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Take My Hand

Page 11

by P Nelson

  Gaige pulled out of her so that only the tip of his cock was inside her before he immersed himself in her pussy again. “You feel so fucking good, baby.” Gaige began a slow rhythm pumping in and out of her. Soon, Lilith was gasping for another orgasm, her inner walls began quivering around his cock. Gaige placed his thumb over Lilith’s clit and balanced for a second as he leaned over her to quickly undo one of the nipple clamps. Lilith screamed in agony as Gaige placed his wet mouth over the tortured flesh of her distended nipple. At the same time as he sucked the nipple, he pressed down on Lilith’s clit.

  Instantaneously, Lilith’s pussy compressed on Gaige’s cock making him grunt with the effort not to come. He was barely able to keep moving as her internal muscles strangled his dick. Gaige closed his eyes and released her nipple and waited until Lilith’s orgasm had faded a bit before looking into her eyes.

  “Again, baby girl, you come for me. I want it all.” Gaige switched the hand he was using on her clit and used his other hand to release her other nipple. Lilith cried out again as he sucked and soothed her flesh.

  Lilith’s cry of ecstasy ripped out of her mouth and she felt the pleasure all the way down to her soul. Gaige’s enormous cock was still trying to fight its way in and out of her body. The heaviness of the plug in her ass only added to the mounting cacophony of sensations until she was sure she was going to pass out. She pressed her head back into the mattress of the bed, hardly able to breath. “No more Master, please no more,” she begged.

  Gaige loomed over her and grabbed the back of her head for a savage kiss that left her feeling utterly carnal and languid. “Use your safe word, baby girl, or hang on tight.” He sat up on his knees slightly and wrapped her legs around his waist. Using his arms, Gaige lifted Lilith’s body up so she was sitting up, staring into his serious face. “Don’t lose that plug now, baby girl.”

  Lilith moaned as Gaige used his strength to lift her up and down his pulsing shaft. His grunts became guttural, and Lilith relished in the fact that she had brought him to this place of utter abandon tightening her legs around him as their sweat-soaked bodies rubbed together. Gaige’s cock continued to pound into her pussy at an angle that hit her sensitive bundle of nerves inside her pussy. Every time he embedded his cock in her pussy, she ground down on his pelvis seeking relief for her aching clit.

  “That’s it, baby girl. Fight for your pleasure now. Come on, let me feel how much you want it.” Gaige’s voice was so guttural Lilith could barely understand the words coming out of his mouth. But she felt his pelvis begin to kick up into her wildly as her channel clamped down once again on his cock.

  It was all too much as Gaige laid her down on the bed and fucked her like a wild animal. Lilith held onto him and screamed so hard she thought her voice might have gone hoarse. Gaige’s harsh breathing and roar echoed her shout as he stilled above her trying to get as deep as he possibly could before he began massaging his cock in and out again. Lilith’s pussy was so swollen and wet she never wanted the pleasure to end.

  “Fuck me,” Gaige bit out as he collapsed on top of Lilith. He couldn’t believe he had lasted after Lilith’s first orgasm, but he was somehow able to work over her body. She had felt so fucking good. He wanted to revel in her body and rub her scent all over himself.

  “I think I just did, Master.” Lilith sighed underneath him, and he immediately rolled over onto his back taking her with him. He arranged her on top of him, so he could feel every silken length of her limbs and soft body. Gaige pulled strands of her sweaty hair through shaking hands and let them fall on his chest.

  “You did wonderfully, baby girl.” Gaige felt like the words were too inadequate to describe the mind-blowing scene they had just enjoyed, but his brain was too sated to think of anything else.

  “Thank you, Master.” Lilith snuggled into his chest like a kitten, and Gaige was content to hold her. He always performed aftercare for his subs, but he had never felt this level of peace just holding them.

  “Now that you have a couple of scenes under your belt,” Gaige continued to play with Lilith’s hair. “Why don’t you tell me what you would really like to do on that list of yes or no questions you filled out?”

  “I think you’re doing just fine without my help, Master,” Lilith yawned broadly.

