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Fortress Farm Trilogy: Volumes 1, 2 & 3 (Fortress Farm Series)

Page 47

by G. R. Carter

  These mercenaries were his now. Well compensated by a stack of gold coins as well as the knowledge that their families were safe from the roving bands of murders and rapists already wreaking havoc upon the weak. To ease their minds, and to remind them of their loyalties, Malik made sure to give the men a day to move those they wished to save into the prison complexes they would be based out of. Once the miscreants were removed, the living accommodations weren’t all that bad. The black smoke rising from surrounding towns made the conditions all the more comfortable behind the concrete and wire.

  One week, that’s all it took for people to grasp the difference between life and death. Not some game. This is the real deal, Malik thought with grim satisfaction. He made a mental note to have his historian file that away for a future case study - what morals and standards people had until they were hungry or their family was threatened. Makes the high and mighty come to realize what hard choices really are.

  He glanced at his wind up pocket watch. He took care to make sure that the squad leader in each truck had one, along with a flashlight. Time to do this, he thought as he gave the “hurry up” signal to the policemen to wrap up the driver’s meeting. The men all returned to their vehicles, meeting Malik’s confident glare with their own.

  This is going to work, he assured himself. This has to work.


  Jalen and Elijah reclined in the massive corner office reserved for only the GangStar inner circle. They were alone, enjoying a tightly wrapped marijuana cigarette that they passed back and forth as the mood struck. One of the cardinal rules of GangStar leadership was being 100% drug-free. But to the two old friends from the neighborhood, this didn’t really count as a violation. Besides, they were under a lot of pressure to make things work, and they assured each other this was the perfect way to clear their minds and sharpen their decision making.

  As they joked back and forth about how well their week had gone so far – nearly flawless considering the circumstances, really – someone began pounding on the heavy wooden door designed to keep both sounds and intruders at bay.

  “It’s me, Malik,” Jalen's cousin shouted through the door. “We’re back with the supplies.”

  “Great, cuz,” Elijah slurred slightly. “Catch me up in a little while.”

  “There’s something else,” Malik continued. “We found Robbie. He’s pretty beat up, but the doctor says he thinks he’ll be okay. He wants to see you and tell you about what happened. He’s still down in the parking garage, sitting in the ambulance. The doctor wants to take him over to Memorial right now but he insisted on talking with you first.”

  Malik heard a muttered swear and then after a few moments the door cracked open. Both Jalen and Elijah were still straightening themselves, unaware or unafraid of the smoke smell that followed them out. Four armed guards moved, cat-like, to take positions around the two men, and four more moved to clear the stairway that led down to the basement parking garage.

  As the fog slowly lifted from Jalen’s mind, he asked Malik, “Why didn’t he just give you the info, you his cuz.”

  Malik smiled back at him. “That must be some relaxing medication, JJ. I never hear the old neighborhood in your voice anymore.”

  “Shoot I was just playing, professor. You know me. Anyway, what’s up with the hush hush?” Jalen said again, regaining his composure.

  “JJ, we all work for you. I might be his cousin, but you’re his leader. Robbie and I are equals, and you are our boss. That is never lost on us,” Malik replied as they began the trip down the six flights of stairs.

  “I love you, cuz,” Jalen grinned and said as he slapped Malik on the shoulder.

  After a minute that seemed to Malik like an eternity, the group finally followed the lead bodyguards out into the dim light of the garage. The twelve transport trucks were parked nose first into spots along the wall. Each cleared the garage ceiling by just a couple inches, a detail Malik had missed and lucked out on.

  “You should have backed those things in, makes it easier to maneuver, plus there wouldn’t be anybody trying to sample the goods,” Elijah said, once more talking down to Malik.

  “We wanted to unload them without the fumes overpowering the ventilation system. So this way they won’t be running and we can do it as we have the manpower available,” Malik replied calmly. “Besides, I don’t think anyone will steal anything with all this firepower around. Where are the rest of the guards, anyway?”

