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Cas: Heroes at Heart

Page 18

by Maryann Jordan

  Her gaze ran over him appreciatively. “Oh, my, Cas, you’re as gorgeous as always!”

  He bent to take her lips in a kiss. “You’ve gotta know, babe, you’re the one who’s gorgeous.” He moved to kiss the top of his daughter’s head, whispering, “And so are you, little sleepy one.”

  Bianca held her daughter with one arm but placed her free hand on his chest and said, “I love you. I hope everything goes well today.”

  “I love you, too, babe. And we’re as prepared for today as we can be.”

  She gave his chest a little pat, then turned and grabbed the large diaper bag. He started to reach for the bag, then remembered the cross still on the dining room table. “I’ll be right back,” he said and hustled into the other room, picking up the carved cross and tucking it into his suit coat pocket.

  Once back in the living room, he took the diaper bag from Bianca’s arms and locked the front door after they walked out. The sun was shining that day, the rays coming down through the leaves in the trees. He and Bianca had made their home in his cabin in the woods, he now devoting his full-time career to furniture making and she still writing her novels.

  They lived well off the money they made, and he insisted that Bianca’s inheritance be held for their children. At that suggestion, she had smiled and said her father would have loved that idea.

  Lucille and Lionel had gone to prison for their attempts on her life and inheritance. Cas, along with his brothers, their women, and Miss Ethel, had kept a close eye on Bianca, but she appeared to have no problems putting their duplicity behind her. Instead, she relished the time she could spend with the women, spent hours with Miss Ethel as they knitted together, enjoyed being with his brothers, and was now building a life with him as his wife and the mother of their baby.

  Climbing into their vehicle, he pulled out of their gravel lane, heading to the church in town, his mind filled with what they were facing.


  Eight SUVs parked outside the church, their passengers unloading. Brothers greeted brothers with handshakes and heartfelt hugs, some with their children’s hands clasped firmly in their own. Women hugged each other while cradling babies and toddlers. Children laughed and called out to each other. The men greeted the women, kissing cheeks and children.

  Zander approached Cas and said, “Are you ready?”

  Nodding, he replied, “As ready as I’ll ever be.”

  The gathering moved up the church’s steps, quieting their children as they walked through the doors. It was a small church, and only a few people already sat in the pews. Looking toward the front where the minister waited, the eight men with their women and children in tow, made their way forward.

  As they reached the minister, they each nodded before turning to the front pew. There Miss Ethel sat, wearing her Sunday best, smiling with joy and pride.

  Standing, she spread her arms wide and said, “Oh, my dearest ones, isn’t this a wonderful event?”

  Everyone flocked around her, hugs and kisses ensuing. She had not wanted anyone to rush, so she had gotten one of her friends to drive her to the church. It took several minutes for everyone to make sure they had greeted her, the older children immediately going to the woman they considered to be their grandmother, Nanny Ethel.

  Finally, everyone had a seat and the gathering filled the first three pews. The minister stood at the front, smiling, and called Cas and Bianca forward. She carried baby Lisa, so named for Bianca’s mother.

  Cas wrapped his arm around his wife and his baby girl as they stood at the front, heads bowed as the minister prayed. He spoke for just a moment about the meaning of family, his comments poignant as he knew all about Miss Ethel.

  “Families are the people we gather around ourselves. Those willing to sacrifice for the children given to their care. As you have been given the most perfect example of motherhood through Miss Ethel, raise your daughter with the same love and care.”

  The minister finally reached out his hands and held Lisa in his arms. Cas found his breath catching in his throat as he watched the minister dip his hand into the water and bless his daughter’s head in infant baptism.

  The service was soon over, and he and Bianca eagerly took Lisa, accepting the well wishes and congratulations from everyone present. He had witnessed the same event over and over with each of his seven brothers as they had children, Miss Ethel always in the front center pew. But somehow, experiencing it with his own child had tears running down his face.

  As the others circled around Bianca holding Lisa, he stepped to the side to wipe the moisture from his cheeks. A soft but strong touch was felt on his arm, and he looked down to see Miss Ethel staring up at him. Her eyes, now gray, shone with tears of her own.

  She reached up and patted his cheek, saying, “I used to say that my greatest joy was raising my boys. But I believe that has now been surpassed by watching my boys find love and raising their own children. You, my dear Cas, have made me a very happy woman, and I’m honored to have you in my life.”

  He had no doubt that she had given the same words to each of his brothers every time they held the service for their children. But now that it was his turn, her words moved through him, and his tears renewed. Wrapping his arms around her thin body, he whispered, “Thank you, Miss Ethel. For taking me in. For giving me a family. For loving me.”

  “My dear,” she smiled, “George Sand said, ‘There is only one happiness in this life: to love and be loved.’ I am a very happy woman.” With that, she patted his arm and moved back amongst the gathering.

  Bianca sidled up next to him, Lisa tucked tightly into her arms, and said, “I overheard that. And I agree. I am a very happy woman.”

  With that, Cas bent and kissed Bianca’s lips before bending further to kiss his daughter’s head.


  Five Years Later

  The back yard of Miss Ethel’s house was overrun with a huge gathering of people. Zander and Rosalie, Rafe and Eleanor, Cael and Regina, Jaxon and Morgan, Jayden and Ruby, Asher and Penny, Zeke and Cynthia, and Cas and Bianca. Between them, twenty-one children of various ages ran around or sat on blankets.

  A large wooden swing set playground had been built to the side, now filled with children. Zander and Zeke manned the grills while the other men kept an eye on the little ones playing. The women hustled back and forth between the kitchen and the tables, continuing to bring food and watching to make sure the children did not sneak any ahead of time.

