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I'll Be Home for Christmas

Page 13

by Lori Wilde


  “What do you want for Christmas?”

  “World peace.”

  “Besides that.”

  “I have everything I need.”

  “Except world peace.”

  “It’s forever on my wish list.”

  “Let me see what I can do. It might be hard to fit in your stocking.”

  “Have that much pull with the powers that be, do you?”

  He grinned at her, tucking the whole of Christmas into that dimple. “This dimple gets me a long way.”

  “I’ll bet it’s charmed off many panties.”

  He leaned in. “But not yours?”

  “Let’s just say I’m picky when it comes to lovers.”

  “Got any tips to up my chances?”

  “Tip number one. Don’t ask for tips.”

  He laughed.

  An effervescent lightness filled her chest. She loved the sound of his laughter. It was rich and congenial, like a treasured musical instrument played easily and often.

  They strolled along, passing a big group of oddly dressed people.

  “This place is kind of wacky,” Gabi said.

  “You think?”

  “Why is that man wearing bunny ears?”

  “Who knows? Don’t ask.”

  “It’s Christmas, not Easter. Is there a Christmas bunny I don’t know anything about?”

  “You’re looking for logic. In this town, there is none.”

  “Is that why you roam so far away from home? The lack of logic in Twilight?”

  “No,” he said. “The lack of logic is Twilight’s main appeal.”

  Gabi turned to watch an aging woman in a Scarlett O’Hara gown and ringlets sweep past on the arm of a man in a Jaws costume. “Ever feel like you’re in a Fellini film?”

  “All the time.”

  “So.” She canted her head, studied him. “Why do you roam?”

  “I haven’t enough coffee for this conversation,” he said. “Shall we hit Perks?”

  “Depends. Are you using it as a diversion or will plying you with coffee actually get me closer to the truth?”

  “I was hoping for the diversion, but I can see that’s futile.”

  “You’re quite sharp.”

  “Around you, I have to stay on my toes.”

  “Is that a compliment?” she asked.

  “For certain.”

  She stopped walking, forcing him to stop too. “Not much discourages you, does it?”

  He shrugged, and she felt the gesture travel down his arm and into hers. “I’m damn lucky to be here and I know it.”

  She cocked her head and looked over at him, her shoulder brushing lightly against the smooth leather of his jacket, the spicy scent of his cologne mingling with the smell of pine from the Christmas tree on the corner. “What do you mean?”

  “My mom and I almost both died when I was born.”

  “Oh my.”

  “I was a frank breech birth,” he explained. “Which means butt first, with my legs and the umbilical cord wrapped around my neck. My family says I came out telling the world to kiss my ass.”

  Gabi burst out laughing, then slapped a palm over her mouth. “I’m sorry. I wasn’t laughing about your difficult birth. That must have been scary.”

  Joe grinned. “Hey, I don’t remember it. Mom, on the other hand …” He shook his head. “On Mother’s Day I make sure my gift is bigger and better than what the other kids give her. I put her through a lot and not just at the beginning.”

  “The bad boy.”

  His eyes glistened in the lamplight. “My family will be happy to regale you with the stories of my misdeeds when you meet them.”

  When she met them? As if he was planning on introducing her to his family. A hiccup escaped her lips.

  “Am I making you nervous?”

  “No,” she denied, shaking her head. Hic. Damn.

  “Because …” He pointed to a nearby lamppost. “They hang mistletoe all around the square.”

  “I’m goo—hic—”

  “You know I’ve got the cure,” he teased. “Just say the word and we’ll make good use of that mistletoe.”

  “I’m getting a good glimpse of the bad boy.” She pressed her lips together, but the hiccup refused to be contained and it shot from her mouth with a loud double beat hic-hic.

  “All right, remember that you asked for it,” he said, and dragged her underneath the lamppost.

