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Foxy on the Run: Book One, Supernatural Bounty Hunters Novellas

Page 9

by E A Price

  Apparently TP hadn’t responded positively as there was another e-mail a week later saying the same thing except it wasn’t quite as solicitous as the first. The tone of each e-mail was angrier than the last. He warned TP that there would be dangerous consequences if she didn’t address his concerns about the side effects of the drug. Finally in the last e-mail Carlton ever wrote he told TP that he was going to take his concerns public if she didn’t meet with him.

  Carly’s brow creased, she turned over the issue in her mind. “Erectoplus is supposed to be our next big drug; billions of dollars have gone into producing it. If there was a problem with it then the company would have to pull it from the market. It might even bankrupt them... Good job Carlton didn’t delete these.”

  “Good job he didn’t put a password on his computer. What is Erectoplus?”

  Carly gently teased her fingers over his neck. “I shouldn’t really be telling you this because it’s supposed to be confidential... but then they might be trying to frame me for murder. It’s supposed to be the next Viagra. Only ten times more potent, apparently it both arouses and stimulates and it’s for men and women. They’re marketing it at young people too as an aid to enhance sex.”

  Jackson pulled her down so she was sitting on his lap, his swollen member digging into her thigh. “Enhance sex huh? And people are actually expected to buy this?”

  Carly licked her lips. “Not everyone has mind blowing sex wolfy.” She certainly hadn’t until yesterday.

  He licked and then kissed her neck until she was almost purring, her inner beast trembling with need. “Maybe they just need the right inspiration foxy.”

  They froze as they heard the crunch of broken glass and muffled voices. Jackson swiftly maneuvered her off his lap and thankfully finding a flashdrive started saving the e-mails. Carly padded over the slightly ajar door and with increasing anxiety listened. There were at least four voices belonging to the heavy footsteps below. Gingerly she scented for them. Ugh, cheap cologne, sweat and gunpowder. Two were human but the others were shifters, she couldn’t tell what kind.

  Carly paled and started waving her arms as she heard one of the shifters slowly and heavily making his way upstairs. Jackson pulled out the drive and switched the laptop off, carefully wiping away any fingerprints. Grabbing Carly he went into the hall and just in time ensconced them in a towel cupboard.

  Jackson put his hand over her mouth to cover her short, panting breaths as a foul smelling jaguar shifter passed them. Thank god the air freshener had worked. The jaguar was making his way to the office and was swiftly joined by a mountain of an elephant shifter and a human. They were the same men he had seen outside Carly’s motel room. They were all dressed in black and sporting some not very subtly concealed weapons. The elephant was a heavy breather, and Jackson guessed he was getting over a cold as his nose whistled faintly when he breathed in.

  He didn’t actually think they were here for him and Carly though, otherwise their weapons would be drawn and they’d be tearing the place apart looking. They probably came for what they had, evidence. Relaxing slightly he let go of Carly’s mouth.

  Carly could feel her heart pounding in her chest. She willed herself to calm down. Everything would be okay. And if it wasn’t at least she had Jackson by her side. That was some comfort at least. She reached back and squeezed his hand.

  Feeling her tremble Jackson pressed against her back to try and calm her. God the closet was small and her body was so warm and inviting. His manhood pushed against her soft buttocks. Fuck he was already rock hard! Instinctively he slithered his hands round her waist. She wriggled trying to get more comfortable, her ass undulating over his sex. A small groan escaped his lips as his wolf virtually purred. If she kept up her movements he was going to come in his pants.

  Carly tried to send a mental message to him, chastising him for getting aroused when they were in danger. No way was she turned on. No way was the close proximity of his hard body and the tender way his hands stroked her belly making her all hot and bothered. No siree. And just because he had moved his hands to her breasts and was gently massaging them that was no reason to be overcome with lust. Crap!

  She batted his hands away in irritation as heat flooded her body and she felt her juices begin to flow. If the last eighteen hours had taught her anything it was that Jackson had the ability to make her scream when she came. Not a problem she’d ever had before, but then she’d never been with a man quite as powerful as him. As much as she loved the way he made her feel, boy did she, she just didn’t think it was a good idea for her to show it right at that moment.