  Gaige gave her a smack on the ass, knowing it would jar the plug still seated inside her. “Your Dom didn’t ask whether he needed help thinking up ways to torture you, baby girl. He asked what you might like him to consider doing to you.”

  Lilith felt stupid not being able to voice her desires after everything they had done together this evening. She tried to make sense of her foggy thoughts and put everything into order. Gaige and The Cage were her safe places. It was her obligation to be honest with Gaige, so he could not only provide her with what she needed but also push her boundaries, too.

  “I liked watching Calla tonight,” Lilith said quickly, and she put her hands on either side of Gaige’s head to look down at him.

  “You liked the fire play?” Gaige asked with a surprised look. “Not many subs would be willing to jump into something that extreme so quickly. I have to say I’m not signed off on fire play. It doesn’t really interest me.”

  “Not the fire play,” Lilith said shyly. “The public part and I thought it was incredibly sexy the way both Doms kissed her. I mean it was hot right.” She knew she was babbling but couldn’t stop.

  Gaige strained forward and kissed her on the mouth. “Never be afraid to tell me about things you want to try, Lilith.” He said after he released her lips. He closed his eyes briefly, and he looked as if he was struggling with something. “I have shared subs in the past, but I don’t know how I feel about sharing you.”

  “Then don’t, Master.” Lilith kissed Gaige again passionately as she felt a thrill go up her spine at his admission of not wanting to share her, even if it meant she might never have two men at once.

  Chapter 9

  Lilith woke up in her bed the next morning and stretched. Her ass still throbbed from the plug last night and her vagina felt sore from all the use it was getting during the past couple of days. Not that Lilith was complaining. In fact, she started to melt a little bit as she thought about how Gaige had carried her into the shower and made sure every part of her was clean, only to get wickedly dirty again and have to start all over. She felt some disappointment at the thought of having to shower alone eventually.

  She rolled over and looked at the clock. It was closing in on midday, but she didn’t have anything to do. Last week, she had been a bundle of crazy nerves and thought up a dozen schemes to get her out of her dinner with Gaige. She was so happy that she had gone through with it. Lilith took a sharp breath. She was happy for the first time in a very long while.

  Examining the overhead light in her room, Lilith propped her hands behind her head and thought about it. When was the last time she had felt like this? Alive and excited about what might happen tonight. Maybe never Lilith realised, and she winced as she thought about her life with Kevin. Everything had been perfect she thought. Kevin and she were the couple everyone wanted to be. They were loyal and steadfast. Unfortunately, it was all an utter lie. Had Kevin ever asked what she wanted in bed? In fairness, had she ever asked him?

  Now looking back at how they moved around each other instead of gravitating towards one another, she could see why he might be tempted to cheat. It was probably easier than talking to her about his feelings. Lilith felt tears run down her cheeks, but like the first night at The Cage. They felt good. She needed to release all this crap from her past, because after last night, she knew one thing. She was going to do whatever it took to keep Gaige in her life.

  Her phone beeped, and she rolled over and grabbed it from the bedside table thinking it was either Calla or Gaige checking up on her. Gaige had been so sweet when he dropped her off last night. Lilith could tell that he wanted to stay and take care of her, but he wasn’t sure he could control himself. He walked her to her door
and made sure she was safely inside before driving away.

  Lilith only had a glimpse of a very dishevelled Calla. Master Mason was carrying her upstairs with Master Dillon following after them. Lilith had given her a little thumbs-up sign that had earned her a couple of smacks on her ass, but it was worth it.

  Unfortunately, the text was from neither of them. Kevin’s mum had texted again, a bit more forcefully than last time wanting to speak with her about Kevin. All Lilith’s feelings of happiness fled, but she didn’t feel any of the shock she had before when Ruth texted her. Instead, looking at the words on the screen only made her feel weary. This was something she needed to do for herself. Lilith acknowledged that Gaige might have gotten her to a place where she could deal with her past, but she needed to walk this road alone.

  Groaning as she got out of bed, she decided to forgo the shower. It would be too lonely without Gaige in there pressing his naked, hot, incredibly sculpted body against hers. Lilith laughed out loud at her thoughts. Never in her life had she used so many words to describe a man. Pulling on a pair of panties, she wasn’t going to the club, so she could wear them, and a pair of jeans with a T-shirt she walked out of her bedroom, ready to face a few demons.

