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Footprints In The Sand

Page 11

by Michelle Horst

“What?” he asks, frowning.

  I look up at him and take in every single one of his gorgeous features. There is nothing left of that boy face I fell in love with. This is a man standing in front of me and that thought makes me so very nervous.

  “Ahh …” I take a step back, needing some space to gather my thoughts, “you don’t think it’s too soon?”

  Seth lets out a sharp laugh then he shakes his head. “Lacey, no.” He closes the distance between us again. He pushes some hair off my shoulder and his fingers brush against my neck, sending a million tingles racing through my body. “No, I don’t think it’s too soon. I’ve been waiting for four years. I’m tired of waiting. I’m going to kiss you now. Then we’re going to talk. We have a lot to work through,” his hand slips behind my neck again, keeping me in place as his head starts to lower to mine, “but no … no, I don’t think it’s too soon. Now we get to make up for the time we’ve wasted.”

  My heart is racing with excitement. Seth is inches from my lips when he stops again. He pulls back and looks at me. There’s a worried look on his face. “Unless you don’t want to be with me?”

  There’s a glimmer of pain in his eyes and all I want to do is wipe it away. I raise myself on my toes and press my mouth to his. I lift my arms around his neck, holding him to me. His hands settle on my hips and he tugs me flush with his body, as his lips press back against mine. He bites my bottom lip and growls, “Open for me.” I obey and open my mouth. His tongue slips in and all my self-control slips away.

  This kiss is different from the first one. The first one was an experiment. We were both so careful and innocent in so many ways. This one is greedy, wanting to make up for lost time. This kiss is seductive and needy.

  Our tongues tangle and Seth’s fingers dig into my hips. He pushes back against me until I’m forced to take a step back. I break away from the kiss to look behind me. Seth sits down on the couch and pulls me down next to him. “I’m far from finished,” he murmurs as he leans over me. He pushes me back until I’m lying on the couch and he’s leaning over me. He must see the nervous look flashing over my face, because he says, “I just want to touch and kiss you. Just give me that tonight.”

  I lift my hands to his sides and grab onto his shirt as his mouth settles over mine again. We get lost in a kiss until I feel something wet drip onto my cheek. I push at Seth and when he lifts himself on his elbow I see that the wetness is tears. “Seth?” Panic blooms in me.

  “I’m so unbelievably happy right now. These last four years have been pure hell, but it’s worth it all if it means I get you.”

  Tears burn in my eyes as emotions swamp me. I make Seth happy! The thought makes the tears spill from my eyes. Seth laughs through his own tears that are making his eyes shine a brilliant blue. “I really hope those are happy tears.”

  “They are,” is all I get out before he sweeps me away with another kiss.


  Chapter Thirty-Eight


  She tastes the same. She feels the same and that blush! She’s still the same Lacey I fell in love with that night I walked her home. Now that I have her nothing will come between us again.

  I’m leaning on my elbow, my body half over hers. She can feel how much I want her. With one finger I trace lightly over her lips, her eyes, and every other inch of skin I see. I watch as her eyes start to flutter closed, once … twice, and then her breathing evens out.

  I let my head rest in the crook of my arm, right next to hers. I take her in, drinking her in as if I’m a drowning man and she’s my air. I let my other arm rest on her chest, my hand over her shoulder.

  I stare at her for the longest time and then my eyes start to flutter closed. I must’ve just dozed off, when Lacey turns into me. The movement shoves me back and I fall off the couch. This is not going to work. I get up and for a moment Lacey opens her eyes. They are cloudy with sleep. “Sleep, Sweetheart, I’m just taking us to bed.”

  I pick her up and she tucks her face into my shoulder. “I’ve always loved your smell. I missed it so much,” she mumbles as I carry her to bed. “I love your eyes and the way you walk. I use to watch you every morning, walking to the bus stop. I even got the same chucks as you. I was so madly in love with you. You were my whole world back then.” There’s a hitch in her last sentence and it makes me worry. I worry that she won’t be able to love me again.


