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Save Me

Page 4

by Grady, D. R.

  “It’s doubtful with the way he’s been threatening you.” Mallen’s eyes gleamed with resolve, and that offered her some semblance of comfort.

  “He always makes threats towards me.”

  Mallen’s mouth firmed into a hard line. “Yes, we discovered this unfortunate... habit.”

  “He is danger to you,” Giselle said firmly. “Men like him do not worry with restraining order or the policeman.”

  “I don’t understand,” Julia said. “I mean he did hit me the last time...” George had hurt her this last time but would he try to do her serious bodily harm?

  “He lost his job, his credibility, and his mother disowned him.”

  Perhaps she was stupid, because Julia didn’t understand why these factors made any difference to her situation. “Yes. But why is he more dangerous now?”

  Mallen grimly answered her question. “There’s nothing to stop him. With nothing to lose, crossing the line to kill you has become easy.”

  Chapter 5

  Julia had a difficult time relaxing after that statement. She had been forcefully, albeit gently, taken from her home after being beaten by a man who swore he loved her.

  Then she’d been drugged and placed on a plane, only to awaken in the company of a very large predator. Now, after realizing her company was inclined to be friendly and welcoming and finally allowed herself to feel safe and protected, she’d been dealt alarming, albeit vital information.

  The George she had dated previously wouldn’t try to harm or kill her. But even she had to admit the George she last met might harm her with little remorse.

  She now understood, a little too late, how George couldn’t respect or likely even want her. He wanted someone he could dominate. And because Julia had entered the relationship innocently, she had never seen him coming. She would never have suspected a man from his background, with his good looks and intellect, could ever be an abuser. In perfect hindsight, she now saw how naive she was. Anyone could be the abuser or the abused. She even began to believe what he told her. She actually thought she was ugly, stupid, and fat.

  Julia sighed.

  Unfortunately, she still somewhat believed those things. Now she had to sort through all her misguided thoughts and decide what to keep and what to discard. Not unlike Mrs. Halbert’s notion of choosing a good man.

  Her tumultuous thoughts weren’t interrupted by their descent. She missed the landscape, so in despair with her mixed-up life. She barely noticed the long limo awaiting them at the curb after a quick walk through a bustling airport.

  She didn’t return to reality until they reached their destination. A beautiful, immense building that could only be classified as a palace loomed in her vision and couldn’t possibly be missed. Long, elegant stone columns graced the front. The imposing structure extended as far as she could see.

  Uniformed guards stood on either side of huge, ornately carved wooden double doors. Armed, she saw, but their weapons didn’t quite register. Instead, she was ushered into a foyer like none she had ever seen before. Black and white tiled marble stretched out before them in a seemingly endless stretch. Gleaming coats of armor lined the luxurious hall.

  Julia blinked at the glass and stone ceiling. She gawked at the elegant marble and stone staircase that could have easily accommodated an army. The staircase formed a half circle that met in a graceful sweep and continued to the upper levels.

  “Shall I take you to your rooms, mon cheri?” She was woman enough to enjoy the way Mallen’s eyes swept over her face in that leisurely fashion. Or perhaps she needed to believe a handsome man could still be attracted to her, despite the bruises and split lip. Despite the fact her life was in utter chaos.

  She nodded in lieu of answering. Doubtful she could utter so much as a squeak.

  Mallen swept her up the stairs and down a long hall on whose walls hung paintings worthy of kings. She followed him trustingly, not even able to admire his magnificent physique, such was her state of overwhelm. Too many things had happened all in too short a time span. Right now she only wanted to lay her head down somewhere and sleep.

  Her escort opened a set of double doors a third of the way down the hall with a flourish.

  “This is your suite while you are with us, mon cheri. The bathroom is through the door on the left, and the dressing room is to the right. I shall send Michaela to assist you.” His eyes raked her face in a quick sweep and he nodded. “If you require anything, use the communication panel on your bedside table.”

  “Thank you.”

