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Signed Over to Santino

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by Maya Blake

  Santino’s six-week mistress

  Reeling from a family tragedy, champion figure skater Carla Nardozzi loses her virginity in one uncharacteristic night of oblivion with Spanish aristocrat Javier Santino. She flees the next morning, not knowing her rejection has earned her a black mark…

  Three years later, Carla needs Javier’s help and he seizes his opportunity for retribution: Carla must become his lover to save her home. Javier should be satisfied; his ice princess is thawing once more. But as the passion heats up between them, Javier realizes he’s found something even sweeter than revenge!

  Javier stopped her by pressing his lips against hers, hot and hard, then pulled away before temptation got out of hand. “Take the night, think about it and give me your answer in the morning. I know you’ll choose wisely.”

  “You’re so certain you know what I’ll decide?”

  He shrugged. “Besides the pleasure you’ll receive in my bed, there’s the added benefit that once your father knows you’re mine, truly mine, he’ll think twice about threatening you again.”

  “So those are my two choices? Choose you or choose him?"

  “The writing’s been on the wall for a while, principessa. This way you know you’re backing the right horse.”

  He flung the door open and grabbed her hand. In the bright light of the foyer, he caught a clearer glimpse of her outfit and cursed himself for giving her the night to agree to his demands. The ache in his groin alone threatened to fracture his mind.

  Although his every instinct screamed at him to go after her when she muttered good-night and made a beeline for her bedroom, Javier stayed put.

  Morning would come soon enough.

  Carla Nardozzi would be his.

  Maya Blake’s hopes of becoming a writer were born when she picked up her first romance at thirteen. Little did she know her dream would come true! Does she still pinch herself every now and then to make sure it’s not a dream? Yes, she does! Feel free to pinch her, too, via Twitter, Facebook or Goodreads! Happy reading!

  Don’t miss A Diamond Deal with the Greek featuring Draco and Rebel from Signed Over to Santino, available now!

  Books by Maya Blake

  Harlequin Presents

  A Diamond Deal with the Greek

  Married for the Prince’s Convenience

  Innocent in His Diamonds

  His Ultimate Prize

  Marriage Made of Secrets

  The Sinful Art of Revenge

  The Price of Success

  Secret Heirs of Billionaires

  Brunetti’s Secret Son

  The Untameable Greeks

  What the Greek’s Money Can’t Buy

  What the Greek Can’t Resist

  What the Greek Wants Most

  The 21st Century Gentleman’s Club

  The Ultimate Playboy

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  Signed Over to Santino


















  CARLA NARDOZZI TOOK the chauffeur’s proffered hand, stepped out of the luxury SUV and was immediately bombarded with the sights and sounds of New York City. The journey from her Upper East Side hotel to Midtown had been as tense and chilly as the air conditioning blasting from the vents.

  To her right, her father, Olivio Nardozzi, stood stiff and seething.

  Carla would’ve summoned a genuine smile for the driver had she been able to function in anything other than a complete state of ongoing shock.

  The past seven days had unfolded in a series of bombshells she could scarcely wrap her head around. Bombshells she’d struggled to navigate without going under until she’d eventually, exhausted, settled in a place of icy numbness. But the biggest trial of all lay ahead of her. Or more accurately, it lay above her, sixty-six floors up in the office of the man she’d hoped never to set eyes on again.

  As if pulled by powerful magnets, her gaze slid up the glass façade of the building housing the esteemed J Santino Inc.

  An opportunity beyond your wildest dreams.

  A once-in-a-lifetime endorsement deal.

  A collaboration even a figure skater with your prominence would be insane to turn down.

  For the better part of a year, those words had been impressed upon her by her father and her advisors. Lately, they’d been uttered in the solemn, no-nonsense tones of her agent and friend, Draco Angelis, who’d been at a loss as to why she was resisting the life-changing deal.

  She’d listened and nodded in all the right places but had known she would never accept the deal. Never have anything to do with the man heading the globally successful luxury goods company.

  She’d kept her secret for three years and Carla had had no intention of facing it, or the man it involved, ever.

  Until her reality had drastically altered.

  A shiver that had nothing to do with the blustery March spring day rattled her bones.

  In a few minutes, after long years of strictly regimented avoidance, she would be face to face with Javier Santino.

  The man who’d taken her virginity. The man who’d granted her the most sensual, intensely unforgettable night of her life. The man who’d then absorbed her shocked, poorly delivered words the morning after with granite-faced hatred, then proceeded to banish her from his life with the cold incisiveness of a scalpel-wielding surgeon.

  Years later, Carla still couldn’t recall those harrowing hours without the naked blade of fear striking her heart.

  It was the reason she’d avoided Javier Santino at all costs. It was the reason this was the last place she would’ve willingly placed herself.

  ‘Come on, the deal isn’t going to finalise itself with you standing out here staring at the building.’

