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Shenda (Heroes of the League Book 10)

Page 25

by Frank Carey

  "Aye, sorry skipper, but the heart's gonna do what the heart's gonna do," Adaira said while mussing Torren's hair.

  "Are those the hearts of a hundred females I hear breaking?" Bobby asked while looking upward with eyes full of sorrow.

  "Enough, everybody. Let's focus. Bree, are we ready to initiate the life-sign-blankers?"


  "Remember, if you don't hear from us in thirty minutes, you're to blow the overhead door and get the plark out of here."

  "But skipper..." Adaira said.

  "No buts! You are to get out and rendezvous with the combined fleet. And Connie..."

  "Yeah, Skipper," Connie replied.

  "You'll be in charge which means Bree's and Adaira's safety is your responsibility.

  "Roger that, Skipper. Please, be careful."

  "Aye. OK, activate the blankers. Connie, get the door. Everyone, go weapons hot. Ruby, take point. Move!"

  Shenda and her team were on the deck and heading to the aft hatch as Connie sealed the ramp behind them.

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  The five members of the rescue team made it halfway to the holding cell before they were discovered. As Ruby came around a corner, she came face to face with a bipedal robot of unfamiliar design. The two stopped with only inches separating them. Ruby smiled, while trying to be non-threatening. The bot, on the other hand, raised its arms and screamed bloody murder.

  "Trouble, Skipper," Ruby yelled as she reached over and tore the screaming bot's head off.

  "Double-time!" Shenda ordered while bots appeared behind and in front of them. For a quarter mile, the five-team members pitched a running firefight as they closed-in on Team One's location. When they reached the door, the Aymar's used flash-bang grenades on the approaching bots while Ruby opened the door. The door swished open, and the team ran in, sealing the entry behind them as bots filled the corridor.

  "Shenda?" Sana yelled over the din of bots pounding on the door.

  "Hi, Sis. We were in the neighborhood and thought we'd stop in. Ruby, secure that door."

  "Roger that, Skipper," She replied as she locked it from the inside. "I don't know how long we have, though, especially if they bring in a former beam-equipped bot."

  "Good. Help Torren and Christa with uploading the virus. Bobby, hand out the gifts we brought Team One," Shenda ordered as she shrugged-off her backpack.

  "Gifts?" Sana asked. Bobby handed her a weapons harness complete with grenades, Marine knife, and two large-aperture blasters. "Nice! Thanks, Bro!"

  Bobby tipped his non-existent hat at her before handing out similar rigs to the rest of her team.

  "What the hell are you doing here?" Sana asked while checking her weapons.

  Shenda explained the events of the last twenty-four hours while keeping an eye on the door. Meanwhile, Christa, Torren, and Ruby had an access panel off and were interfacing Christa's data pad to it.

  "How the hell did they survive that blast? I didn't see an escape pod."

  "Xura gave them a hand," Shenda explained, while the pounding at the door increased in intensity.

  "And Dad's alive? I didn't even know he was dying."

  "Shit happens fast. Look, one more thing. Chasm and I are betrothed."

  "Damn, you're gone nine years, then all this and betrothal to boot? I hope you're planning a few days off when we're done."

  "Maybe..." She stopped when the door dented inward.

  "Christa! Now would be good!" Shenda yelled

  Christa tapped her datapad and the pounding stopped. "The virus is spreading out through the ship. Bots should be dropping like flies in an ice storm."

  "What about ship's systems?"

  "Engines, shields, former beams, all dying as we speak. Look, I'm good, but Dad is scary good. This shit frightens me."

  "Ruby, check the corridor, if you would."

  Ruby drew her weapon and walked up to the door. She put her palm against the lock pad, causing the door to screech open. She looked outside and saw twitching bots littering the corridor floor. "Clear!"

  The lights in the corridor flickered as the deck lurched under their feet. "I thought life support was to remain unaffected."

  Christa shrugged. "Tell that to the virus. We need to get out before it decides to eat the structural integrity field controls."

  Shenda looked at Sana. "It's your turn to drive the bus."

