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Come Hell or High Water (Hellcat Series Book 5)

Page 5

by Sharon Hannaford

  “What do they want?” Gabi demanded, her voice gruff with anxiety.

  Julius unfolded a sheet of thick, high-quality paper, smoothing it open against the surface of his desk. Gabi noted the unmistakeable colours of the Princep insignia at the top. Smoothly flowing, black-inked letters filled the rest of the page, no computerised printing at the seat of Vampire power, apparently.

  “They have requested my presence at Court,” Julius explained. “They want me to be witness to the very first prosecution of a Vampire for trying to create a Dhampir.”

  Gabi blinked in surprise; that wasn’t at all what she’d been expecting. In fact, it seemed quite innocuous, though given the gathered company, it obviously wasn’t.

  “So the real reason they want you there is…?” She left the question hanging.

  Julius exchanged a look with Benedict and then with Alexander. Gabi fought the instant bubble of annoyance that rose inside her; she hated being left out of things this important.

  “That’s still up for debate.” Benedict spoke up, losing his careless posture and sitting up to plant his trendy Doc Martens boots on the floor. He studied her with a disconcerting intenseness. Gabi still wasn’t sure exactly how long Benedict had been a Vampire, but it was long enough that much of his natural human behaviour had disappeared. His innate inhumanness still managed to unnerve her at times. Gabi supposed it was how others felt being around Julius, though she had never been able to see him as anything other than an extremely desirable man. “The only way to be sure would be for me to get back as soon as possible,” he continued.

  “I doubt you’re going to be welcomed with open arms after spending the last several weeks here with us,” Gabi commented. “What are the chances you’ll find out anything if they think you’ve allied yourself with us?”

  “Ah, but they don’t know exactly why I’m here. I always keep people guessing,” he told her with a smirk. “And there are those who will fill me in regardless, or even because, of my association with you.”

  “Can we put it off until we have time to figure out what’s behind the request?” Gabi asked.

  Julius’s mouth twisted. “No, they have very strict deadlines on dealing with those accused of major transgressions. The accused needs to be tried and punishment carried out before the week is out.”

  “Geesh, with travel time that doesn’t give us much leeway,” Gabi muttered. “How soon can you get back there?” she asked Benedict.

  “My plane is being readied as we speak,” Benedict replied, his smirk deepening.

  “So we have what? A little over two days to prepare?” she checked with Julius.

  A muscle ticked in his jaw and his eyes grew darker at her words. He was preparing himself to give her bad news.

  She felt her mouth pop open in disbelief. “You don’t want me to go with you.” It was a statement more than a question.

  Silence fell in the room. Not one of the Vampires so much as breathed as Gabi locked eyes with Julius. After what seemed like an eternity, Alexander moved, pushing away from the bookcase.

  “So,” he drawled. “Do you want us to stay as backup, or would you rather we just disarmed her and left you to your fate?” he asked Julius. Usually Alexander’s flippancy would lighten the mood, break the tension enough for discussion to start up again, but not this time. There was one thing Gabi hated more than being left out of major decisions, and it was having decisions that affected her made without her consultation.

  “Perhaps it would be best if you all left us for a few minutes.” Julius dropped her gaze to address the others. “Travel safe, Benedict. Please send word if you can.”

  Benedict gave a nod and a look passed between them that Gabi couldn’t decipher; then the rest of the Vampires filed quickly from the room, leaving just the two of them.

  “I know you want to discuss this,” Julius began, but Gabi sprang to her feet, planting her fists on the desk and glaring at him.

  “Let me guess; there isn’t enough time to hear my opinion, so you’re just going to leave me here where I’ll be safe while you deal with the Princeps and whatever else is going on at Court.” To her surprise Julius also rose from his chair, leaning his own hands on the desk and pushing his face to within inches of hers.