  “Had a little issue with a neighborhood a few blocks away. They decided we weren’t in charge of their business. So we loaned a few of our better street fighters to our fearless police department. They promised to be thankful,” Jalen replied with a shark’s grin.

  “That’s pretty dangerous, JJ. Only having a few men to guard you. Things are still pretty crazy out there!” Malik said with a voice suddenly much louder.

  Out of the darkness between each truck, a tarp fell to the ground and M44 rifles appeared in front of over one hundred men as they quickly shuffled towards the eight body guards surrounding the GangStar leaders.

  “Throw down! Throw down!” shouted Malik’s squad leaders, approaching with eyes locked onto the weapons slung across the bodyguards' chests.

  Like slow motion, one of the bodyguards inexplicably swung his AK-47 towards the crouching troops encircling the group.

  “No! Wait!” Malik yelled to no one in particular as he grabbed Robbie and flung himself to the ground. The air erupted in thunder and lightning. Malik watched in horror as Jalen and Elijah flung backward like rag dolls, flopping back and forth on their way to the hard concrete below. Their bodyguards suffered the same fate, none able to get off a single shot in the direction of their adversaries.

  “Cease fire! Cease fire!” Malik heard a squad leader scream as he stood to pump his fist and call for calm.

  “It’s done! It’s done!” the commanders instructed, calming the nerves of the jumpy men, many of whom had never fired a rifle at anything but a wooden target on the firing range.

  Malik stared in horror at the carnage in front of him. He could barely recognize the powerful man he so loyally served for so long. The vibrant Jalen Jordan lay replaced by a broken and bloodied wreck of a body. Malik felt himself begin to wretch, sweat soaking his clothes while his head spun. Quickly he gathered himself, feeling the stares of the men now looking to him with a ‘what next’ look on their faces. Breathing deeply, closing his eyes, grabbing for the Continuity Circle he kept in his pocket to help him focus, he straightened his back and turned to meet their glares.

  It’s done, Malik agreed to himself as he checked Robbie over for wounds, relieved to find nothing but vomit on his cousin. It’s really done.


  Worry crept like fog over the Ice building conference room. In their haste to take out the GangStar leadership, Malik made the mistake of overlooking one very important part: Aldo Pavoni. Jalen Jordan’s personal bodyguard hadn’t been located anywhere in the Ice building or by the hit squads sent into the neighborhoods. Everyone assumed now that he must be on the run, looking to organize resistance and get revenge.

  Everything went so well, Malik thought. Well, I never intended to kill Jalen. But it was probably going to happen either way. I’ll have to make Marti understand.

  Pavoni was a dangerous man, and no one questioned his loyalty to the Jordan family or the GangStar organization. Now they would feel hunted until he was dealt with.

  Robbie burst through the conference room door, out of breath.

  “We found him!” he burst out, leaning over with his hands on his knees.

  “Alive?” Malik demanded.

  “Yep, and willing to talk. He’s holed up in Jalen’s house with a couple of his guys. Marti and the kids are in there with him,” Robbie informed them.

  I should have thought of that, Malik swore at himself. Should’ve secured Jalen’s house in the first sweep. Crap, I thought I was good at this mastermind stuff. I’m thinking one step ahead; I gotta
go four or five out if I want to make this work.

  “OK, good. That’s a start. And knowing he’s there gives us the freedom to move on with our plan. Get messengers out to the prisons. Tell them to wrap up the selection process, get everyone behind the walls that they intend to save. Then lock’em up tight for now,” Malik commanded. “Also, make sure everyone and everything has the circle on it, that’s how you’ll know who’s with us.

  He looked at Jim Davis, a former state police SWAT team leader and now head of his security teams. “Jim, you tell each of our neighborhood tactical squads to get into the buildings we designated. We’re going to let this city burn out the trash. Once the die-off is done, we’ll move back out and see what’s left. Don’t let any of our guys get hurt trying to save a bank or a store or some stupid crap like that. There’s going to be plenty to choose from once we’re the only ones left. I’m sorry, that’s just how it has to be. We won’t be able to feed more than about 10% of the people for now. Let natural selection take its course,” Malik finished coldly.

