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Intense 2

Page 139

by Hebert, Cambria

  “Why not? You’ll be on Christmas break, too, won’t you?”

  “Yeah, but I already have plans for that break.”

  “So change them. You said you had no family, so it’s not like anyone’s waiting for you, right?”

  Sitting up, her expression lost the last remnants of eroticism and turned suddenly prude. She covered herself with the sheet and stood. “Bobby, I think there’s been some confusion here.”

  I propped myself up on my elbows. “Okay, so clarify then.”

  “My apprenticeship at the institute should be over by then.”

  “Even better. You’ll have all the time in the world. Maybe we could even extend our stay. It’ll be my turn to show you around.”

  “Bobby, I’m returning to the convent when I leave the institute.”

  “What the hell for? To cook there?”

  She shook her head. “Bobby, I’m going back to take my final vows. I’m going to become a nun.”

  I burst out laughing. Sitting up, I reached out for her. “Ha, that’s a good one. You . . . a nun.”

  She sidestepped my outstretched hand. “It’s not a joke. My whole life has been leading to this.”

  “Are you fucking kidding me?” I shot out of bed. “Did you hear what I said earlier? I love you. I . . . Love . . . You. And now you’re telling me that this relationship is impossible?”

  “Please don’t get upset. It’s not like I planned things this way.”

  “No? Then how did you plan them?”

  She didn’t answer. It was just as well. What could she really say anyway? Silently, she got dressed and I did the same. The air in the apartment was suddenly stifling and I had to get out.

  I shoved my shoes on and went to the door. Seething, I tried to calm myself before I spoke. “These past weeks, you never said anything about becoming a nun. You never even said anything about returning to the convent. Don’t you think it’s something you could have told me? Don’t you think I, at least, deserved that?”

  “I lost my way. I had no intention of taking this path with you. All these years I’ve followed the righteous path and never, ever strayed, but you . . . You confused me and led me to question, if only for a moment, where I really belonged. But I know. Despite what’s happened these past weeks, I know where I belong, and it is not with a man.”

  “Fine.” I kicked at the floor in frustration, threw my jacket on and yanked open the door. It slammed back against the wall, echoing how I felt. “Good luck with that one.”

  Chapter 8

  I got back into the swing of things fast enough. I flirted with every girl who crossed my path, and dated any and all who’d have me, which was just about all of them. Even the girls I’d crossed off my mental list, the ones who seemed too needy, too clingy, too crazy, managed to find their way into my pants.

  If they got too needy, I shot them down. If they got too clingy, I slithered out of their lives for good. And when they got too crazy, I got crazy back, scaring the shit out of them ensuring they never bothered me again.

  Sandrine, a tall, voluptuous girl with huge tits and just as big an ass had been aggressive in her attempts to gain my attention since the very first day of class. It was obvious she loved her breasts and she was more than proud to show them off. But after three weeks of fucking everything that moved, I was fed up with it all.

  If I continued at this rate, I’d be the one turning my back on carnal pleasure and pledging my undying devotion to a higher god.

  Brooding, I sat down at the back of Lilly’s class.

  “You American boys are so different,” Sandrine murmured in a thick French accent as her puffy lips pouted in a semi-sexy way. “I love the way you love.”

  I’d never been a fan of artifice. Give me a real small tit instead of an inflated fake one any day. Nonetheless, I’d fucked her brains out the night before, though I hardly retained a memory of the brief time I’d spent with her. I knew she’d had to suck my cock a damn long time before even giving me a hard-on, and even then, I knew I just wasn’t in it. It was a mindless and unpleasant fuck if ever I’d had one.

  Though, looking at Sandrine’s smoldering eyes, it wasn’t quite so mindless for her.

  “Last night was . . .” She bit her lip and closed her eyes as if reliving the moment. “Perfect.”

  There it was, right in the middle of the class. Male and female students around us looked our way and seemed to want to know more.

  Stupid girl.

  “When can we do it again?” She made no attempt to keep her voice down. She saw no reason to be discreet.

  I didn’t want to shoot her down right there in front of everyone, but I didn’t want to encourage her either.

  “Mademoiselle Sandrine. Monsieur Bobby. Votre attention s’il vous plait.” Lilly puckered her lips and tapped the edge of her desk with the tips of her binder.

  Sandrine set her elbow on her desk and her chin in her palm then looked hungrily at me. “Oui. Oui.”