  Miss Ethel sat in the shade, her smile wide as she watched her yard filled with her loved ones.

  She felt a hand on her shoulder, as soft as a breeze, and turned to see who was there. George smiled down at her, his fingers giving her a little squeeze. A light emanated from him, ethereal and serene.

  His hair was lightly streaked with grey, his eyes still blue. When she first saw him as a teenager, she had thought he was the most handsome boy she had ever met. And she still felt that way all these years later.

  He came to her at times… often when she needed him the most. Her boys always thought that she handled things so well, but the truth was she had sometimes been terribly afraid of not being the best mother they deserved. They had such needs, and while she had enough love to give abundantly, she had moments of doubt. George would come to her in dreams, often after she spent time on her knees in the dark of the night.

  George would tell her that she was doing what God always intended her to do… share her love.

  She occasionally wondered what her life would have been like had he not left her so unexpectedly, but her life was so full that she gave little time to those musings. Life gives and life takes… to question it is futile. Life took her George but gave her the boys.

  Smiling up at him, she tilted her head slightly and said, “You come to visit me more often now, my dear.”

  His gentle smile remained firm as he said, “I miss my Ethel. I like to make sure you still remember me.”

  “Oh, posh,” she chuckled. Her mirth sl
owed. “You were always the love of my life, George Wiseman. You still are.” She hesitated, swallowing deeply before finding the courage to ask, “Am I coming to be with you soon?”

  His gaze lifted from hers, and he peered out over the large gathering. Not answering her question, he said, “You’ve raised a wonderful family, my sweet wife. You’ve accomplished so much on your own.”

  “No,” she refuted, shaking her head. “I had a lot of help from a lot of people over the years. And with you and God in my corner, I was able to give my boys the best family. And they, in turn, gave me mine.”

  His gaze moved back to her and his smile widened. “You always were so generous. Did you know I thought you were the prettiest girl I had ever seen when we first met at the church social? And the sweetest? Even all these years later, you still have my heart.”

  Her smile widened, and she blushed as she reached up and patted his hand.

  “You still have work to do,” he finally said. He bent to kiss the top of her head, and she felt her hair move slightly with the breeze.

  “You’ll come visit me?” she asked, already knowing the answer but finding that she needed to hear his response anyway.

  “Oh, my dear Ethel, I’m never very far away. I’m in every breath you take and every beat of your heart. And when it’s time… I’ll be with you, waiting.”

  “Nanny Ethel!” came the cry from one of the children. “Can you tell us a story?”

  She offered George a tremulous smile, patted his hand once more before he left on the breeze, then turned to the children rushing to sit on the grass at her feet. She clapped her hands in joy and exclaimed, “I always have a story for my lovelies!”

  With all of the children gathered around and all of the adults sitting in a semi-circle behind them, Miss Ethel, with her eyes bright and her smile wide, began.

  “Once upon a time…”


  I have never written a series that has impacted so many people. The emails and messages letting me know that Miss Ethel is the readers’ favorite character of all time has warmed my heart. Thank you, Chasity Jenkins-Patrick for telling me that these wonderful men had to be connected. That encouragement gave me the nudge to discover Miss Ethel inside of me and has now allowed me to share her with the world.

  Also by Maryann Jordan

  Don’t miss other Maryann Jordan books!

  Lots more Baytown stories to enjoy and more to come!

  Baytown Boys (small town, military romantic suspense)

  Coming Home

  Just One More Chance

  Clues of the Heart

  Finding Peace

  Picking Up the Pieces

  Sunset Flames

  Waiting for Sunrise

  Hear My Heart

  Guarding Your Heart

  Sweet Rose

  Our Time

  Count On Me (2020)

  For all of Miss Ethel’s boys:

  Heroes at Heart (Military Romance)








  Cas (2020)

  Lighthouse Security Investigations







  Hope City (romantic suspense series co-developed

  with Kris Michaels

  Hope City Duet


  Saints Protection & Investigations

  (an elite group, assigned to the cases no one else wants…or can solve)

  Serial Love

  Healing Love

  Revealing Love

  Seeing Love

  Honor Love

  Sacrifice Love

  Protecting Love

  Remember Love

  Discover Love

  Surviving Love

  Celebrating Love

  Follow the exciting spin-off series:

  Alvarez Security (military romantic suspense)






  Thin Ice (Sleeper SEAL)

  SEAL Together (Silver SEAL)

  Letters From Home (military romance)

  Class of Love

  Freedom of Love

  Bond of Love

  The Love’s Series (detectives)

  Love’s Taming

  Love’s Tempting

  Love’s Trusting

  The Fairfield Series (small town detectives)

  Emma’s Home

  Laurie’s Time

  Carol’s Image

  Fireworks Over Fairfield

  Please take the time to leave a review of this book. Feel free to contact me, especially if you enjoyed my book. I love to hear from readers!




  About the Author

  I am an avid reader of romance novels, often joking that I cut my teeth on the historical romances. I have been reading and reviewing for years. In 2013, I finally gave into the characters in my head, screaming for their story to be told. From these musings, my first novel, Emma’s Home, The Fairfield Series was born.

  I was a high school counselor having worked in education for thirty years. I live in Virginia, having also lived in four states and two foreign countries. I have been married to a wonderfully patient man for thirty-five years. When writing, my dog or one of my four cats can generally be found in the same room if not on my lap.

  Please take the time to leave a review of this book. Feel free to contact me, especially if you enjoyed my book. I love to hear from readers!







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