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Peace Maker

Page 15

by Mary Rundle

  “They do that. And before you know it, he will be walking and talking and telling you ‘no’. One day, when he’s a teenager, you will wonder where the time went because it will seem like it was only yesterday when he was born. Enjoy it, dear, it is really the best time ever,” said Oracle.

  “Oh, I will. Do you mind, Maximus? I need some loving from my boy.”

  Chuckling, Maximus handed Daniel to Jackson. “No not at all. I think he’ll give you exactly that. He has a way about him. He seems to know exactly what a person needs and gives it. Has he shifted yet?”

  “Not all the way. So far, we’ve seen his hands turn to paws and his tail sprout when he was getting a bath, along with his wolf in his eyes. But that’s all we know of,” Jackson said, snuggling Daniel in his arms. “Steel and I hope we are with him when he shifts all the way.”

  “It won’t be long,” said Oracle. “Dire Wolf babies grow very fast in their first six months. He is a little ahead of schedule so it safe to say that it will happen soon.”

  “You hear that, sweetie. Your grandma said you are an overachiever—just like your papa.”

  Steel snuck up behind Jackson and said, “Who’s an overachiever?”

  “Your son—just like you.”

  Steel snorted. Gathering his family in his arms, he kissed Jackson and then his son. “And we know how much you liked that last night,” he snickered

  Chapter 19

  Frank sat at the dining room table, expecting his son to appear for lunch. He’d waited all morning, but his son was either busy with Jackson or in his room with Cody. That was the thing that didn’t make sense. From what he could figure, Dylon left his enforcer’s job three weeks ago and there wasn’t a trace of him until his son called him from here the other day. So, where was he? According to the report of the High Council enforcement arm, Dylon’s last paycheck had never been cashed.

  For three weeks, nothing—no charges on his credit cards and no calls on his phone—three fucking weeks, nothing until the phone call about finding his Fated Mate. The lack of communication was what led him to call Silver Point’s Alpha. But after Dylon’s call home, he figured his son was holed up with his mate, biting and claiming each other. That theory went out the door when he saw the fresh bite mark on Cody’s neck last night—and the lack of one on Dylon’s. He’d never heard of a mating of two wolves where only one wore the scar.

  But that wasn’t the only thing he was curious about. After his run-in with Jackson’s Alpha power, he wanted to know more about this pack. So, it was time to talk to his son about Silver Point’s offer and how he met his mate. Frank watched as everyone arrived—except his son and Cody.

  Lizzie came bustling into the dining room with wisps of hair curling around her face. “Hi everyone, Dakota sent me out to tell you food will be here shortly.”

  “Did you have a good time this morning?” Jackson asked while bouncing Daniel on his knee.

  “Oh, my goodness, I had the best time ever. Dakota is just a great teacher and don’t get me started on what a fantastic cook he is. Why I’ve been cooking way longer than he and I learned how to make so many new dishes this morning. We’ll be right back with the food.”

  Hey babe, Steel said through his and Jackson’s mind link, do you think the food will be edible? If it’s not, will you fill me up with cum? I hear it makes a great protein shake.

  Jackson couldn’t help it. He cracked up laughing.

  “Hey bro, share the joke, will ya?” asked Logan.

  “Yeah, mate of mine,” chimed in Steel, “What’s so funny?”

  “I want to hear it,” added Ian, “Don’t you, Colton?”

  “Bro, your face is turning red. Is it a dirty joke?” Colton asked.

  That made Jackson laugh harder, picturing himself telling Oracle and Lizzie about a cum protein shake. Nope, never going to happen! Wiping the tears from the corner of his eyes, he said, “Sorry, Logan has forbidden me to speak about bedroom activities in his presence.”

  “Okay, Logan you leave so the rest of us can enjoy the joke,” exclaimed Zane.

  “Fuck off, I’m not leaving,” growled Logan.

  “Logan is swearing in front of Daniel,” Zane exclaimed.

  “Stop it,” ordered Jackson, “We have guests. Behave, all of you—and Logan, stop swearing.”

  “Here are the steaks I made today using Dakota’s recipe,” Lizzie said as she hustled in with a platter piled high. “I hope you all like them. If they aren’t good, please tell me, okay?”