  Gabi glanced up to see the mistletoe dangling over his head. What was it with this town and mistletoe? Apparently they wanted everyone kissing. The outdoor speakers were playing “All I Want for Christmas Is You.” The timing was so perfect she couldn’t help wondering if somewhere someone was spying on them and matching the playlist to their activities.

  Joe’s arms went around her waist and he lowered his head, his eyes dancing with excitement. When she was with him she felt so alive. Alive in a way she’d never quite experienced before. Fog drifted in off the lake, further setting the stage. It was definitely too snow globe-y. Unbelievably snow globe-y.

  And she loved it.

  This was exactly what she’d been hoping to find when she swapped houses with Katie.

  Holiday magic. A respite from her life. A little fun. A little fantasy. A good time. Memories. She was making memories.

  Go with it.

  She leaned in, went up on tiptoes. Her hips rested lightly against his and the feel of his palms against the small of her back sent sweet shivers snaking up her spine. Their thighs were touching and he bent to rest his forehead on hers.

  “You were right,” he said. “This is special.”

  She pulled back just enough to look at him without crossing her eyes. She was about to ask him if he knew this couldn’t last, but she never got that far. She hiccupped again and he was kissing her and, well, every other thought just flew right out of her head.

  Joe Cheek.

  Cheeky Joe.

  Those lips. That tongue. Yes.

  “I want you, Gabi,” he murmured. “Does that scare you?”


  She should go. She really liked this guy and she could get her heart broken and she didn’t want to get her heart broken, but damn, she wanted more of those kisses. A lot more of them.

  “Your hiccups are gone,” he said.

  “Thank you.”

  “Don’t mention it.” His arms loosened around her and his eyes darkened. He was backing off.


  Make up your mind.

  “You’ve been hurt,” he said.

  She had, but not the way he thought. She shrugged, but couldn’t meet his gaze, terrified all her emotions were showing on her face. “Who hasn’t?”

  “I’ve got two broad shoulders and two good ears.”

  “It’s got nothing to do with you … with us …” she dared, scarcely able to believe she’d said “us.”

  “You know,” he said. “If you get a splinter under your skin and you don’t dig it, it’ll just fester and cause more trouble later.”

  “It’s my splinter. If I want to let it fester, that’s my right.”

  He held up both palms. “This is me butting out.”

  “I didn’t mean to sound rude,” she said. “I just don’t want to talk about it.”


  He kissed her again. “For good measure. To make sure those pesky hiccups don’t come back.”

  “You’re the hiccup whisperer,” she said. “And to answer your earlier question, yes, it scares me that you want me, because I want you too.”

  His eyelids lowered and a sexy smirk lifted those amazing lips. He appraised her with frank appreciation. The look weakened her knees. “What are we going to do about it?”

  “Take me home,” she said. “And you’ll find out.”


  Let’s be naughty and save Santa the trip.

  —Gary Allan

  On the drive back to the farm Joe clasped the steering whe
el in a death grip. He and Trouble were going to have sex.


  For the last three days, he’d been trying his damnedest to stay on his side of the road. He’d seen her around town a few times and he’d been friendly, but kept his distance hoping that the out-of-sight-out-of-mind adage was true. With Gabi, however, it seemed more like absence makes the heart grow fonder.

  It had been so long since he’d been with a woman that he worried he’d be Quick Draw McGraw and that was the last thing he wanted. He wanted to make love to Gabi all night long. In fact, he wanted her so badly his hands were shaking, which was why he was locked down hard on the steering wheel.

  Uncool. He couldn’t let her see how nervous he was.

  The cab of his truck felt incredibly intimate with darkness surrounding them and the lights of the dash glowing green. Outside they passed house after house lit up with holiday lights. Merry and bright. Just like the way Gabi made him feel.

  Fact was, his body ached for her in a way it hadn’t ached in a long time.

  He cast a glance over at her. Studied her profile in the dim light. Her hair curled at her shoulders. Her nose was pert, her chin small but firm. His gaze dropped to her breasts. Okay, he was a caveman, so sue him, but he’d been dreaming of face planting into those soft, pillowy breasts. His body was stone-hard granite.

