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Syn 2: Sex Is Syn, Love Is Pain

Page 2

by J Peach

  “Hello? Angel?” I heard Peaches yelling into the line.

  I quickly put the phone back to my ear as I got into Parker’s car. “Hey, sorry about that. Hold on, Peach.” I clicked over and called Missy. She answered on the first ring.

  “Ang, what the fuck is going on?” She yelled through the line.

  “Hold on,” I merged the call. “Peaches?” I asked.

  “Yeah. Kim and Ebony on the phone. Now what the hell is going on? Why the fuck would Jerron wanna kill you?” Peaches nervously asked.

  “Because Parker shot at Leon—”

  “What!” They all yelled in unison. “When?” They chorused once again.

  A sigh left my mouth as I stopped at a red light. “Like two weeks ago. Before y’all ask why, I’m about to tell y’all. I don’t know which asshole did it, but between Blaze and King, one of them went and told Parker about Leon putting his hands on me. While Leon was at King’s house, apparently Parker fuck’d him up. Leon thought I told Parker about what happened or whatever. So this nigga goes and gets Jennifer’s ol’ raggedy ass and two of her friends to jump me at school—”

  “What? They jumped you? Ol’, hell n’all! Bitch, we about to ride on these hoes. Hell n’all, man. Then we about to fuck Leon ass up. He a straight bitch! Ol’ clown ass nigga,” Ebony snapped off.

  “That’s what the fuck I’m saying. These mothafuckas done lost they fuckin’ minds. I’m ready to go now, hell n’all,” Missy fussed.

  “I knew Leon was a bitch from jump. Ol’ weak ass nigga. That mothafucka that mad because you don’t wanna fuck with him no more. I hope one of Parker’s bullets hit that bitch,” Kim went off, pissed.

  “That’s the thing. I don’t know. After they jumped me and I got out the hospital—”

  “You was in the fuckin’ hospital. Hell n’all! I’m about to drive back to Gary tonight. We about to fuck these bitches up,” Peaches cut me off as she yelled.

  I pulled into my apartment complex and groaned. “Can y’all please shut up and let me tell y’all asses what happened, damn.” I got out the car and headed inside my place.

  “Okay, tell us what happened,” Missy sounded pissed off.

  Once I was inside, I sat my stuff on the floor and flopped down on the couch. I put the phone on speaker and started to tell them everything that happened. “When the swelling went down, me and Parker went over to Jennifer’s house. I dog the shit out that bitch. So after I was done with her ass we were about to leave and Leon pull up. All of a sudden, Parker ass just started shooting at him without warning. After that whole ordeal I haven’t heard anything from Leon. So I’m thinking Parker shooting at that nigga made him come to his senses or whatever. That’s until Jerron ass choke me out and I woke up in a hotel a little while ago.” I took a deep breath then told them everything that happened at the hotel between us and the threat I made to him.

  “Damn, that’s some bullshit. Jerron ass always have to run to his big brother’s rescue when it didn’t even have to go that far to begin with. All Leon’s punk ass had to do was move the fuck on. I ain’t gon’ lie, I like Parker ass now,” Ebony laughed. “My nigga ride for his. That’s what I’m talking about, shoot first, ask questions later,” Ebony said, making us all chuckle.

  “Yeah, that was some real shit he did, no lie. Its fuck’d up that Jerron would get involved in this without learning the facts,” Kim sighed.

  “That’s what I said. Like, Leon brought this shit on himself. And Parker did what any boyfriend would, you know. He was tryin’ to protect me. I explained all that to Jerron but he was just stuck on the fact that his brother could’ve died. I get that to a degree, but Leon started all this shit. Girl, he was pissed the fuck off when I threatened him with King and Blaze ass,” I broke out laughing. Even though I did, I was so relieved that he was going to let it go. I just could not lose Parker yet.

  “I’m bugging that Parker’s ass done drove you to that bitch house, though,” Peaches laughed.

  “That was some real nigga shit and then he’s stays, attending to you so caringly. Ang, I like him. I’m not gon’ lie, I’m glad Parker took you over that bitch house. I still wanna fight, though, that was some fuck’d up shit.” Kimmy sounded serious.

  “I agree, Kim. I wanna do something, too. Show that bitch she got us fuck’d up,” Missy claimed in with a groan.

