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Paranormal Dating Agency: Lycan Her Mate (Kindle Worlds Novella) (A Wolf's Hunger Book 14)

Page 6

by Bella Roccaforte

  “Of course I cook,” Zane says as though it should be obvious. “What kind of man can’t cook a good meal?”

  “Many kinds.” Emma purses her lips.

  Emma’s eyes widen as she sees all the food on the tray, “Whoa, that’s a lot of food.”

  Zane cuts a sly grin into his cheek, “Wolves require a lot of food.”

  “I’d say,” Emma says eyeing what has to be four pounds of bacon on the tray. “I know I didn’t have all that. Where did you find it?”

  “I went to the store.” Zane answers heading toward the door, “I got a couple things.”

  “Wait, where did you get clothes?” She asks noticing again how good he looks in those jeans.

  “Gerri brought them when we got here.” He says.

  “Oh shit, what happened to her?” Emma says feeling bad about basically ditching her.

  “I’m sure she saw her work here was done and left.” He puts the tray down on the bed and grips the back of Emma’s neck kissing her hard.

  Heat spirals through her as Zane swirls his tongue around hers. He pulls back gazing into her eyes, “I can’t believe how lucky I am that you’re mine.”

  “That makes two of us.” Emma gasps and nearly tips the tray of food over.

  Zane looks at the food then back at Emma, “Too many decisions. But I think we should eat.”

  Emma nods and inhales the smell of the scrambled eggs with cheese and bacon crispy, just like she likes it. She pulls the comforter up around her and picks up an empty plate to start serving herself.

  “Hold that thought.” Zane runs out of the room and is back in a flash with his hands behind his back. He reveals a full bouquet of lilies. “For you my love.”

  Emma takes the lilies and inhales their sweet scent. “My favorite.” She quirks her brow, “How did you know?”

  “I just did.” He smiles pilling eggs onto her plate.

  Emma can’t help the grin plastered across her face. She’s done questioning it, she’s just going to be happy.

  Zane hands her the plate, “If you need more, let me know.”

  “I think this will be quite enough.” Emma looks at all the food, “Too much actually.”

  “Eat what you can,” Zane says filling his plate.

  Emma takes a bite of the bacon, crispy and full of flavor. She lets out a hum.

  Zane admires her while digging into his own breakfast, “You like bacon?”

  “Like is not a strong enough word.” She says chewing with a half giggle.

  “I’m glad you like to eat.” He laughs leaning over to plant a kiss on her cheek. “I don’t get how some human women can eat a leaf and be full.” He picks up a piece of bacon and points at her, “I think that’s bullshit. We were put on this earth to enjoy life, not deprive ourselves of basic sustenance.”

  “I agree.” She picks up the warm steamy biscuit with butter and strawberry jam dripping from it. “Did you make these from scratch?”

  “Yeah.” He says, “Gotta have biscuits with breakfast.”

  She bites into it and lets the flavor roll around in her mouth, “Jesus, that’s another orgasm you’ve given me today.”

  Zane growls into her, “And there’s many more where that came from.”

  Emma doesn’t feel ashamed eating her fill. She normally feels scrutinized with every bite she puts into her mouth, but not with Zane. Everything feels so right with him.

  “So, I was thinking I might go home for a bit. See how things are. I’d like you to come and see it before we make a decision.” Zane watches her reaction.

  Emma winces at the thought of him being gone. “Of course I’ll go with you.”

  Zane perks up, “You want to?”

  Emma nods feeling slightly embarrassed, “The thought of being away from you hurts.”

  “Then absolutely, I want everyone to meet my mate.” Zane kisses her cheek and takes her plate. “You rest up, I’m going to wash the dishes,” He pumps his brow at her, “Then we can shower.”

  Emma agrees and lays back on the bed thinking this is all so amazing. She can’t believe she almost didn’t call Gerri. Her whole life has changed for the better in the matter of a day. She looks around her apartment listening to the city coming awake outside her window.

  She feels less connected to it than she did last night. A week ago she couldn’t imagine herself not living here. Her heart ached when she considered moving to New Mexico with Jenn. But now she can’t imagine herself staying here. Deep down inside she knows this is no longer her home.