  “No, Lea, actually it’s not about where you’ll be safest. This time it’s about trying to protect the Clan and the City. You know exactly how I feel about you, and this is one of the hardest decisions I’ve had to make in the shortest amount of time, but I have to put the needs of the Clan above my own right now.” His voice was passionate, edged with raw emotion, and it was rare to see him this emotional. “I would like nothing better than to make you pack your bags and keep you safe at my side, right where I can watch over you every second of the day, but I need someone I can trust to be here protecting the Clan and the City.

  “Alexander is strong, stronger than would ever be possible without you, but he is only one, and he is still coming into his power. I’m sorry I’ve had to take the decision away from you; I’m sorry I don’t have the time to talk you around to my way of thinking. I’m not doing this to undermine you in the eyes of the Clan or to diminish what your opinion means to me; I’m doing this to protect what is ours. There is no one else I trust more to leave the safety of the Clan to than you.” His last sentence was said in barely a whisper.

  For a heart-stopping second, tears prickled behind Gabi’s eyes. She dropped her gaze, her anger and bluster evaporated by his words. There was a slight movement of the air and then his arms were around her body, his lips in her hair and the muscles of his chest rippling against her cheek.

  Emotions were at war inside Julius’s head. Now he was not only lying to her, but manipulating her emotions. One camp screamed at him for his stubborn foolishness, enraged that he would jeopardise her love for him; the other camp simply wouldn’t allow the words of truth to pass his lips. Julius knew she would be able to sense his unhappiness. Now that he’d lost a little of the tight control he’d been keeping over his mental turmoil for the last few hours, he only hoped she would put it down to him not wanting to leave her behind. Just holding her tight against him soothed the desperate beast inside, and when the beast was calm, he could think more rationally.

  The missive was entirely unexpected. He’d been expecting some kind of move by the Shadow group for weeks. He suspected the group would set out to eliminate any possible up-and-coming opposition, anyone who might threaten the current status quo. If his assumptions were correct, then Julius’s inexplicable rise in power level made him, Gabi and the Clan enemy number one.

  He was convinced that they were behind the request summoning him to Court, and it was a ploy to get him and Gabi away from the protection of the Clan, a way to expose them and make them vulnerable. Julius could take his most trusted guards with him and would still be at the mercy of those who held sway at Court. It would also leave his Clan vulnerable, highlighting the sickening possibility that the Shadow group would find a way to strike at home while Julius wasn’t around to protect them. Divide and conquer; if he was in their shoes, that’s exactly what he’d do.

  Under normal circumstances the majority of a Master Vampire’s power was drawn from the collective power of his or her Clan. Once cut off from that power base, they were left with their own personal power and talents, but nothing more. Since taking Gabi’s blood, Julius rarely needed to draw power from his people, he was strong enough without it, but the Shadow group couldn’t know that. Right now he had to choose between the devil and the deep blue sea; if he made it known that Gabi was the true source of his expanding power, the Shadow group would likely not bother to attack his Clan, and instead concentrate on destroying his partnership with Gabi. By keeping the secret hidden, Julius was exposing his Clan to the possibility of attack while he wasn’t here to protect them.

  But without Gabi, Julius would be a shell of a man, he would be in no state to protect his people if something happened to her. He had to keep her safe. Not
that she was truly safe anywhere, but here with the protection of the City’s resources and the rest of the Clan was the safest place she could be. At court he held no authority and had little control of people and events.

  Dammit, he had to tell her everything. The longer he put it off, the worse the fallout would be.

  Just this night, he decided, one more night to find the right words, the words that would make her see sense, words that would not send her running. He bent his head to hers, dropping his hands to the curve of her hips, pulling her warm body against his. But before he could capture her lips with his, he sensed someone approaching the office. With a mental growl he sent an unnecessarily harsh spike of power to intercept whoever it was, warning them away; he was not in the mood for interruptions. A loud groan emanated from the corridor and Gabi pulled away from him, glancing towards the sound.

  “Sire,” Maximillian’s voice was hoarse and weak, “another missive.”

  Julius stilled.