  I wake up and my first thought goes to Lacey. Then I notice the empty spot beside me and my heart sinks. She left.

  I get up, not knowing if I should be worried and if she’s coming back. I would have liked for her to stay, so I could wake up to her face.

  I’m busy making coffee when there’s a knock at the door. I really hope it isn’t Candice again. I met the woman yesterday and she latched onto me almost instantly. I open the door and I’m surprised to see that it’s Lacey, and then it sinks in – she came back.

  She’s smiling up at me, that beautiful smile of hers. It takes everything in me not to yank her into my arms. I just want to devour her!

  “Miss Johnson, how can I help?” I say playfully. The smile starts to fade from her eyes and I see a flash of pain I didn’t expect. I grab her hand and pull her inside. “Hey, what’s wrong? Was it something I said?”

  She shakes her head and mumbles, “I can’t say it.”

  I close the door behind her and lean a little down, trying to catch her eyes. “Say what?”

  “Your last name,” she whispers, still looking down.

  Understanding dawns on me. “I changed it, Lacey, that same year. I took my mom’s maiden name, Harper. Aunt Janice helped me.”

  Lacey looks up, a smile pulling at her lips. “So you’re Mr. Harper now?”

  “Yeah,” I nod, pulling her into me. “There’s a lot we still need to talk about, stuff like you can’t leave the morning after. I expect to wake up to your pretty face.”

  Her cheeks flush a stunning red. “It wasn’t like … you know, like we,” she stammers and if it wasn’t for the fact that I wanted to kiss her so badly, I’d enjoy this moment a little longer.

  I silence her with a kiss, and I pull her body against mine. As much as I want it to, I don’t let the kiss go on too long, or I won’t be able to stop.

  “I’m making coffee,” I whisper against her lips.

  “I like drinking coffee,” she whispers back.


  Chapter Thirty-Nine


  I’m nervous. I want to ask Seth a huge favor, but I don’t know how to go about it. I watch as he pours us some coffee, still not believing everything that’s happened since last night.

  What stuns me most is that Seth is interested in me. It’s like I’m reliving that teenage dream I had of him, only it’s real and the feelings are more intense.

  He hands me a cup of coffee and I blow on the hot liquid before I take a sip. “Thank you.”

  “So why did you leave?”

  I let out a nervous giggle. “I wanted to brush my teeth.”

  Seth laughs but then his face goes all serious. “No, I mean why did you run away?”

  “Oh.” I know he says there are things he wants to talk about but I didn’t expect him to just jump into it. I guess there is a lot about him I still don’t know – like his love for just saying what’s on his mind. He seriously does not hold back and I have to admit, I like it!

  I take another sip of my coffee and then stare at the cabinets behind Seth. “It felt like my whole life was crumbling and I couldn’t hold onto the few crumbs that were left. My parents were always worried. They became a bit obsessed with my safety after I got back from hospital. Hayden was targeting me for some reason.” I nod, now I remember how mean Hayden was to me. “He was such a mean person. I don’t get it.” I take another sip of my coffee and then I let my eyes wander to Seth’s eyes. “I thought you kissed Paige. It was stupid but my life was already such a mess. That was the last of the crumbs slipping through my fingers. It fel
t like I lost everything.”

  “But you didn’t,” Seth says. He puts down his mug and comes over to me. He takes hold of my mug and places it on the counter, as well. His fingers brush over my cheeks and then slips into my hair. “You know that now, right? You didn’t lose your parents or me.”

  He’s wearing a blue button-up shirt, and I start to play with the buttons. I give him a nervous smile and then drop my eyes again. I brush my fingers over his belt and whisper, “I know that now. I didn’t know it then.”

  Seth takes hold of my hand, stilling my fingers. “Don’t play down there unless you mean it. I’m not a saint.”

  “Oh my!” I yank my hand away, embarrassment flooding me. “I didn’t mean to. I’m sorry.” I hold my hand to my chest in total shock of where it was. I didn’t mean to touch him there. I was just fiddling with his belt.