  Chapter Twelve

  Emma drives slowly up the mountain road toward Duskmoon. The scenery is breathtaking and she’s full of excitement to see her new home.

  She can feel Zane’s tension, “Are you okay?”

  “I’m good.” Zane looks out the window. “I just…”

  “What is it?” Emma asks furrowing her brow with concern.

  “It’s stupid.” He says waving his hand.

  “Tell me.” She grips his thigh, “Please.”

  “You keep squeezing my thigh, we’re going to have to pull over.” He warns.

  “Then tell me.” She says running her fingers over the bulge in his jeans.

  Zane lets out a low growl, “Woman, you confound me.” He leans across the car to kiss her tangling his fingers in her hair.

  “You’re dodging the question.” She pins him with a quick glance.

  “You noticed that huh?” He nibbles her lobe, “Is it


  “No.” She tries to lean away from him, but can’t tear herself away. “But seriously, I’m trying to drive.”

  “Can I drive?” He blurts out.

  A knowing smile dances in her eyes as she pulls the car over, “That’s what’s bothering you?”

  “I know it’s a stupid macho thing, but I like to drive. And I know the way.” He says getting out of the car.

  They meet in front of the car and he wraps his arms around her grabbing her ass, “And I get to hold you.”

  She locks her fingers behind his neck and nuzzles into his warm chest. “I like this.”

  The siren of a police car brings them out of the moment. The truck pulls over to the side of the road and Kristi gets out and heads for them at a rapid pace, “Zane, what the hell are you doing?”

  “Zane?” Emma asks stiffening.

  He squeezes Emma tighter to reassure her, “Emma, this is Kristi, my best friend. Kristi, this is Emma, my mate.” Zane keeps his arms wrapped protectively around Emma.

  Kristi’s mouth falls open slightly, “It’s nice to meet you.”

  Emma stays within Zane’s embrace, “What do you want with him.”

  Kristi flashes a look of warning but admires Emma’s grit, “I like that, to the point.” She focuses on Zane, “Ryland’s out for blood.”

  “I know he is, and he’s going to get it if he screws with us.” Zane tenses, Emma can feel his muscles flexing.

  “Why did you come back?” Kristi asks bewildered.

  “Because this is my home. I’m not going to allow him to run me out of my pack.” Zane’s jaw pops with anger.

  “He’s packing silver.” Kristi tilts her head down, “He means to kill you.”

  “The fuck he is.” Emma breaks away from Zane.

  Zane and Kristi turn their gaze to Emma, “I’ve got this.” Zane says trying to calm her.

  “No, we’ve got this.” Emma says spearing Kristi with a harsh look, “You have a mate now, you aren’t alone.”

  “Emma sweetheart, I want to keep you safe. I think you should go home and wait for me to come to bring you back when everything’s settled down.” Zane puts his hands on her shoulders.

  Kristi lets out a laugh at Emma’s spunk, “What are you going to do, polish his nails until he complies?”

  Zane’s stomach lurches at Kristi’s comment. He’s unsure of how Emma will react. He inhales a breath to speak, but Emma beats him to it.

  Emma closes the distance between
her and Kristi gritting her teeth, “Just because I’m human doesn’t mean I’m not as deadly as a wolf. Zane is my mate and I will protect him with a ferocity you’ve never seen.”

  “Whoa, hold on. It’s okay.” Zane puts his hands on Emma’s shoulders to pull her back.

  Emma shakes loose, “No, it’s not okay.” Emma knows this is her moment of truth. She’s been walked on her whole life, underestimated and used. She has something worth fighting for and she’s not going to let anyone get in the way of that. “I want everyone in this pack to understand that me being human does not make me weak and I am not to be fucked with.” Emma’s nostrils are flaring and her fist balled tightly at her sides.

  “Okay,” Kristi widens her eyes holding her hands up in surrender, “I didn’t mean anything by that.”

  “Then why did you say it?” Emma purses her lips.

  “Ladies.” Zane stands between them.