  I started laughing as I shook my head. “N’all y’all. For real, though, I dog the fuck out that bitch, I doubt her ass want to go again. But if she come to me, then we can fuck her ass up again. But Jerron said he gon’ keep Leon at bay, so let’s see how that play out first. I don’t want us to beat that bitch ass then Leon ol’ crazy ass come starting shit. Y’all, I swear, that mothafucka got one more time to do something to me and I’mma let Parker loose on that ass. Y’all, that man so fuckin’ crazy,” My head shook as I thought back on the things Parker had done since we’d been hanging out.

  “Um, yeah. If that nigga start busting without warning, yeah, he ain’t wrapped tight. I’m sorry, Ang, you got a crazy one on yo hands, boo.” Ebony groaned out. “But, hey, you can never go wrong with a crazy nigga. They are the best protectors and they dick is fuckin’ sick,” she blurted out.

  I broke out laughing. “E, where the hell did that come from?” That was just so random.

  “I don’t know, I swear I don’t, but it’s true. Ain’t it Peach? Kim, tell her,” Ebony laughed, putting them on the spot.

  “She ain’t lying, I’mma give E that. Back on track, though, so we not fuckin’ these bitches up?” Leave it to Kim’s ass to bring that back up.

  “No, Kimmy. We’re not gonna fuck those bitches up unless they pop slick again. I really just wanna put all that shit behind me.” Even though that’s what I wanted. My body still became irritated as I thought on what he had done. “I still can’t believe he went as far as to have me jumped, though. But I fuck’d his bitch up and my nigga scared his ass so bad he had to go tell his killa of a brother.” I rolled my eyes at the thought of Leon’s punk ass.

  “Man, y’all, Ron, had me so scared for real,” I continued as my mind switched thoughts. “I can’t even lie like, bitches, I started crying and everything. But all that nigga could say was ‘I’m sorry, Angel’. That’s how I knew he wasn’t playing. I mean, that mothafucka tracked my ass down all the way in fuckin’ Nap just to tell me to find a new interest,” I stressed to them how shocked I was.

  I still couldn’t believe I even started crying. I had never cried over a nigga before, especially not to save one and that bothered me a lot. Even so, I was glad Ron backed off, which was why I didn’t want the girls to go after Leon’s bitch and her friends. Because if they did that, Leon would get involved which would pull Parker back into that bullshit and Jerron’s ass was likely to come looking once again. As I said, I wasn’t ready to lose Parker when I really just got him in my life.

  “Ang, you was crying? Aw n’all. I can’t wait until I talk to Jerron ass. That’s fuck’d up on so many fuckin’ levels. Like, don’t make my bitch cry when yo punk ass brother started this shit from jump. Hoe ass nigga. I’mma taze Jerron ass, watch. I’mma make sho Blaze around, tho,” Peaches said.

  We all broke out laughing at her.

  “Yo ass better have Blaze around. Otherwise, Jerron gon’ fuck yo ass up. Peaches, yo dumbass ‘bout would taze Jerron ass,” Missy laughed at her. “But wait, didn’t anybody else catch that Angel said the word Boyfriend?”

  A groan left my mouth as I heard the smile in Missy’s voice. “Missy shut up!” My eyes rolled as the back of my head hit the couch.

  “I caught that. And the fact that she cried when Jerron threatened to kill him. Ang, when did y’all relationship get serious?” Ebony asked.

  I shrugged. “Honestly, I don’t know. I mean, I don’t know.” My insides became tingly as I thought about Parker. I started laughing at how stupid I sounded.

  “Who the hell was that?” Peaches sounded shocked.

  “I don’t know, Peach
. I’m trying to figure that out my damn self. Ang, when did this happen? Bitch, I could hear yo damn smile,” Missy pointed out, making me laugh.

  “I don’t know. I mean, I don’t know,” I repeated, laughing once again. “It’s just this feeling inside me, like my insides are tingling. It’s so hard for me to explain because I’ve never felt like this before. But whenever I think about Parker ass, my body just becomes excited. And it’s not always a sexual feeling, you know. Hell, I don’t even know, for real.” I couldn’t do anything but laugh at myself because I couldn’t explain to them what I was feeling or why. All I knew was that Parker excited me in more ways than one.

  “Ang, baby, you sound like you’re in love,” Peaches sighed dreamingly.

