Alan Cooper, Robert Reinmann, David Cronin - About Face 3- The Essentials of Interaction Design (pdf)
Page 76
Macintosh, 279–280, 424
AutoFormat feature (Microsoft Word), 373
MacPaint, 396–397, 425
automatic save function, 358–359
appliance, designing for, 198
automotive interface, designing for,
applying memory to, 266–268
auto-scrolling, 402–404
consistency and standards across,
blank slate, 215–216
daemonic, 172–173, 198
clutter, 307–308
document-centric, 168
control-laden dialog boxes, 439–440, 505
full-screen, 427–428
hierarchy in user interface, 247–248
Internet-enabled, designing
mode, 425–426
multipaned, 428–429
questions, 217–219, 256
transient, 170–172
twitchiness in drag-and-drop operation,
Web, designing, 179–181
404–406, 407
application file, foreign application activity
unnecessary reporting, 214–215
on, remembering, 266
visual noise, 307–308
application modal dialog box, 509
application status, 213–214, 363
archetype, 82–83
Backspace key, 344, 345
architectural design pattern, 156
balance and symmetry in visual design,
archiving document, 355
The Art and Science of Web Design (Veen),
balloon help, 497
bang menu, 488–489
Art Directors Toolkit (Code Line
baseline grid, 416–417
Communications), 171
Becker, Marion Rombaur ( The Joy
artifact model, 107
of Cooking), 560
associative retrieval, 327
atomic elements in interaction vocabulary,
excise and, 225
graduating to intermediate user, 553–555
atomic grid unit, 297
intermediate compared to, 42–44
attitude-oriented questions for ethno-
mental model and, 46
graphic interview, 66
needs of, 45–46
attribute, 325
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breadcrumb display, 241
design of, 11–12, 13
bridging research-design gap
idiosyncratically modal, 556–558
activities for, 109
of radio buttons, 446
overview of, 18–19
ranges of, 83
requirements, 114–115
visually communicating, 304–305
requirements definition, 115–123
behavior pattern
scenarios, 110–113
description of, 158
Brightness & Contrast dialog box
ethnographic interviews and, 63
(Adobe Photoshop), 430–431
identifying significant, 99–100
building idioms, 280–282
personas and, 76, 82
bulletin dialog box, 522–523
research phase and, 20–21
Bullets and Numbering dialog box
behavioral level of processing, 89–91
(Microsoft Word), 301
behavioral principle, 150, 151
business decision maker, 566
behavioral variable
business driver, 53
identifying, 98
business goal, 14, 95
mapping interview subjects to, 99
business requirement, 122
persona hypothesis and, 61–62
bell curve, 42
combutcons, 447–448
bending rules, 257–259
description of, 495
Bertin, Jacques ( The Semiology
dynamic visual hinting and, 387
of Graphics), 291
as imperative controls, 441–442
Beyer, Hugh ( Contextual Design), 58–59,
labeling, 496
84–85, 106, 118
latching, 444–445
BlackBerry (RIM), 188
as memorization vectors, 555
blank slate, avoiding, 215–216
radio, 446–447
blind Undo, 339
Butler, Jill ( Universal Principles of Design),
Blink (Gladwell), 89
blocking bulletin dialog box, 522
button. See also butcon
BMW iDrive system, 197
flip-flop, 445
Boolean logic, 34–35, 209
on mouse, 380–382
bounce, 404
radio, 446–447
bounded entry control, 457–459, 462
button controls, 440–441
bounding box, 418
brainstorming, 117–118
brand guideline, 138
calendar, 37–40
brand requirement, 123
camera movement, 420
branding, 275–276, 306–307
card sorting, 72
Brazil (movie), 32
caret, 395
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Carroll, John
color-blindness, 312
Making Use, 111–112
combo box, 467, 499
scenario-based design and, 110, 111–112
combutcon, 447–448
cascading dialog box, 527
command, terminating, 508, 511
cascading menu, 478, 485–486
command vector, 551–552
category-specific Undo, 344–345
command-line interface, 224–225, 474
causality, showing, 314
commensurate effort, 245–246
cellular telephone, 190–191, 492
common sense and considerate product,
change over time, showing, 316
characteristics of persona, 100–101
communicating status, 363