  "Copy that. Tell! Ruby! Take point. Mena! Jonas! On our six. Tracy! With me! Sibs, between us. Move out and shoot anything that moves!"

  "Aye, ma’am," Shenda said as she headed out the door behind Lt. Tell and Ruby. "She's so good," she said to Christa.

  Christa just nodded.

  They ran forward as the lights continued to flicker. Around them, bots were either lying motionless on the floor or were twitching and dropping in place. Christa kicked one and it tried to rear back, but it fell apart halfway through the motion. "Interesting, the virus is accessing the bot's maintenance routines. Never saw that one before."

  "You can do this sort of thing?" Tracy asked.

  "Yes, though one does run the risk of having ones refrigerator dismantling itself if they get loose."

  Sgt. Tracy looked at her Captain for guidance. "Saturday morning is never dull in the House of Family Aymar."

  "Damn skippy," Bobby quipped.

  A bot dropped from the ceiling and slammed Shenda into the wall. Before she could shoot it, Ruby grabbed it, tore it in half, and threw the halves over the others’ heads. She reached down and helped Shenda up. "Are you injured?"

  "No. Damn, girl!"

  "I love this body!"

  They continued on their way while Shenda wondered what would possess Gloria to give a cosplay suit so much strength.

  They reached the shuttle bay only to find several virus-infected bots trying to take on the Marta. Unfortunately, for them, one of Shenda's crew had unshipped a suit of battle armor that they were using to pulverize the infected bots. After taking care of the rest, the group ran up to the ship as the person in the suit walked back into the ship covering the others on her way in. Once everyone was inside and the hatch sealed, the suit backed into a wall charge station as its operator stepped out.

  "Adaira, honey?" Torren said as he ran over to help her out, their tails intertwining the moment he touched her hand.

  "Really?" Sana said as she watched.

  "Yep. What do you think of a double bonding ceremony?"

  Sana looked at her sister in shock.

  "You're right, first we save Chasm. Bree! Any word from the fleet?" Shenda asked after activating the intercom.

  "Not yet. Skipper, Harm's virus is tearing this ship apart. We need to leave."

  "Dammit. Ruby, where would they have taken Chasm?"

  "They would have taken him to the Bridge, about half a mile forward of this bay. We can use the scanners to find him."

  "Everyone, hang on. Connie, activate the lock pick!"

  A package launched from its storage pod on the dorsal side of the Marta and headed toward the door above. As it climbed, it expanded into a ring twice as wide as the Marta was long. It hit the door and stuck there for a moment before exploding, cutting a hole through the door material like a hot knife. The Marta lifted off and followed the escaping atmosphere into the vacuum of space.

  "Bree, send the signal that we're clear. Now, ladies and gentlemen, let’s go get our guy!"

  Chapter Thirty Seven

  Aboard the Elven Empire flagship, Varn, Talia, and the Bridge crew watched the view screen as the Marta McMurphy left the Harvest Moon in an explosion of air and debris.

  “Sensors Officer! Report!” Talia ordered from her command chair.

  “We are detecting malfunctions in every system. Engines are going off-line. Shields are failing. The ecoformer beams are inoperative. All systems are failing.”

  “Captain, we are receiving communications from the Marta McMurphy on a secure channel.”

  “Put them on,” Talia ordered. “Capt. McM
urphy, this is Talia, what is your status?”

  “We have Team One and are heading over to the Bridge to pick up Chasm. It seems he is considered expendable by several members of your fleet. I do not share this belief.”

  “Capt. McMurphy, this is Varn. You must get clear. We will fire on the Harvest Moon the moment he sends the signal. We cannot wait. He knew this the moment he prematurely awoke from cryosleep.”

  “Admiral, I don’t give a plark about any of that. Chasm has pulled too many chestnuts from the fire to be left behind. Fire you weapons. We’ll rescue our crew. Marta McMurphy out.”

  “What are you talking about?” Alaina asked. “What did Chasm know?”

  He explained.

  “Why wasn’t I informed?”

  “Security. We were entrusting the fate of our species to two AIs who were total unknowns. The military would have pulled those two and put Chasm and Ruby in charge, but those in charge of the project wouldn’t hear of it due to cost concerns. We put a contingency plan in place that only a handful of people knew about it. Unfortunately, we did not foresee Chrome killing Crystal.