  I barked out a laugh. “Get yo mushy ass the fuck outda here. I wouldn’t say all that, but I like Parker, most definitely. I mean, he’s different from the hoods around my way, you know. He’s mean as all hell and rude as fuck, but he’s also caring. Parker treats me like I’m somebody instead of an object. Y’all, he listens and talk to me. I don’t know, it’s hard for me to explain this feeling but he makes me feel so good. I like having someone there with me and I like having someone to wake up to.” A sigh left my mouth as I heard what I was saying. “I don’t know. It’s really no telling how long that’ll last,” I mumbled with a shrug.

  “Nuh uh, bitch, don’t do that. Angel, you don’t know how this thing with him will play out in the end, but don’t try to create doubt in your head. That will ruin everything. Just stay open to him and move you guys’ relationship at your pace. It’s no rushing, especially if he really likes you,” Kimmy told me.

  A faint smile came to my lips. “I know, Kimmy, and I’m going to give him a fair chance.”

  “You better, shit, that nigga a rider. Shid, he takes yo ass to bitches houses to fight. I’m riding with his ass the next time some shit pops off because Blaze would have never done that. When I got a problem with somebody, I’m calling Parker’s ass and that nigga bust on sight with no questions asked. That’s my type of nigga, for real,” Peaches said, amped up.

  “Yo ass so damn stupid, Peach. Get yo dumbass off my phone.” My head shook as I laughed. A few seconds later a sigh left my mouth. “Y’all, I’m tired. I’m about to go to sleep before Parker ass get here. He gon’ cuss my ass out.” I could already hear his mean ass going off on me for leaving his house.

  “Where is he at? I thought you said something about Jerron killing the both of you?” Missy asked.

  Leave it to her ass to ask that question. “No, he wasn’t with me. He had to make a run out of town. He should be here in an hour or an hour and a half, somewhere around there. But I figure once Jerron killed my ass he was going straight for Parker,” I shrugged with a sigh. “And Parker ass told me to stay at the house, but I was bored and ended up leaving. That’s how Jerron ass found me and snatched my ass. Y’all, he busted that man’s car window,” I groaned out.

  “No! Damn! Are you going to tell him everything that happened with Jerron? If you tell him Parker is going to go the fuck off for real,” Ebony’s shocked, loud voice came through the line.

  “Hell no! I’m not telling his ass shit about what happened. Shit, he’ll go after Jerron next then kill Leon. Hell, I don’t want them dead, I just want them to leave me alone, which I know Jerron will do. I just hope he can talk some sense into his damn brother.” Parker’s ass was reckless and I knew exactly what he was going to do if he found out Jerron snatched me up. He was going to try and find him after he chewed my ass out for leaving his house in the first place.

  “Girl, this whole damn thing done got out of hand. Angel, I’mma need yo ass to keep a lock on yo coochie. If Parker ain’t getting none lock that bitch the fuck up. Shit!” Kim stressed playfully.

  I started laughing. “Bitch, bye, yo ass stupid. Ugh. For real, though, y’all, I’m about to go to sleep before he gets here. He gon’ flip the fuck out when he see his car window. Shit, I gotda think of a lie to tell him about what happened to it,” I groaned before a yawn slipped from my mouth.

  “I’ight, boo. Go to bed. Call us when you get back home so we can meet up—”

  “Y’all should really come out to Lafayette next week and we can do something then,” Peaches chimed in, cutting Missy off.

  “Yeah, we can do that. Alright, y’all. I’ll call you bitches in the morning. I’m going to bed, love y’all.” Another yawn left my mouth.

  “Love you too, boo. Bye.” They all chimed in unison before we ended the call.

  After putting my phone down, I got off of the couch and went into my room. I stripped out of my clothes and went to take a quick shower. Once I was done, I went back into my bedroom. Finding a pair of black boy shorts, I pulled them on along with a white spaghetti-strapped tank top. I was so exhausted that I went to my bed without even bothering to get under the covers. I fell on top of my comforter, quickly falling to sleep.

  Chapter 2


  I woke up the next morning to find Parker lying next to me. My brows rose in confusion as I wondered how he got into my apartment. I had passed out and knew for certain that I didn’t wake up to open the door for him. With that thought, my eyes rolled into my head. Knowing Parker, his ass probably broke in.