  The numbness that had wrapped itself tightly around her eased for a cracked moment, replaced with myriad volatile emotions as she stared at her father. Disappointment. Sadness. Anger. A deep and painful burgeoning acceptance that Olivio Nardozzi had a vastly differing definition of parental love than most normal fathers had for their children.

  Bitterness surged high. ‘We wouldn’t be here if you hadn’t gambled away—’

  ‘Don’t start this again, Carla.’ He stepped closer on the busy sidewalk so they wouldn’t be overheard by the trio of lawyers who’d accompanied them and now stood on the sidewalk, ready to escort her into Javier’s presence. ‘We have aired this out many times already. I don’t particularly want to air it once again, especially in public. You have an image to maintain. A faultless image we have both worked hard for. In less than an hour’s time, our financial worries will be on their way to being a thing of the past. We have to look forward.’

  Look forward.

  How could she when her immediate future entailed placing herself in the
heart of the lion’s den? A lion whose deathly silence had been even more unnerving than the roar she’d expected at any point during these past three years?

  Sucking in a shaky breath, she placed one foot in front of the other, walked through the revolving doors and stood in the lift as they were whisked upward.

  The office décor of J Santino Inc. was the last thing Carla expected. Sure, the place pulsed with the core efficiency needed to run a billion-dollar enterprise. But while Carla had expected glass and chrome and futuristic art pieces, she exited the lift and stepped into a vibrant foyer with colourful walls, exotic flowers and employees relaxing on lounge chairs and giant futons. Exquisite Latin American art dotted the vast space, and she was unwillingly reminded of Javier’s passionate Spanish side.

  Closing her mind to it, she followed a statuesque receptionist down a burgundy-carpeted hallway to a set of wide double doors, which swung open with an electric whine.

  ‘Mr Santino will be with you in a moment.’

  Carla’s heart climbed into her throat as she entered a vast conference room.

  Absently, she heard murmurs as her team took their seats, but she couldn’t think past the coming meeting, her insides twisting hard as she drifted past sumptuous chairs and a polished cherry-oak table towards wide windows with impressive views of Manhattan.

  Would those gold-brown eyes that had snapped cold fire at her the last time they’d seen her still blaze with hatred? Over the last year, since she’d first been approached with the endorsement offer, she’d wondered why Javier Santino would want her anywhere near his company. Sure, her world-number-one-figure-skater status placed her in a certain would-kill-for echelon, but there were a few dozen other sports figures in a similar position. Despite her management’s insistence that she was being pursued because she was the right person for the job, she’d wondered whether it’d been a carefully set trap.

  But not once had Javier attempted personal contact, choosing to communicate through his lawyers and executives. Folding her arms, Carla swallowed and allowed a little hope to grow. Maybe Javier had moved past the events of the morning after their night together. Perhaps the abhorrence she’d glimpsed during their fraught exchange, the deep trepidation that what had happened between them had been life-altering, and the long months following when a peculiar ache had lodged itself in her chest every time his name had crossed her mind, had all been in her overblown imagination.

  Javier had moved on to other conquests, and had continued to aggressively pursue his work hard, party harder lifestyle if his presence in the tabloids was any indication.

  So maybe her trepidation was for nothing, maybe she was just overthinking this—

  ‘Do you intend to conduct the meeting standing up, Miss Nardozzi?’

  Carla flinched and turned at the flat, detached tone.

  Her breath locked in her lungs, every cell in her body clenching in freeze frame as she stared at the man sauntering down the side of the conference table.

  In a dark grey pinstriped suit that accentuated his broad shoulders and a white shirt and navy tie that screamed understated elegance, Javier Santino didn’t need the tough lawyers who flanked him to underscore his supremacy and importance. He was still hugely formidable and domineeringly sexy. His overpowering masculinity would continue to draw eyes to his sculptured cheekbones and uncharacteristically full mouth, which held a perpetual reddish tinge as if he’d been thoroughly and expertly kissed, long after he was well past his prime.

  He stopped opposite her and, even across the vast polished surface, the sheer dominance of his aura slammed into her. Gold-flecked brown eyes pinned hers, one eyebrow lifted in cool, arrogant query.

  Deep inside, past the numbness and the fear, something wild and hot and dangerous sparked to life, and she felt the ground shift beneath her feet.

  She shouldn’t have come... Then again, what choice did she have?

  ‘Very well. I’ll take that as a yes.’ His gaze conducted an impersonal inspection of her face and body, then swung from her, releasing her from the disturbingly deep frisson that had taken hold of her. Striding to the head of the table, he pulled out a chair, unbuttoned his jacket in one deft move, and sat down. ‘Since you also didn’t answer my PA when she asked whether you wanted refreshments, I’ll assume you don’t want any?’ Javier continued, the deep, smooth tenor of his voice igniting the flame higher.

  Carla swung her head towards the departing PA, her mind unfreezing itself long enough to wonder how long she’d been caught in the dangerous tide of the past.

