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Foolish Bride

Page 21

by A. S. Fenichel

  His scent warmed her before she opened her eyes and confirmed that Michael had slipped into the bed beside her. Snuggling in deeper, she sighed and smiled at the little moan of contentment that rumbled in his throat.

  “Was there something wrong with your room, your grace?” she asked, her lips touching his bare chest.

  “Yes. You were not in there. I didn’t want to wake you, but it was torture to not touch you. Forgive me.”

  “Is it nearly morning?”

  He nodded against the top of her head. “Another hour until the sun is up.”

  She kissed the hollow of his neck, then stuck her tongue out, licking his warm skin and kissing his corded neck.

  He moaned. “Elinor, do you know what you’re doing?”

  She giggled. “I think so. What are you going to do about it, your grace?”

  His hand moved down her shoulder and caressed the side of her breast before he took her nipple between his thumb and forefinger and pinched.

  She gasped with the pleasure that shot from her breast to where her thighs met.

  Then he dipped his head down and took the same nipple between his lips, sucking gently.

  Elinor moaned as his tongue swirled around and around at a maddeningly steady pace. His head came up, and she moaned again, this time with disappointment.

  His cool breath skittered across her wet skin, and she gasped at the new pleasure.

  “I am going to assume that you like that.” His voiced filled with laughter.

  “Mmm,” she said, pulling gently on his face to bring it back up to hers. Boldly, she put her lips on his, imitating the kisses he had shared with her. It was the first time she had ever taken control of their intimacy. She found it both wicked and wonderful to wield such control.

  “Have I created a wanton?”

  She looked into his eyes, then a wave of shyness overtook her, and she looked away. “Would you mind?”

  * * * *

  He did not answer with words only took her hand and placed it on his shaft. In truth, he had only meant to hold her. He yearned to be near her and feel her heart beating, but she was so warm and responsive that his gentlemanly thoughts were long forgotten.

  She was tentative at first. Her soft fingertips ran gently down his length and up again. She lingered around the ridge, swirling around the tip before descending again.

  Michael did not move. He found it difficult to breathe. Her innocent ministrations were driving him mad. He wanted to give her time to explore him, but if this continued for much longer, he would surely explode in her hand. Under different circumstances that might have been enough, but he wanted to be inside her and didn’t want to wait for another time.

  Suddenly, she gripped him harder.

  He cried out; not sure if he should let her continue or take her immediately.

  She let him go. “Did I hurt you?” Her voice shot to a higher pitch.

  He took her hand and returned it to his shaft. “No. You are wonderful.”

  He put his own hand over hers and showed her how to pleasure him as he closed his eyes and leaned back.

  She traced her fingers along the corded vein that protruded down his length.

  “Oh, Elinor, you’re killing me.” He took her hand away and rolled over on top of her her, his shaft perched at her center.

  Unable to bear her strained expression, he relaxed down next to her. He leaned his head on one elbow and touched her cheek. “I will not hurt you, Elinor. I told you it only hurts the first time. Don’t you believe me?”

  “Yes.” Her voice sounded small and strained.

  He laughed. “That was not very convincing, my love.”

  She shrugged.

  “I shall have to prove it to you.” He slid down the bed.

  “Michael, where are you going?”

  “I am setting out to prove a point. Now, don’t interrupt me.”

  When he reached the bottom of the bed, he crawled forward, pushing her legs apart as he came up between them. He reached the juncture between her thighs and puffed out a small breath.

  She gasped. “Michael, I thought you were going to…”


  He slid his finger between her folds, moving up and down. She was so wet and erotic, he closed his eyes to savor the moment.

  She gripped the bedding and arched up for more attention.

  Michael replaced his finger with his lips and tongue, then plucked at her hard nipples.

  She thrashed and bit her lip.

  The priest was just down the hall, so silence was important.

  Michael licked her folds from the bottom to the top, then down again. He focused on the bud at the top of her sex, first kissing then suckling it. He pinched and tweaked her nipple. She arched her back, giving him better access.

  Every reaction from her left him achingly ready to take her. He rubbed her entry, and she gasped.

  She threaded her fingers through his hair, pressing his mouth harder against her core.

  Sucking harder until she was close to rapture, he stopped, making her groan.

  When she opened her eyes, he entered her in one smooth gliding stroke. He pulled out and slid in again and again.

  She raised her hips to meet him. The pace was slow and steady as the tension built.

  She cried out again, and Michael covered her lips with his own, plunging his tongue into her mouth with the same ferocity he plundered her sex.

  His climax was close. He reached between their bodies and stroked her sensitive bud between his thumb and forefinger.

  She cried out, arching into him. She pulsed around him, sending him over the edge as he plunged deep inside her one last time.

  Waves of pleasure hung between them until Michael relaxed his arms and rolled over, taking Elinor with him and landing her on top of his chest. “Did you feel pain, my love?”

  She sighed, satisfied. “Pain. No.”

  “Then you will not be afraid in the future?”

  “Never.” She kissed his chest.

  Nestled against him, she snuggled deeper. “You never answered my question.”

  Eyes closed his head lolled. “What question?”

  “If you would mind…” She couldn’t bring herself to complete the thought.