  A sigh immediately left my mouth as last night’s event came back to me. I didn’t know what the hell I was going to tell him about his window. Slowly, I unwrapped myself from him and left the bedroom. I went into the bathroom and after using it, I washed my hands and my face. Once I was done, I brushed my teeth and then went into the kitchen, trying to decide what to make for breakfast.

  Hell, I might as well make him something to eat. Hopefully that will soften him up for when I tell him about his window. Even so, I know he’s going to take his damn car from me.

  As I walked into the living room, I stopped in my tracks when I saw Chris stretched out on my couch. My eyes rolled into my head at the sight of him and I had every mind to push his ass off my shit. But I decided not to because Parker was already going to be pissed at me. My eyes rolled into my head again as I walked away from Chris and went into the kitchen. Then I started taking everything out for breakfast.

  Once I had the eggs, bacon, milk, and pancake mix out, I turned on my iPod that sat on its dock beside the microwave. Turning the volume down low, I pulled up my playlist. The first song was Rihanna’s, Work. Instantly, I pressed play and started making breakfast as I danced to the song.


  “It smells good in here. I hope you made enough for me too,” Chris said, stretching as he walked into the kitchen.

  “Yeah, it’s enough for you to get a plate.” I took the last of the bacon off of the stove and turned the burner off. Chris reached over me and tried to steal a piece of bacon, but I slapped his hand hard with the tongs I had. “Don’t be reaching over here, you eat when everybody else does. Gone now,” I waved him off as I flipped over the last pancake.

  “Man, yo ass better chill the fuck out,” he muffed my head to the side before he took a piece of bacon.

  “Chris, please don’t make me fuck you up this morning. I’m not in the mood for yo bitch ass attitude, so gon’ somewhere while I’m being nice,” I snapped, looking at him. I didn’t know what his problem was with me, but he was starting to piss me off.

  “Man, shut the fuck up—”

  “No, you shut the fuck up. Yo ass can really get the fuck out because I ain’t invite yo ass here. You can wait outside for Parker to be honest, but you not gon’ talk shit to me in my own fuckin’ place. That’s what you not gon’ do!” My finger pressed against his head as I muffed it back hard.

  Chris stared down at me hard before he suddenly started laughing. “Yo ass got a mouth on you for real, yo. Shorty, chill the fuck out, man. Damn, I’m just bullshittin’.”

  My eyes rolled. I didn’t believe shit he was saying, but it made me wonder what his deal was with me. Because from the moment I met him he had an attitude toward me. “Wh
at’s your problem with me?” I turned off the burner and faced him.

  His brow rose, he looked me over and shook his head. “I ain’t got no problem with you. I can give two fucks about you, honestly. My thing is my man, yah hear me. As long as he’s good, we great, yah feel me?”

  My lips pursed together. “The way you just said that let me know you don’t like me. But why? I ain’t done shit to you, well not that I know of,” I stated honestly. It didn’t really matter why, but I still wanted to know his reasons.

  “Shorty, it ain’t that I don’t like you. Shid, I don’t know you. Like I said, my thing is my man. I look out for him and I don’t want to see him get fuck’d over by some chick. That’s it,” he shrugged nonchalantly.

  I let out a laugh. “I wouldn’t fuck him over.” My head shook as I thought about how I pleaded with Jerron to not hurt Parker and the threat I made to Jerron to make sure it didn’t happen. If anything, Chris didn’t have to worry about me fucking Parker over. Instead, he should have been worrying about him doing me dirty. But I could understand where he was coming from.

  “I can tell you now that I wouldn’t do anything to hurt him. I like Parker, he’s different. I know it’s going to take more than my word to make you see that, though,” I looked at him so he could see the truth of my words in my eyes. “You say you don’t know me, true, so get to know me. I say that because I want us to be cool. I know you’re important to Parker and I like him so, I want us to get along.” I didn’t want to have to bump heads with Chris whenever we were in the same room and I damn sure didn’t want to drive a wedge between him and his best friend. “What harm can come from that? Besides us killing each other?”

  Chris laughed at that. “I’ll think about that. Now go put on some clothes before Parker walk his big ass in here and flip the fuck out. I don’t want to have to whoop his ass in front of you.”

  My lips smacked at that. “Yeah, right. I’ll believe that when I see it. Then again, if he swings, I swing,” I shrugged as I pushed past him.


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