  I heard Lilly huff and held my breath as I awaited a confrontation.

  “Mais, il est tellement mignon.” Sandrine said with a playful wink. “So, so cute.”

  “Monsieur Bobby. Can I speak with you a moment?” Lilly ordered.

  I shot a deadly glare at Sandrine and got up to walk to Lilly’s desk. Once there, I looked down at the floor as I scratched the back of my head.

  “Must you really have your way with every student in my class?” Lilly hissed. “And must you be so blatant about it?”

  “At this point, I don’t really see how it could possibly concern you.”

  She licked her lips and I could tell she was nervous as she sought what more to say.

  “At the very least, I would think you’d respect the friendship we have.”

  “Ha,” I grunted. “Friendship? Friends don’t lead friends on and then drop them like a dead weight when they declare their innermost feelings to them.”

  “Are you punishing me?”

  “Is it hurting you?” It hadn’t been my intention to hurt her. Fucking other women was the only way I knew to forget her. But, hell, if it got under her skin and made her squirm, so be it.

  “Having you come to class and flaunt your latest conquest in front of everyone, in front of me . . . it’s very petty of you. I thought you were a bigger man than that.”

  “And I thought you were a woman I could live my life with. I guess we all have our ideas of what is right and wrong in a relationship. I thought we were dating, I thought we were getting serious, and I thought we were on our way to something special. However, all that time, you knew damn well we would never be serious, you knew we were heading nowhere, at least not together, and you willingly chose to keep that bit of information to yourself. Forgive me if . . .” I set my palms on her desk and leaned over to spit my conquest in her face. “Yes, I fucked Sandrine’s brains out, and forgive me if she doesn’t have the sense to keep from shouting it out to everyone.”

  “So you really did . . .” Her voice cracked and her eyes mirrored over.

  My gut caught in my throat and I hated myself. All I wanted to do was pull her into my arms and kiss away the image of me and Sandrine.

  With a haughty air, Lilly pulled back her shoulders, cleared her throat and looked down at her notes. “Well, on a whole other matter, I’ve noticed that you have a serious lack of knowledge of a few basic techniques. I read over your test last night and was surprised to learn you barely had your ratios down.”

  “What are you talking about? My . . .”

  “In any event, I’d like to see you in my office after class. I don’t have time to discuss this with you now. You may not want me as your mentor anymore, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to let you fall behind.”

  My cock instantly hardened at the mere thought of being alone in her office with her. The rest of the class was a fog, a dense fog that didn’t let up until the class finally ended.

  Lilly hurried out of the class, but when I’d gathered my things
and rushed to catch up to her, Sandrine dug her claws into me and pulled me back.

  “Where are you rushing off to?”

  “I’ve been summoned. I didn’t do very well on the last test.”

  “Ah, poor baby. Why don’t you let Sandrine teach you a few things?”

  I pulled her hands off me and held them aloft as I backed away. “Like I said, I’ve been summoned. I’ve gotta go.”

  Nothing and no one was going to keep me from seeing Lilly.

  Chapter 9


  Sitting behind my desk, I tried to collect myself as I waited for Bobby to arrive. I was a professional. I was a teacher. I had responsibilities and I had a reputation to uphold.

  My God. What was I doing?

  Breathe. Breathe. But no matter how many long, slow breaths I took in and exhaled, my body tingled at the thought of being close to Bobby again. Blinking away the erotic image that came to mind, I pulled his last two quick quizzes out of my folder, ready to go over them with him.

  What had I really called him to my office for? He’d passed both quizzes with flying colors. He’d even given more information than requested. So what was I going to say to him?

  Stop seeing Sandrine. Stop seeing all of the sexy young women you’d been flirting with. That you’ve been sleeping with.

  I couldn’t bear the thought. I wanted him. I wanted him with me . . . only me.

  Then it hit me; I was still his mentor. Despite everything that had happened, I was still his mentor. Surely I still had some influence on him. I could try to convince him that our friendship was worth more than a few flings with . . .

  A light tap sounded at the door.

  I coughed and took a sip of water from the glass on my desk. “Come in.”

  Bobby slowly opened the door and waited in the threshold. He was mind numbingly good looking today . . . better than usual. Or maybe it was the fact that I missed him so much that made him all the more attractive. I’d thought Errol King had something special, that he was as manly as a man could get, but Bobby . . . I don’t know if it was the cockiness or the boyishness that thrilled me most, but there was something about him, something that drew me in and wouldn’t let go.