  Had he ever ached for anyone the way he was aching for her? He must have, but right now, it surely didn’t seem so.

  He had to have her. Gabi of the warm blue eyes, the sweet red lips, and the cute little hiccups. God, how he wanted to kiss her again. The few miles to the farm seemed like a hundred. He debated unbuckling her seat belt and pulling her across the seat into his arms and kissing her all the way home, but safety first. He’d broken enough rules in his life. He wasn’t going to play fast and loose with her safety.

  Chill it, Cheek. Keep going at this rate and you won’t last two minutes.

  Did she have to smell so good? Look so damn fine? He cast a glance at her profile and his stomach spun a loop-the-loop.

  She pleated the hem of her sweater between her fingers. “I don’t usually do stuff like this.”

  “Like what?”

  “Go to bed with a man I barely know.”

  “I’m the exception.” He was surprised at how flattered he felt.

  “Don’t get cocky,” she said. “I’m trying to break old habits.”

  “What habits?”

  “Doing what’s expected of me.”

  “Wow,” he said. “How did I get so lucky to be there when you decided to turn over a new leaf?”

  “Right place, right time.”

  “I’m a very lucky fellow.”

  “Tonight you are.”

  “Do you see any stars?”

  She peered out the window. “It’s kind of cloudy. Why?”

  “I want to thank them for bringing you into my life.”

  “You’re bordering on cheesy.”

  “It’s honesty.”

  “How do I know you don’t use that line on everyone?”

  “You’ll just have to trust me.”

  “It doesn’t really matter. I’ve already decided I’m going to bed with you. You can turn off the charm.”

  It bothered him that she thought this was all an act. Okay, sure, sometimes he poured it on thick, but he sincerely liked women and she topped the list. He wanted to kiss her again. Use his lips to prove exactly how much he liked and respected her.

  Thank God they were almost home. He pressed down on the accelerator, took the turn a little faster than he should, and the pickup fishtailed in loose gravel, but he still had control. At least of the vehicle. He straightened the wheel, glanced over at her.

  “Easy, Romeo.” She laughed a gentle, nonjudgmental laugh that washed over him soft as a lullaby. “Get us back alive if you really want this to happen.”

  What was wrong with him? He was a smooth operator. He didn’t fumble or make missteps when it came to women.

  Not usually anyway.

  But Gabi wasn’t usual, was she?

  That was scary. Maybe he should just see her to the door and hightail it back home before he got in over his head.

  Yeah. Right. Naw.

  He pulled up in front of the yurt, parked the car. He was hard as hell and it was all because of her. He unbuckled her seat belt, but he didn’t have to haul her across the seat toward him because she was already there.

  Joe wrapped his arms around her, peered into her face, wondered what it was about her that mesmerized him so much, decided it didn’t matter. A strand of hair had fallen over her cheek. He tucked it behind her ear, marveling at how soft her skin was. Angels couldn’t be this soft.

  Even though she was struggling to hide it, he could tell his touch made her tremble. Heady stuff. Then he realized he was trembling too.

  “Are you sure you want to do this?” he asked, wondering where the hell this sudden gallantry was coming from. Shut up. Sweep her off her feet. Take her to bed. Stop asking questions you really don’t want answered.

  She closed her eyes, swallowed hard enough to make her throat move visibly. “Kiss me.”


  She opened one eye. “What do you mean why?”

  “You said you don’t normally hop into bed with guys you don’t know. Why me? Why now?”

  “I thought we already covered this. You’re a lucky guy.”

  “Not that lucky.” He pulled back, ignored his disappointed dick. “There has to be a reason you decided to make an exception of me.”

  “You’re hot. Let it rest.”

  “What are you running from, Gabi?”

  “Are you always this chatty when a girl just wants you to have your way with her?”

  “A girl like you? Hell yes.”