  He laughed. “Mind if my wife was a wanton in the bedroom? Oh, my love, you are every man’s dream. To have a wife who is a harlot in the bedroom and a lady in the parlor is what every man wishes for and few actually achieve.”

  She turned away from him. “But I am not your wife. I am the wife of a crazy man.”

  He tugged her shoulders until she faced him. “Elinor, listen to me. First of all, you are my wife in the eyes of God. You will be in the eyes of the law as well. This entire situation is my fault. I should have taken Roxton more seriously. I thought he was only a fool. I never imagined he was dangerous. If I had, I never would have left you or the boys alone. I should have protected you better, and Everett. I do not know what I’ll do if he dies. I have failed entirely as protector of my family. I promise you that I shall make this all right again. I will pay whomever it takes, whatever it takes, to have you for my wife. I will never let anyone hurt you again. Forgive me.”

  She cupped his cheek. “This is not your fault, Michael. You are not responsible for the actions of another man.”

  He pressed his lips to her palm.

  Daylight created shadows at the window. “We had better get up, and you had better get back to your own room before the maids come back with my dress.”

  He nodded and kissed her forehead. Sitting on the chair, he tugged on his boots, pulled his blouse over his head, and tucked a long knife into his right boot.

  “Do you always have that?” Wide-eyed, she nodded toward his boot.

  He shrugged. “It’s an old habit. Perhaps one day I will not feel the need, but for now it’s still prudent to be prepared.”

  She frowned but nodded.
br />   “I will see you in the carriage, my lady.” Then he made a courtly bow, picked up his trousers, and walked half-naked into the hallway.

  Chapter 21

  Hooves thundered into the yard outside the inn as Michael handed Elinor into the carriage. The horses brought with them a cloud of dust, obscuring the view of the riders.

  He secured Elinor inside the carriage and stepped forward. The hair on his neck stood in anticipation of news he wouldn’t like.

  Markus had taken the priest in a separate carriage and headed to London at first light. Thomas, Daniel, and Middleton waited for the dust to settle from the hasty arrival of James and his two men.

  Breathless and grim-faced, Hardwig dismounted. “Your grace, I came as soon as I could to tell you Roxton escaped.”

  “Escaped. You had ten men watching a fat pig of a man, and you couldn’t manage to keep hold of him for the trip to London?”

  James’s face colored brightly. “I am sorry, your grace. He stabbed one of my men with his own sword, then ran into the woods with the weapon before anyone knew what had happened.”

  “Your man, was he killed?” Preston asked.

  Inspector Hardwig shook his head. “No but it will be some time before he’s fit for duty. That ridiculous man cut him and left him for dead.”

  Thomas said, “I assume you are searching the area.”

  “We’ve been searching all night. I brought in twice as many men. We have checked every farm house and stable, but have not found a trace of him beyond one hundred feet from where we lost him. I came to tell you to be alert.”

  “I should think the man would get as far away from here as he can, while he can,” Preston said. “He’s probably headed for the coast.”

  Michael knew that wasn’t the case. Roxton had a grudge, and losing Elinor only added to it. “No. James is right. He’ll come for me. He’s mad, and he thinks that I am the cause of his ruination. He won’t stop until he destroys me, and he will hurt anyone who is close to me to do it.”

  From the carriage window, Elinor watched and listened. Her face had turned sheet-white and filled with fear. Hell, he too was afraid for her safety.

  Hardwig remounted easily. In spite of his protruding belly, he was an accomplished rider. “I have to get back to the search, but you may want to hold up here until Roxton is found. The open road might offer him more opportunity.”

  “I wish we could, James, but my brother’s injuries force me back to Marlton with haste. I cannot wait. Perhaps we can lead this horse to water on the road.”

  James nodded. “I thought you might say that. I will leave these two men with you for extra protection. Have them scout ahead on the road.”

  “Thank you. Any additional men can be useful. Hopefully, we won’t have need of them. I would not mind if Middleton were correct, and Roxton did the prudent thing and made for the coast.”

  “I think we both know that is unlikely, given his state of mind,” James said.

  Surveying the horses and carriage, Michael sent the two guards ahead to scout. He looked from Thomas to Daniel, and they nodded. Preston took his place behind the carriage with them, while Michael climbed into the vehicle and took the seat across from Elinor.

  Sighing, she looked out the window and watched as the inn disappeared and the woods obscured any view.

  The road was dangerous at the best of times. Highwaymen were lurking in the shadows. A party of their size was normally quite safe, but not today.

  Elinor sighed again as she pushed her stubborn hair from her face. “I feel as though I am a child again, with monsters lurking in the wardrobe.”

  Michael took her hand. He forced a smile, but it was a struggle to hold it, and he let it fade.

  Wariness clouded her eyes.

  The forest rolled by as they took the road to London.

  * * * *

  At midday, the rain began. The light drizzle tapping on the carriage roof lulled her to sleep. They galloped down the road, but the rain slowed them.

  Her sleep was fitful, and her dreams of crumbling castle walls and red-haired madmen disturbing.

  The carriage shifted, and Michael pulled her close. He warmed her and chased away the visions. Her sleep deepened, and she snuggled in closer, breathing in his warm male scent.