  Jackson exhaled and leaned his head back closing his eyes. They should have chosen separate hiding places or at least a different one where her glorious body wasn’t grinding against him. Another few minutes and he was either going to burst in his pants or burst out of the closet and kill all the men just so he could take Carly one more time. Or a half dozen times. His wolf was all for the latter option. Although he considered that watching him rip out a bunch of men’s throats might be a bit of a turn off for her. Not to mention the possibility that she might get hurt in the crossfire...

  He tensed as there was a loud crash and a roar from the office. Sounded like the jaguar. The human loudly told him to ‘calm the fuck down’. A few seconds later the three men passed their hiding spot and made their way downstairs carrying Carlton’s computer.

  The goons stomped around for about another ten minutes before leaving. Carly exhaled loudly but Jackson tensed. Jackson roared as Carly started coughing.

  The goons had set fire to the house.

  They tumbled out of the closet. Their animals howled loudly at the imminent danger.

  “Fuck!” Yelled Jackson.

  The goons must have doused the entire ground floor with lighter fluid. Flames were already licking their way up the stairs. He pulled her toward the back of the house. Smashing a window he ordered her to shift. She did so without argument.

  “Forgive me foxy.” Picking up the shaking fox he threw her out the window.

  Throwing the flashdrive out the window he quickly shifted to his wolf and dived through the window too, flopping into the pool with a resounding splash. He shimmered back to his human form noticing she had done the same.

  Carly was spluttering and crying. He enfolded her in his arms, red hot rage searing through him. His fox, no his mate, had almost been killed. His wolf snarled wanting to run after the bastards who had done this to her but quietened down when he realized she needed him more.

  After a few minutes he told her they had to go. They were two naked shifters stood in the shallow end of a pool belonging to a dead man, who was supposedly killed by one of said shifters, and whose house was about to collapse under a raging fire. It wouldn’t exactly be easy to explain the situation.

  Jackson helped her out of the pool and then with all the dominance he could muster ordered her to shift again. Moving between human and beast was pretty draining but it was the only way they would get out of there unnoticed.

  Happily she did so with argument. Still too stunned to put up any resistance. He followed suit and quickly retrieved the flashdrive in his teeth. The wolf and the fox slunk away just as the fire trucks and cops pulled up. Nipping at her ankles to make her hurry he led her to the nearest, safest place he knew.

  Chapter Twelve

  Ling Ma smoothed the wrinkles out of her little black dress. Alright so her little black dress wasn’t so little, but she was curvy and damn proud of it. And her curves sent her boyfriend Myron wild. The gorilla shifter practically beat his chest in desire the first time he saw her naked.

  She felt a twinge of guilt knowing that whilst her lifelong best friend was currently missing she was looking forward to a date with her boyfriend, but she didn’t know what she could do to help. She had tried to put Myron off and rearrange the date but he had been insistent, he said he had something important to tell her... She hoped he was going to propose. Her panda wasn’t keen on
Myron but even she had to admit that he was an improvement on her ex-husband. Bastard.

  She prayed Carly would turn up soon.

  Ling frowned on hearing a scratching noise. She groaned. Please don’t tell me I’ve got mice. But actually it seemed to be coming from outside.

  She pricked up her ears, honing her enhanced shifter hearing. She followed the noise to her sliding glass doors. Throwing back the curtains she screeched at finding an enormous, ferocious looking grey wolf pawing the glass.

  She was about to call animal control when she noticed the substantially smaller red fox huddled next to him. She’d know the white flecks on her paws anywhere. “Carly!”

  Ling opened the door and was dismayed when the wolf strode through yanking Carly with him by the scruff of her neck. Ignoring her twittering panda Ling knelt down to stroke Carly but stopped on hearing the blood curdling snarl from the imposing wolf.

  Carly shimmered and became human again, promptly bomping the wolf on the nose. “Enough of that.” She scolded.