  Seth gives me a wicked smile that makes my insides tingle with desire. “Unless you want to?” I can see the twinkle in his eye and realize he’s teasing me.

  I take a step closer to him and I let a finger trail over the stubble on his jaw. It tickles my finger. “Well, there is one thing I want to do.” I swallow hard on the nervous lump in my throat. I can do this! “Can you come with me to see my parents?”

  A smile lights up his face. “I’d love to. You want to go today?”



  Chapter Forty


  As we drive into town, I hear Lacey take a deep breath. “You want to stop somewhere first, or do you want to go straight to your parents?” I place my hand on her leg to stop it from jumping.

  She places her hand over mine and gives me a tentative smile. “Can we go to the beach first?”

  I smile widely, liking that idea very much. “Sure.” I steer the car in the direction of the beach, happy to have a moment.

  I park the car, and then I get out and run around the car so I can open the door for Lacey.

  Her eyes are on the ocean as she gets out, and I remember the first time I saw her. She stole my heart from that very first moment. I can’t believe I never saw her before that day, because she’s all I see now.

  We take off our shoes and leave them in the car. I roll the edges of my pants up, and then I follow behind her as she walks across the beach. I let my eyes slip over her body, enjoying the view very much. I can’t wait to make her mine, and I will, soon.

  My eyes drop to the footprints in the sand she’s leaving behind and then I look behind me and I see the two trails of footprints – mine following hers. I’ll always follow her. She’s the only light in my life. She’s no longer a shooting star just passing by, she’s my sun now. Without her there will be a permanent night in my life.

  “Damn, Brody, is that you?” I hear from behind me. My hands fist at the sound of his voice. I look back over my shoulder and sure enough, it’s Hayden and he’s heading our way.

  I watch him and see the moment he notices Lacey. In school he used to look at her like she was trash, but now I see interest and I don’t like it one bit.

  When he reaches us, I feel Lacey move in behind me.

  Hayden still looks the same. He’s still a gangly wimp. I guess that’s what happens to you if you have too much money and you do nothing every day.

  His eyes are still on Lacey and he chuckles. “Aww, come on, mouse,” I hate the flirting tone he’s trying to use on her. “I’m not going to bite. It’s been a while and wow-”

  I lose my temper and step up to him as he comes too close. I shove at his chest, forcing him to take a step back. “What makes you think you can talk to her?” I growl.

  He raises his hands in a gesture of peace. “Hey man, I’m just trying to catch up. I haven’t seen you in a while.”

  Catch up? What is this guy smoking? “Hayden,” I take another step closer to him making sure I have his full attention. “Read my lips just in case you have hearing problems, don’t come near her. You made her life hell. There’s no catching up. There’s only you turning around and walking away, or I swear I’ll make you.”

  “Fuck, don’t lose your shit, man,” he chuckles again. “What? You’ve been to the city and now you think you’re too good for the likes of me?”

  I have to hold myself back so I don’t hurt this idiot. “She will always be too good for the likes of you.”

  Hayden gets a look on his face, the same mean one he always got before he did something stupid. I step right up to him, and I tower over him. Lacey grabs my hand, reminding me that she’s behind me. “Don’t think about it, Hayden. I swear I’ll beat you so bad you won’t know your own name.”

  I see a flash of fear in the coward’s eyes. I should beat the shit out of him, but I don’t want to put Lacey through that.

  Hayden takes a step back and a satisfying feeling expands my chest. He’ll always be a coward.

  “Whatever man,” he gives a nervous chuckle and then finally turns around and walks away. That must be the wisest choice he’s ever made. I would’ve beaten him within an inch of his life.

  Lacey pulls at my hand. “Seth,” she whispers and just like that all my all my attention is back with her. I turn around and look her over to make sure she’s okay. She smiles and then surprises me by slipping her arms around my waist. “Thank you for that, but I would’ve been fine. I’m not scared of him anymore.”

  I nod and fold my arms around her, pulling her closer. “Yeah? You would’ve taken him on?”

