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A Winter's Kiss (A Winter's Tale Book 1)

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by Tailor, Kristi

  A Winter’s


  By Kristi Tailor

  Lucky Eleven Publishing

  All Rights Reserved

  Cover design by Lucky Eleven Publishing

  Cover photo from Shutterstock

  Book printed by CreateSpace Publishing USA

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, products, characters, businesses, organizations, places, events and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Copyright © 2015 Kristi Tailor

  All rights reserved.



  Acknowledgements and THANKS

  A special thank you to my wonderful daughter, Madison for helping me come up with a title in the late hours of night. Mommy loves you.

  To my good friend, Alisha, thank you for inquiring about this Novella. Knowing that even one person wanted it written meant the world to me.

  To my writing partner, and dear friend Kirby Elaine, thank you for everything that you’ve done, will do, and are doing right now.

  Thank you to my family and friends for their continual support through my writing journey.

  And to my readers, thank you so much for all of your support.

  Lord, thank you for blessing me continuously.

  “Words hold more power than the mightiest of weapons. Use them wisely.”

  - Kristi Tailor

  Look for A Winter’s Promise the next novella in the A Winter’s Tale series coming February 2016.

  A Winter’s Kiss is also available as a paperback


  To My Sister, Sharonne, who has always been the wind beneath my wings.



  Charlotte Toutant took the stairs leading to her apartment two at a time. Tightly gripping the many grocery bags wrapped around her wrist, she mentally counted the stairs stopping when she reached the third landing. “He could have at least opened the door for me,” Charlotte frowned, dropping the bags to the floor. Rummaging through her messy purse she searched in vain for her keys, they weren’t there. Where did I see them last? Dining room table, maybe? Sighing, Charlotte knocked on the door. Once. Twice. Three times. Nothing. “Todd, really!” she groaned beginning a new search in the endless bag for her cell phone which too was among the list of missing items. Shaking her head she admonished herself for her careless nature. Agitated, Charlotte shook the door knob in defeat, shocked when the door opened for her. I could have sworn that I locked the door behind me, she shrugged, grateful that she hadn’t.

  Placing the grocery bags on the long counter in her kitchen Charlotte smiled to herself at the sight of her cell phone and keys on the breakfast bar to her right. Grabbing both she walked out of the kitchen stripping her running leggings and t- shirt as she did so. The smell of sweat and outside spilled from her pores, and though she loved the natural pheromones that filled her senses after enjoying a long morning run her boyfriend did not.

  Standing outside of their bedroom door Charlotte removed her sports bra and boy shorts. “Todd, didn’t you hear me knocking? You could have at least helped me with-” Charlotte froze, her eyes wide, her mouth gaped open, but she couldn’t speak.

  “Charlotte!” Marguerite Toutant shouted covering her naked body with the thin bed sheet.

  “Damn- it!” Todd cursed jumping off the bed. “Babe, let me explain. It’s not what it looks like.”

  Charlotte remained silent as if in a daze blinking rapidly as tears ran steadily down her cheeks. Not bothering to wipe them she looked past the man who slowly advanced toward her. “Marleet,” she said softly addressing her younger sister by the nickname she had given her when they were just small girls. “Why?” Charlotte asked her voice raspy. “Why would you do this to me?”

  “I’m sorry,” Marguerite sobbed. “I didn’t mean-”

  “How long has this been going on?” Charlotte demanded.

  “Char-” Marguerite began.

  “How long?”

  “Two years,” Todd answered stepping in front of Charlotte blocking her view from her sister. “Charlie lets speak in the living room.”

  “Two years!” she yelled. “Two years! You’ve been sleeping with my sister for two years!” she gasped, her heart sinking deeper into her chest. “This isn’t happening, it can’t really be happening,” she whispered refusing to believe that the two people she trusted above all others would hurt her in such a way.

  “We need to talk,” Todd said quietly. “Let’s go-”

  “Why do we need to speak in privacy? You’ve done enough in private already . . . anything you have to say to me say it in front of her. It’s not as if you two have anything else to hide.”

  Todd grabbed Charlotte by her forearm attempting to usher her out of the bedroom.

  “Don’t touch me,” she bit through clenched teeth snatching away from him remembering only then that she too was unclothed. Grimacing she backed out of the room, and took off down the hall to where her damp clothes lay in a heap on the floor.

  Todd followed her into the living room pulling on his boxer briefs as he did so. “I didn’t want you to find out like this,” he explained walking up behind her. “I was going to tell you after the holidays.”

  “How kind of you,” she laughed sarcastically. “After the holidays, huh, was that supposed to make it better . . . less awkward at Thanksgiving dinner . . . pretending in front of our families on Christmas- going through the routine . . . before telling me that you’ve been screwing my sister? If you think I’m going to just forgive you like none of this ever happened, you’re wrong. I’m not going to stay with you after this. I-”

  “I wasn’t going to ask you to,” Todd sighed.


