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Courting the Darkness

Page 11

by Fuller, Karen

  She sighed dramatically. “I’m fully aware of Caleb’s interest in me.” She looked away because his words bothered her conscience. “The only feelings I have for Caleb are strictly friendship, and I’m afraid to even show that. I think he’ll interpret my actions incorrectly, and I don’t want to hurt him.”

  “Unfortunately, that may be unavoidable already. Caleb made his intentions clear to me before we arrived at the caverns. He wasn’t happy that I had an interest in you too. We decided to keep this friendly and let you make the choice.”

  She whipped her head around in surprise. “Just when did you two have this conversation about me?”

  He chuckled softly. “When we first arrived here in Sevierville. You had pretty much challenged me to bite you.” Her eyes grew and she shook her head no. He laughed at her expression. She flushed red, realizing how it must have looked to Caleb. “Caleb was mad as hell because he felt the pull between us. Then you went storming off into the restaurant without us—you were mad as hell, and more beautiful than ever. I wanted you then.” His words were a gentle caress. “I still want you now.”

  Heat coursed through her body at the intensity of his words, and she smiled. She licked her lips. “I must be crazy. You’re a vampire, for Christ’s sake,” she teased, looking into his beautiful blue eyes, and he grinned. She placed her hand on the side of his face, caressing her fingers gently across his cheek. “God help me, I want you too,” she whispered huskily, placing her arms around his neck, bringing her lips up meeting his, melting in his embrace. Moaning, she held on tighter when his tongue stroked hers and the urgency started to build.

  He stood up with her in his arms in one fluid motion. She broke the kiss, looking around as he swiftly moved from one room to the next in a blink. She caught her breath when he placed her on the air mattress, sliding in next to her, pulling her back into his arms, kissing her neck.

  Tilting her head to his lips, she allowed him better access. Her mind spun with the intoxication of his kisses, feeling molten heat course through her body and pool between her thighs. Moaning, she entwined her fingers in his silky hair, drawing him closer. Her body trembled as his tongue worked its way down her neck. She found herself physically craving his touch, loving the feel of his hot mouth moving across her body. It was a sweet torture she wanted to drown in. At that moment, she didn’t care if they ever left that cave—spending a lifetime there alone with him would still never be enough.

  She moaned. “That Devil card should have been my draw.”

  Looking up, his eyes met hers. “You didn’t like that card when you read it to me… Why do you think it should have been your draw instead?”

  She ran her tongue across her bottom lip, his eyes following her movement. “I find myself feeling greedy and self-indulgent,” she replied. “I can’t seem to get enough of you.”

  “And this is a bad thing?”

  “Shameful.” She flashed a smile. “It is wickedly disgraceful. I was raised in a time when these thoughts and cravings were deemed scandalous, and downright sinful.”

  “Cravings—um—I think I like the sound of that.” His eyes sparkled, as his fingers inched her shirt off her shoulders. Placing his lips up to her ear, he whispered, “Tell me what it is you crave.”

  She threw back her head, laughing; she slipped her arms out of the sleeves. She sat back, gazing into his eyes. “You ask me what I crave.” She studied the contours of his face. “Maybe the Devil card was right for you after all.”

  He gave her a crooked smile. “You’re not going to answer me, are you?”

  “You keep going and I’ll tell you when you’re hot.”

  Cocking an eyebrow, his crooked smile broadened. “I’m game.” Gripping the hem of his shirt, he pulled it off over his head.

  “Hot!” She pulled off the rest of her clothes and cocked an eyebrow at him, resembling that she was waiting. He took the hint and stripped of the rest of his clothes. “Very hot,” she whispered. He sat up, looking down at her. Shaking her head, she remarked in a low tone, “Cold.”

  “Cold, huh?”

  She shrugged. “I call them as I see them. Cold.”

