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Foxy on the Run: Book One, Supernatural Bounty Hunters Novellas

Page 5

by E A Price

“It wasn’t my fault...” Jackson protested loudly.

  Her eyes flashed bright green in warning. “You made me look like a complete idiot in front of a member of my circle!”

  “Those two fucking ogres just attacked me!” He roared as his teeth and claws lengthened, his wolf pushing forward.

  “The only way I could get Aaron to promise not to press charges was to agree to go on a date with him!” She spat.

  Jackson stopped short. “Seriously?” He asked incredulously. He didn’t know what was more mindboggling, the mild mannered looking Aaron blackmailing Alma into dating him or Alma actually agreeing to it to save Jackson’s butt.

  “Just remember, you owe me. Hugely! One day I will ask you for a favor, you won’t see it coming, you won’t like it, but you will do it. No. Matter. What.” She gave him a soul piercing look.


  Alma sniffed and started the engine quickly pulling out into traffic which miraculously parted for her.

  “I take it this whole incident was caused by the fox shifter.”

  Jackson grunted unintelligibly as he stared out of the window moodily. She cackled spitefully. Wicked witch.

  “Well you need to buck up your game, work is piling in and Marcus is pissed that you haven’t already found her. Her bond was not cheap and he wants her in police custody by the end of tomorrow at the latest. Or else.”

  “Or else what?!” Demanded Jackson crossly, not liking her domineering tone at all. Yep, he definitely had a problem with authority.

  Alma’s thin lips curled as she cut in front of a Driver’s Ed car. “Or else my fluffy little puppy Marcus wants me to give the skip to someone else.”

  Maybe it wouldn’t be a bad idea for Logan to take the case, or one of the other hunters like Adam or Zara would also be... acceptable. Apparently Jackson wasn’t bringing his A-game. But the idea of any man or woman chasing his little fox sent his wolf wild. Jackson fidgeted uncomfortably at the thoughts racing through his head. No, he had to find her, no one else was allowed to touch her. No one!

  “So unless you want Viktor taking your skip...”

  Jackson and his wolf snarled. No way in hell was that fucking vampire taking one of his skips! No way was he going to allow that corpse anywhere near his beautiful fox! She’d probably turn up at the cop station minus two pints of blood... if she turned up alive at all.

  Viktor only took on cases now and again. He didn’t need to work, after a couple of centuries he had amassed a decent amount of cash. He chose to take on skips now and again for fun. Employing Viktor had its benefits, he was a lot faster and stronger than shifters and witches but he did have a little trouble with sunlight. Why he chose to live in California was a complete mystery. And he wasn’t exactly a people person, more of a rip into people’s throats and ask questions never.

  Jackson hated him. To a massive degree. Ever since Viktor swooped in and sniped one of his skips three years ago when Jackson first started working at Blau’s. Jackson almost had the witch cornered; there was no reason for Viktor to steal the job from him, just because the witch was trying to turn him into a toad... Jackson could handle it!

  It certainly explained why Alma was so keen to help him. She had briefly dated Viktor and it had apparently ended quite badly. Viktor was just lucky to still have his boy parts.

  “Well? Do you want Viktor to take your skip?” Alma asked impatiently.

  “Fuck no!” Jackson roared.

  She nodded in approval. She wanted him to be at the emotional level she was at that moment. Fucking pissed.

  “And you’re going to find her right? And have her trussed and delivered to the cops by the end of tomorrow right?”

  Ice cold doubt flowed through him. He was sure he could find her, getting her to the cops was another thing though. “Ugh... well I’ll do my best.”

  Alma flashed him a look of fury, her eyes glowing and her face thunderous. Alma could be truly terrifying when she wanted. “Goddess give me strength! She’s a fat little fox who probably boinked her boss to death, she’s not an evil genius, she’s not a career criminal, she’s a fucking receptionist! How hard can it be?!”

  Jackson roared as his eyes flashed to amber. “I’ll find her!” His wolf was fuming at the thought of Carly with another man. Damn right he’d find her, and then he’d make sure she hadn’t been sleeping with her boss. And if she had, well... then it was lucky for him he was already dead! Sort of...