  ‘No, I’m fine. Thank you.’ She raised her voice slightly to catch Javier’s PA. The woman turned and nodded with a cool smile before leaving the room.

  ‘Good. Shall we begin?’

  The magnetism that had gripped her outside as she’d stared at Javier’s building returned full force. Her gaze returned to him, her heart beating faster as she stared at him.

  There was no trace of the censure she’d expected, no hot-blooded Latin lip curl or even a hint of the fact that this man had seen her naked once, had done things to her body that still had the power to make her blood pound hot and hard through her veins.

  He was going for impersonal. Stony. Businesslike.

  As she shakily pulled out the chair he indicated to his right and sat down, Carla told herself it was okay to breathe in relief.

  If Javier wanted to proceed with no acknowledgement of their past, then so would she. In fact, it was a brilliant thing. No need for further angst.

  ‘I believe everything’s been settled between our lawyers? You’re finally willing to agree to the quarterly payment terms and the performance-related incentives stipulated in the contract, correct?’

  Carla dragged her eyes from Javier to glance at her father. She spied the haughty desperation there, the silent command that their dirty laundry not be aired. She wanted to rail at him, demand to know what had possessed him to gamble away all her money, to jeopardise everything she’d worked for and bring her to the brink of bankruptcy. She didn’t doubt that he’d have another blithe explanation, the callous hauteur he’d often displayed towards her as a child their only means of communication nowadays.

  She glanced away again, deliberately numbing herself to the pain and disappointment. Steeling herself, she focused on Javier once more.

  ‘Yes, I agree to your terms.’

  ‘Unless, of course, there’s any way you’d reconsider a larger, upfront payment?’ her father suggested, squaring his shoulders as he planted his elbows on the table.

  Javier’s gaze didn’t shift from her face. ‘No. If you came here under the pretext of signing the final agreement only to try and renegotiate the terms, then you’ve wasted all of our time. I sincerely hope that’s not the case, Miss Nardozzi.’ The cold edge in his tone matched the look in his eyes.

  Another shiver rippled over her. ‘No, the clauses agreed upon are fine.’

  Her father exhaled. ‘Carla—’

  ‘Everything is fine.’ She struggled to keep her voice from wobbling through the lie as tension escalated in the room. ‘Can we get on with it, please?’

  Javier’s gaze sharpened. ‘You understand that, due to the delay in getting this signed, the cooling-off period will no longer apply? This contract, once signed, will be final and binding.’

  Her fingers started to curl into her palms. Inhaling deeply, she placed them on the cool surface of the table and strove for composure. ‘Yes. I really don’t see why we’re going over this again. My lawyers have explained everything to me. I’m ready to sign your document. All I need, Mr Santino, is a pen.’

  If she’d been expecting a reaction, Carla realised she would be sorely disappointed. His gaze flicked with almost cruel lack of interest from her to his lawyers. An imperious nod, and the documents were produced and laid out before them. An elegant ball pen bear
ing his name arrived before her.

  Shakily, she picked it up, signed and countersigned where indicated. The contracts were witnessed and exchanged. And her fate was sealed.

  She would become the exclusive face of carefully selected J Santino products, called upon for advertising campaigns and publicity events whenever he chose.

  It was done. With any luck, she could now negotiate further time with the bank back in Tuscany and save her family home. Not that it’d ever been a real home. These days it was more a showpiece property for her father to bask in the success he claimed she wouldn’t have achieved without him.

  But it was the only remaining roof over her head. The New York condo was gone, as was the chalet in Switzerland. Everything was gone.

  Carla set the pen down and stood. ‘Thank you for your time, Mr Santino. Now if you’ll excuse us—’

  ‘You’re not free to go just yet, Miss Nardozzi.’

  Her breath stumbled as Javier rose with fluid grace.

  She stared up at him, meeting that stony expression once more. ‘What...what more could we possibly have to discuss?’

  A tight smile pursed his lips. ‘It’s confidential. Come into my office.’ His gaze flicked over the table’s occupants in a dismissive glance. ‘Alone.’

  Without waiting for a response, he headed for a set of double doors opposite from where she’d entered.

  Her palms grew hot and she fought the urge to rub them against her thighs. Every instinct screamed at her to get up and walk out. She’d made it this far relatively unscathed. She’d seen Javier again, withstood his imposing presence, heard his voice, inhaled that singularly unique scent without losing her composure. What she’d dreaded most was over.

  Yet she couldn’t move.

  ‘Now, Miss Nardozzi,’ Javier insisted in cutting tones.

  The atmosphere shifted again, men in expensive suits fidgeting beneath ricocheting tension.

  ‘Carla,’ her father’s warning tone rumbled over her.

  She ignored him, looking past him to the doors that led to freedom. Could Javier stop her from leaving? From retreating back to that numb place where she was marginally cocooned from pain and betrayal?


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