  “Charlotte . . . Marguerite and I are getting married.”


  Todd took a step toward her. “I asked her to marry me. She wanted to tell you, but I told her not to. I wanted to be the one to give you the news.”

  “What?” she gasped exasperated.

  “I know it seems like a lot to ask, but I really need for you to be supportive. Your sister loves you, and hurting you was the last thing she ever wanted to do.”

  “Is this a sick joke? Like are there cameras recording us right now?” she asked bewildered. “Todd we’ve been together for seven years . . . we’ve been discussing marriage . . . how many kids we wanted to have . . . where we wanted to retire . . . we’ve built a life together, and now you’re telling me that you are going to marry my little sister. What sense does that make?”

  “I’m sorry. I can’t help who I love.”

  “You can’t help who you love?” she laughed bitterly. “That’s your reasoning, really? You disgust me.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Stop saying you’re sorry. You’re not sorry,” Charlotte hissed as the new onslaught of tears began to pour from her eyes. Shaking her head she wiped viciously at her damp cheeks. “My parents are never going to accept this,” she snorted. “So if you think your life with her is going to be easy, you can forget it.”

  Todd hunched his shoulders letting out a small breath as he stared at her in silence.

  Laughing unco
ntrollably, Charlotte narrowed her eyes at the man she loved. She knew his body language, well. “They know?” she said more as a realization than a question.

  “Yes,” he answered.

  “So everyone knew except for me?”


  “Answer me! Everyone has known that the two of you have been having an affair behind my back, and no one has had the decency to fill me in? My mom and dad have known the entire time, that’s the reality? That’s the truth?” More than anything she needed for him to denounce her accusations. She needed for him to say that her parents were innocent of knowing about her sister’s betrayal. More than anything she needed for them to be shameless.


  “Tell your fiancé that she’s dead to me,” Charlotte cried before turning away from him, feeling broken and alone she walked away from the only man she had ever loved.

  Chapter One


  Charlotte kept a steady pace as she ran through the streets of Manhattan. Turning on East 1st street she took long strides quickly reaching Bowery, reveling in the early morning dew as the autumn breeze caressed her damp skin. The feel of her heart pounding wildly in her chest brought on a wave of exhilaration that sprung through her nerve endings giving her body the sudden push needed to continue down the long blocks. Reaching 7th street Charlotte adjusted the heavy backpack that bounced on her long back, the continual friction causing a sensitized spot to form there. Still, she pushed onward passing 9th street and rounding Tompkins Square Park at Avenue B in record time.

  Charlotte loved running through the crowded streets of New York City. There was so much life budding around her, different smells greeted her on every corner from family owned restaurants, and street vendors. Smiling as she passed people from different walks of life standing side by side on a narrow curb Charlotte thought about the morning runs she had taken back in Baltimore. Maryland and New York are like night and day, she mused. Uprooting her life and making the move to Manhattan had surprisingly been an easy transition. After only two weeks of job searching she landed a temp position with Leisure Me Ready magazine working under Editor- in-Chief, Nicholas Elliot as his over- zealous receptionist. Though she felt fortunate in finding a job as quickly as she had the repetitiveness of her duties bored her beyond reason. With a background in teaching high school English Literature Charlotte was use to the fast pace of being in a classroom, and the spontaneity of thinking on her feet, two traits that she thought made her well equipped to apply for the Editorial position that opened up a few weeks after being employed with the company. With little hope in obtaining the position, she was beyond ecstatic when Nicholas called her into his office to discuss her salary, and employee benefits. In that moment, Charlotte felt that her life was finally moving forward in a positive direction; the emotional rollercoaster she had been on was seemingly slowing down.

  Pushing through the large glass doors Charlotte’s long legs took lengthy strides as she crossed the large foyer. “Good morning,” she said greeting a group of women who stood idly behind the receptionist desk.

  “Good morning Ms. Toutant,” they said in unison snickering quietly as she walked past them. Charlotte frowned inwardly knowing the meaning behind their cattiness. As rumor had it around the office she was the harlot who had seduced the boss, hence, assuring her position as Editor. Charlotte shook her head as she boarded the elevator. It amazed her how vicious women could be toward one another. True, she was promoted rather quickly, but to automatically assume that her advancement was due to an affair with her boss was a disgusting accusation.

  “Ms. Toutant!” Emily, a short robust woman ran after her. “Ms. Toutant! Wait a sec,” she heaved seemingly out of breath as she threw herself into the opening of the elevator, stopping the doors from closing.

  “Yes?” Charlotte smiled politely. “Are you okay?” she asked the older woman.

  “I’ll be fine. Mr. Elliot wants you to meet him in the conference room.”

  “The conference room? I thought he was scheduled to hold a meeting with the Board of Directors this morning?”