  Dakota stood behind Lizzie, gesturing to his brothers about being nice before he set more food on the table. A few more trips and then he escorted Lizzie over to Frank where he pulled out her chair. After taking his own seat, he said, “Lizzie, thanks for your help today. You were fantastic.”

  “Dig in, everyone,” Jackson said.

  Dakota watched to make sure every brother took one of Lizzie’s steaks. He knew what they were thinking but wasn’t going to let anyone upset such a nice lady as Lizzie. He loved having her in his kitchen because if he shut his eyes, it was as if his mother was cooking with him instead of Lizzie. And that was the first time he’d felt his mother’s spirit since she died.

  Steel cut into his steak, surprised to see it done perfectly and when he glanced around the table he saw similar reactions from the rest of Jackson’s brothers. Fuck, is my mate going to be surprised. “Babe, do you want me to cut your steak?” Steel said to Jackson who was concentrating on keeping Daniel occupied.

  “Sure, thanks,” Jackson said.

  Steel cut into his mate’s steak and found the same perfection. “Here babe, have a bite.” Steel held a morsel up to his mate’s lips and when Jackson opened his mouth to protest, Steel pushed it in, getting a very dirty look from his mate. That was until Jackson started to chew.

  Swallowing the piece of steak, Jackson exclaimed, “It’s delicious, Lizzie. If Dakota ever opens his restaurant, he should hire you as his sous chef.”

  Praises for Lizzie reverberated throughout the room, punctuated with the sounds of silverware clattering against empty plates. When the last of the food had disappeared, and Steel was occupied with giving Daniel his bottle, Frank finally asked Jackson about his son and Dylon.

  “Cody is not well and Dylon is with him. I expect we won’t see much of them in the next several days. I’m sorry about it as I just found out myself this morning.”

  Colton spoke up, “Do you think Ian should check on him?”

  “No, I don’t think that’s necessary. But if Dylon feels you can help, I’m sure he’ll let you know,” responded Jackson.

  “Oh, Frank, that works out perfectly—not the part about Cody being ill, but I’m sure Dylon will get him good as new in a few days. And since we won’t see much of them, we can go to San Francisco, isn’t that great?”

  Frank knew he was being played. Cody isn’t well but well enough not to need a doctor. What the fuck! And now Lizzie wants me to go to San Francisco, How very convenient! Turning to his wife, he decided to sort that out first. “Why do you want to go there? We came to visit with our son and his Fated Mate.”

  “I know that,” Lizzie said, “But you just heard they won’t be available for a few days. Dakota pulled some strings and got me accepted in a Cordon Bleu cooking course that starts tomorrow. It just runs for four days but I always wanted to attend one. And besides, think how much I can learn. After all, you were the one who said if anyone could teach me to make food the way you like it, you’d deliver me to them yourself. Do you remember saying that yesterday? Well, Dakota thinks I have an aptitude for cooking, so I want to do this.”Frank knew there wasn’t any way he could gracefully refuse his wife’s request without looking like an asshole. “Of course, Lizzie. I can catch up on some work while you’re taking the course. I’m sure my secretary back at the office will be happy to hear that.” Frank then turned to Jackson, “I’d like to talk to Dylon before we leave.”

  “Fine, I’ll let him know,” he replied.
br />   “I can’t believe I’m going,” squealed Lizzie, “When I come back, I’ll show you what I learned, Dakota. Thanks so much for arranging this for me. It’s a dream come true. Do you need help clearing the table?”

  Jackson spoke up, “That’s not necessary, Lizzie. Zane will do it. Why don’t you go and pack? In the meantime, Steel can arrange transportation for you and Frank to San Francisco.”

  “Thank you so much, Jackson. Oh, my goodness, I’ll be ready to go shortly,” gushed Lizzie.

  Jackson smiled at her excitement. He wasn’t sure how this all came about but was thankful Frank would be gone for the next four days. That will give Dylon the time he needs with Cody without any interruptions.

  “Look at Daniel,” Zane shouted.

  Jackson glanced at his son and found he’d half shifted while sitting on Steel’s lap. “Oh, you gorgeous little wolf baby,” he said as he picked up Daniel now spouting pale silver-gray fur over the top part of his body. Jackson rubbed his nose against the tiny, wet, black nose on his son’s snout. “Daddy loves you, sweetie! You’re so smart!” Jackson hugged Daniel, enjoying this milestone in his son’s life.


