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The Rake and The Rose (A Rake's Mistake)

Page 18

by Amelia Clearwater

  He sat back and exhaled sharply, looking at his staff. "You're all right, but how?"

  They all shrugged. Alexander quickly snatched up a pen and paper and began to write.

  The Essex Estate . . .

  Lady Anne was staring at a piece of paper as she walked in "Who is that from?"

  "Oh, nobody." Anne stuffed the letter into her skirts and gave her a wobbling smile. "I have an errand I have to run later is all."

  "Might I come with you?"

  "Oh no! Mother is going to get you all ready for the ball we will be having."

  "Ball?" Charlotte's eyes had gone round.

  "Yes! You my dear are going to be the most beautiful woman any man has ever seen! No mask this time."

  Charlotte frowned "But I do not want to be such a thing…"

  "What about Charles?"

  "I fear he has a wicked temper." Charlotte confessed, wincing as the memories came back anew.

  Anne simply scoffed "All men have their vices, dear." Not that she would know, she hardly let any of them get close enough.

  Charlotte very nearly told her that twice he seemed to have nearly hit her but kept her tongue bit. "So you are having a Ball?"

  Anne looked distracted. "Yes, but I need to run an errand first."

  With that she bustled out leaving Charlotte with the maid fiddling with her skirts. "So…what does Lady Anne do for fun?" she asked the maid in a confused manner. The maid giggled and looked up at her.

  “She plays that bloody harp all day Ma’am.” And they both laughed.

  Alexander sat back huffing and brooding still, writing another letter.

  Dearest Charlotte,

  I beg you to show mercy and let me explain…

  "No, no." he crumpled it and tossed it on the floor along with dozens of other crumpled pieces of paper.

  Dear Charlotte,

  I would very much like to discuss what happened; I think you did not understand fully-

  "No, no, no! Dammit!" he pounded his fist on his desk and finally leaned his head against the cool wood to stave off the heat in his head.

  "God what am I going to do?" he moaned

  "Well my Lord Cromwell, you could listen to me." A light voice said from the door.

  "What?" Anne was standing at the door when he looked up.

  "I wanted to invite you to the ball I am hosting." Anne said calmly and he balked at her.

  "What…what are you doing here!" he yelled.

  "My, my, my you are in a temper my Lord."

  "Get out."

  "Steady on!" Anne waved her hands in defense "I wanted you to come. That is all. She misses you."

  "She does?" the hope flared within his chest.

  "Yes." Anne nodded with a grim expression "But know, Lord Cromwell." she warned "Charlotte has become the talk of people and a high commodity since Deirdre’s gathering."

  "She has always been a high commodity, I've just been too stupid to see it."

  "Indeed, intolerably stupid isn't even the words I would use for you my Lord."

  "I get it. No need to rub my face into it.”

  Anne stamped her foot and all but hissed at him "No you do not! I know who she is!”


  "I know she is one of Devisher's daughters."

  "Wait, one?"

  "That is all I can say. Doctor Lambert was specific in not revealing anything else because she obviously was too traumatized. When one has been through a trauma, such as losing one’s family, or being in a bad moment. Sometimes the mind forgets. Or at least that is what is said. Doctor Lambert has seen it in men who had witnessed war or women suffering from hysteria in Bethlem Royal Hospital."

  Alexander nodded. He did not want anything happening to Charlotte, not at all. "I'll do anything to make sure she is safe." He said quickly and Anne nodded.

  "Good. You might just stand a chance."

  "Will Deirdre-"

  "Yes, but just ignore her. She is off hunting some Viscount." He chuckled with dark humor

  "Such are predators. And such is the poor dear’s family…" Anne nodded with a grin. "I shall take my leave, Lord Cromwell." She bowed and smiled, after leaving.

  When Anne returned Charlotte noticed that her friend looked tired. She had a maid put a cool cloth on her head and looked as if she were having a case of the headache.

  “Anne?" Charlotte brought another cloth. "I can be of help to you,” she offered.

  "No, dear it's alright. You poor thing have had quite the week. Are you ready for the ball?"

  "No. But Charles asked to meet me there. I am not sure I want to..."

  "Then don't!' Anne said sharply, quickly.

  "Anne, did I say something wrong?" Charlotte's gaze was soft and Anne felt remorseful.

  "No, forgive me dear..." Anne waved her hand. "I forget myself in the midst of a headache." Charlotte nodded as Anne got up. "Well, we need to get ready for tomorrow night!"

  "Will Alexander be there?" she looked fearful...hopeful...expectant.

  "I don't think so." Anne shook her head. In reality, she had never given him a real invitation due to her parents, but she knew they loved each other.

  "I guess. I will have to deal with Whitmore sadly, though." She fiddled with her skirts and sighed deeply "Anne, I feel awful." She laid back on the lounge she had been occupying and exhaled forcefully. "Do tell me what we will be wearing then, Anne?"