  The wolf speedily shifted too, glaring at Carly as he spat a flashdrive into his hand. Ling’s eyes almost popped out of her head at the sight of the spectacular man stood before her. He was an Adonis! Her eyes trailed down his chiseled torso, and before she could stop herself, alighted on his impressive groin. Well he was naked! She wondered if he was part horse... Ugh, mental slap.

  Carly whimpered and the harsh look on his face melted away to be replaced by concern and, to Ling’s surprise, love. He scooped up the fox and laid her on Ling’s couch.

  Ling ran out and came back with two large fluffy bath towels. She threw one at Jackson and hurriedly wrapped the other round Carly. The wolf didn’t seem to be affected but Carly was ice cold to the touch. She was shaking like a leaf.

  “Carly what’s going on? Who is this?” Ling nodded to the wolf noticing he had the towel wrapped around his bottom half. She was both sad and relieved at that.

  “I’m on the run and that’s Jackson. Jackson this is Ling, she’s a red panda.”

  Jackson grunted in response. No wonder he couldn’t place the little Chinese shifter’s species, in a city full of shifters she was a rarity.

  “You look nice...” Said Carly absently prodding Ling’s shoulder.

  Ling swatted her hand away as she rubbed Carly’s arms. “I was going on a date but...”

  “You should still go.” Interrupted Jackson authoritatively.

  Ling pursed her lips in displeasure and put her tiny hands on her hips. “I’m not leaving her in this state...”

  Jackson cut her off with a sharp look. “If anyone is watching your house for Carly it will look suspicious if you cancel your date for no reason. You should go about your normal life as if she wasn’t here.”


  Jackson’s nostrils flared. “No buts! I’m here, she’s safe with me.”

  Ling threw up her hands theatrically. “You’re here? Who the hell are you?”

  Carly giggled a little hysterically. “He’s my bounty hunter.”

  “Safe with you hmmmm? Aren’t you the one trying to put her back in prison?”

  Ling jabbed him in the chest and he roared at her. She roared back at him as loudly and ferociously as possible for a red panda.

  Carly sighed. “He was but now he’s not. We were trying to find clues at Carlton’s house when some guys turned up and set it on fire. So we jumped out the window, or rather Jackson threw me out the window. Then we hid in Grimm Park until it got dark and we came here.”

  Ling blinked a few times. “Wow.”

  “Can we stay here tonight?”

  Ling hugged her friend. “Of course but I still think I should stay...”

  The door bell rang and Carly started. Jackson sniffed the air. “Gorilla.” He rumbled.

  Ling scowled. “It’s just my boyfriend Myron.”

  Carly squeezed the panda’s hand. “You should go, I’m so tired I’m just going to have a shower and fall asleep anyway.”

  Ling wavered as the bell rang again. Finally she relented and hugging Carly one more time tripped off for her date.

  Carly started to stand up but Jackson swung her up in his arms. “Just show me the way.” He said softly.

  She directed him the spare bedroom and into the en suite bathroom. Flipping on the water he maneuvered her into the shower climbing in after. The scalding water danced over her trembling skin. Jackson liberally poured some fruity body wash into his hands and began smoothing it over her, gently massaging her. His hands soothingly and worshipfully covered every inch of her aching body.

  Eventually the mango-kiwi scent of the body wash overpowered the tangy, smoky smell of the fire. As the acrid smell faded Carly began to relax and focused on the sensation of his hands manipulating her body.

  Carly shivered in delight as he sucked one of her breasts into his mouth. Small darts of electricity shot to her womb. Her excitement and arousal soared as he laved and nipped at the tight bud of her nipple before moving on to its twin.

  Pulling away Jackson gazed at her content that she was now safe. The adrenaline pumping through his body started to settle. Almost losing her had been unbearable. His wolf finally stopped howling. He should never have taken her there. He should have found somewhere safe and locked her in so she couldn’t get out and no one else could get in. Yes technically he’d be keeping her prisoner but surely that was better than her ever getting hurt right?

  Carly picked up the body wash and squirting some into her small hands she began returning the favor. She made her way round his body purposefully avoiding his groin. Every time she came close he began panting in anticipation only to be disappointed when she moved on. Her teasing had him on the edge of hysteria.

