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Finding the Wolf(The Dragon's Hoard #1)

Page 8

by Mell Eight

  The Eldest had already thanked and congratulated the werewolves for their efforts in the fighting. Then he added an extra bit of appreciation for finding the magi's focus.

  "I believe," the Eldest said contemplatively, "that your aid in this difficulty deserves our thanks and our assistance in one matter of yours, Alpha. You may ask for one thing of importance for your wolves from the dragons should you so wish it."

  Nyle had guessed the Eldest would offer Reese a boon; he had even suggested such a thing to Reese when they were in the Wilds. At the time Nyle had assumed Reese would jump at the chance for a bit of autonomy and security, but Nyle could see the conflict in Reese's eyes.

  The Alpha wolf paused before getting to his feet, taking the time to look over at the strange boy who had somehow so intrigued Reese before speaking.

  "My wolves and I were glad to give our assistance against such a hated enemy," Reese said, adding his own, overly formal speech to the long meeting. "We came without expectation of reward, but we are grateful that you are kind enough to grant such to us anyway. The favor I would ask from you for my wolves and I is simple." He paused again and Nyle saw him fight to keep his eyes away from the strange boy. "The werewolves wish for hoard law. We wish for our hoard to be acknowledged by the dragons."

  "And what would your hoard consist of?" the Eldest asked with no surprise and a good bit of understanding in his voice.

  "Our land in the Wilds," Reese responded instantly. "Our own leadership, under the auspices of the dragons—much like the humans currently have. We ask for our homes and our lives not to be under threat of attack from dragons and for dragons to come to the protection of our hoard just as we would aid in the protection of yours."

  The Eldest looked around the large cavern, trying to see if any dragons showed dissent to Reese's request. Nyle gave the Eldest a big smile because he was already forming a plan.

  "I gladly grant hoard law to the werewolves," the Eldest said with a firm nod of his own. "What you hoard is your own, so long as you do not break the hoard of anyone else under the control of dragons."

  "Agreed," Reese said with a firm, but polite nod. Reese sat without looking down at the strange boy again.

  The Eldest nodded back politely before turning to the assembled dragons. "Does anyone have anything they wish to say?" he asked.

  An'sasaul raised his head. "I do, Eldest," the old, fire-colored dragon said loudly. "I wish to know what is to be done with the focus recovered by the wolves. Who is to study it and how are we to take care of it?"

  At Saul's words a number of dragons stepped forward claiming rights to study and care. The boy would make an interesting and educational addition to anyone's hoard.

  Nyle waited for the tumult to die down before he spoke. "Who says the dragons have any right to the focus?" Nyle asked loudly, and then winced when a few of the fighting dragons turned their ire on him.

  "Enough!" Toel snapped loudly, effectively cutting through the arguing. "Thou are not animals!"

  "Thank you, An'tatoel," the Eldest said gently into the silenced room. "An'nanyle, why do you say that?"

  "Hoard law," Nyle responded promptly. "I found the perfect pretty for my hoard," he explained. "Leon is alive, but he compliments my jewels and even shines above them. Hoard law only stipulates that if such a pretty is added that it be properly taken care of." He smiled down at Leon and was happy when the wolf smiled back.

  "But what does that have to do with the focus?" one of the arguing dragons, possibly An'dadean although Nyle wasn't sure, asked sharply.

  "The focus has already been claimed in a hoard, by a claim much like mine," Nyle responded. "I saw my Pretty Leon and knew he belonged among my sapphires instantly. Alpha Reese saw the focus and had the very same reaction. Can we deny Reese his hoard?" Nyle asked softly as he ignored Reese's incredulous look.

  The Eldest looked from Nyle to Reese and the focus with a hard look on his face. Reese didn't bother to hide the raw hope in his eyes at the idea he could keep hold of the strange boy who had somehow bewitched him.

  The Eldest sighed. "An'nanyle has clearer eyes than most. The focus already has a proper hoard and will go with the Alpha as is the law. However," the Eldest cautioned, "be warned, Alpha, that the dragons will want the chance to study the focus."

  Reese cleared his throat as he shakily got to his feet. "Dragons are welcome in our village so long as they understand that it is a small place with small accommodations and that we won't tolerate the use of magic against us. You will have to be in human form and be cognizant of how you use your sparkle and gems, but you are welcome."

  The meeting adjourned quickly after the end of Reese's speech of thanks, but Nyle and Leon had to wait until the larger dragons departed before they left their perch. They walked back to Nyle's caves slowly, Nyle being particularly careful that his dragon size did not inconvenience the still healing wolf.

  Nyle was quick to switch into human form when they walked into his caves and followed Leon into the human-sized portion. Leon settled onto the bed and leaned his back against the headboard. Nyle leaned against the doorframe and studied his wolf.

  Leon was almost healed. His wounds had been grievous, but the advanced healing of the werewolves coupled with Nyle's tender care had given Leon all the help he needed to heal.

  Instead of studying Leon, who had closed his eyes on a happy sigh at the feel of the soft pillows against his back, Nyle turned to his human-sized rooms. There was the bedroom, the bath, and a small entranceway that had been used to contain his hoard before it had grown too large. It was hardly enough room for Nyle and Leon to live comfortably. But, Nyle cocked his head to the side as he studied the walls around him, if he chiseled along that side wall he could open up a much larger space for an adequate bedroom, and the current bedroom could be turned into a living area. Nyle would need to add a kitchen too.

  "What are you thinking about?" Leon said softly.

  Nyle shrugged. "I was just imagining what this place would look like after I've finished renovating. We need more space," he explained with a shrug and a smile.

  "I'm sure it will be marvelous, but we don't have to start on it today. Come lie down with me," Leon said as he opened his arms to Nyle.

  Nyle eagerly climbed into Leon's arms and snuggled close, making sure his head was safely on Leon's uninjured shoulder. They cuddled for a few minutes, just enjoying having the other person close.

  Then Leon's hand, which had been rubbing gently up and down Nyle's back, headed south. Nyle felt Leon cup his bottom and squeeze gently, which made him gasp.

  "Can you do that?" Nyle asked, wondering if Leon's injury allowed him to have sex just yet.

  "I probably shouldn't be on top," Leon responded, sounding chagrined, but also sly. "You'll just have to climb on." Leon's grin was decidedly wicked.

  "I have to, have I?" Nyle asked with his own naughty smile. "You've convinced me."

  It was the work of a moment to divest them both of clothing and then Nyle straddled Leon's hips and bent down to kiss his wolf.

  "We'll do this again when you're better," Nyle murmured between kisses that got progressively more heated.

  "Lots and lots more times when I'm better," Leon agreed. "For forever."

  Nyle carefully nuzzled his nose along the curve where Leon's injured shoulder met his neck and felt his wolf purr.

  "Forever," Nyle agreed firmly.


  Tales of the Dragon's Hoard will continue in Breaking the Shackles.

  About the Author

  When Mell Eight was in high school she wrote a short story for an English class. The assignment was for no more than five pages, yet she had turned in ten and the story wasn’t completed. Her teacher was impressed, but writing stories for fun was her main source of procrastination from homework; handing in an assignment that actually asked her to write fiction was too good to pass up. Since then Mell has continued writing, posting in many online communities for fanfiction and original fiction
and eventually branching into slash fiction. She mostly writes paranormal or fantasy stories, but has been seen exploring the real world once or twice.

  For more information on Mell’s stories and future writing plans, visit her website.

  Table of Contents

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Book Details


  Finding the Wolf

  About the Author




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