  She nods. “I learned a few moves from you the last time you kicked his butt.”

  “Is that so,” I start to lean down, my eyes dropping to her lips. “How about you show me how thankful you are?”

  Her eyes dart around us and then jump to my eyes. She takes one more look around us and then gives me a quick kiss. I start to laugh. “Really? That’s all the thanks I get?”

  She makes her eyes big. “There are people!” Her cheeks flush and I lift my hand to her face, brushing a finger over her soft skin.

  “And your point is?” I lean down and when I’m so close that I can feel her warm breath on my face, I stop and say, “Kiss me, Lacey.”

  She moves and the last inch between us vanishes. Her lips are warm and soft under mine, and at first she’s tentative, but then she gets brave as she bites at my lip. I open my mouth and when her tongue slips into my mouth, I feel a tingle run down my spine.


  We drive into the RV park and Lacey grabs hold of my leg. “I’m scared, Seth!”

  “Remember what I said,” I pick up her hand and place a kiss in her palm, “I’m here. You’re not alone, Sweetheart.”

  I slowly steer the car up our old street and then I park in front of her parents’ RV. I give her hand another squeeze. “Are you good to go in?”

  She nods and doesn’t wait for me to walk around the car so I can open the door for her. She gets out, lifts her chin, squares her shoulders, and then walks to the RV. She knocks on the door and takes a step back. She wipes her hands on her jeans.

  The door opens and I hear Lacey suck in a sharp breath. “Mamma?”

  I hear the sob and then, “Nate! Nate! She’s home! Our baby girl has come home!” Sophia slams the door open and almost jumps on Lacey in her rush to get to her. They hold each other for a long moment and cry. Nate joins them, holding both Sophia and Lacey.

  After a while they all break apart. “Come in,” Sophia says and that’s when Lacey turns to me.

  Sophia and Nate look in my direction, and then Sophia frowns. “Well, don’t just stand there, son,” she scolds me.

  I walk to Lacey and take her hand. I see the confusion on her face but before I can explain, Nate steps forward to shake my hand. “It’s good to see you again.”

  I smile and shake his hand. “You too, Nate.”

  Lacey’s eyes jump between her parents and me, and then she asks, “You’re not angry that I came with Seth?”

  “Now why would we be angry?” Nate says. “The boy said he will find you and
bring you back, and look, here you are! We’re just so happy you came home!”

  Lacey frowns and looks at me. “You kept contact with my parents?”

  “I went to the same college your dad works at. We got to talking and one thing led to another.”

  “Oh.” I can see the news surprises her. I just hope it’s in a good way.


  Chapter Forty-One


  I was so scared my parents wouldn’t want to see me. And I was so scared that they wouldn’t approve of Seth being there.

  But everything went well. We didn’t talk about what happened or that I ran away. They just wanted to know what I’ve been doing, and if I’m well. I know that talk will come, but I’m grateful it wasn’t today.

  As we get out of the car and start walking towards our apartments, things get uncomfortably quiet. I stop in front of number eight. Seth is so deep in thought that he doesn’t notice I’ve stopped. “Thank you for going with me,” I call after him.

  He stops and looks back at me, a look of confusion on his face.

  “Okay … ahh, I guess I’ll see you around,” I stumble through the words, not sure what else to say. I don’t understand what went wrong between leaving my parents place and arriving here. I take out my keys and go to unlock the door when Seth asks, “What are you doing?”

  I glance up at him. “I’m going home?”

  He shakes his head. “Not in there, you’re not.”

  “Huh?” I step back and look up to make sure I’m at number eight.

  “Lacey, that’s not home.” He closes the distance between us with a few steps. “You can’t stay on a couch. Your room is in number five.”

  “But,” I frown, not sure where he’s going with this. “I can’t just move in with you!”

  “I said there is a lot to talk about. That’s not going to happen with you hiding behind your friends. It’s time you realize that I’m going to be in your future.”

  I tilt my head, still not sure what he’s up to. “I can’t just move in with you,” I repeat lamely.


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