  “Please, come in and sit down.”

  He took a seat facing me. “So I didn’t do too well on the last test.”

  I looked down at my notes. “Actually, I owe you an apology. I confused your results with those of another student.”

  “Oh. Well, that’s good, right?”

  “Absolutely. As it turns out, you passed, but, since you’re here, I thought I’d congratulate you. You’re really in your element here at the institute. You’ve even outshined a few promising students who thought they had this semester down and easy.”

  “I’m happy to hear I’m doing well.”

  “Um.” I pulled in a shaky breath. “You know, despite our little falling out, I’m still your mentor.”

  He nodded. “I guess you’re right.” He was being too polite, too precise. Cold. This wasn’t going well.

  “I still have a lot to show you. It’s very important to Monsieur Franchine that you immerse yourself in French culture. So, there’s a wonderful opera tonight at the . . .”

  “I don’t like the opera.”

  “Oh, well. Of course there is a great exhibit this weekend at le Musée des . . .”

  “I’ve seen enough museums for now.”

  Why was he being so difficult? Was the thought of being with me so unpleasant?

  “Fine. Then you tell me. What more would you like to discover in Paris?”

  Staring down at my desk, he shrugged. “Why don’t you bring me out to this convent you’re so eager to go back to?”


  “Lilly.” There was no warmth in the way he spoke my name.

  Tightening my jaw, I prepared for another argument with him.

  “Seriously,” he said. “I’d like to see it. Maybe going out there will help me to understand why this is so important to you. It’ll help me understand where you’re heading, and why.”

  He was being impossible, but still. I got up and went to the shelves behind my desk. I had several maps of Paris and a few good ones of the roads leading to the countryside to the North, South, East and West of the city.

  “It’s two hours away from here,” I turned to him, but he’d already gotten out of his seat and made his way to me.

  “I’ll go as far as I need to go if I can get them to convince you that you’re making a mistake.”

  “That’s impossible, Bobby. They want me to join the nunnery.”

  “I’ll tell them about the woman you really are, the woman I know.”

  I opened my mouth to argue, but he kissed me, filling my mouth with his tongue and swirling it around in a way that left me breathless. Tears rushed to my eyes as I pulled him to me, my nails clawing at his skin in an attempt to get him closer to me still.

  He ripped my lab coat off and tore my jade muslin dress in half. Each hand took a hold of a cup of my bra and pulled, liberating my breasts, and just as quickly, he reached down and pulled my underwear off.

  But his hands weren’t the only ones busy. I hurriedly undid his pants and pulled out his erection. He was so hard and so ready to have me, and I was just as wet and eager to take him in. It’d been too long. It’d been torture. After so many nights of having him, and of wanting more of him, being away from him these past weeks was like starving.

  “I need you, Lilly,” he said. Then he quickly pushed his way inside me.

  It was more heated than ever, more urgent. Our bodies thrashed together and were soon soaked in sweat. His scent filled my nostrils and pushed my arousal to higher levels.

  I love you, Bobby.

  He thrust hard and his grunts told me he was almost there.

  I’m there with you. Oh, my God. I want to go anywhere with you.

  “Bobby!” I cried out.


  My knees crumpled and he held me up as our orgasms exploded.

  “I’ve missed you so much,” I whispered. Clinging to him, I kissed his cheek and his neck. I didn’t want to let go.

  Spent and happier than I’d been since our break up, I pulled back and smiled at him. I couldn’t believe just how much I’d missed him.

  But we had little time to celebrate our reunion. After an all too brief knock at the door, it opened and Monsieur Franchine stepped in only to quickly come to a halt when he saw us. He turned crimson, so red, I thought he might have a heart attack right there.

  In vain, I tried to pick up the shreds of my dress and cover myself, but there was no hiding what had just happened . . . in my office . . . with a student.

  “Get dressed,” he said in one dark monotone as he looked from Bobby to me. “Then I’ll see you both in my office.” He stepped back and closed the door.

  Feeling the blood drain from my face, I looked at Bobby.

  This is the End of Part I

  HEAT Vol. 1.


  HEAT Vol. 2 is now available on Amazon at:

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  To read the Master Chefs Series featuring Taryn and Errol, it is available here:

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