  Emma pushes Zane aside, “I can stand up for myself.” She has a surge of power running through her that’s unfamiliar but exhilarating.

  “I know you can, babe, but Kristi’s not the enemy.” Zane explains, “She’s my friend.”

  “Then she should start acting like it.” Emma puts her hand on her hip setting her stance, “If you’re concerned about me being accepted by the pack because I’m human, then I would think your best friend would have your back and not make stupid remarks like that.”

  “You’re right, I’m sorry.” Kristi concedes, “But we’re up against something bigger than just you being accepted. Ryland is the Alpha of Duskmoon Pack and something’s got him spooked. He’s out to kill Zane.”

  Zane huffs a laugh, “I know he was pissed, but I don’t think he really wants to kill me.”

  “No Zane, when Gerri said you had The Hunger, he went white as a ghost and got the silver bullets. He’s scared.” Kristi says pacing the side of the road.

  Emma thinks for a moment, “That’s it.”

  “What?” Zane and Kristi ask in unison.

  “The Hunger.” Emma waves her hands, “Zane, you told me that only Alpha’s get the Hunger.”

  “Yeah?” He shrugs.

  “He’s worried you’re going to take your place as Alpha.” Emma’s eyes dart between them.

  “Shit, she’s right.” Kristi nods. “That has to be why he was so concerned.”

  Zane strokes the stubble on his chin, deep in thought. Kristi and Emma exchange a glance then watch him. “She’s right.”

  “What?” Kristi says astounded.

  “Since Ryland killed my father and took control of the pack, everything has gone to shit.” Zane nods at the realization, “It’s about time this pack got back on track. I will challenge him for Alpha and bring this pack back to its former glory when my father was Alpha.”

  “Zane, you’re not an Alpha. Don’t let this whole hunger thing go to your head. You’re still half human, you can’t be an Alpha.” Kristi warns.

  “Really? You think so?” Power swells and stirs inside him. Alpha power. Zane takes one step toward Kristi sending out his Alpha power.

  Kristi shrinks back instinctively, “Holy shit.”

  “Still say I’m not an Alpha?” He asks unblinking.

  “I’m sorry I ever questioned you.” She says lowering her eyes.

  “Are you with me?” Zane asks with a renewed confidence.

  “I am,” Kristi says, still not looking up.

  “Will you help me?” He says in a softer tone.

  “Yes.” Kristi nods.

  “I need you to gather anyone that you know will be behind me. We meet at Leon’s at five.” Zane snarls. “Tonight, I will challenge Ryland at the center circle.”

  “I’ll spread the word.” Kristi walks back to her truck.

  “Zane?” Emma goes to him, burying her head in his chest, “What does all this mean?”

  “It means I’m going to fight to get my pack back.” He says with resolve pressing her head hard against his chest.

  “What can I do?” Emma asks.

  “Believe in me.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Zane pulls up in front of a small log cabin. “This is it, home sweet home.”

  A smile lights Emma’s expression as she looks at her new home. “It’s beautiful.”

  “I’m glad you like it,” Zane says opening her door and offering his hand.

  She steps out of the car looking around at the breathtaking view. For the first time ever, she feels like she belongs somewhere. “I do.”

  Zane scoops her up into his arms. Emma squeals with delight as she locks her fingers behind his neck. Zane carries her up the wooden steps and through the door, “This is the living room,” He carries her to the kitchen, “The kitchen,” he takes her down the hall and ticks his head to the left, “The bathroom,” and into the bedroom at the end of the hall, “Our bedroom. It’s a little small...”

  “It’s perfect,” Emma says feeling the warmth of the dwelling.

  “Not when we have a bunch of pups running around.” Zane pumps his brow.

  “Pups, huh?” Emma ticks her head back.

  “Yeah, we’re going to make lots of babies.” He growls low in her ear.

  “I like the sound of that,” Emma says feeling heat pooling between her legs.

  Zane rests her on the bed, “I never thought of having children before, but I can see them in your eyes, in our future.”

  Emma nods feeling overwhelmed by the truth of it all. She knows she will be the mother of his children.