charged cursor tool, 410–411
check box, 443–445, 451
personas and, 79
checkmark menu item, 489
visual interface design and, 288
Compare function, 343–344
providing, 217–219, 256
comparison, enforcing visual, 314
remembering, 263–264
competitive audit, 57
chord-clicking, 384
complementary colors, 311
Chounard, Yvon (founder Patagonia), 154
composite archetype, 75–76, 82
chromostereopsis, 311
compound, 280–281
Civilization (Sid Meier), 545
CompuServe Navigator, 434–435, 438
clarity of transient application, 170
Claxton, Guy ( Hare Brain, Tortoise Mind),
interactivity and, 11
thinking of product as, 183
click target, 194
as working for human, 368
clicking with mouse, 383–385
computer literacy, 27
Close button, 512
Computers as Theater (Laurel), 110
closing document, 352–353
conceptual model, 28–29
clue box, 465–466
conceptual principle, 150
clutter, avoiding, 307–308
conducting ethnographic int
Code Line Communications, Art Directors
methods of, 65–68
Toolkit, 171
overview of, 63
cognition, stimulating, 155
phases, teams, and timing of, 64
cognitive dissonance, 33
team review and, 68
cognitive processing, 89
cognitive work, minimizing, 151
differentiating between command and,
coherence, internal, 155
collaboration by designer, 566–567
offering option for to user, 555–557
color and visual interface design, 292, 302,
Confirm File Delete dialog box (Microsoft
Windows), 541
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confirmation dialog box
constraint, technical, 53
description of, 539, 541–542
eliminating, 543–544
context scenario, 119–122
human behavior and, 542
key path scenario, 133–135
confirmation message
constructing persona
bulletin dialog box and, 523
checking for completeness and
as excise, 228–229
redundancy, 101–102
conflating what and how questions,
designating types, 104–106
expanding description of, 102–103
conflicting interests in development
identifying behavioral variables, 98
process, 9
identifying significant behavior patterns,
connection, 420–421
conscientiousness of considerate product,
mapping interview subjects to behavioral
variables, 99
consensus and persona, 79
steps for, 97–98
considerate product
synthesizing characteristics and relevant
as anticipating human needs, 253
goals, 100–101
characteristics of, 251
as conscientious, 253–254
in dialog boxes, managing, 523–528
as deferential, 252
quality, relevance, and integrity of,
as failing gracefully, 256–257
ensuring, 315–316
as forthcoming, 252–253
as keeping mum about problems,
definition of, 122
designing to meet goals in, 16–17
as keeping user informed, 255
as driving design, 185
as knowing when to bend rules, 257–259
context scenario
as not asking a lot of questions, 256
constructing, 119–120
overview of, 250
description of, 112–113
as perceptive, 255–256
example of, 120–121
as self-confident, 256
requirements definition and, 22
as taking interest, 251–252
Contextual Design (Beyer and Holtzblatt),
as taking responsibility, 259
58–59, 84–85, 106, 118
as using common sense, 253
contextual inquiry, 58–59
consistency in design, 317–320
contextual toolbar, 503
Constantine, Larry
contextualizing information, 210–213
Software for Use, 43
contiguous selection, 392–393
on user role, 84
contrast, 312
constrained drag, 412
control integration, 196
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control manipulation, 408–409
control panel, 173
daemonic posture, 172–173
controls. See also selection controls
avoiding control-laden dialog boxes,
integrating text, graphics, and, 315
439–440, 505
out of bounds, handling, 466
display, 468–472
qualitative, inferring goals from, 88–89
entry, 457–468
quantifiable, showing, 317
imperative, 440–443
data element
keeping to minimum, 238
defining, 128
mapping to functions, 242–245
grouping, 130–131
onscreen, 312
data entry. See also input
types of, 439
auditing compared to editing, 371–374
convergence device, 189
fudgeability and, 371
Cooper, Alan
in lists, 455
Communication Play, 316
missing data, 369–371, 532–533
