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Syn 2: Sex Is Syn, Love Is Pain

Page 5

by J Peach

  Parker pulled me into his side and led us into the building. The inside was busy with people loading and unloading trucks.

  “Hey, Mr. James.” A few female workers spoke as we walked past them. My eyes rolled hard at their flirty voices whereas Parker spoke and waved at them then continued on walking to the back where the offices were.

  Seeing his name on one of the doors, I stopped him. “You work here too?” I pointed to the door.

  Parker nodded before going to a door across from his office. “Yeah, I told you I own businesses. This is one of them,” he said while doing a triple knock on the door that read Morocco Elliott. Parker knocked three more times before we got a reply.

  “Come in!” Roc yelled.

  We walked into the room and immediately we were engulfed in cigar smoke. My hand went to my nose as the smell gave me an instant headache.

  “It’s about time yo ass got here,” Roc stood up and pulled Parker into a one arm hug.

  “I told you I had to handle some shit at home first,” Parker pulled away from him.

  Roc glanced over at me and then slapped hands with Parker. “I would’ve been late too. Shid, I probably wouldn’t have come in,” he said, looking me over. “How you doing, sweetheart?”

  With my hand still to my nose, I inhaled deeply, trying to avoid the smell as I spoke. “Hey,” I couldn’t get much of anything out besides that. I wanted to ask him to put out the cigar, but I stayed quiet about it. Then I made the mistake of taking in a lung full of air and began to feel nauseous. My stomach turned and I felt the bile start to rise up in my throat.

  I couldn’t remember a time when the smell of smoke ever made me feel sick like that.

  “Syn, you good?” Parker’s hand came to the side of my face as he looked me over.

  My hand pressed against my mouth and I shook my head, no. “Where’s the bathroom?” I mumbled out.

  Parker opened the door for me. “At the end of the hall, first door on the right.”

  I quickly ran to the bathroom and went to the first stall I saw. Everything I had for breakfast came back up.

  “Syn—” Parker came to the stall I was in and started rubbing my back.

  I took some tissue and wiped my mouth. “I’m fine. The smoke just got to me.” Parker helped me to the sink so I could rinse my mouth out. “I’m good, I promise. Go handle your business, I’ll be straight. I need to get some fresh air. I’ll call you when I come back in, okay?’ I reassured him that I was alright.

  He looked me over for a few seconds. Parker seemed as though he wanted to say more, but he thought better of it. “I’ight. Don’t be out there too long.” He leaned down and pressed his lips to mine. “Hurry up and get back in here.”

  “I will. Now go. You done kept that man waiting long enough, so go.” I gave him a slight push with a smile. Parker backed away from me then left the bathroom.

  My lips stretched into a smile as I thought about Parker and his attentive ways. He was so different. Never had I ever had someone run behind me to make sure I was okay like him. It made me feel so many different emotions at once. I never really knew how to respond or act when he was like that. All I could really do was smile at him. I probably seemed or looked so gotdamn stupid at times.

  Regardless of how unused to the feeling I was, I found myself wanting more of it. I could admit that I was being naïve with him, but at the same time I found myself not caring. Everything he was doing and showing, a part of me craved.

  Missy’s boss, Yandy, popped into my head as her words from a couple of months back played in my mind. What do you have to lose? Pride? Feelings? You can always reclaim those back. Another smile came to my face. I wasn’t going to hold back no matter what. Who knew how this was going to turn out. I sure as hell didn’t.

  I reached inside my purse and grabbed the small bottle of Listerine and rinsed out my mouth. Once I was finished, I left the bathroom and started to head out the front, but stopped once I saw Chris walk out of the employee only door. “Hey, Chris, can I get outside through there?” I pointed towards the door he just came out of.

  Chris looked me up. “You straight?” He questioned.

  “Yeah. I just need a little air.” I replied with a shrug.

  “I’ight. Yeah. You can stand by that white truck. Don’t go too far and don’t talk to nobody,” he warned, making me roll my eyes at him.

  “Okay. I won’t talk to nobody and I’ll stand by the truck,” I said sarcastically as I turned and walked out of the door.