  “You are a treasured and welcome guest in our home. If you should require something, you will call?” Mallen placed a gentle finger under her chin and raised her face.

  Julia swallowed, but nodded, her eyes fixed on the warmth in his amazing eyes. That little awakening seed expanded another infinitesimal amount. The lump in her throat didn’t budge, but somehow she managed to continue breathing. Something in his eyes and the sweet finger holding her face captive caused a little spurt of interest to flare for an instant. The change was subtle, quiet, but perhaps inevitable.

  She didn’t understand the feeling. She was too tired to take the emotion out and examine whatever had happened. Thinking wasn’t an option at the moment, which was good. Something warned her Mallen Saltaire could be far more dangerous to her emotional health than George had ever been.

  Mallen smiled at Julia McNeal, completely entranced with the woman. Her dark hair and gray eyes pleased him. He sighed, enjoying the feel of her silky skin. The angry bruises on her face and split lip, not to mention the shadows in her eyes, classified her as an abused woman. He needed to remember he was her protector, not her potential love interest. Right now, Julia McNeal’s safety and emotional stability outweighed everything else.

  He didn’t want to let her out of his sight, but he could see the fatigue etched in every line of her face. She needed sleep and probably a good meal. They ate on the plane, but Julia had only played with her food. He suspected Sebastian probably enjoyed most of the fare.

  With reluctance, he withdrew his finger from her chin and bade her a soft goodnight. She nodded, her eyes deep pools of mystery and vulnerability. Mallen wanted to kiss away the shadows and hold her tightly, to protect her.

  Common sense, utter willpower, and hard-earned discipline forced him to leave. Walking away was the hardest thing he had ever done and he was only beginning to understand why.

  Julia gazed around her space with bemused eyes. Fit for a queen, immense, and elegantly fitted, the room only added to the chaos swirling through her brain. The muted greens and creams were similar to those found in her apartment. A sitting area, in keeping with the same color scheme, fitted perfectly into the corner. The chairs looked comfortable and were settled in front of a working fireplace. The bed was a work of art, large and simply carved. She paced over to the elegant monstrosity, but before she could strip and crawl under the covers, a knock reverberated through the room.

  She wandered over to the doors and stared at them, attempting to figure out which she should open when the one on the left cracked. A dark head peered around the frame, and calm green eyes gazed back at her. The woman’s face was set in serene lines, her air unflappable.

  As soon as she saw Julia, her lips creased into a welcoming smile and the rest of her small body emerged. Julia continued to gape, her overworked brain having ceased to function.

  “I’m Michaela. I’m to help you prepare for bed,” the woman said softly. She carried Julia’s suitcases and disappeared through the door on the right.

  Julia blinked, watching the woman competently place her clothing and toiletries out of sight.

  “I’m Julia.” She finally realized she should introduce herself to the woman now handling her underwear.

  “Yes, I know. The king told me himself.”

  “The king?” She couldn’t remember meeting a king. As confused as she was, she would have remembered that.

  “Surely, Miss. Mallen Saltaire. He brought you her
e, him and his sister. He’s the King of Sandovia, he is. A fine man.”

  At Michaela’s statement, Julia blinked again. Although this place didn’t look like Oz, she knew she wasn’t in Kansas anymore. Not that she’d ever been to Kansas in her life. Was this what Dorothy had felt like when she finally landed somewhere?

  Maybe she ought to ask questions until she comprehended. She glanced at the bed again. Or she could just climb into that and forget about Oz, or wherever she was and worry about all this tomorrow.

  Instead of making a decision, she watched Michaela stack her socks into a drawer. She decided to ask the question bothering her. “Mallen is a king?”

  “Indeed, my lady. King of Sandovia. Of course, if you call him Your Majesty, or Your Highness, or even King Mallen he becomes quite upset.” She was fascinated by Michaela’s mischievous grin. Another smile returned to haunt her. Giselle had taunted him with Your Majesty while they were on the plane and he’d tickled her for her efforts.