  “Julius,” Alexander’s voice drifted through the door, “it’s true, there’s another one.”

  “Sweet Mother of…” He was at the door in an instant, yanking it open to find Alexander with a familiar-looking envelope. His head steward was several metres down the corridor, leaning against the wall as though gasping for breath. He sent a different thrust of power towards the skeletal man, with a muttered, “Apologies, Maximillian.”

  The steward immediately straightened and bowed, scuttling away without any words.

  Alexander brushed past him into the office, but before Julius could close the door, Benedict appeared at the top of the staircase.

  “Another one?” Even he sounded surprised.

  Julius mentally steadied himself and turned back to the room. Gabi was leaning against one of the bookshelves and Alexander was at the desk, paused with a letter opener in his hand, his eyebrows raised in consternation.

  “What is it?” Julius asked, not sure he wanted the answer.

  Benedict sauntered inside and shut the door.

  “It’s…it’s addressed to both you and Gabi. It has her name and title specifically,” Alexander said, holding the envelope and the letter opener out to her.

  Julius’s chest constricted and a chill raced through his veins.


  The formal letter, with its unmistakable insignia, lay open on Julius’s desk. An irrefutable demand cloaked as a polite request for both of them to join the Princeps Council for an ‘informal’ discussion, requesting their consultation to assist in further implementation of the new laws.

  Gabi had, of course, taken the missive at face value and was already making preparations to take the trip with him. Julius, more convinced than ever that this was part of the Shadow group’s plans, had been painted into a corner. He would have to tell Gabi now, but he had no desire to discuss the Shadow group while Benedict was present. As much as he liked and respected the Princep, anyone and everyone connected to the Princep Court was a potential member of the group.

  Benedict seemed to sense that he was no longer welcome. “I have a flight to catch,” he announced, checking his watch. “Any longer and I’ll risk kissing the sun. If I hear anything important, I’ll get a message to you. See you at the castle.” And with a lazy bow he left the office.

  Once Julius was sure Benedict had left the mansion, he turned and broke into Gabi’s discussion with Alexander on who and what to take on the trip.

  “You are not going, Lea,” he said, making each word clear.

  Silence fell as she looked at him, dumbfounded. He’d never spoken to her like that before, so blatant and uncompromising.

  “I beg your pardon?” Her words were a low growl. He didn’t need to repeat himself, she’d heard him well enough. She was waiting for him to retract his statement. It showed in every rigid line of her body and the cold, hard nothingness on her side of their mental connection.

  “You heard me, Lea. You are not coming with me this time. I have my reasons; there are things going on that I’ve kept from you.” He braced himself, waiting for the explosion, knowing he deserved it. “Until a couple of days ago it was all assumption on my part, but I’ve been able to confirm my suspicions. Forces exist in the Vampire world that could be trying to destroy me or harm the Clan.” The cold, deadly calm Gabi was far worse than the passionately furious Gabi Julius had been expecting.

  “You’ve been lying to me?” Gabi asked, her voice the warning hiss of a coiled viper.

  Before he could form words, attempt to explain and defuse her anger, there were yet more footsteps outside the door. A short, polite knock and Kyle opened the door, closely followed by Fergus. Julius was surprised by their arrival until he saw the surreptitious look pass between Kyle and Alexander; his second in command had had something to do with the timely interruption.

  Kyle strode in as though he’d been driving past and popped in for a catch up. He tweaked Gabi’s hair as she silently retook her seat on the armless chair, anger tensing every line of her body. “So what’s up?” Kyle asked, smoothly putting himself in a chair midway between Gabi and Julius.

  Fergus shunned his habitual position against the door in favour of one against the glass display stand, which housed Julius’s antique knife and sword collection, just a few feet to Gabi’s left. They were ready to step in if things got physical.

  Julius forced the flare of annoyance away, common sense said that they were only trying to help in a situation that Julius himself had created. He should be appreciative; their arrival had certainly defused the explosive atmosphere in the room.