  Cody woke up encased in his mate’s arms, inhaling the scent of his mate and sighed. Finally, he had a home. A place he’d always want to come back to no matter what he saw in his visions. Dylon was where he could find some peace in this world and keep him safe from the pain and suffering. The Fates had picked the perfect mate for him; the love coming from his mate through their life thread filled his mind, leaving little room for the endless replaying of his visions.

  He knew his mate had worried about him in Jackson’s office when his visions reappeared. But that was a turning point. He realized he wanted to return to this world because he loved his mate with his whole heart. His determination made the other realm’s grip loosen—just enough to let him come back. It was the beginning of the end of his nightmare existence—he was sure of it.

  “My pet, how do you feel?” asked Dylon in a raspy voice, still heavy with sleep.

  “Good, sir, but hungry.”

  “So am I,” Dylon said, “But first a shower to clean up. Dakota will be bringing our lunch and I expect it will be here by the time we’re finished. We’ll eat and then it’s time for your spanking. Any questions?”

  “No, sir.”

  Dylon helped his mate out of bed and led him to the shower placing, Cody in a spread-eagled position with his mate’s hands high on the tiled back wall. Turning on the rain showerheads, he grabbed the body wash and a sponge and proceeded to lather up his mate, paying extra attention to all of Cody’s sensitive spots. He moved slowly, wanting his mate to concentrate on the movement of his hands and the feelings it was awakening.

  After doing Cody’s upper body, Dylon slid to his knees, eye level with the part of his mate’s body that would soon be begging for relief. Washing the perfect plump cheeks with time outs for caresses interspersed with small bites, he began to see Cody’s legs start to vibrate. Pulling apart the globes, he kissed and tongued his way from his mate’s hole to the top of his crack. Reversing direction, his tongue slid downward, looking for the bundle of nerves at the entrance, a haven for his cock.

  Once he reached it, his tongue circled Cody’s hole, lighting his nerves on fire. Meeting resistance when his tongue tried to penetrate, he grabbed Cody’s balls and tugged them. The resulting gasp from his mate loosened the muscle, allowing his tongue to enter. The long low moan from his mate echoed around the shower stall as Dylon began to thrust his tongue repeatedly into Cody’s hole. When his mate started to keen, Dylon replaced his tongue with a finger, pushing in and seeking Cody’s pleasure button.

  Once he found it, he continued to finger fuck him, adding another finger and then a third one. Glancing between his mate’s legs, he saw Cody’s heavy cock jerking in response every time he fingered his mate’s gland. Over and over, never stopping, intent on driving his mate to an unassisted orgasm, he heard Cody giving him howls and growls, between begging to come. Dylon felt his mate’s ass muscles suddenly squeeze his fingers until he couldn’t move them as Cody’s cock painted the shower wall with his cum.

  Standing, Dylon quickly coated his cock with conditioner and shoved it into his mate’s open hole. Sinking into the velvety heat, Dylon groaned. His cock was in the sweetest place it had ever been. Just fucking perfect! He grabbed Cody’s hips, pulling him closer to him, sinking his cock in deeper. Pushing his mate’s hips forward, and back again, he forced Cody to fuck his cock while he stood still. Then shifting his position slightly, his cock found his mate’s prostate and Dylon made sure to peg it every time he was sucked into Cody’s delicious channel.

  Soon his mate was crying out with needy demands while his cock bobbed in time with Dylon’s movements. Pulling out of his mate’s hole, Dylon turned Cody around to face him and lifted his mate until Cody was sitting on his cock again, with his legs circling Dylon’s waist. Pressing Cody against the shower wall, he held him while his hips accelerated until they were a blur of movement. Cody grabbed Dylon’s shoulders and then let out a howl that called to Dylon’s wolf as Cody came, his cum shooting up between them. Bending down to reach Cody’s neck, Dylon’s fangs dropped and found the scar he’d left on his mate’s neck. Biting deeply while he flooded Cody’s ass, Dylon felt their bond grow still stronger.