  “He’s meeting with them now.”

  “And he requested for me to meet him there?” Charlotte asked confusion evident in her tone.

  “Yes ma’am.”

  Was I supposed to have something prepared for him? She wondered anxiety quickly spreading through her. “Thank you, Emily,” she said sweetly. “Go take a seat, and rest yourself for a moment. I don’t like the way you’re breathing.”

  “I’ll be fine,” the other woman assured her. “Good luck in your meeting.”

  “Thanks,” she smiled as the elevator doors closed. “I’m going to need it.”

  Chapter Two

  Charlotte stood outside of the conference room awaiting the right moment to enter.

  “The magazine industry isn’t what it used to be. Years ago people spent their last on the latest gossip magazines wanting to know what was happening with their favorite celebrities, and wanting to stay clued in on the entertainment world, but times have changed. The same information they can read in magazines, they can receive for free over the internet,” Dean Proctor explained.

  Rolling her eyes Charlotte sighed at her co- worker’s No- It- All disposition. Not that he would have ever known, but Charlotte secretly despised working with the man. Dean Proctor had been introduced to her as the Lead of Financial Affairs though over the months he made the knowledge clear that he involved himself in other factors of the company both business oriented, and personal; while she had no definite proof that he was the one behind the rumors that had quickly spread around the office, she was confident in her supposition. Plucking her short black hair from behind her ears Charlotte took several deep breaths. Geez Nick, why couldn’t you give me a heads up? She thought. Pushing open the large glass doors Charlotte sashayed past the silent onlookers with her head held high, and a small smirk on her lips; though outwardly poised Charlotte was quivering with nervousness- the façade of being self- assured was an easy feat.

  “Ms. Toutant has been invited to sit- in on the meeting,” Nicholas announced as she rounded the large conference table.

  Dean cleared his throat drawing the attention of the room in his direction. With all eyes on him, he smiled politely, but remained silent.

  “Is there a problem, Mr. Proctor?” Nicholas asked unblinking, making focused eye contact with his subordinate.

  “No sir, there’s no problem at all,” Dean answered looking away from him suddenly uncomfortable.

  “You’re here,” Nicholas Elliot beamed at Charlotte when she reached him. Standing he pulled out the chair to his left. “Proctor, please continue.”

  “Oh- I- I- just feel that . . . I mean . . . sorry I lost track of what I was saying-”

  “You were saying that readers are quickly losing interest in magazines due to the rise in demand of gossip sites streaming over the internet. However, research only proves your thesis partially. Statistics show that while mainstream entertainment is rapidly being channeled through technology the trend of the avid reader is to always go back to the comfort of physically holding on to an actual book while reading. Hence, gaining information online verses through a tangible source is inconsistent. The issue isn’t the portal in which the information is spread, rather the information itself. It’s the material that we are producing that is the problem.”

  Dean snorted indignantly. “How does that apply for Leisure Me Ready? Most of our readers are 55 plus years old, and majority of them have little to no experience using a computer,” he challenged. “If we were a fashion magazine, or a gossip channel what you’re saying would be plausible, however-”

  “However, even though our readers are not in that age bracket of being computer savvy our numbers are dropping drastically. Due to the recession people are retiring later, and those who are financially secure to retire don’t feel comfortable squandering their money on frivolous activities,” Charlotte stated boldly. “Our m
agazine focuses on the future retirement plans of the upper class, people who have thousands to spend, however, our economy isn’t what it used to be and people are struggling. The same people who would have dropped thousands on a vacation in the middle of winter now would rather put the money aside for a rainy day.”

  “Leisure Me Ready brands leisure activities for Senior citizens and individuals on the peak of retiring- it’s our product . . . it’s been our signature for two decades.”

  “Your point being what?” Charlotte asked, her big brown eyes regarding him carefully. “If people can’t afford to take part in the leisure activities we are promoting our magazine isn’t going to sell. Why buy a magazine which focuses solely on activities after retirement if you can’t afford to take part in those activities?”

  “If you’re insinuating that we change-”

  “I’m not insinuating, I’m clearly stating that there is always the option of exploring new ideas for content. People change, situations change, and time is not exempt . . . our audience is no longer interested whether it be from lack of income, or lack of interest in our marketable ideas- either way we’re losing revenue. We need to spice things up a bit.”

  “I don’t think-”

  Nicholas raised his hand silencing Dean in mid- sentence. “Ms. Toutant may be on to something. Let’s put it to a vote. All in favor of exploring the option of rebranding say, I.”

  Glancing around the table Charlotte smiled brightly at the unified support of her ideas from her colleagues.

  “Well then there you have it. In the coming weeks I look forward to seeing what the advertising team puts together. If no one else had anything they would like to add . . . .?” he continued.


  “Well then meeting adjourned. Thank you all for your time. Ms. Toutant please stay behind for a moment.”


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