customer-relationship management
data immunity, 368–369
application, 516
data integrity, 367–368
GettyGuide kiosk, 192
data requirement, 122
rich visual modeless feedback, 546
data retrieval
smart desktop phone design, 184
attribute-based, 327–330
Softek Storage Manager, 334
digital methods of, 327
copy, creating, 359
in digital world, 326–330
Corel Painter, 433
indexed, 325–326
Cronin, Dave (designer), 115
by location, 324–325
Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly ( Flow: The
natural language output and, 333–334
Psychology of Optimal Experience), 201
overview of, 323
pointing and, 386–390
completeness of, 232
selection and, 390–396
querying, 334
cursor hinting, 382, 388–389, 400
retrieving information from, 330–333
customer, integrating into design
debounce, 404–405
process, 10
decision-set reduction, 267–268
customer experience, brand, and user
deduced information, remembering, 265
interface, 306–307
default, remembering, 263–264
customer goals, 95
customer interview, 55
industrial design framework, 139–140
customer persona, 84, 105
interaction framework, 127–136
customer requirement, 123
visual design framework, 136–139
customizable toolbar, 501–502
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human situations, improving, 153
of dislocation, 246
pragmatic, 154
of risk exposure, 247
purposeful, 153
deleted data buffer, 346
Design Within Reach Web site, 239, 329
DeMarco, Tom ( Peopleware: Productive
alert dialog boxes and, 540
Projects and Teams), 201
collaboration by, 566–567
demographic variable, 61–62, 98
as researcher, 18–19
depthcueing, 416–417
usability testing and, 145–146
desensitizing mouse, 407–408
user as, 67
design. See also design principles; designer;
designing. See also harmon
designing; goal-directed design
interaction, designing
definition of, 4
for appliance, 198
letting context drive, 185
for audible interface, 199
in manufacturing, evolution of, 11–12
for automotive interface, 197–198
to meet goals in context, 16–17
for behavioral response, 90–91
as product definition, 18
desktop software, 163–168
scenarios in, 111–112
embedded system, 182–188
translating research into, 19
for handheld, 189–191
design communicator, 133
informational Web site, 175–176
design framework. See also interaction
Internet-enabled application, 181
for kiosk, 191–195
description of, 125–126
for reflective response, 91
industrial, 126, 139–140
for television-based interface, 195–197
interaction, defining, 127–128
transactional Web site, 177–178
visual, 126, 136–139, 195
Undo system, 337–338
The Design of Everyday Things (Norman),
for visceral response, 90
282, 283, 553
for Web, 174–175
design principles
Web application, 179–181
behavioral and interface-level, 151
Designing Interfaces (Tidwell), 157
by chapter, 569–574
Designing Visual Interfaces (Mullet and
description of, 149, 150
Sano), 205, 288
for embedded systems, 182–188
desire, 155
levels of detail and, 150
desktop software, designing, 163–168
design team, size of, 59
development process
design values
conflicting interests in, 9
description of, 150, 151–152
evolution of, 6
elegant, 154–155
successful, 12
ethical, 152
user goals and, 9–10
harm, minimizing, 152–153
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development support phase of
digital product
goal-directed design, 23
as assuming technological literacy, 7
Dewey Decimal System, 325–326
building successful, 12
diagonal axial symmetry, 300
conflicting interests and, 9
dial, 460–461
creation of, 4–5
dialog box. See also error message;
development process and, 3–4, 5, 6
specific dialog boxes
as exhibiting poor behavior, 8
alert, 539–541
as ignorant about users, 8–9
appropriate uses for, 505–507
lack of process and, 9–10
beginners and, 46
planning and designing, 13
bulletin, 522–523
as requiring humans to do heavy lifting, 8
cascading, 527–528
as rude, 5, 7
confirmation, 541–544
successful, 25–26
content in, 523–528
task-based focus of, 15
control-laden, avoiding, 439–440, 505