  Annie and Jared had been holding out on her.

  At least the palace finally made sense. A king should live in a place like this. But Mallen as a member of the royal class somehow didn’t register. A king had kidnapped her from her home, carried her on his shoulder, and then drugged her to take her on a plane to Oz?

  What next – the tin man, lion, and scarecrow jumping out from under the bed?

  A wave of exhaustion poured over her, followed quickly by a second, stronger one and Julia decided she didn’t care anymore. Shaking her head, she tugged off her clothes and climbed into the bed in her bra and panties.

  Michaela found her new mistress sound asleep, in her skivvies, no less. She hadn’t even bothered to pull the covers over herself. The maid pulled them up, muttering.

  She opened the door to a royal summons and watched as he paced sinuously into the room. He stretched his spine, then front paws, and finally his back ones before finally yawning and blinking up at her.

  Michaela raised an eyebrow before commenting. “If Your Majesty is finished?”

  Sebastian stared up at her for a moment before turning to the bed. He appeared to consider the sleeping woman before he leapt. He made one turn before settling himself on the cushiony mattress. With a contented sigh, the big cat closed his eyes, yawned once more, and slept.

  Mallen stalked down the hall, his mind far from palace business. He and Giselle had enjoyed a late night snack and a later call to the McNeal farm. Annie and Jared had reassured them his decision to intervene on Julia’s behalf had been an excellent one.

  Then her brother offered some news that had chilled him to his very core. That information, coupled with his own knowledge of what was required to keep a woman safe, had impelled him across the ocean today and now sent him down this corridor tonight.

  When he reached the twin doors, Mallen quietly opened one and stepped silently into the darkened room. He waited a moment for his eyes to adjust before crossing to the bed. A dark shadow raised a proud head and he patted his pet.

  Moonlight streaming through the window revealed the features of the other occupant. Her hair flared across the pillow, her eyes closed, lips parted. Mallen stroked down the exposed side of her face.

  “He won’t ever come close enough to harm you, Julia McNeal. He’ll never be given the opportunity. I vow that to you on my very life.” His hand stilled on her cheek as he gazed at her sleeping face.

  Resolve soared through him like a proud, free raven to his nest. This woman would not be a victim again. He knew he couldn’t bring his sister back from the dead, but he had seen justice for her, and now he would protect this woman. A special female fate had seen fit to entrust to his care. A second chance.

  “I won’t fail this time,” he murmured to the darkened room. Sebastian’s ears satellite-revolved at the sound of his voice and he stroked the big cat again. “And I’ll have you to help me, Sebastian. Thank you.” Sebastian regally accepted the affection and appreciation.

  Mallen stared at Julia, wanting to reassure her, but not certain how. He knew he probably should tell her the news they had just heard from her brother, but he feared the shock would hinder her healing.

  How did a man tell a woman her former boyfriend had just hacked an innocent man to pieces?

  Chapter 6

  When Julia awoke the next morning, it was to a heavy weight on her chest. A heavy, purring weight. Her heart tripped and sweat broke out along her spine. Rapidly blinking so she could focus, she saw there was nothing wrong with her, other than Sebastian had decided to use her for a pillow. The big cat’s eyes were closed, but his ears moved in cat-like sonar. Contented rumbling emitted from his throat. Scientists were still divided whether big cats actually purred, but whatever Sebastian was doing sounded close enough to her.

  Her lips curled up. She cleared her throat. “Um, Sebastain?”

  One golden eye peeled open to stare at her. She recognized disgruntlement when she saw it.

  “Don’t you think you’re a bit big to use me as a pillow?” She didn’t expect an answer, so she wasn’t startled when none was forthcoming. She freed a hand from the bedcovers and stroked the lustrous head. The golden eye closed and Sebastian heaved a sigh before hogging even more of the bed. The rumbling revved up in volume and Julia laughed.