  With a nod, the men in the conference room headed out to complete their tasks. Malik followed close behind, heading for the parking garage below.

  Time for a trip out to the suburbs, he thought. I’ve got a deal to make.


  “You’re telling me you were working for MC the whole time? Did those snakes play me for a fool?” Malik demanded. His eyes blazed, reflecting the anger welling up inside him.

  “That’s not the case at all, Malik,” Pavoni told him. “The GangStars were well respected by my Firm, and we like to be close to the people we do business with. So they sent me here to work for Jalen, and all of you, to keep you alive and operating. Call it client insurance.”

  Malik was stunned. Beyond stunned. So thinking four or five steps out isn’t even enough, he chastised himself. How far out do I have to go to catch up with people like this?

  “Who else knew besides you?”

  “No one except my two guys that I brought with me. And let me assure you, I had no idea the power was going out. All the Firm told me was to be ready in case something big happened. Then I was to approach Jalen and tell him that MC wanted to join forces with GangStars. Form an alliance of some kind, that we would work together,” Pavoni said.

  “Why didn’t you tell him what you knew? It’s been a week now…didn’t you think this was the ‘big’ thing that would happen?” Malik asked, making the air quotes gesture.

  “I wasn’t 100% sure. And I also thought Elijah was acting a little strange, almost like something else was going on,” Pavoni said, a rare moment of indecision appearing on his face.

  He continued: “Plus, I sent one of the guys down to ask MC for guidance, but they’re gone. I mean all the surrounding area is a mess with looting and fires and just mayhem. My guy made it to the Eads Bridge, but all he could see was that bunch of thugs from ARK, their security force. They call them Peacekeepers like it’s something out of a stupid movie. Their leader is this Diamante guy. He comes off all professional and everything, but in reality I’m guessing he made a move on our guys before they knew what hit them.”

  “You’re telling me that MC is gone?” Malik whispered, bewildered again.

  “I can’t imagine it, but the evidence says yes. I was trying to figure out the next step when you made your move,” Pavoni said.

  “Yeah, well, it didn’t go exactly according to plan. We figured you were out gunning for us…we really thought you were loyal to Jalen and Marti,” Malik admitted.

  “I’m loyal to my organization. To MC, and by extension to GangStars. That could have meant Jalen, but it also means you. I know you were close to the senior partners at MC. They spoke highly of you during our debriefings.”

  “I don’t know whether to be flattered by the praise or irritated at the fact you were reporting on me,” Malik said, nearly spitting with contempt.

  “Listen, Malik, this is just how we do business. We weren’t skimming anything off the top and we weren’t plotting. There are other organizations around that we look out for. The most important thing is that we keep you safe while figuring out what’s going to happen,” Pavoni instructed him.

  “I’ve already got that taken care of,” Malik said proudly.

  “You mean Davis and his crew?” Pavoni asked.

  “Yeah, that’s right. Him and Robbie are gonna help keep an eye on things for me.”

  “Robbie’s your cousin. Not real bright, but at least loyal. So there’s that,” Pavoni said.

  Malik began to interject in anger but Pavoni stopped him, “You need to hear the truth from someone, and being king means lots of folks are going to tell you what you want to hear instead of what you need to hear.”

  Malik paused, saving the look on his face for the next outburst.

  “Good, thank you. Let me ask you, do you know Davis’ background?” Pavoni continued with a raised eyebrow.

  “SWAT team leader for the state police.”

  “You know why he’s not there anymore?”

  “I just assumed he got sick of it and quit. I never really asked him,” Malik admitted.

  “Have you talked to him about Continuity?”

  Malik paused…he never spoke about his faith to anyone except Robbie. He remained silent while Pavoni continued: “When the Interior Department took control of the state police, they required all of the top commanders to start the Progressions. They didn’t really call them that, of course. . Global Inclusion I think, something that wouldn’t scare the masses. Anyway, Davis called the whole program crap and accused his superiors of trying to cram a religion down his throat. Said he already had one and that he didn’t need another. Interior gave him the option to retire early, so he took it.”