  “Good.” Alma’s countenance returned back to her normal pretty, serene looking face.

  She pulled over; Jackson looked round blinking away the red mist of anger. “Wha...”

  She gave him another patronizing look and sighed. “We’re at the impound lot dummy. Go get your truck and as a little favor to help you along I found out that the fox’s car is also here. It was picked up this morning on Shelley Street.”

  “Really?” His wolf stirred, Shelley Street wasn’t in the best neighborhood but it was adjacent to a number of cheap, sleazy motels. Which was a good place to start looking.

  Alma tapped her nails against the steering wheel. “Don’t let me down wolfboy, I refuse to listen to that asshole walking corpse gloating that we can’t run the agency without his help. I’d rather kill us all!”

  Fuck that must have been one bad break up. He hoped she was kidding. Damn she really could be terrifying.

  Alma made a shooing motion with her hand and he got out her jeep. “No go on boy, go get her! Good boy!”

  She drove off hooting with laughter. He barely noticed, too preoccupied with thoughts of the tricky little fox. With any luck she’d be too afraid of trying to catch a bus again, and if she had any sense at all she wouldn’t even bother with the train station or airport. Far too many cameras.

  Hopefully she’d just hunker down in a seedy motel. He’d find her. Then he’d tie her up and throw her over his shoulder. The wolf got very excited, and then they would take her back to his place and ravish her senseless. No! Then they would take her to the cops to get her rebonded... if possible. Then they would ravish her senseless.

  Easy peasy.

  Chapter Seven

  Carly sighed. Her pillow felt lumpy. She tried to rearrange it but her hand seemed to be caught on something. Her other hand was too.

  She pulled her arms and felt cold metal digging into her wrists. Snapping her eyes open she was alarmed to find both hands attached to the headboard of her bed with handcuffs. Panic coursed through her. In frustration she began thrashing about on the bed.

  The overhead light was flipped on and she froze. Jackson sauntered out the bathroom and leant against the wall. Her eyes took in his tall powerful frame and her stomach flipped. His jeans and t-shirt clung to him, barely covering his hard quivering muscles. His face, although still sex shudderingly handsome, looked annoyed. Really annoyed.

  She was silent as he watched her, considering how on earth she was going to get away from him this time.

  Finding her had been easy. After picking up his truck he drove to where her car had been found. Knowing she had been wearing high pumps yesterday he figured she had ended up at the nearest motel.

  After sweet talking the bored young human girl on the front desk he took a look at the guest sign in book and hazarding a guess at the name given figured she was in room 219. The girl had even given him a key to the room; she honestly didn’t care if it was against the rules. It was her uncle’s motel and she was being forced to work there as punishment for staying out all night with her 30 year old boyfriend. She told him she liked older men as she stroked his bicep. He told her he’d bear it in mind as his wolf howled at being touched by another woman.

  When Jackson got to the room he was pleased to find Carly was already asleep despite the sun only just setting. Well she’d had quite an exciting day he thought sourly.

  He snuck into the room and for a few minutes he had just sat on the edge of the bed watching her sleep. Yes, back to creepy perv territory. She was lovely. Tenderly he smooth
ed a stray strand of hair out of her eyes. Utterly perfect for us thought the wolf.

  Jackson grunted and got to work. Gently so as not to disturb her he attached the handcuffs to her and snapped them onto the headboard. He considered gagging her but decided against it. If she did scream when she woke up he’d just tell the girl on the front desk that they were playing a kinky game and that Carly was just in the throes of ecstasy... he felt certain the girl would buy that, hell she might even ask to join in!

  Whilst waiting for her he proceeded to go through all her belongings. He had to be careful and start playing this by the book. How did he know she didn’t have a gun or some other kind of weapon?

  After an hour Jackson heard her moving about on the bed and smiled to himself. He was going to enjoy this.

  Carly chewed on her cheek as she watched him. He was unmoving as a statue. Her breasts heaved under the thin cotton t-shirt she was wearing. His arousal was downright painful. All he had to do was step forward and slice through that t-shirt...

