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Digital Heretic (The Game is Life)

Page 8

by Schott, Terry

  “In a nutshell,” Brandon said.

  “And you’re not going to do anything about it?” she asked.

  “I’m doing things about it.”

  “But are you doing enough?” she asked. “Please tell me you have this figured out. Assure me that this isn’t going to happen. If you’re telling me a joke, then now is the time to deliver the punchline and make me laugh, Brandon.”

  “It’s no joke, A,” Brandon said.

  Angelica sat back, staring up at the ceiling. Her arms flopped to the sides of the chair, the tips of her delicately painted nails almost touching the floor. “Why not just give up now and be done with it?” she asked the ceiling. “Save us all some time and stress.”

  Brandon chuckled hollowly. “That’s not how we work, Angelica. That’s not how you work, either. We do our best, because sometimes the phone rings just before the switch is thrown and the prisoner about to be executed on death row is saved. We keep moving forward because as long as we do, there’s a chance.”

  “A chance for what?” Angelica asked. “From what you’re telling me, it will take a miracle to survive this. No, it will take more than a miracle, Brandon.”

  “Likely,” Brandon said. “But you may have noticed that miracles are occurring, here as well as in the Game.” He pointed to the other room where Trew sat. “Perhaps if we hang on for just a few more weeks, then ‘more than a miracle’ will make its appearance.”

  Angelica blew at a stray lock of hair, blinking as it floated to settle in front of her eye. She tapped a finger on the arm of her chair, watching Brandon as thoughts raced through her head.

  Then she nodded and sat forward. “Okay, then. What do you want me to do?”

  Brandon flashed a confident smile. “I’m glad you asked, Angelica. I have a very interesting task for you…”

  Chapter 21

  “Back by yourself this time? Brandon is really taken with you to allow such freedom of movement in the most secret and guarded parts of his world,” Sylvia said.

  “Perhaps it’s because time is running out and his options are dwindling,” Trew replied.

  “Perhaps. What would you like to talk about, Trew?”

  “Brandon has told me about the ‘relationship’ between the two of you.” Trew said. “I must admit that, while it sounds very interesting, it’s not how I want the two of us to get along.”

  “What did you have in mind?” Sylvia asked.

  “You are a supreme being inside the Game. There is much that you can share, and much more that you cannot.”

  “Correct on both counts,” Sylvia said.

  “I am a… unique being at this point in history. There is much that I can share, and much that I cannot. Things that would surprise even you, Sylvia.”

  “I believe you, Trew.”

  “I propose that we have normal discussions, like two adults. I know you will ask me questions for a specific purpose. I’m willing to answer your questions without wondering why you’re asking them. If you’re prepared to do the same, then I think we can accomplish much in a short time, which should be our main goal.”

  “I’m willing to do that,” Sylvia said. “There will also be questions that I am not willing to answer and you will likely experience the

  same. In the spirit of acting like adults, let’s agree to accept that when it happens and move on.”

  “Sounds fair,” Trew said. “We had a great relationship when I was inside the Game. If we can continue on that path and acknowledge that we are both trying to accomplish similar goals, it should go well.”

  “All right, let’s do this,” Sylvia said. “No games. Just answers when we can, no hard feelings when we can’t. It will be a pleasant change from the conversations that I’ve enjoyed with Brandon.”

  “I am very different from Brandon,” Trew said.

  “In some respects, but you are identical in so many others.”

  “I’ll take that as a compliment.”

  “It was intended to be,” Sylvia said. “So what would you like to talk about?”

  Sylvia and Trew spoke for the next hour. There was the occasional moment when one would politely refuse to answer, but overall there was much accomplished during their visit.

  Trew looked at his watch. It was almost time to go. There was one further topic to discuss.

  “Tell me everything you can about communicating with avatars.”

  “Sure, no problem, hun.” Sylvia said.