  His cock, already hard, began twitching vivaciously as her fingers ghosted down the length. Jackson groaned lustily. She poured some more body wash in her hands and kneeling before him she took his fat girth in her hands and gently stroked him.

  Jackson palmed the wall as she worked him. Carly licked the slit, swallowing down the drops of salty pre-cum. She sucked the head into her mouth swirling her tongue before sliding it into her mouth by several inches. She held still delighting in his taste and the feel of his silken yet steely shaft in her soft mouth.

  Carly pulled back to the tip before sliding further down his length, sucking hard. He was so big she could take little over half of him. With one hand she continued to rub his shaft whilst her other hand moved to his balls, gently caressing them and rolling them in her fingers.

  Jackson was emitting a moaning growl that shook his broad frame. His balls tightened in her fingers and he began jerking his hips. His release was near. Her cheeks hollowed as she suckled at him wildly. With a ferocious bellow he exploded in her mouth. His wolf roaring along with him in happiness. She dug her fingers into his thighs as she held still swallowing every last drop of his delicious cum.

  Carly pulled her head back and his still hard shaft popped out of her mouth. She grinned up at him, mischief in her orange infused eyes as her fox yapped like a puppy. He stared back at her with stormy amber eyes. He panted heavily. Fuck she was amazing. No other woman had ever made him come so hard. God she was truly made for him.

  Jackson grasped her arms and pulled her up his body. Eagerly she wrapped her legs around his waist as he crushed his lips to hers for a bone melting kiss. His drove his tongue into her mouth, tasting himself on her. Pushing a finger into her core he found her to be slick with her own juices. Thank god, he couldn’t wait another second. His wolf was howling to take her.

  Fumbling he flipped off the water and carried her out of the shower to the bedroom. He tumbled them onto the bed and without hesitation pushed his manhood inside her. She moaned as his huge size filled her almost painfully full.

  Unexpectedly Carly pushed against him and flipped him onto his back. Jackson lay back as his little fox rose over him and began lifting herself up and down, impaling herself on his thick length. He felt even bigger l
ike this and she delighted in the sensation of him scraping her insides. He gripped her waist tightly and began bucking his hips.

  Her fox was practically purring and she felt her fangs drop and her small claws come out. Carly howled in pleasure and sped up her movements as the pleasure bubbling within her started to boil. He roared, powerfully thrusting inside her as his own claws and fangs descended.

  Abruptly Jackson sat up and suckled on her breasts, teasing the nubs between his teeth. She held his head to her breasts, clutching him fiercely as the new angle crushed her clit against him leaving her squealing in delight. The combined sensations were too much for her and she howled as the orgasm burst within.

  Carly jerked wildly as ecstasy poured through her body. Her inner muscles clutched and milked him. The added tightness pushed him over the edge and he came, pumping his seed inside her. He growled around her luscious breast and bit down hard. She cried out as a second mini-orgasm pulsated through her.

  Finally spent Jackson slowed and began licking the wound on her breast. He swallowed her blood and moaned at the rich, sweetened flavor. Better than any candy or dessert. His beast pranced like a puppy.

  She went limp, her body couldn’t take anymore. Her fox was whimpering pathetically. Love sick vixen.

  Jackson lay back on the bed bringing her with him. She was draped over his hard body with his softening shaft still inside her enjoying the soft pulses of her quivering muscles.

  Carly sighed in satisfaction and closed her eyes. “I love you Jackson.” She whispered sleepily before she was dead to the world.

  Chapter Thirteen

  The next morning Carly woke to find herself rising and falling. Blinking she found she had fallen asleep atop Jackson who was breathing deeply. Ugh she was actually starting to get a little seasick. Gingerly she rolled off him.

  She winced at the pain she felt in her left breast. She found the milky skin to be ravaged by an angry red bite mark. The memory of him thrusting his fangs into her during their lovemaking flitted through her mind. She traced the red hot scar with a finger and moaned as her sex quivered. The bite had a direct line to her arousal.


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