  Lilith found herself sitting in her car, driving out of the city towards one of the larger Vancouver suburbs. When was the last time she had even been out this way? She couldn’t remember whether it was that long or she was blocking out the memory. Lilith had lived on the same street her entire life before going to university. After that, her mum had packed up the house, sold it and moved away claiming she was now free of her husband’s memories of abandonment. Lilith really felt as if her mother had finally done her duty and gotten rid of her.

  Not that it had been all bad. Lilith had spent most of her time at Kevin’s place. Most of the neighbourhood kids hung out there. Kevin’s mum was a bit of a baking legend, and there was always something on the kitchen counter for the taking. His dad was a fireman, and worked loads of odd hours, and Lilith thought Kevin’s mother enjoyed the company around her.

  She had so many memories of her old neighbourhood, but it was hard to think of any that she hadn’t shared with Kevin. Pulling into the street where Kevin’s parents’ house still stood, amongst the rest of her old neighbours, nostalgia washed over her. This had been her home. In some ways, it always would be, despite the end of her marriage and Kevin’s death. Lilith had to admit that she had roots here.

  Lilith pulled the car up to the 1970’s-style stucco split-level house that was the same as the one she lived in next door. The only thing that was different was the paint colour. She shut the engine off and just stared at it for a minute, letting her emotions ride through her rather than trying to trap them inside.

  That was when she heard it, the laughter of a small child. Lilith held her breath as she watched a boy run around the side of the house, just as she and Kevin had as children. Behind him, Lilith saw Ruth as she chased after the small boy who looked exactly like Kevin as child. She was laughing and breathing hard. Lilith let go of the lungful of air she was holding in a rush. A flood of confusing emotions threatened to strangle her in her seat as she attempted to breathe. She was having a panic attack. Horrible noises erupted from her throat, and she gasped and coughed as she tried to suck air through her windpipe that had suddenly decided to tighten so hard it made her eyes water.

  Ruth caught up to the little boy and leaned down to give him a hug. She must have sensed another presence on the street, because she looked up and stared directly at Lilith. In a panic, Lilith roughly turned the ignition switch, released the emergency brake, and stomped on the gas. Not even bothering to really pay attention to the road around her. All she wanted was to escape. Lilith had read about the fight or flight response and was very aware of her preference at this moment. Driving to the end of the street like a lunatic, she screeched to a halt at the stop sign.

  A few people waved at her angrily, but she ignored them and checked her rear-view mirror. Ruth had walked down to the street with the boy and was watching her retreat. Lilith decided she didn’t care and kept on going, halfway back to the city, she pulled over and sent a text to Calla. She received one in return and sighed in relief as she pulled away from traffic.

  Twenty minutes later, she was standing in front of Calla’s too chic for words townhouse on the north shore pressing the intercom button. Lilith looked down at her hands, they were shaking, and she squeezed them into fists hoping to gain some control.

  “Lily,” Calla’s voice brought Lilith’s head up immediately. Her friend was wearing yoga pants and a T-shirt with her hair scraped back from her face, the regular uniform of a typical Vancouverite on a Saturday. “Come inside.” She stepped aside so Lilith could enter the house. “I have a pot of tea on the kitchen table.”

  “Great,” Lilith replied not really thinking about the tea. Mostly, she was trying to hide the fact that she was completely falling apart. Everything in Calla’s townhouse was an antithesis to the comfortable, slightly shabby house she had grown up in with her two mums. The furniture was slick and modern, but more importantly functional. There were no figurines or doilies to make the place feminine or cosy.

  “I’m glad you called me rather than Gaige,” Calla remarked as she sat down in one of the ultra-modern chairs surrounding the glass table top. “You’ve become close to Gaige, and that’s a good thing. But, remember, he’s only your training Dom.” She began to pour tea into two cups.

  In fact, Lilith had thought about calling Gaige, but this was something that she wanted to solve on her own. “Did you know that Kevin’s parents had formed a relationship with his son?” Lilith asked the question she really wanted to know. Setting Calla straight on her relationship with Gaige could come later.