  She considered getting angry and shouting at him, but knew that really wouldn’t do any good. Perhaps if she appealed to his good nature... if he had one.

  “So... things went alright with the security guards then?” She winced even as she said it.

  To her surprise Jackson started chuckling and grinned at her. All easy charm and razor sharp teeth. “You know foxy you’ve really impressed me so far. Not one of my skips has been able to get away from me, never mind twice.”

  Carly licked her lips. His wolf was panting and he wasn’t far behind. “Oh?”

  His face turned stony. “It won’t happen a third time.”

  She slumped a little and nodded. “You know there’s really no need for these cuffs, I give in. You can take me to jail.” She said in a small voice.

  He had an enormous urge to take them off, but he’d already been fooled by her. He shouldn’t take any chances. “No, there’s no way you’re getting away from me this time.”

  “Asshole.” Carly muttered.

  He guffawed at her. Damn he just liked her more and more. He came over and sat on the edge of the bed, he could feel the warmth emanating from her hot curvy body. What he wouldn’t give just to crush her up against him... “You know you should just consider yourself lucky that it was me that found you.”

  Jackson almost shuddered thinking about what Viktor would have down to the sumptuous little fox. Viktor seemed to think it was his right to feed off the people he caught. The dead fucker no doubt would have enjoyed catching Carly.

  Carly looked at him doubtfully.

  “I’m serious foxy, up until now I’ve been nothing but a gentleman.”

  She scoffed. “You broke into my apartment, ransacked it, trapped me against a door whilst pushing your enormous erection against me, then you followed me into a ladies bathroom and wrestled me down to the floor. Now you’ve broken into my motel room, handcuffed me to my bed and you’re leering at me while I’m half naked! Yeah, real gentlemanly!”

  He looked down for a few minutes seemingly chastised before looking back up, beaming. “Enormous huh?”

  “Ugh!” Stupid, sexy wolf.

  “And for your information I didn’t ransack anything. It was already in a mess when I got there. You came home before I could thoroughly search the place.”

  “Well someone did...” Carly struggled against the handcuffs wildly before stopping and whimpering.

  His wolf whined. She was in pain! “Shit!” Jackson fumbled unlocking the handcuffs.

  The moment her hand was free it connected with his face. He oofed and then staggered back from the bed rubbing his jaw. Damnit, what was it that made him act like a total moron around her?!

  He roared fiercely at her and she felt her sex flutter at the strong, dominant male. Her fox yipped like crazy. Stupid animal nature!

  Even his wolf was getting a little annoyed with her antics. His fangs pushed forward, he had an impulse to thrust his teeth into her flesh. To taste her blood and feel her body helpless in his arms. The beast wanted her submissive and ready to surrender to his every desire.

  “I can’t believe you did that.” Jackson growled.

  She harrumphed. “I can’t believe you fell for that... truth be told I’m a little disappointed in you.”

  Carly bit her lip to keep herself from giggling at the startled look on his face. Honestly she didn’t really know what she had been thinking. It was never going to be a great escape plan; she was kind of just trying to rile him up. He just looked so darn cute when he was irate! Not to mention what the sight of his bulging muscles did to her as he struggled to stop his wolf from coming out to play...

  He huffed and puffed before picking up her pants. “As much fun as we’re having I gotta get you to the cops.”

  “No! Please don’t.” She begged, real tears springing to her eyes. “You can’t hand me over to the cops. You do that and I’ll never get out again.”

  Jackson paused. “I thought you said you were innocent.”

  “I am innocent!” She cried out indignantly.

  “Then you’ve nothing to worry about. The courts will find you not guilty and you’ll be free to run around and create havoc.” Hopefully in his life, in his bed...

  “Yeah right, because innocent people never go to jail do they?” She pouted at him. She tossed her head to the side. “Not that it matters, if I go to jail I’ll probably just be killed straightaway anyway.”

  He snorted. “You’re overreacting.”

  Carly’s eyes practically popped out of her head. “Overreacting?! If anything up until now I’ve been underreacting! You try waking up with your dead boss next to you, then find yourself on trial for his murder and see how well you cope with the situation!”