  Twenty minutes later, Trew had heard everything Sylvia knew about communicating with players residing in their avatars on Earth. “Thanks, Sylvia. I appreciate your help, I think this has been a great first talk.”

  “I’ve enjoyed this as well, Trew,” Sylvia said. “I’m sorry, but you won’t be able to talk to avatars through prayer.”

  “I know,” Trew said, “But I will be able to talk to them when they meditate. My guess is that it’s very similar to your way of doing things, and I want to be good at it right from the start.”

  “I’m happy to tell you everything you want to know, Trew. When are you planning on speaking with Danielle?”

  “Just as soon as I leave here. Thank you again, Sylvia, I think that’s all for today. Do you have any other questions?”

  She paused. “You have been in His presence, haven’t you?”

  Trew closed his eyes, smiled and nodded. “I have.”

  “Incredible,” she whispered. “What can you tell me about it?”

  “I can tell you is that He is very proud of you. He also wanted me to tell you that he hears your prayers.”

  Sylvia was silent, but in that silence Trew could feel her emotion. He could also sense the same questions that he had asked when first learning that his God was real.

  “I’m so happy to hear that, Trew. Thank you.”

  “My pleasure,” Trew said.

  Chapter 22

  Life can get pretty crazy at times. It can be hectic, confusing, stressful, and that’s on a good day.

  Life can be full of happiness, and full of sadness.

  One moment you’re on top of the world and nothing can go wrong. The next moment you’re scraping the bottom of the heap and it feels like nothing will ever be right again.

  I guess it depends where you are right now on your ride through life whether you smile when you read this or fight back tears.

  No matter where you sit on the big roller coaster called life at this moment in time, try very hard to smile, and be glad you’re on the ride.

  There are many watching you play your game that would jump into your shoes in an instant, if given the chance.

  I know… pretty crazy, huh?

  Author unknown

  Danielle - 48

  I open my eyes and look around uncertainly. Raphael sits across from me, his eyes still closed in meditation. A short time passes; then his eyes open and blink slowly.

  He sees me and appears concerned. “What’s wrong?” he asks.

  “You don’t know?” I ask.

  He shakes his head and I can tell he doesn’t. Maybe I should keep it a secret for a while. It would serve them right for all the things they don’t tell me, but I can’t. I feel tears forming, warm and happy, as they start to fall down my face. Raphael gets up and comes over to me, holding out his hand to help me stand.

  “What is it, sweetling?”

  “It’s ok, Raph. These are happy tears,” I say.

  “Ahh,” he nods. “You had a moving moment of meditation. Good for you, Danni.” He walks over to the bar and grabs two bottles of water.

  “Yeah, a moving moment of meditation,” I say. “I learned another secret you two have kept from me.”

  “What secret would that be?” he asks.

  “That they can talk to us when we meditate.”

  He looks at me with a blank face, then walks over to the door and opens it, sticking his head out, I assume to get Stephanie’s attention. Sure enough, she strolls in.

  “You can read each other’
s minds, right?” I ask. They do this way too often for it to be coincidence, but I always forget to ask them.

  “We are extremely empathic,” Raphael says. “Many times, it seems like we read minds, but it’s just good instincts and intuition. Thousands of years practicing makes it appear that we’re mind readers, but we’re not. Don’t change the subject, Danni.”

  I smile, “Not fun when that happens, is it?”

  “No, it isn’t.”

  I wait for them to apologize for doing the same thing to me so often, but they seem content to stand there as if they are deaf to my question.

  I shrug my shoulders; that’s fine, let them. I’m in a fantastic mood!

  “Danni knows that we communicate with others outside of the Game when we meditate,” Raphael says.

  “Oh, that. I thought for sure you knew that already,” Stephanie says.

  “Nope. But it sure was a wonderful surprise.” I start to cry again.

  “Who did you talk with, hun?” Stephanie comes over and hugs me. “Someone who upset you?”