  Gabi figured that Kyle and Fergus were here to ease the tension and to keep her from physical violence. Someone had called or texted them; her main suspects were Alexander and Benedict. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to hug or hang the culprit.

  She knew Julius had been hiding something from her for weeks, if not months. Trish had been working on stuff she wasn’t allowed to talk to anyone about since she started working for Julius, and Gabi doubted that was the start of it all. She forced herself to listen as he described what Trish had discovered, read the decoded messages for herself, but she was certain he still knew more than he was letting on, just as she was convinced that it had more to do with her than he was saying. The anger bubbled like acid in her chest, and her teeth ached with the clenching of her jaw muscles.

  She tried to concentrate on what he was saying to Kyle.

  “I think their game plan is to separate Gabrielle and myself from the Clan,” he explained. “That would make it easier for them to strike at my people. They will still be under the assumption that the Clan is my power base. They will do anything to undermine my power and make me vulnerable. Once they think I’m at my weakest, they will try to take Gabrielle from me, and incapacitate or destroy me.”

  “It’s highly unlikely they’ll attempt anything in the Court of Princeps,” Gabi pointed out. “There’s nothing in those messages Trish uncovered to confirm any of this. It’s all just conjecture at this point.”

  “We still have to travel between the airport and the castle; they don’t have to attack us at Court,” Julius disagreed. “And there also isn’t anything to say I’m wrong. The simple truth is that the Clan will be stronger if you are here to support Alexander.”

  “If what you assume about them being behind this invitation is true,” Kyle put in, his expression thoughtful, “then it certainly appears they want to split the two of you away from the City.” He looked at Gabi. “It would make sense to do the opposite of what they are trying to force you to do, Gabs, you know that. And if Julius is wrong, then no harm, no foul. Everyone walks away in one piece.”

  “You’re forgetting that the missive arrived from the Princeps themselves, asking for both of us to attend,” Gabi bit out. “As everyone was pointing out earlier,” she glanced with narrowed eyes at Julius and Alexander, “we can’t just ignore their demands.” She could see Kyle nodding from the corner of her eye.

  “I’ll find a way
around it,” Julius declared. “You don’t officially fall under their governance, so anything you do for them is, in theory, of your own free will and at your own convenience.” He looked away from her to address Kyle. “If she has other pressing matters to attend to here in the City, they cannot insist that she attends.”

  Kyle chewed on his bottom lip, a finger tapping rhythmically on the arm of his chair. Gabi knew that look, he had something in mind. “Won’t that just delay the inevitable?” he asked finally.

  “What do you mean?” queried Alexander.

  “Well, if Julius is right, then you have them at a disadvantage. Right now you have a reasonable idea of what they’re planning to do. They think they have you exactly where they want you, they have all their pieces in play, and no reason to think you have a clue. If you change the game now, you’ll probably have them backtracking, only to come at you sometime in the future from a completely different and unexpected angle. Openly leaving Gabi here will force them to rethink and replan. Any advantage you may have had will be gone.”

  Julius’s eyes narrowed, his jaw muscles ticking in annoyance. “So, you think Gabi should go with me and leave the Clan exposed?” he growled.

  “No.” Kyle sighed. “That’s not what I’m recommending. I’m just saying let’s look at this as an opportunity to take the fight to them. If you can get them to play their hand, maybe you can expose them and deal with them once and for all.”

  “Fucking Hell,” Alexander breathed, “this is the first time ever that I’ve actually wished Gabi was twins.” He sounded so despondent that Gabi almost cracked a smile.

  Fergus harrumphed. “Ye wouldn’t wish that fer lang, mae auld friend.” Then he looked to Julius. “It wid solve th’ problem, though, Sire. Think aboot it. If it looked as though she wis at Court wi’ ye, but secretly she’s ’ere, that wid put th’ Shadow group at a real disadvantage if they tried to attack. Ye can be back ’ere in hours, we widn’t haf to hold them off fer lang.”


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