  Unbidden, an image filled her mind. Of Sebastian’s owner in much the same position as his pet. Of her hand stroking Mallen’s hair. Perhaps off his face as he lay contentedly with his head on her chest. Preferably purring.

  Julia started. Where had that crazy thought come from? She had just fled a relationship. It wasn’t likely she could handle another. Right? Julia wondered what she could offer any man, much less one like Mallen Saltaire.

  She thought about her conversation with Michaela the night before. Had the woman really said Mallen was a king? A king. What in the world would a king see in her? Julia shook her head at her own stupid musings. Right now the only thing she needed to do was find a bathroom and breakfast. Other than that, she’d wing it.

  Tumbling out of the massive bed, she stared at the other doors in the room, trying to remember which one led to the bathroom. To the left, she thought, hoped. Julia first grabbed some clothes from the dressing room and headed to the shower. Perhaps she would feel more like herself once she prepared to meet the day.

  Fifteen minutes later, she entered the bedroom again and started when she realized she wasn’t alone. Michaela stood by the bed, industriously remaking the luxurious abode. She appeared to be having difficulties, as Sebastian hadn’t risen yet.

  Both woman and cat turned when the door opened and Julia watched them watching her.

  “Good morning, my lady. Are you feeling better today?”

  Julia glanced around the room and upon seeing no one else around, nodded.

  “Excellent. I suspect you’re hungry?”

  At the thought of food, her stomach offered a growl to do Sebastian proud. She grinned, but when it pulled at her split lip, stopped. “Yes, I think I could manage breakfast.”

  At the mention of food, Sebastian’s head lifted expectantly from the bed. His whiskers quivered, while his nose delicately sniffed. Michaela grinned at the beast’s obvious enthusiasm. “Yes, I thought the mention of breakfast would claim your attention, too,” she told the cat affectionately before turning back to Julia. “If you’ll follow me, I’ll take you to the dining room.”

  She fell into step behind the woman, while Sebastian leapt gracefully from the bed, stretched, and loped over to pad beside her. She peered at him with pleasure and gave his magnificent head a loving stroke, enjoying the velvety feel of his fur beneath her fingers. He ambled quietly beside her, content.

  Michaela led them through a series of halls and down a set of stairs that Julia made special note of. She didn’t want to have to rely on someone to lead her around the palace during her stay. She had always been good at directions, and planned to draw on those skills now.

  Fortunately, Michaela led her past a formal din
ing chamber, with a quarter acre sized table and more chairs than she cared to count, into a smaller space nearby. Julia blinked in the sweet, welcoming rays of the morning sun. This room boasted three walls of windows and a normal sized round table. The furniture was simple in design, beautiful in function, and familiar to her beleaguered senses.

  Only one woman sat at the table. Her amber colored hair was attractively streaked with silver. When she lifted inquiring eyes to Michaela, Julia saw from whom Mallen had inherited his amazing eyes. This woman could only be his mother.

  “Good morning, Michaela.” The woman said to her escort in American English.

  “Good morning, Lila.” Michaela turned to her. “Miss McNeal, this is Mallen and Giselle’s mother. Lila Saltaire, Queen Mother of Sandovia.”

  “Hello, Miss McNeal. Do I need to apologize for your being here?” A frown formed between the lady’s amber colored eyebrows.


  “Did my son and daughter kidnap you?”

  “Technically, yes. But they were very gentle about it and from what I’ve heard they only did so for my own good.”

  “Yes, that’s what they explained to me. Mallen, especially, is very protective of women who are victimized.”

  Julia winced. She hadn’t thought of herself as being victimized, but when whittled down, she realized her choices had placed her in exactly that unfortunate position.

  “Please, Julia, help yourself to breakfast.” She waved an elegant hand toward the buffet spread.

  Since she was hungry, Julia made short work of her selections. A coffee pot resided on the table she saw with relief. A cup or two of that would round out what promised to be a delicious meal. She poured a cup as soon as she sat down across from her hostess, whose coffee mug she refilled.


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