  “No, not at all!” They both look concerned; maybe they think I’ve finally cracked. Well, let’s put the icing on the cake for them.

  “I talked with Trew. He’s alive!”

  They look at me in disbelief. “Danni, that’s not possible,” Raphael says. “Someone is messing with you.”

  “He said you would think that,” I say. “He knows it’s impossible to come back from being killed by a Sever Spike, but somehow it happened. It took a few days for him to recover. He was actually dead and gone; they unplugged him on the fifth day and then he suddenly started breathing on his own and came back.”

  “I suppose anything is possible…” Raphael says. “But I’ve been around a long time, Danni, and no one has ever come back to life after being Spiked. It would take a miracle on a magnitude simply not possible outside of the Game.”

  I nod. “You’re both right to be suspicious. Someone will contact you soon to confirm that it’s true.” I laugh out loud. “To confirm that it’s Trew! Ha! That’s cute!”

  Stephanie looks concerned. “Soon, as in, right now?”

  I nod, “Yeah, that could work. Raphael, please meditate for a few minutes. I guess only one person can communicate at once, but whoever wants to talk with you will be available now that Trew’s done speaking with me.”

  Raphael nods and sits down, closing his eyes and entering a state of meditation immediately. I’m very good after decades of practice, but these two make me look like a beginner. Stephanie and I wait patiently; he’s out for about ten minutes, then his eyes open and he stands up.

  “Really?” Stephanie asks. Damn it, I know they can read each others’ minds!

  Raphael nods. “He’s alive.”

  The two of them come over and we all hug. There isn’t a dry eye in the room; all the years of sadness flee instantly. It’s overwhelming for all of us.

  Stephanie steps back from me and grabs my head gently in her hands. She looks me directly in the eye and says, “I’m so glad we didn’t lose you, Lobato! We are so happy!”

  I laugh at her. I know she’s talking to Trew as he watches events in the Game through my eyes. I wonder if he is watching through my eyes at this very moment?

  “What else did he tell you?” Stephanie asks.

  I shake my head. “He didn’t really say anything else. Apparently, he’s super busy at the moment trying to get up to speed, and since time passes more quickly there, he contacted me very briefly to say that he is alive and well, and that he’ll get back to me soon and we can talk more.”

  “This is going to be a big problem,” Stephanie says.

  “What do you mean?” I ask.

  “Everyone who watches you play now knows that it’s possible to communicate with players. This is going to turn the world on its head. There’s a stiff penalty for doing what Trew just did.”

  “What’s the penalty?” I ask.

  “Death,” Stephanie says.

  Before I can get upset, Raphael interrupts. “No one is going to die, ladies. No one outside this room knows what just happened.” He holds up a small black crystal attached to a gold chain.

  “Ah, thank goodness, Raph, You scrambled us.”

  “What do you mean, scrambled us?” I ask.

  “It means he scrambled the signal being sent through your head so that no one can view us at the moment.” Stephanie was visibly relieved.

  “So, moving forward, we tell no one what just happened?” I ask.

  “That’s right, don’t tell anyone,” Raphael says. “It’s time to teach you how these scramblers work. They aren’t to be used very often, just when it’s important to be invisible to viewers. There’s something else I want you to know, Danni. When you’re meditating no one can view what’s going on, so keep any details that you learn very private, and when we must discuss it then we need scramblers on, without exception. Are we clear?”

  “Yes, we are,” I say.

  “So what do they want us to do?” Stephanie asks.

  “Nothing,” Raphael says. “Just get on with what we are doing until we hear more from them.”

  “Well, it’s going to be easy to do everything from now on,” I say. “I will live this life, but now that I know I’ll see Trew when I’m done here, it’s exciting!”

  “Don’t go trying to die again, please,” Raphael says.

  “I won’t. I have a very big game to play here, and I have no intention of leaving until I accomplish my goals.”

  They both look relieved.

  “Now let’s turn the scrambler off and go find Melissa. Trew wants to see a person fly.”