  "Oh I have the best gown for you, you're going to look like an angel!"

  "So not a fox?" Charlotte teased, sitting up.

  "No, you were already a fox." Anne waved her hand as if Charlotte were being silly at the thought. "Mother will be bringing it in shortly." Anne was walking around the room, as if looking for something. "Hmm," she murmured running her hand over her vanity. "Let's see..." she picked up a lovely comb that had diamonds in it and grinned at Charlotte as she turned to face her. "Come here." She unceremoniously pulled her red locks up and tucked her hair behind her ear. "Lovely. Diamonds really suit you."

  "I feel like I am putting on airs."

  "That's the point!" Anne said with a low laugh. Her Grace Essex walked in and smiled at them.

  "Are you still upset my little lamb?" with the love of a mother she enveloped Charlotte in a warm embrace. "Poor thing, you mustn't blame him though dear."

  "Why ever not?" Charlotte demanded hotly, her words muffled into her bosom.

  Her Grace grinned down at her and acted as if she had a secret, "Because I heard from a little bird that was at the ball that he was quite displeased and had all but thrown her off after you had left."

  "You lie!" she gasped, afraid of believing it.

  "No dear, if there is one thing I am good at, it is weaseling out information. I saw how hurt you were, perhaps you can give him a chance."

  "But what was he doing with her all alone?" Her Grace shrugged.

  "That I do not know my dear, things happen. But give him a chance."

  "He needs to know I will not simply crawl back. Besides I accepted Mr. Whitmore's invitation..." Both women gave each other a pained look. "I know Alexander won't like it...but quite frankly...I don't give a damn." Charlotte said firmly.

  "Well, I have your dresses, girls." With a clap of her hands two ladies in waiting came in with one dress each. Anne's was a beautiful golden silk with emerald trim and ruffled trimming on the collar and sleeves, which were short. Charlotte's was white as snow, with satin ribbons and ruched bodice with its high waistline and oval off the shoulder sleeves that fell only to half her upper arms.

  "Oh!" Both young women gushed in appreciation as they were fitted. Anne's dark hair was pulled up with delicate pins and flowers, as where Charlotte's hair was left mostly to fall and swish invitingly.

  Her Grace sat in a comfortable chair sipping tea and nibbling on a scone, as she eyed her daughter and her friend happily. "I am so glad that I can see this. The home is very nearly ready. And you two shall be introduced together."

  "Really!" Charlotte gasped
"Thank goodness, I nearly fainted when I had to do that on my own."

  Her Grace laughed whole-heartedly "You know, I actually did when I was first introduced...And guess who caught me?"

  "Who?" Both of them inquired.

  "My husband." Her Grace Essex winked at them both before nodding at the maid who had brought in different adornments apparently from her own collection "Charlotte, I have never had need of these. I would like you to wear them."

  Inside a velvet box, were diamond-encrusted earrings and a necklace with a large lovely ruby hanging off the end, it would snugly lie against the hollow of her throat and Charlotte pressed a hand to her mouth gasping. "Oh, your Grace! I couldn't!" They looked to be more valuable than the estate they stood in.

  "It was a gift from a foreign friend that I have never liked...My husband did not approve of him giving me such things." Her Grace's blue eyes were sparkling with happiness. "He approves that this gift should be given to you, as Anne already has matching jewelry, and unfortunately none of us can pull off red so well."

  Anne hooted in a most unladylike laughter holding her sides. "Indeed, mother you are so very right!" All of them burst into smiles and fits of giggles as the women tied their hair, or pressed their jewelry to their throats or wrists to see what went with what.

  Alexander sat in his chair scowling. News had reached him of Mr. Whitmore bragging about how he was escorting Charlotte. His teeth were on edge and his breathing felt like knives up his throat. "Damn it!" he slammed his fists on the desk. He sighed, and was not going to give her up not without a fight. If she gave him a sign...any sign that she still wanted him he would pounce. With determined strides he found Francesca and she eyed him curiously

  “Done sulking Alexander?" Her hands on her hips, he sighed feeling contrite.

  "Francesca, I need your help."


  "I need to look...I need..." he was unsure of how to say what he wanted.

  "You need to win her back." Francesca already had him by the arms.

  She had spoken to Anne earlier in the sitting room and was grinning to herself. Soon, most of the staff was going in and out of his rooms making decisions on his hair, dress and look. Finally the outfit was decided, it was dark colors of black, gold and white.

  Making his hair stand out even more when Francesca simply had him lean over as she mussed it and told him to fling his head back.

  He did, which gave him a rakish and attractive look, some locks falling devilishly across his eyes when his head tilted just right, causing him to rake a large muscled hand through it.

  The jacket fit him and allowed enough -just enough- room for him to move freely and he glanced down at the black gold boots he had worn for the masquerade. His shirt was nice fine cotton, loose enough to move in but tight enough to show the expanse and bunching anatomy beneath. He wore no adornments such as a watch or anything other than cufflinks.