  “A girl like me? What does that mean?”

  He raked his gaze over her. “Smart. Pretty. Anxious.”

  “Great. You don’t want to do this. Fine. I’ll find someone else who does.” She turned away from him, fumbled for the door.

  “Hold on.” He grabbed the collar of her coat. “I didn’t say I wouldn’t do it. I just wanted to make sure you weren’t taking me to bed for the wrong reason.”

  “What is the right reason?”

  That sort of stumped him. What were the right reasons for having great sex? It felt good. To relieve tension. To have fun. If he said any of that, she’d claim one or more of those reasons. He had to decide that whatever she was running from, she was emotionally and mentally strong enough to handle a sexual affair without going nutty on him.

  “I don’t want anything from you but sex,” she said. “That’s it. No expectations beyond a good time in bed. Can you handle that, Cheek?”

  “You’re not just using sex as a salve for what’s hurting you?”

  “Sure I am, but what’s wrong with that?”

  What was wrong with that?

  “I know you’re not the cure of what’s ailing me,” she admitted. “But why can’t we have fun while I work on healing myself?”

  It was a point he couldn’t argue with. His dick rejoiced.

  She moved to cup his cheek, peer deeply into his eyes. “I promise I won’t fall in love with you if that’s what you’re worried about.”

  Yeah, maybe not. But one look in her serious blue eyes and a stark thought lit up his brain. What if he fell for her?

  Gabi got out of his truck, swaying slightly when her feet touched the bumpy ground. Was she making a mistake? Was Joe right? Was she using sex to bury her feelings?

  She sneaked another peek at the handsome man coming around the front of his pickup toward her, the moon peeping from the clouds to bathe him in a mystical gray-white light. C’mon, he was gorgeous and he wanted her. Who cared if she was using sex to cloak her feelings.

  Besides, she wanted him too.


  It was as simple as that.

  She’d wanted men before but she’d always let the wants and wishes
of others influence her desires. But she was away from everything and everyone she knew. There was no one to answer to now except herself.

  It was a wildly liberating idea.

  Joe’s sexy smile and sultry dark eyes and rockin’ hot body reminded her that toeing the line had gotten her stuck with a life she did not want. She owed it to herself to explore the explosive attraction sizzling between them. How would she never know what she truly wanted if she never stepped outside her carefully constructed comfort zone and experimented a little?

  One night with him had the potential to fix everything.

  One night.

  That’s all this would be. But that’s all she would need.

  She paused on the deck as the clouds parted, a sky full of stars shone down on them. His body was big and strong and vital. Standing so close to him literally ripped her breath from her lungs.

  Was she really going to do this?

  Gabi pressed her lips together, holding back the hiccup that simultaneously lifted her chest and shoulders.

  “Looks like you need a kiss.” Joe dipped his head, caught her chin between his thumb and forefinger, tipped her head back, and gently claimed her lips.

  Quivers shook her from head to toe.

  With a mind of their own, her arms slipped around his neck, pulled his head down lower. Oh yeah. She was ready to risk everything for one sweet night in this man’s arms. Ha! Good girl no more. Where was that rulebook? She was ready to throw it out the window. She was ready to get naked with this amazing man. Have fun. And let it mean absolutely nothing.


  Everything was perfect.

  Except his cell phone was ringing.

  She wanted him to ignore it. Hoped he would ignore it. Almost asked him to ignore it, but that somehow sounded too needy, so she didn’t.

  He fumbled for his phone.

  Okay, so he wasn’t as into her as she was into him if he was going to take time to answer the phone while she was standing here vibrating with need for him. He—

  Without even looking at the caller ID, Joe shut off the phone. Powered it all the way down.

  “Now,” he said, drawing her into his arms again. “Where were we?”

  She went up on tiptoes, pursed her lips.

  He slanted his head, leaned in.

  And she got scared. Her body tensed and she pulled back.

  “Second thoughts?” he murmured.


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