Forget Me Not

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Forget Me Not Page 35

by Goodmore, Jade

  I run a finger between her breasts and down to her stomach. She exhales, contentedly, when I let my hand rest there, tracing where our baby may one day grow.

  “I never thought I’d get here, sweets,” I whisper, forehead to forehead with the love of my life.

  “You are here, baby.”

  “And I’m not going anywhere, ever again.”

  The End


  My finding the motivation to even begin the writing process was the outcome of being inspired by many amazing authors, mostly indie, and way too many to mention, but the catalyst that had me putting pen to paper was my children. If motherhood doesn’t instill in you the need to better yourself then nothing will. I thank my boy’s everyday for that, and so much more. The ability to write would be impossible without the time to do so, and for that I thank my partner, Nath. If you’d cared about the ironing pile being dangerously big, or the quick, easy dinners, or the one word answers, you never let on. Thank you, my love.

  I thank my mum for actually getting me out of the house before I turned into a complete recluse, and for bailing me out more times than I can remember. “I’ll pay you back when I’m rich and famous.” I thank my family, my stepdad, my grandparents, for being supportive in any way I’ve needed you to be.

  My life changed when I fell in love with reading, but the transition would have been far less exciting without like-minded fan-girls to share them with. For this I thank Juewelz and SMI Bookclub. The girls here are so entwined within my everyday life now. I love each and every one of you and thank you for support, but more so, your friendship.

  Thank you to Jenny Blackhurst for ironing out the creases, and my beta-readers; Kat Meyer, Anjuli Rivera, Jessy Muniz, Theresa Loechner, Sally Hook, Danielle Perkins, Amy Miller, Maria Rodriguez, Alexandra Gonzalez, Candice Casasnovas, Cherry Hurtado, Jodi Kelley, Katy Lewis, Sabrina Brasil, Stephanie Cobb, and Keelie Chatfield. Thanks for overlooking my Britishness and handling my much loved characters with care. You know I love you, but here’s me telling the world. You have given me confidence in my writing and belief that I can do this.

  Huge credit to Monica Martinez of Photography By Monica for this beautiful cover. It is exactly what I wanted and your genius and kindness are hugely appreciated.

  Thank you to the blogs that have been kind enough to take a chance on an unknown. There is so much support for indie authors, and we need it!

  And lastly, massive thanks to my good friend, Damon, who kindly let me borrow the word ‘fierce,’ I will forever be in your debt. (I told you I would!)




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