  Zane slides his hands under her shirt to her breasts, “Jesus you’re beautiful, your skin soft as butter.” He slides her shirt off over her head and drinks in her form as his eyes travel over her, full of love and admiration.

  He takes his shirt off and leans back down into her for a kiss, their bare skin hot to the touch upon one another. His lips trail slowly down to her collarbone to her breast. He unhooks her bra in the front letting her breast spill out. He takes one of her hard peaks into his mouth, his hand caressing her other breast.

  Emma lets out a ragged breath at the feel of his hands on her skin, she arches her back as he takes her other nipple between his lips. She moans softly and tangles her hands in his hair, pulling him against her.

  Zane rolls her nipple between his thumb and forefinger sending a feverish wave straight between Emma’s thighs.

  Zane grabs her, twisting her around in one deft movement sliding her skirt and panties off. His lips dip down lower making his way down her belly. She quivers with delight, writhing in the bed. He reaches her most delicate parts slipping his tongue between her folds, warm and soft, sliding across the hard bundle of nerves sending jolts of pleasure through Emma’s trembling body. He slips his finger inside her reaching for her G-spot while his tongue continues to work her clit.

  Her body bucks and quivers with the tension of the orgasm brewing in her core. She wants him inside her. She loves how it feels to clench around his girth.

  “Zane,” She breathes. “I need you inside me.”

  Zane wastes no time standing and sliding his jeans to the floor. His cock springs forward at the ready.

  Emma eyes his erection licking her lips, wanting to lick the flavor from the tip, but the burning need to have him inside her wins.

  He hovers over her as she wraps her hand around his cock positioning it between her legs as he lowers himself to her. She rubs it over her wet opening. Their eyes lock and she sucks her bottom lip into her mouth with anticipation.

  With his cock poised at her entrance, she reaches around grabbing his rock hard ass pulling him into her.

  He slides in with one thrust, filling her so deep she can feel every inch of him. Zane takes her hands pushing them above her head, restraining her. She surrenders to him willfully, wanting to him take her in every way.

  He thrusts inside her again and she arches her back to meet him. She grinds against him with abandon. Zane matches her rhythm with a primal, animalistic quality, grunting as he pushes
deeper. His lip curls and his power fills the room.

  Emma sees her

  Alpha for what he is, strong and powerful. She basks in that power wrapping her legs tightly around him. Her own power grows inside her and somehow finds the strength to buck him off of her.

  He relents when she presses against him and climbs on top of him. She takes his shaft into her hands and rests it at the opening of her cleft. With a lewd grin, she slowly lowers herself onto his cock.

  Zane’s body shudders with pleasure as his heart pounds hard in his chest. Emma’s muscles begin to spasm, contracting around him.

  He wraps his huge hands around her waist rocking her body on his. He watches with delight as her skin flushes and her panting increases. “Fuck! Fuck! Zane.”

  “Come on baby, come on that cock.” He urges her on, his own orgasm building.

  The throbbing at the base of his dick culminates in a primal roar as pleasure spirals through both of them like a freight train on fire.

  Emma collapses on him, panting, her heart racing and muscles still twitching around him.

  Zane twists his fingers in her hair, “My perfect girl.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Emma rolls over in the bed, disappointed that Zane isn’t there. The blankets are bunched around her to keep her warm, they smell like him as she breathes deeply. She gets out of bed in search of her clothes, she finds them and gets dressed to go to the kitchen and sees a note on the table.

  My Sweetest Emma,

  You were sleeping so soundly, I didn’t want to wake you. I’ll be back soon.

  There’s a sandwich in the fridge and you can help yourself to whatever else you want. I’ve turned the heat up, I don’t want you to be cold. The thermostat is in the hallway, set it to whatever you’re comfortable with.

  I’ve cleared out one of the dressers for your clothes and take whatever space you need in the closet.

  With my deepest love,


  Emma holds the note to her chest and lets out a squeal of happiness. She goes to the fridge and gets the sandwich and a soda. She unwraps the sandwich and takes a bite and looks around the room. She takes everything in, the dark log walls, the leather furniture. Everything neat and in its place. Emma goes to the mantle to see all the family photos.


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