  The cool air hit my face and I took in a deep breath. The cool breeze felt good against my heated skin. My nausea subsided a bit. I was so tired of getting sick. If that damn virus was going to come it needed to hurry up so it could pass already.

  I walked out into the parking lot, sighing, I just felt so frail all of a sudden. I made my way to the end of the lot and leaned against the fence. My eyes closed and I took deep breaths, hoping the feeling would pass. After a few minutes of doing that, I started to feel a little better. I was about to head back inside when my phone started ringing. Digging in my purse, I got it out and answered it. “Hello?”

  “Hey, boo. How you feeling after everything last night?” Kim’s mellow voice chimed from the line.

  “I’m good, boo. What’s up chick?” I slowed down my pace and started to make my way back to the building.

  “Girl shit, I just dropped Mike off at King’s and thought about you. So I called to be nosey, for real.” She laughed and my eyes rolled before I joined in her laughter.

  “What yo ol’ nosey ass wanna know?” I already knew where her head was at and I couldn’t contain my laughter.

  “Bitch, tell me what happened with Parker. Was he pissed about the window? And what lie did you tell him? Did you decide on telling him about Jerron? What happened?” She blurted all in one breath.

  I shook my head at her as a chuckle left my mouth. “He was more pissed about me leaving his house more than anything else. And I told him somebody tried to break into his car and broke his window, but I scared whoever off. I don’t know if he believed me or not because he didn’t question me on it. Like I said, he was more pissed about me leaving the crib. Girl, he chewed my ass out. I felt like a damn kid getting fussed at, for real.”

  I didn’t know what had gotten into me because I would have normally cussed a nigga out for talking to me like he had. But I couldn’t really get too much of anything out with him. A smile came to my lips at the mere thought of him. “Fuck Parker, though.” I rolled my eyes as if saying that was going to rid my body of that giddy feeling I’d been getting as of late because of him.

  “Where the hell did that come from, Ang? Well, it sound like you got off easy. Let that would’ve been Mike’s ass. Girl, we would’ve still been fighting over a window. So he took that shit good as hell, if you ask me,” Kim stressed, making me laugh. “What’s funny? I’m dead ass serious.”

  “No, it’s nothing really. Just thinking about everything that has happened. But, hey boo, let me call you when I get back to his place, okay?” I told her as my phone beeped with a text from Parker checking on me.

  “Okay babe, have fun with Mr. Sexy over there— Boy, you better stop fuckin’ hittin’ me. Black ass,” she suddenly fussed.

  “I thought you dropped Mike off?” My brows rose in confusion.

  “I did, that’s Bellow stupid ass. Girl, let me go before I have to hurt this mothafucka,” Kim sounded mad, but I could tell it was only a front.

  “Hey, Bell!” I spoke to him. “Bye, girl.” We ended the call and I made it to the white semi-truck Chris told me to stand by. I stopped at the front of the truck as people started to come in.

  “Josey said the bosses are in today, both of them. Shit, I’m about to stay out of sight until they’re gone. Shit!” A tall lanky white dude said, seeming nervous.

  “Yeah, I saw them when they got here. Mitch, if you stop all that gotdamn fidgeting, nobody will know you’re high. Besides, I don’t think you’
ll get in trouble for that. Just go to work, I’ll look out for you,” the short white dude told him as he patted his shoulder and gave him a slight push towards a set of double doors.

  “Good looking out, Bret. Now, let’s go load these damn trucks,” Mitch walked through the doors.

  “You go ahead, I have to piss,” Bret waved him off and Mitch continued on his way.

  Bret stayed in his spot for a few minutes as he looked around the place. I didn’t know what the hell he was doing, but it was obvious he lied about having to pee. I leaned against the front of the truck so he wouldn’t see me. A couple of minutes later, I heard the bed of the truck doors being opened. My brows rose as the truck shook from him getting inside.

  If it wasn’t for the fact he lied to that Mitch dude, I would have thought he was supposed to unload the truck. Slowly, I creeped to the back and peeked inside to see dude with a little flashlight and his cellphone out. He was looking through the boxes and taking pictures. Now I knew his ass wasn’t supposed to be doing that.