  He looked into her eyes in challenge and picked up her arm; he brought her wrist up to his lips, kissing her warm pulse. “Warm.” He smiled, moving on to kiss her open palm. “It’s still just warm.” He put her arm around his neck, kissing her neck. Closing her eyes, she swallowed hard. “You’re getting much warmer.”

  “Just much warmer?” whispering against her neck, she shivered. “I’m looking for hot.” Tracing his tongue down her neck, she shivered again. Working his way down to her firm breast, he circled the pert nipple with his tongue.

  She groaned, entwining his hair through her fingers and pulling him closer. “You’re getting hotter.” Drawing the nipple into his mouth, he suckled it. A strong wave of desire coursed through her, centering between her legs, and she moved restlessly beneath him. “I’m starting to burn.”

  Pulling his face up to hers, she brought her mouth down on his, stroking her tongue with his. Pushing on his shoulder, she rolled him onto his back. Reaching down between them, she stroked his hard shaft with the same rhythm of their kiss. “Molten hot,” she whispered in his ear.

  Wrapping his arms around her, he cradled her as she nibbled on his earlobe. Tracing her tongue from his earlobe to the soft part of his neck, she suckled, biting down, surprising him.

  “Mica…This is pure torture. I need you like I need air to breathe.”

  “Then tell me what it is you crave.”

  She threw back her head, laughing, exposing her neck to him. Tilting her head, she gazed deeply into his eyes. “I crave the way I feel when you kiss me. I crave the way I feel when you touch me. I crave the impulses; I have to touch you, all of you. Quite simply, I crave only you.”

  This little game had more of an effect on him than he cared to admit—or was it her? He had always had strict control over his actions and emotions, but without warning, found his control slip a bit. Keeping her happy was suddenly at the top of his priority list. “Then take what you crave. I am yours.”

  She smiled. “I like the sound of that.”

  “You like to hear you can take what you want?”

  “Well, that too.” She laughed, repeating the words, “You are mine.”

  “Yes, I am yours.”

  She felt new warmth penetrate her heart. She could hardly believe she could fall so hard for a rogue vampire. A vampire—she should be afraid, but fear was at the bottom of her list. Instead, she felt a thrill of joy, fierce loyalty, and possessiveness so strong it was almost overwhelming. There was something else…something just out of her grasp, something new she had never felt before, something she could not put her finger on yet. Sighing, her eyes sought his. “I am yours as well.” She leaned over to kiss him again.

  He cupped her face in his hands and stared into her eyes, wanting to see the truth in her words. “You need to think before you say that.”

  “I have, and it’s true.”


  Caleb pulled the Express Van into the parking lot of a small tavern in town. He sat staring at the establishment in indecision. He should be lying low, just in case Hargrove lurked around out there somewhere. On the other hand, he had been cooped up in that cavern for the last two days, and it was getting on his last nerve. That tarot card reading earlier that morning had not helped his disposition, instead giving him a lot to think about. Checking his watch, he realized it would be dark soon; he should hit happy hour just about right. Slamming his palm against the steering wheel in frustration, he wanted a beer in the worst way. He knew he should just start the van back up and go back to the cavern, but then he’d have to watch Mica and Desiree together, and he didn’t want that. He wanted that beer. Staring at the front door of the building, he licked his lips. “Oh, the hell with it!” Reaching for the door handle, giving into his wants, he went inside the tavern.

  * * *

; Jason Hargrove sat in his van at the far end of the parking lot. He could not believe his eyes when he saw that black Express Van pulling into the parking lot. It was the same car, he was sure of it. Sitting back, he watched closely as he saw the occupant get out of the van and walk inside the tavern. “That’s the same car, I know it,” he grumbled under his breath. “Since the sun’s still up, that must be the other one. He’s never seen me before, so this shouldn’t be too difficult.”

  * * *

  Caleb walked up to the bar, slapping his hand on the counter to get the bartender’s attention. “I’ll have whatever you have on draft.”

  “Yes, sir, coming right up.” The bartender poured the beer, setting it before Caleb. “That’ll be two-fifty.”