  “That’s how he ended up with Kaplan? Went to the private sector?”

  Pavoni nodded. “As much as there really was a private sector. Kaplan was going to start requiring their own version of the Progressions soon. Guess Davis would have really lost it then, eh?”

  “Wait, Aldo. So you’re a follower of the Path also?” Malik asked hopefully.

  “Of course. Why do you think I’m here? This tour would have raised my Profile to Elite status,” Pavoni said, pausing to gather his thoughts. “I’m just not sure what it means for anybody’s Profile if GRAPEVINE really crashed. Where will Profiles live now if there’s no power grid to feed the Network?”

  “I thought the same thing. Once we had this territory under control, I was heading for St. Louis to get some guidance. What’s your suggestion?” Malik asked.

  “So far, you’ve handled things about as well as anyone could hope. Let’s just keep going with your plan, see where that takes us. Once the chaos clears out a little, we can try to reach St. Louis again. You got enough firepower to blast your way in right now, but I don’t know what it would gain,” Pavoni advised.

  Malik nodded. His first thoughts ran to a search and rescue mission for his advisors at MC. But Pavoni was right, if they were still alive now it would be nearly impossible to find them after a week’s worth of anarchy. Better to let the fires burn themselves out and hope for the best.

  Should I pray? I guess I don’t even know who to pray to anymore.

  Pavoni recognized the look on Malik’s face. “I know you want to get to the MC guys in St. Louis. I do too. Some of them are family to me remember? But you’ve got your own family waiting upstairs, huh? Marti will accept what’s happened. Heck, she seemed more upset about Elijah than Jalen for some reason. She’s smart and tough. She’ll come around to things that need doing. And I can just about guarantee she’ll stand behind you. Especially once we get her started on the Progressions.”

  Malik raised an eyebrow. “Do you think that’s wise right now? So much turmoil to navigate during the switch over, I’m not sure introducing a new belief system would be well received. And what about people like Davis who’ll resist?”

  “You don’t need Davis anymore. You’ve got me. Besides, if you ca
n’t change your people, then it’s time to exchange your people,” Pavoni said with a chilling grin.

  “I’ve got big plans, Aldo. I want to make history, not just survive. And I want to spread Continuity.”

  “I’ll help you,” the older man replied. “But we’ll have to be patient. I’m talking about laying low for a few years. There are going to be others that survive this collapse. Some we’ll make deals with, and others we’ll destroy. Getting your prison army put together was brilliant, but we should find some real army types also. See if we can come to an agreement with them. We’ll really need them if we’re going to return to St. Louis and take down ARK someday.”

  Patience. Malik was good at that. There would long hours, and yes probably years, to consolidate their power around here. The prisons were a great start. He’d release the inmates into the surrounding countryside to let them live off of the other survivors for a while, and then make it clear that they were to return when he gave the command. The Syn would help make sure they kept coming back.

  Maybe he shouldn’t have let those local National Guard guys leave. He’d have to find out from Robbie where they were heading, and see if he could get in touch. Be nice to have some more weapons and guys who knew how to use them.

  “Ok, Aldo. That’s good advice and I’m going to take it into consideration. Get started putting a plan together on how we’re going keep everyone in communication. We’ll get back together first thing in the morning, ok? Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to have a talk with Marti.”

  Chapter Four– Red Hawk Rising

  Fortress Farm Shiloh

  Northern Frontier – Red Hawk Republic

  Seven Years after the Great Reset

  Kssh, kssh, kssh… The sound of skis sliding over the frozen creek cut through the dead quiet of a February snowfall. For the fourth year in a row, Father Winter kept his grip tight on the prairie later into the year with no sign of letting up. Land Lord Hank Tripp, former Lieutenant Commander in the Red Hawk Self Defense Force, squinted through his balaclava, looking for the hidden clues to the whereabouts of his animal traps. He tugged at the straps of a meat sack holding two frozen rabbits and a freshly killed badger. Fresh meat was the payoff for his morning effort.


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