  Jackson regarded her carefully, his wolf goading him to find out the truth. “The cops seem to think that it was some kind of lover’s quarrel...”

  Her fox yowled at that. Stupid, vain Carlton was not their boyfriend! Her fox was very keen that Jackson not think there was anything going on between her and Carlton. “No, that’s not true, until that night we had barely spoken two words to each other...”

  Hmmmm, that still wasn’t good enough for the wolf. “So until that night you’d never slept with him...”

  “We didn’t sleep together!” Carly exploded.

  Muffled thuds came from the room next door, shouting at them to keep it down.

  Carly lowered the tone of her voice. “We didn’t sleep together okay? God you’re as bad as the cops.” She said exasperatedly. “We didn’t have sex that night! We never had sex! For heaven’s sake I haven’t had sex in over two months!” Her eyes widened and she blushed furiously. She hadn’t meant to say that, it just slipped out. Sexual frustration maybe...

  The words hung in the air between them. The scent of their joint arousal intensifying. His wolf howled in glee, he was now alone in a room with a horny fox shifter handcuffed to a bed. What wasn’t there to like?

  “I’m sorry.” Jackson rumbled throatily.

  “What for?” She asked testily, clamping her thighs together. Now was not the time, and he was not the person to be hot to trot for! “The fact that you’re taking me to jail? The fact that I’m going to get killed in jail?!”

  His eyes dilated to amber and he let out a groan. He loved her when she got angry. “No, the fact that you haven’t had sex in over two months.”

  Carly gawped at him before snapping her mouth shut. “Not something you need to worry about wolfy.” She hissed.

  Jackson gave her a knowing look before taking a step towards the bed. “Really? Because I can help you out with that if you want.”

  Her eyes widened and then immediately flashed to the noticeable bulge in the front of his jeans. She looked away, her cheeks turning bright red as he chuckled at her. Her fox pranced around like a young cub and her sex quivered. God he was irritatingly sexy!

  Carly opened her mouth to send a few insults his way but he held up a hand and told her
to shush. He dashed over to the window and peered through the curtains. He turned back to her, a grim look on his face.

  “What is it?” She fruitlessly tried to pull the handcuffs away from the headboard. The motel furniture was sturdier than you’d expect.

  Jackson grabbed her backpack. “You expecting company foxy?”

  She had a bad feeling about this. “No why?”

  “Four guys just got out of black SUVs, all packing guns. I doubt they’re here for the guy masturbating next door.”

  “Maybe they’re cops...” She suggested uncertainly.

  Jackson shook his head. “Cops don’t drive nice cars like that.”

  “More bounty hunters?” Carly and her fox kind of liked the last one who came after her.

  He snorted. “I’m the only bounty hunter you need to worry about foxy.”

  Her gut twisted, were they here for her? “You think...”

  “I don’t know, but I ain’t taking any chances, we’ll go to my place.” Jackson quickly unlocked the handcuffs and stashed them in her backpack.

  He stacked some furniture in front of the door and pulled her to the bathroom, locking them inside. He opened the tiny window. At least they were on the ground floor.

  Carly hugged the t-shirt round her body, her skin pimpling in the cool air. “There’s no way I can fit through there.” She ran her hands down her ample frame for emphasis.

  His gaze lingered at her rounded hips, his wolf salivating. No, not now. Later...

  “You will if you shift.” Jackson said impatiently.

  He emptied his pockets and took off his boots, adding the items to the backpack.

  Carly spluttered. “But then I’ll be naked!”

  He growled at her. “And if those guys catch you you’ll be dead. So which is it, dead and clothed or naked and alive?”

  Carly ummed and ahhed for a few seconds until she heard a brusque knock at the bedroom door. Followed by heavy banging. “Oh screw it!”

  She tore the t-shirt off and for Jackson it was like Christmas. Her soft flushed skin was just begging to be kissed and licked all over. His eyes roamed over her bountiful breasts and large pale pink nipples down to her sweet looking mound covered by a dusting of red curls. His wolf was almost crowing in delight.


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