  The carriage jerked to a stop, waking her. The rain was rapping on the roof harder. “Is something wrong, Michael?”

  He kissed the top of her head. “Just changing horses. You can go back to sleep.”

  As Michael left the carriage to help with the horses, the warmth left with him. The cool dampness was raw against her skin, making her clothes clammy and uncomfortable.

  She made a mental list of all the warm comfortable things she would enjoy once they reached Marlton, and Everett was safe and well. A roaring fire, a fur pelisse, maybe some hot soup, and Michael wrapped around her.

  Michael returned to the carriage, face strained and clothes soaked.

  “Something is wrong.”

  His jaw tightened, and his lips pulled back in a straight line. He shook off the water and climbed in. “I cannot help thinking that this weather is perfect for an ambush.”

  “Do you really think that Roxton would attack us by himself? His men are still in custody. How can he hurt us? He needed those muscle men just to kidnap me, with only two boys for protection. Now he is helpless against seven men.”

  Frowning, he watched warily out the window as the carriage started forward. “I am sure you’re right.”

  She knew he was only trying to ease her concerns. Her anxiety heightened, and she joined him in watching the pouring rain out the window. Between the heavy trees, dark clouds, and rain, it was impossible to see anything beyond a few feet. Elinor strained her eyes looking for shadows, but there was only rain and the rising fog. Soon she could see nothing at all and closed her eyes against the strain.

  An hour after they’d changed horses, the fog closed in on them. “Why is it so quiet?” Elinor asked.

  Michael stuck his head out the window. He did the same on the other side. “I do not see the others.”

  “What do you mean? Where could they have gone?”

  “I do not know. It’s foggy. That can sometimes dull sound and cause a party to separate.”

  He knocked on the roof. “Wallace, do you see the others?”

  No answer.

  The carriage sped up.

  Wet roads and speed created a rocking that tossed Elinor from side to side.

  Michael lifted her and placed her on the carriage floor. “Hold on,” he commanded as he slipped through the door.

  Elinor screamed his name but did not move from the floor. With the horses at a full run, the carriage tossed her back and forth. She braced her legs between the benches. They shook with the effort.

  * * * *

  The rain dwindled to a drizzle but the fog grew thicker, making it impossible to see the driver clearly. Michael climbed up to the top of the carriage, heading for the driver. After he told the man to stop, he would worry about finding the others. He was only inches from him when the carriage rumbled over something in the road. Michael clung to the roof, air whooshing from his lungs.

  The driver turned. The face that looked back was Roxton’s. His initial shock transformed to a wicked smile as he tossed the reins aside. Roxton pulled out his sword, stood, and hacked madly at Michael.

  As the sword came crashing down an inch from his neck, Michael rolled to one side, barely escaping the loss of his head

  The carriage rocked wildly. Elinor screamed.

  With no one directing them, the horses ran blindly into the fog.

  Michael had little hope that he could survive a crash, but Elinor might make it safely home if he could toss Roxton from the roof.

  Roxton took another wild swing with the sword.

  Michael grabbed his legs. Off balance, Roxton fell forward on top of Michael, and together they crashed through the
carriage roof.

  Elinor screamed, rolling out of the way just in time. She curled up in a corner of the back seat.

  Roxton kept chopping at Michael.

  Michael blocked, putting himself between Roxton and Elinor.

  Roxton screamed, “I’ll kill you. I’ll kill you.”

  The carriage rocked so violently, it could topple any second, killing all three of them.

  Michael pressed his forearm against Roxton’s throat, but he couldn’t get hold of his sword arm and stop the idiot from hacking.

  * * * *

  The men landed on the floor of the carriage with Roxton on the top. Elinor wished she could see Michael’s face, but only his boots were visible, pressed firmly against the carriage floor.

  The carriage lurched, and she toppled across the bench.

  Steel glinted from Michael’s boot.

  Elinor pulled the stiletto and plunged it into Roxton’s back.

  The world froze.

  Elinor pulled the knife from his back.

  Red spread across his jacket.

  The sword stopped moving.

  His face a mask of surprise, Michael looked around Roxton.

  Elinor dropped the knife.

  Michael pushed Roxton’s body to the side and squeezed out from under him. He stared at Elinor, then jumped up through the hole he and Roxton had made in the roof.

  Hollering to the racing beasts, Michael slowed the carriage. The horses neighed before the carriage stopped.

  Elinor stared down at Roxton. His back was dark with blood and he hadn’t moved from the floor. No.

  The door opened, and Michael pulled her from the carriage and into his arms.

  “Did I kill him?”

  “You did what was necessary. I am very proud of you, Elinor.” He caressed her back.

  She closed her eyes. “Should we go and look for the others?”

  “They will find us.” He took her hand and walked her to a fallen tree beside the road.

  The rain had stopped, but the silence was just as thick as the fog.

  Elinor voiced her only coherent thought. “I suppose I am a widow now.”

  “You were never really married to that pig, Elinor. It would have all been resolved, and we would have been married. This just makes things easier. You did the right thing. He might have killed me, then you would have been in real danger.”


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