  I looked around the area to find something, anything to distract him with. Seeing a fire extinguisher hanging on the wall behind me, I grabbed it. I then went back to the bed of the truck, pulled out my phone and texted Parker to get out there now.

  I could hear Bret in the truck moving the boxes around.

  What if he’s sending those pictures to someone?

  I needed to get him out of that truck immediately! “Ah shit!” I hit the truck hard and then tiptoed back to the end of the truck with my back facing away from him. I heard Bret quickly make his way to the end before the truck shook as he jumped out of it.

  “Hey, you alright?” He walked up behind me and touched my shoulder.

  I gripped the fire extinguisher tight in my hands. “Yeah, I’m fine.” Quickly and hard I swung it as the last word left my mouth. Successfully, I knocked him to the ground before hitting him over the head again, knocking him out.

  “Damn, shorty. What the fuck he do to you?” Chris stared at me like I was crazy.

  I bent down and started searching his pockets for his phone. “He was in the truck—” I tried to explain before I was rudely cut off.

  “So you decided to knock him out then rob his ass?” Roc asked in disbelief.

  My eyes rolled at him and I only paid attention to Parker who was also staring at me like I was crazy. “He was in the truck taking pictures of whatever you have in those boxes.” I grabbed Bret’s iPhone 6 and cursed. Sighing, I bent down and grabbed his left thumb to unlock his phone but it wasn’t the right one. I tried his fingers one by one until I got to his right middle. The phone came unlocked and I went to his pictures. “I didn’t know if he was going to send them to anyone so I had to do something,” I stressed, handing Parker the phone.

  The trio looked at each other and then back to me before they all burst into a fit of laughter.

  My brows rose at them. I didn’t find anything funny.

  “Chris, take his ass in the cellar before somebody come and see him knocked the fuck out.” Parker kicked dude, when he didn’t move he looked back at me. “Shorty, I think I just fell in love with yo ass. That was some quick thinking,” he praised as he gave me a sly smirk. “Roc, gon’ back with Chris. I’ll be back there in a minute.” He gave him the phone and turned his attention back to me.

  “Good looking out, sweetheart.” Roc smiled at me with a head nod.

  It was then that I got a good look at him. He was a handsome, ripped, six foot three inch, light skinned man. His greenish-blueish eyes and thin beard gave him a sexy devilish look. I gave a little smile before walking over to Parker. Once Roc left the room, I popped him in the chest. “Why don’t you have someone watching the trucks? Now, what if I wasn’t out here? Then what?”

  Parker pulled me close to him. “What I tell you about that hitting bullshit? Huh?” He pressed me roughly against the truck.

  “I’m being serious, Parker. You don’t know how long he’s been doing that and who he’s taking the pictures for. What if he’s an undercover or something?” I questioned. I may not have been familiar with drug dealing, but I learned a lot from messing around with Martell. I knew how niggas would send a person from their crew into a threats camp to see how they ran their operation. If that wasn’t the case this time, then Bret was most definitely a narc.

  “You don’t have to worry yourself about that. I’ll handle my people. I’ight?” He stared down into my eyes, reassuring me that everything was going to be taken care of. Then his hands slowly caressed the side of my face.

  “Okay. You want me to wait in your office while you go attend to business?” I now understood what he meant about how anything could happen at any given moment.

  “You looked out for me just now. Know I’m not gon’ forget about that,” Parker pressed into me and brought his mouth to mine.

  My hands gripped the front of his shirt and I pulled him closer to me. “Parker, you got business to handle,” I mumbled against his mouth.

  He picked me up and my body went into overdrive. I was ready to go. But I knew he had stuff to take care of and we were just working ourselves up for nothing.

  Parker’s lips came to my neck and his hands squeezed my ass tight. “I know.” But he didn’t stop.

  “Parker, you’re making me horny and if you don’t plan on fuckin’ me right now. Then stop, please.” My inner muscle was throbbing to feel him stroking inside of me.

  “I’ight, we’ll finish this later,” he said, but still didn’t put me down or try to back away. Instead his fingers rubbed at my sex. “You want me to play with her?” He sucked on my neck hard, gripping the skin with his teeth.