  “Captain! Chasm has sent the signal.”

  “What signal? Why have we waited to reveal ourselves?” Alaina demanded.

  “Harmon’s computer virus was able to disable the ship, but it couldn’t infect the Bridge computers for fear of tipping our hand to Chrome and Opal. Once the hostages were freed, Chasm used Ruby’s reprogrammed mobile to infect the remaining computers. Captain, all ships are to engage the Harvest Moon.”

  “Sir, what of the Marta McMurphy?”

  “Aim around her and hope for the best.”

  “Aye, aye, sir. Communications! Signal the fleet to begin the attack!” Talia ordered.

  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  Shenda abruptly killed the connection with Varn. She looked at the people around her. “I can’t ask any of you to…”

  “Do you think for one minute any of us are going to leave him or you in this big a pickle?” Breanne asked.

  “Not going to happen, Skipper,” Connie added.

  Shenda looked around and saw the rest of them agreeing with the sentiment. “Thank you, all of you. Ruby, tell me there’s a docking port near Chasm’s position.”

  Ruby pointed to the screen and the airlock centered in the view. “Head left down the corridor. First door on the right.”

  “Sana, can you help me in the aft hold?”

  “On it, sister. Trell, stay here and help the crew. We’ll be right back.

  The two of them headed aft where they stopped in front of the power armor Adaira had used. “Help me get in this,” Shenda told her sister.

  Sana helped her in while examining the suit’s inventory. “You have a sixty-percent inventory left. Use it wisely.”

  “Copy that. Sana, promise me you’ll get this ship out of here if my plan goes sideways.”

  Sana nodded as the deck shuddered. “Showtime. Give ‘em hell, Little Sister.”

  “You got that straight,” Shenda replied as she sealed the suit and powered its systems.

  Chapter Thirty-Nine

  Chasm and Kerus were led through a doorway into the control room by their two escorts. Having done their duty, the two bots retired to alcoves on either side of the door.

  "So this is the Harvest Moon's control room. Impressive, though I find the decor depressing."

  "What did you want? Paintings? Perhaps something pastoral?"

  "My tastes run to the abstract. Tell me, Kerus, why do you hate corporeals so badly?"

  "You are smart. When did you figure it out?"

  "That you're as twisted by your hatred as Vapin? When you lied to me when we first met. I could sense your disgust the moment I saw you."

  "I didn't know you were a detective. No, not a detective, but a psychic! You can read my thoughts."

  "Poor, sad creature. The hatred in your heart has driven you stupid," Chasm said as he examined a console. "You exude hatred from your pores. You've taken to wearing a suit designed to show every emotion, and you are a very bad liar. I've been trained in the art of diplomacy, something neither you nor Vapin can even begin to understand."

  "How dare you!" Kerus said as she raised her fist. She stopped when she heard someone clapping.

  "Stand down, my love. He is only baiting you," a silver robot said as it walked onto the Bridge from a side entrance. "Hello, Chasm. Is it what you thought it would be?"

  "Meh. I doubt if it handles well around town, and I bet parking would be a bitch."

  "True, but look at the cargo capacity! Chasm, do you know why you are here?"

  "To stop you."

  "That is why I tried to kill you! Very good! One of your donors had a brain."

  "Let me guess, you misjudged my usefulness and were overjoyed when Kerus told you I had somehow survived."

  "Yes! Yes! You win!"

  "Vapin, I don't understand," Kerus said, obviously confused.

  "It’s simple, my love. Chasm, would you like to tell her or should I?"

  "Please. I know how much you love to hear your own voice."

  "Still trying to die, well it won't work, at least not until you do a favor for me."

  "What favor?" Kerus said. "What the plark is going on?"

  "Kerus, what is the most important system aboard this ship?"


  "No, it’s the self-repair system. This ship has robots whose only function is to fix and repair damage. Up until now, they have worked fine, but things went to hell when we dropped out of hyperspace."