  Eventually, his fangs withdrew and he laved the fresh bite with his tongue, sealing it up. Slowing, they both came down from the pleasure peak they were on. Gazing at Cody, Dylon saw a smile on his mate’s face. He smiled back and asked, “Are you ready for lunch, my pet?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Lifting his mate from his cock and settling him on the shower floor, Dylon quickly washed them both. Then he dried him gently with a heated towel. Back in their bedroom, Dylon ordered Cody to assume his position while he dried himself.

  Cody, walked to the foot of the bed and knelt. As he placed his hands, palms up on his thighs, he felt lightness in his spirit; a small smile formed on his lips. But that wasn’t all that had changed. Now Cody could feel his soul once more. It was still weak, but it was growing stronger. Cody closed his eyes.


  “So, tell me, bro, what did you do that got you assigned as my scullery maid?” asked Dakota.

  “Fuck off,” growled Zane.

  “Was it by chance the same thing that got Carson doing the laundry?”

  “I said ‘fuck off’. Where do you want these dirty dishes?”

  “Put them in the sink. You have to rinse them before putting them in the dishwasher.”

  “Why the fuck should I rinse them? That’s what the dishwasher is for.”

  “For several reasons but the only one that matters to you is this: ‘Because I said so.’”

  “Fine. Seems like a waste of time and water. But hey, you’re the boss.”

  “At least I won’t get you in trouble.”

  “Fuck off!”

  Chapter 20

  Dylon was getting dressed when he heard the knock. That must be Dakota. Opening the door, he saw Jackson leaning against the frame.

  “Oh, hi, what’s up?” he asked.

  “Your parents are going to San Francisco for a few days so your mother can take a cooking course.”

  “Oh cool. She always wanted to do that.”

  “Well, I don’t think your father is as happy about it as she is but he’s agreed to it. He’s asked to speak to you before he leaves.”

  “Oh shit.”

  “You should know that this morning he used his Alpha power on me full force.”

  “Fuck! What happened?”

  “Let’s just say, I don’t think he will be doing that again anytime soon,” Jackson smirked.

  “Good for you.”

  “I don’t know why he wants to see you, but I suspect it has something to do with that.”

  “Maybe. My bet would be he wants to know if I’ll return with him and work for the High Council. Befo
re you ask, my answer is no. My mate belongs here, so that is where I will be.”

  “Fine. When do you want to see him?”

  Dylon glanced at his mate, then turned to Jackson, “Give me five minutes and I’ll meet him in your study if that’s okay.”

  “Works for me. What about Cody?”

  “I’ll take care of him. Don’t worry.”

  “See you then,” Jackson said, as he pushed off and walked down the hall.

  Dylon shut the door and quickly walked to the bed. Stripping off the stained sheets, he threw them in the hamper and made up the bed with fresh ones while Cody watched. Then sitting at the foot of the bed he said, “I have to speak with my father but regardless of what he offers me, I won’t be leaving. I’m a member of the Blackwood Pack. And will make my home here with you, my Fated Mate. But until you are convinced of that, I know you will worry. So, climb into bed my pet, I’m going to put the cuffs on you. That way, you and I know you will be safe from any visions. Understand?”

  “Yes, sir,” Cody answered as he rose and crawled on the bed until he reached his pillow. Lying down, he held out his arms to his mate and watched as Dylon secured the handcuffs once more to his wrists. His body relaxed as soon as he heard the clicks. He was safe again. Feeling the soft sheets on his skin, he closed his eyes, still tired from months of little sleep. He loved it when Dylon tucked him in and covered him with the blanket. The warmth reminded him of lying next to his mate, and gave him a sense of security. A soft kiss on his forehead and a whispered “I love you” sent Cody off to a vision-less dreamland.

  Dylon walked softly to their bedroom door, not wanting to wake Cody. He blessed his mother for figuring out how to give his mate time to heal, without having to deal with his father. Taking one last look at his mate, Dylon slipped out the door and closed it quietly. Cody would be able to sleep without fear and he could leave his mate without worrying about him disappearing.

  Strolling to Jackson’s study, he wanted this meeting with his father to be brief. This time, Dylon wasn’t going to accept any job at the High Council. It was a battle they’d had many times in the past and Dylon had always backed down—unwilling to leave home with hard feelings between them. But now, well now is a whole different matter because I have a mate!


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