  Caleb slapped a $100 on the counter. “I want to run a tab.” His eyes scanned the room. “I’m going to be here for a few hours.”

  The man took the money, adding the beer to a ticket. “Just holler at me when you’re ready for another one.”

  “We’ll do,” Caleb replied cheerfully. Tipping the frosty mug, he downed half the beer in one long draw. “Aw, man, I needed that.” Grabbing his mug, he casually walked over to the jukebox. “Let’s liven this place up a little.” Digging a fist full of quarters out of his pocket, he fed them into the machine. The music blared from the box; the bartender looked up, smiling.

  Tipping the mug again, he downed the beer, then held the mug up in the air. The bartender nodded and poured him another one. Walking back up to the bar, he exchanged the empty mug for the full one, holding the beer up to the bartender in salute. “Thanks.” The bartender nodded.

  Caleb casually strolled over to a pool table, setting the table up to play. Choosing a pool stick, he rolled it on the table to test it.

  A stranger walked up to the table, eyeing him curiously. “Are you from around here?”

  “No, I’m just passing through. Do you want to play a game of pool?”

  “I believe I’m up for a game,” remarked the stranger. “You rack them while I find a pool stick.”

  “Sure thing.. By the way, I’m Caleb.” He stuck out his hand to the stranger.

  The stranger grabbed his hand in a firm grip. “Nice to meet you Caleb, I’m…Johnny.”

  “Nice to meet you too, Johnny. Grab a pool stick and we’ll play a game.” He picked up his mug and drained it, then held up two fingers to the bartender. The bartender nodded, pouring the beers. He brought them to the table and picked up the empty mug. “Thanks,” Caleb remarked to the bartender, “this is a mighty friendly establishment you’ve got here.”

  “We like to think so. Let me know when you need another.”

  Caleb nodded to the bartender, and then he turned, holding the extra beer up in the air. “Hey, Johnny, I bought you a beer.”

  “That’s right friendly of you, thanks. I’ll buy the next round.”

  “I just might take you up on that.” Caleb looked around the room, and then back at the pool table. “I’ll let you break first.”

  * * *

  After about ten games of pool and ten more beers apiece they decided to take a seat at a table to drink. Johnny held up his hand to get the bartender’s attention. “Could we get a bottle of Crown and a couple of shot glasses? This time, I’m paying.”

  The bartender brought the bottle of Crown and two shot glasses to the table. “Are you sure you fellows haven’t already had enough to drink?”

  Caleb belched, shaking his head. “We’re just getting started.”

  Johnny slapped Caleb on the back, laughing. He looked over at the bartender “Just keep ‘em coming,” Johnny remarked to the bartender.

  The man looked between the two, glaring in Johnny’s direction. Johnny slipped him a $20 from under the table. He took the money and shoved it in his pocket. “Yes, sir,” he remarked, walking away.

  Johnny filled the two shot glasses with Crown. “Here ya go, Caleb. Drink up.”

  Caleb tilted his head back to down the shot of Crown. Johnny watched closely; when he saw Caleb was not looking, he dumped his shot glass in the potted plant beside him. When Caleb looked back, Johnny set the shot glass back on the table and poured them both another.

  “Where are you from, partner?”

  Caleb rubbed his bleary eyes. “New Orleans.”

  “New Orleans? Well, partner, you’re a long way from home.”

  He nodded. “We’ll be going back home soon.”

  “Did you just say we?” Caleb nodded again, and Johnny looked around the room. “I thought you were here alone.”

  Caleb drank another shot. He pointed to the table with his index finger, jabbing the table a couple of times. “I’m in here alone.” He rubbed his eyes again. “But I'm here in this town with a couple of friends.”

  “Huh, a couple of friends, you say?” He poured Caleb another drink.

  Caleb held up the shot glass. “Thanks, buddy.” He tilted the glass, downing the shot in one swallow and grimacing from the burn of the liquor. “Yeah, me and my buddy Mica had to help a little lady out of a jam.”