  The white cravat contrasted deliciously with his black vest and jacket as the white cuffs that circled his decidedly masculine arms and wrists caused him to grin with satisfaction. He knew she'd be a beauty and realized he had never- not even for the masquerade- made himself look as he had right then, attractive and intentionally so.

  "Do you think it will do?" he asked placing his hat upon his head and getting his walking stick out. The tailcoat of his outer jacket trimmed his already lean hips and legs as his breech enclosed legs made his height even more pronounced. In a simple way, he looked refined, but powerful. A perfect combination of genteel smoothness, and masculine power was in his stance, his air and manner of walk. The smile he had was confident and downright smoldering.

  And in that moment, Alexander realized that he was walking into flames, dry tinder for her to burn and smolder. He hoped she would take the invitation.

  Francesca looked proud. "I think you'll do nicely Alexander. Just don't make her faint." They both chuckled. "You're going to be late," she chided.

  "Looking like this? I think it would be a shame not to be late." He kissed his lifelong maid and nanny on the cheek and departed.

  Charlotte sat with Anne waiting for their moment to be introduced with the family. Her large dark eyes took in everything and the ruby near her lifted breasts quivered.

  "I am so nervous,” she whispered to Anne who held her hand and patted it "What if he does not come?" Anne knew she did not mean Charles.

  "I don't know if he will or not," she confided softly. In fact, Anne knew he was not there and was infuriated. She had told him what time to be there. They walked down the steps and waited where the spiral stairs would lead them to the grand dining hall.

  "I feel like my stomach might float away." Charlotte confessed and Anne soothed her.

  "You are so lovely Charlotte."

  "As are you." she smiled at her friend. "By the way, Precious has not been around." Charlotte said with a frown.

  "Because she has been chasing my birds." Anne laughed "The servants are constantly in a tizzy over it."

  “I hope she has not harmed any.” Charlotte said reproachfully.

  Anne waved her hands “No, she is too small, my birds probably laugh at her.” They both smiled amused over the antics and walked to the staircase after His and Her Grace Essex were introduced.

  "The Lady Anne of Essex, and her close friend Lady Charlotte Devisher." They walked down and she was instantly handed off to Charles, who for all intensive purposes seemed intent on keeping her away from everyone except himself. Charlotte saw no sign of Alexander and her heart fell like a rock to her stomach.

  Alexander had loved watching her walk from the bedroom floor, the short staircase that led to the spiral stairs caused her delicate little ankles to flash their skin in a teasing glimpse. He growled low in his throat when he saw Charles take her arm, but was happy she looked displeased.

  "Eh-erm." the introducer coughed at him and he told him his name "The Marquess of Cromwell."

  He saw Charlotte's head turn, but Charles steered her away, failing as she turned and smiled at him as if to ask “Why?” and then cast her gaze at the top of the stairs. Her mouth dropped into a small little oval, and the black eyes lit like heated coals at the sight of him, that pretty blush crept up her throat and rested on her cheekbones. His stomach sizzled with heady heat.

  He took his time down the stairs, his walking stick tapping the wood as his sheer size was estimated, when he walked past other gentlemen at the bottom. He caught sight of a few young women ogling him, but he only had eyes for her. And she knew.

  Alexander knew that she held that precious knowledge like a candle in the darkness. Charlotte felt in her soul what he wanted. But as soon as the thought seemed to echo across time and space between them, her cheeks flushed in rage and she turned her nose up and away. He chuckled, that was the sign he had wanted. That lusty look of need in those dark eyes, the one he so loved to see. Alexander bided his time finding His Grace Essex and nodding his head after handing his hat and walking stick to a servant.

  "Ah, I see you are fashionably late, Cromwell."

  A man at Essex’s side heard the name. "Cromwell eh? Oliver Cromwell perchance?"

  "No, not those Cromwells," Alexander chuckled.

  "Thank you Essex, I find that this was exactly what I needed." His eyes followed the red haired temptress around the room as people swept into a dance. His blood boiled when she took Charles’s proffered hand and they were swept into a minuet. His eyes regarded his love from across the room.

  "I was wondering if I might request a dance." Alexander asked politely, and Essex raised a greying brow. "I want to request a waltz."

  "Isn't that a bit inappropriate." Essex's friend coughed, but His Grace Essex seemed amused.

  "Very well if you must." He chuckled knowing exactly whom the dance was intended for.

  Charlotte was dizzy with want. He had looked so handsome and daring. She also thought him a bit of a fool, but knew he had dressed so ostentatiously for her and her alone. She knew it when those
eyes of his had landed upon her entire body and engulfed it in flames. She was not even aware of Charles and suddenly the dance was over.

  "Might I ask for this dance?" The voice was a deep bass of yearning and she turned to see Alexander towering over her.

  "Alex," her own voice breathless.


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