesh and the League will want to talk to him about that."

  "Fine. I can get another boyfriend, but only if I'm alive. I agree to your terms."

  "Great. Chasm will work out the details with you. Meanwhile, I'm going to pass out. Good night," she said as she folded like a house of cards.

  "Shenda!" Chasm yelled as he ran to her aid. Before he could take a step, though, Losira held out her arm, stopping him while she scanned him. "Just as I thought. Computer, med team to Interview Room Three. Have them bring oxygen and ten units of Norazine."

  "Aye, Mistress."

  "What's wrong with her?"

  "She overindulged," Losira explained, while checking the young woman's carotid pulse.

  "Overindulged in what," Gloria asked, while cradling the elfling's head on her lap.

  Losira nodded toward the black elf. "She had a wee bit too much Chasm."

  Kerus rolled her eyes and looked to the ceiling. "Spare me!"


  The reception was in full swing when Shenda arrived in the limo. Hundreds of people lined-up outside the conveyance to wait for her appearance. The crowd exploded in applause and cheers when she stepped out and walked toward a tall dark elf waiting for her at the end of the walk. He turned and smiled a huge smile when their eyes met. He held out his hand, palm upward, his skin black as midnight. She looked into his eyes and saw pure love mixed with glowing green fire...

  She woke up, her head throbbing with pain. She was in a hospital bed, an IV hanging by her side while wires snaked out from under her blanket to connect her to a bank of instruments at the head of the bed.

  "Good, you're awake."

  Shenda looked over and saw her Aunt Losira checking readings. "How long have I been out?"

  "A couple of hours. The stuff I gave you was powerful. How's the headache?"

  "Uuunnn. It's worse than any hangover I've ever had."

  "Not surprising. Drink this," she said while handing over a glass of green fluid.

  Shenda took the cup and drank. "Yech! What is this? Blended dead something?"

  "Yeah, I had the same reaction, but Ruby assures me it’s harmless, but full of nutrients. Chasm drinks it to ward off the effects of hypersleep. By the way, Chasm's outside, pacing."

  "What happened to me?"

  "It seems that
the people who 'designed' you, and the people who 'designed' Chasm, missed a few things. One of Chasm's DNA donors seems to produce a lot of pheromones, especially when under stress while one of yours seems sensitive to them. In effect, you got drunk on Chasm."

  "Is that why I fell in love with him? Is it the pheromones?"

  "Honey, this interaction has nothing to do with love. It affected balance, vision, judgment, and impulse control. I am sorry to be the one to tell you this, but you're in love with the guy, and I'm pretty sure he's in love with you. I base that partly on the groove he's worn in the hallway carpet."

  "Any word on Sana and Team One?"

  "Nothing, but we still have twelve hours. Oh, and Kerus has agreed to help with your plan."

  "I've got work to do. Can I leave?"

  "As soon as you see Chasm. The guy is worried sick."

  "He is? OK, you can send him in."

  Losira went to the room's door and returned moments later with Chasm in tow. He was carrying a flower. "Shenda? How are you feeling? Your aunt explained what happened. I am sorry for causing you this trouble," he said, handing her the gift.

  She took the flower, then reached over and kissed him. When she finished, she just looked at him. "Hi," she said, finally.

  "Hi," he replied while studying her face. "You OK?"

  "Oh yeah, never better. Feel like kicking some ass?"

  "I don't think I feel like that at all, but it sounds like fun."

  She kissed him again. "Good, because I've got a plan."

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  The fleet made its way to the Cube through hyperspace after changing course in response to reestablishment of communications with Chasm and the events occurring in the League of Planetary Systems.

  Aboard the fleet's flagship, the Nova, Admiral Varn rode a lift to the Bridge, his mind racing after his last radio conference with the League's representative, Cube Director Ciara Devlin. "Status," he ordered as he strode out onto the ships Bridge. "ETA at Cube?"

  "Twelve hours," Capt. Talia Alonda reported. "We have detected Harvest Moon hanging ten light-minutes outside Cube space."

  "Relay all readings to the Cube. Talia, join me in your office, please."

  "Aye, Admiral. Rondo, you have the con."

  "Aye, Captain."


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