  “Yes, I knew.” Calla poured milk and sugar into her cup and stirred. “Honestly, if you had kept in touch with any of your old friends, you would have known. Quenton misses you, and he could have used your help this year. He lost his brother.”

  “Don’t lecture me about what my responsibilities are towards Quenton, who knew about Kevin cheating on me and the son he had with that girl.

  “Everyone just ignored the fact he was my husband. He was supposed to be faithful to me. And he wasn’t. He wasn’t even honest with me when he found out he was going to be a father. And now you’re accusing me of neglecting people who decided to play happy families with the woman who ruined my marriage?” Lilith released everything she had wanted to say over the past year. She finally had the ability to recognise her own hurt and now the feeling of betrayal she had against Quenton and now his parents.

  “Lily, you’re still going through the grieving process. This is the anger phase,” Calla said calmly as she warmed her hands with her tea.

  “Don’t call me Lily. You know my mother calls me that, and I hate it. And I have grieved already. So don’t put your psychobabble bullshit on me.” Lilith had a momentary feeling of power rush through her like the ones she experienced with Gaige at the club.

  “You’re still grieving over the loss of your parents, Kevin, the life you thought you built.” Calla set her tea down on the table, her voice calm and reasonable. “Lilith, you’re my best friend, but honestly, you never gave yourself the chance to feel anything.”

  “You might be right, but now with Master Gaige, I have been given the opportunity to start over.” Lilith shook her head trying to get Calla to understand. “I’m not trying to be ungrateful. Gaige has helped me in ways that I don’t even understand. But can’t you see I need to put all this behind me? I don’t want to have anything to do with my past. It was toxic.”

  “It was toxic, and I’m glad you realise that, Lilith.” Calla reached her hand out to touch Lilith’s sleeve. “You’ve come so far in the last week I think you need to take a break from Master Gaige and The Cage. You’re starting to see them as the source of your recovery when it’s really the lifestyle.”

  Lilith pulled her arm away. “It is the li
festyle. Submitting to Gaige has been one of the most powerful experiences of my life, but it has everything to do with Gaige. I trust him. We have a connection that I don’t even understand.”

  “Any good Dom could get you to the same place, Lilith.” Calla’s voice had grown sympathetic. “I don’t want you to break your heart when Gaige takes another sub at the end of your contract; that’s what unattached Doms do. They play with unattached subs for a time and then they release them.

  “No, that’s what happened to you.” Lilith stood up. “I’m sorry for what happened between you and Master Flynn, but Gaige and I are different.” The look of pity on Calla’s face set Lilith over the edge. “Don’t feel sorry for me. I’m getting my life back, and I’m grateful to you. As for Kevin, Ruth, and Quenton, they’re merely ghosts in the past to me.” She turned to walk out. “Thanks for the tea and the soothing conversation, I feel so much better for having come here.”

  “So that’s it, you’re running away,” Calla called from behind. “Do what you always do, Lilith. Scamper back to your apartment and hide away for another year.” Her voice had become louder as she followed the young woman down the hall. “That is precisely what’s going to happen when Gaige leaves you at the end of the month. “You’re going to have a broken heart and be unable to come to The Cage to get what you need.”

  “He’s not going to break my heart,” Lilith said ripping the front door open. “He’s my Dom and….” She stopped midsentence because she realised what she had been about to say. She almost told Calla that she loved Gaige, because she did. More than she ever loved Kevin. Sure, she had loved Kevin, but now she realised she was in love with Gaige. Instead of finishing that sentence, Lilith shrugged as she went down the small set of stairs. “I guess I’ll see you at the club tonight.”

  “I suppose you will.” Calla’s voice was soft, but Lilith didn’t look back at her.

  Lilith walked the short distance to her car and got inside. Staring at the windshield, she went over everything they said. Lilith thought about why she came over here. Maybe she was looking for a fight, seeing Ruth with Kevin’s son had brought out all sorts of abandonment issues she hadn’t dealt with when she was a kid. She could really use her friend’s help but not at the expense of listening to Calla telling her that her relationship with Gaige was somehow fake or contrived. She started the engine again and drove home, trying to focus on what was to come this evening, rather on what had happened this morning.


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