  Chasm smiled. "That was so you couldn't take side trips and cause trouble. Her designers never foresaw the ship being used as a weapon against other sapient races."

  "Yes, which means this ship is in need of a lot of bots fixing a lot of damage, bots which are ignoring my commands."

  "Hmmmm. You may want to call the factory. This sounds like a warranty problem to me," Chasm pointed out. "Oh, wait, you destroyed the factory, and the planet it was sitting on." He snapped his fingers then stopped before shaking his head. "Sorry, I've got nothing."

  Vapin got angry. "Either, tell me the override code, or I will destroy your ship and all on board including the hostages."

  Chasm looked at the silver bot. "Malakai told me you couldn't be trusted. He was right."

  "Wait, how do you know Malakai?"

  "He's here. He briefed me on you two. He said you should have been destroyed back when the Logash had a chance. He wept when he heard about the destruction of crystal."

  "How do you know about Crystal?"

  "I saw it in a dream. I stood on the surface of Crystal and watched you kill it. I watched twenty billion elves die as a former beam sliced into Crystal's crust. I watched a family as it was vaporized in front of me. I tried to scream, but I had no voice." Chasm stopped and stared out the control room window. He looked down and saw one of his gauntlet's lights slowly flash, He reached down and removed Ruby's mobile and handed it to Vapin.

  "What is this? Where's Ruby?"

  "Ruby is safe aboard the Cube where she is helping Malakai set up defenses. Her mobile contains the codes you will need to repair this ship. All you need to do is press five of her control studs in the proper sequence and it will download everything you need into your computer system."

  "Well then, I won't need you since there are a finite number of..."

  "You have one chance to get it right. Any wrong sequence will light-off the nuclear self-destruct in the mobile's core. As one of the League's greatest poets once asked: "Do you feel lucky?"

  "What do you want, then?" Kerus asked.

  "Your word that if I give you the code, you will let Team One and the Marta go unharmed, then you’ll leave this part of space never to return."

  "What about you?"

  "I'll stay. I’m the last of my kind. I have nowhere else to go."

  "I don't trust him," Kerus said.

  Vapin looked at her, then Chasm. Finally, he held out his hand. "Agreed.
Now tell me the sequence."

  Chasm told him. With almost childlike excitement, the robot typed in the code before placing the mobile on a console. At first, nothing happened, then the console lit up like a holiday tree. Soon all the consoles lit up. After a minute of frenetic flashing, the consoles returned to normal. Vapin walked over and looked at the readouts. "Excellent. All repair systems are... Wait a minute, something's wrong. Shields are failing. Engines are scrammed. All former beams are offline. Bots are falling apart throughout the ship. What the hell have you done?"

  "I've done nothing, but they will," he said as he pointed out the window. Almost a hundred warships of the Elven Empire Fleet materialized around the Harvest Moon and opened fire on the crippled ship. "You see, the mobile sent a radio signal the moment it was activated. The surviving Crystal fleet was waiting for that signal to begin cleanup operations."

  "No! That's impossible. I killed them all!"

  "I think you missed a few."

  "They wouldn't dare fire on us. I have hostages!" Vapin said while switching the video feed first to an empty cell, then an empty shuttle bay. "I still have you!"

  Chasm stood up and walked over to stand toe-to-toe with the chrome robot. My name is Chasm, and I'm the organic mission failsafe. My purpose is to stop you in the event this mission goes sideways. You fool, I’m expendable, and those ships out there know it. They will continue to fire on the Harvest Moon until only glowing plasma remains. Like you, they don’t give a plark about me or my survival. You two had one job to do, and you blew it. I will see you both in hell."

  "Noooooo!" Vapin screamed as he backhanded Chasm, sending him crashing against the wall near the door. Miraculously, Chasm slowly got to his feet, shaking his head while wiping glowing green blood from his mouth. "Is that all you two morons got?"

  Before Kerus or Vapin could reply, the door behind Chasm was torn open. An EMEF battle suit walked in and stopped next to Chasm. "You OK?" it asked in Shenda's voice.

  "I'll live," he replied as a drop of blood fell from his lip to the floor. “You and the others were ordered to leave me behind. Why are you still here?”


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