  “Yes!” I stated eagerly, all too ready for him. I grabbed the side of his face and brought his lips to mine. “I wanna feel you,” I mumbled against his mouth.

  Parker grunted into my mouth as he pressed me more into the truck. He pushed my dress up and then brought his hand to my front.

  “Baby, you gon fuck me out here? Daddy, you gon’ beat my pussy like only you can? Like I love you too?” I moaned against his lips, egging him on. “Daddy, can I feel you?” My tongue flicked over his lips before I bit into his bottom.

  Parker’s head reared back and his lust filled eyes stared down at me. “You want me to fuck you right here?” He kissed me.

  “Yes.” My head nodded as I grinded myself into him.

  Parker kissed me hard while his fingers grabbed my thong. He pulled it to the side.

  “P—” Chris interrupted. He was quiet for a second before he started laughing. “Man, you two mothafuckas. Lord, you can bury yoself in shorty later. We got shit to do right now.

  A groan left my mouth. “I hate him,” I mumbled to Parker, making him laugh. “Put me down and go finish up here.” I kissed him again then patted his shoulders.

  “Damn, Chris. Here I come.” Parker put me down, took my hand, and led us outside to his truck. “Syn, I need you to go to my crib until I’m finished with this. I’ight? I don’t want you around my shit—”

  I pressed my lips to his, cutting him off. I took his keys from him. “It’s cool, I understand. You’ll make it up to me later on.” I wasn’t even mad about him having to work. Hell, I knew shit was about to get ugly and I honestly didn’t want to be around when it did.

  “Most definitely I will. I’ll text you the address and passcodes now.” He texted me the info as I stood there watching him. “Make yoself at home when you get there. Whatever you need should be there already. Syn, text me as soon as you get in the house, i’ight?”

  “I will, promise. Now go before Chris comes back out here,” I stood on my tiptoes and kissed him.

  “I think I like this side of you. Is Angel coming out of her little shell? I hope so.” He picked at me, laughing. I shook my head at him. Parker opened my door and helped me in the truck. “Get on outda here. I’ll see you at the house,” he closed the door and hit the side of it.

  I started up the truck and plugged the addres
s into the GPS. With one last wave to him, I pulled off.


  It was a thirty minute drive to his place. I parked beside his red Bentley and took in the two-story brick house. This house wasn’t as flashy as the one in Bloomingdales, but it was still nice no less. I walked up the L shaped stairway to the front door. My eyes rolled at the two padlocks. I put the different codes in and then used the key to unlock the door. That man just had to be complicated.

  Once inside, I disarmed the alarm and jogged up the stairs. I walked into the living room, flopped down on the couch, then texted Parker, letting him know I made it to his house.

  A sigh left my mouth and a depressing feeling came over me, knowing that my time out there had been wasted. I had absolutely nothing to show for the two weeks. Even so, I wasn’t mad, just a little disappointed because we hadn’t done anything together.

  My mind began to run with things we could possibly do. I was lost because I wasn’t a romantic person and I didn’t know what I could do with him. I knew he was going to be late coming home. I was so lost. A groan left my mouth before Peaches popped into my head. Immediately, I called her.

  Peaches answered on the first ring. “What’s up, Ang?”

  “Hey, boo. Look, you know I’ve been out here in Nap with Parker, but he’s been working like crazy and we’ve hardly spent any time together. Sooo, I wanna do something sexy but sweet in the house kinda thing for him. And other than fuckin’ him good, I don’t know what to do,” I groaned out stressfully and with a laugh as did Peaches.

  “Well then, bitch, fuck him good then shit! That’s what I’d do,” Peaches continued to laugh.

  “Peach, I’m being serious right now. I mean, I’mma fuck him hella good when he gets here but… I kinda wanna do more, you know. Romantic and sexy.” My tone was more serious now, letting her know that I was for real.

  “Ang, you really like him, huh?” She cooed and I could hear her smile.

  My eyes rolled into my head as I smiled as well. I was feeling him something heavy. I just couldn’t get how caring he had been for me out of my head, especially the night I tweaked out at his place.


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