  “A jam—huh—you don’t say.” Johnny smiled, pouring him another drink.

  Caleb nodded. “Yeah, you should see her.” He leaned on the table as if he was telling a big secret. “Johnny, you should see her. She is so hot.”

  “You don’t say.” Johnny nodded agreeably. “A real looker, you say. So, you like her huh?”

  He swallowed hard, frowning. “Yeah, buddy, I do.”

  “Well that’s a good thing, right? Why the sad face?”

  “I don’t know for sure, but I think she and Mica have a thing.” He tilted the shot glass and downed the Crown.

  “How do you feel about that?” Johnny poured him another shot.

  He looked down at the table. “It really sucks, man.”

  Johnny leaned forward, putting his elbows on the table, pretending to show concern. “Do you and your friend Mica fight over women much?”

  “No, that’s the thing.” He swallowed hard, continuing, “He doesn’t normally go for humans.”

  Johnny’s eyes rounded. “He doesn’t normally date humans? What else is there?”

  Caleb drank another shot, grimacing. “Nope.” He gave his head an exaggerated shake. “Mica usually dates vampires.”

  Johnny raised his eyebrows. “Why would he want to do that?”

  “Because he’s a vampire too, of course.”

  “Naturally,” Johnny remarked agreeably. “So, this woman you got out of a jam, she’s not a vampire? She’s a human?”

  “No, she’s not a vampire, but I wouldn’t exactly call her a normal human either.”

  “Well, if she’s not a vampire, and she’s not human, then what is she?”

  He laughed, suddenly finding the conversation funny. He wiped the tears from his bleary eyes. “She’s a witch.”

  “You don’t say.” Johnny poured him another drink.

  “Yep! She’s a witch.” He downed the next shot, and then he studied Johnny. He had just noticed that he was drinking alone. “Hey, buddy, you’re not drinkin’ with me?”

  “I’m just taking a little break.” Johnny put his elbow on the table, resting his chin in the palm of his hand. “Have you seen her practice magic?”

  He nodded. “I saw her throw an energy ball at a guard.”

  “That didn’t scare you?”

  He shrugged one shoulder. “I’m not afraid of a witch.” Picking up the shot glass, he downed it.

  “Why the hell not?”

  “I’m not exactly a full-fledged human either.” He crooked his finger at Johnny for him to come closer. “I can turn into a panther,” he slurred in a loud whisper.

  “Wow, a panther.”

  Caleb bobbed his head in agreement, laughing again. “You should have seen the look on her face when I morphed back with no clothes.” He chuckled harder. “It was priceless.”

  “You gave her a good shock.” Johnny chuckled. “I bet it would have been funny to see the look on her

  “Yeah, I thought we could’ve had a thing for each other…Then she saw Mica.”

  “She likes Mica, then?”

  He shrugged, staring at his empty shot glass. “I guess so.”

  Johnny looked around the room, then leaned forward, whispering to Caleb, “Well, if Mica’s in the way, then get him out of the way.”

  “He’s my buddy. I can’t kill him.” He threw out his hands. “Who would I party with then?”

  “I don’t suggest that you try to kill your buddy.” Johnny leaned forward to speak privately with him again. “Just drive a wedge between him and the woman. She should be yours then.”

  He blinked his eyes hard, trying to focus. “How would I do that?”

  “Call one of his old girlfriends and arrange for her to show up. Women can’t stand competition. She’ll get mad and leave him, and then she’ll be all yours.”

  A slow smile crept on his face. “You may have somethin’ there. It just might work.” He started patting his pockets.

  “What are you looking for?”

  “That danged cell phone.”

  Johnny smiled. “Here, use mine.”

  He reached for the phone. “Thanks, man. You’re a real friend.”

  “Don’t mention it.”

  Caleb dialed the number. It picked up after two rings. “Hello?”


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