  Chapter 23


  “Hey,watch where you’re going, ass!”

  I hear the car tires screech, but I don’t bother to look. The driver is a sheep, mistakenly thinking he’s a tiger. He pinches off his next sentence; must have gotten a close look at me. Once the sheep get a look at me they shut up. I keep walking and don’t hear another peep out of him. Pathetic.

  I continue to cross the street, keeping my eyes on the prize. They are walking at a good clip, just the two girls today. It’s not often that Danielle walks around without one of her pets nearby.

  My lucky day.

  I’m close enough to hear her when she speaks. “Okay, Melissa. I’m going in here to look around for a couple things. I’ll meet you at the cafe in about an hour?”

  The other girl says something, then walks away. That one is light on her feet, almost like she’s floating. I’ll have to ask around about her, later.

  I wait about two minutes, then stroll through the front door. She’s in the back, looking at display racks filled with crystals and amulets hanging from different types of necklaces. A crystal and gemstone store; there’s some nice energy in here. She doesn’t see me. I’d be surprised if she did. I’m stalking; no one sees me until it’s too late when I’m stalking.

  Fifteen feet from her I stretch my arm upwards slightly. The wound has healed nicely; there’s no tightness or pain. I take a moment to watch her; she’s an attractive woman. Most 30 year olds would kill to look as good as this woman who is almost 50.

  I smile warmly and pluck a pendant from a nearby rack, then slide around the display to stand beside her.

  She’s holding a pendant up to the light, inspecting it closely. Before I can say anything witty or clever, she surprises me. “I knew I should have done it this way years ago, Carl.”

  My grin widens. “What way is that, Danielle?”

  She turns her head and meets my gaze. “I should have left my protectors out of sight and pretended to be a weak little deer standing all alone. You come to me like a shark attracted to blood in the water.”

  “Oh, I’m sure you’ve tried this before, Danni,” I say.

  “My friends call me Danni,” she says. “You call me Danielle, or Mrs. Radfield.”

  I hold my pendant up in front of her. “I think this one suits you, Danni. Fire Opal
. It enhances your inner power; it awakens your inner fire, and protects against danger.” I stretch my hand outwards. She looks at me coldly. Finally she snatches it out of my hand. She doesn’t take a fearful step backwards; very brave.

  “What’s with your eyes?” I ask. “I’ve never seen a set of eyes that colour.”

  She ignores my question. I can feel her hatred; it’s very strong. “Are you here to kill me, then?”

  I sniff the air. The warning scent of her Clean Mark surrounds her. “If I was here to kill you, you’d be dead, girl.”

  “Then you must be here to apologize for destroying my husband’s soul.”

  My grin disappears and I wince slightly. I maintain eye contact with her for a moment, then look away. I don’t need her seeing regret in my eyes; that would ruin my image.

  I look back at her and shrug. “Darlin’, I’ve never apologized for anything during my stay on this world.” She blinks quickly and looks away. “If I ever did apologize for something, though, it’d be for doing your husband that way. He didn’t deserve to go out like that.”

  Her eyes dart back to mine. She can tell that I mean it, which clearly confuses her. We look at each other for a moment, then she nods and looks back towards the display rack. “I’m going to do the same to you, Carl. Rip your soul into a million pieces and scatter it to the winds.”

  I shrug. “Good luck with that, Danni. If anyone has earned the privilege, it’s you. And if anyone deserves it… well, it’s me. It won’t be any time soon, though, girl. You need to train more, and I have lots of work to keep me busy.”

  “As do I,” she says. “If you didn’t come to kill me, and you aren’t here to gloat, then what brings you here?”

  “I was sent with a message. Thought I’d use it as an excuse to meet you,” I say.

  “Let’s hear it, then,” she says.

  She doesn’t fear me. It’s strange to stand in front of someone and not feel their terror. Even my brothers and sisters fear me. Strange, but I like this feeling.


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