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Hagen, Lynn and Glenn, Stormy - End of the Line [Lady Blue Crew 1] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)

Page 6

by Lynn Hagen, Stormy Glenn

  “I’m here.”

  A moment later, Gigi felt Remy’s arms wrap around him. He leaned back into the man’s strong embrace, tilting his head back to look up at Remy. “Does anyone deliver this far out in space?”

  Remy stepped out of the shower, wondering how he managed to get the white foam from out of his ears, not to mention his unmentionables. It was going to take days, maybe months, to clean the mess hall up.

  There had to be a better way to get things repaired around here besides duct tape and a paperclip. That little trick wasn’t working anymore. Remy shuddered as he thought about how he had to kill the mechanical beast and save everyone. That was something he didn’t want to do ever again.

  “Are you all clean, angel?” he called into the shower. Gigi had tried to fool around while they were in there, and Remy was all for it, until he found white foam in…he shuddered.

  “As clean as I’m going to get. Next time you guys will believe me when I say an appliance is trying to eat me.”

  Remy chuckled as he ran his towel over Gigi’s wet hair. “I have to say, some of the strangest things come out of your mouth, and the scary part is that they’re always true.”

  Gigi tapped his index finger against his temple. “A broken brain always knows.”

  Remy’s hands stilled, the towel in mid-stroke as he stared down at his mate. “Why would you think your brain is broken, angel?” Remy didn’t think he had ever heard anyone refer to their brain as being broken before. What exactly did his mate mean? Remy didn’t think Gigi’s brain was broken. It was brilliant in his opinion.

  “Nothing,” Gigi replied as he curled his lips in and stared down at his fidgeting hands.

  Remy set the towel down and grabbed Gigi’s hands. “Talk to me, angel. I told you before that you can talk to me about anything. What did you mean when you said your brain was broken?” Remy’s chest tightened when he saw the tears Gigi was fighting hard to hide from him.

  “I just think differently from everyone else, that’s all.”

  Somehow Remy knew that wasn’t all of it, but he wasn’t going to push his mate if Gigi wasn’t ready to tell him. Remy led his mate from the bathroom and over to his bed. He took a seat and then pulled Gigi down next to him.

  “I’m not going to pressure you into telling me anything you don’t want to, but I want you to remember that you are safe on this ship.”

  Gigi nodded as he twined his fingers together. “Okay, cool, can we change the subject?”

  Remy didn’t want to, but he pushed the matter aside for now. He would get to the bottom of Gigi’s angst one way or another.

  “What subject are we changing it to, angel?” Remy really liked the gleam in Gigi’s eyes. His mate gave him a wicked grin as he scooted back on the bed.

  “I’ll give you three guesses, but I’m sure you’ll only need one.” Gigi teased as he palmed his thickening cock.

  “Politics?” Remy did a little teasing of his own.

  “Remy!” Gigi pouted as his thumb rubbed over the mushroomed head, the glistening pre-cum smearing all around.

  Remy could feel his canines lengthening as he scented his mate’s essence flowing from his body. He growled low in his chest as he climbed onto the bed and dipped his head, his tongue swiping across his mate’s cock and fingers, lapping up the clear liquid and moaning his approval.

  “Y–you guessed correctly.” Gigi groaned and spread his legs open. “Now you get the prize.”

  “Prize,” Remy parroted then he wrapped his lips around his mate’s cock. He circled his tongue around Gigi’s cock, giving a prolonged lick down the side and then back up the other. Gigi groaned and slid further onto his back.

  The sultry groans that spilled from Gigi’s mouth had Remy’s cock growing and thickening, ready to make his angel shout to the stars. It was a symphony to Remy’s ears as his tongue elongated, wrapping around Gigi’s cock.

  “R–Remy, how did you do that?”

  Remy’s chuckle was deep as his tongue slid around Gigi’s shaft before lowering to his mate’s sac. Remy loved having three forms. He was able to make any part of his body grow at will, including his tongue. It was something he had been dying to show his little angel.

  “Who cares? Just don’t stop.” Gigi hooked his hands behind his knees and pulled his legs to his chest, his head thrashing from side to side as little mewling sounds escaped his lips.

  Remy let his saliva drip down Gigi’s balls and watched as it trailed to his puckered hole. His tongue lapped at his mate’s sac and cock as he reached under him and stroked his own hardened shaft. He was trying to go slow, he really was, but he had a feeling it was a losing battle.

  “If you treat me like spun glass I’m going to kick you right out of this bed, Remy,” his angel threatened.

  Sir, yes, sir, Remy thought with a chuckle. He reared back and then planted his knees right behind Gigi’s thighs.

  “Be careful what you ask for, angel,” he warned as he lined his ten-inch cock up to Gigi’s hole. “Because you just might get it.” He pushed through the barrier on his last word, bottoming out in one thrust.

  “Next time. I’ll remember that next time,” Gigi cried out as his fists grabbed the sheets.

  Remy stilled, fearing his little show of power actually hurt his angel.

  “If you don’t move, you’re going back in with the foam,” Gigi bit out between clenched teeth. There was a raw desperation in Gigi’s voice that Remy couldn’t deny.

  Remy let the breath he was holding out of his lungs as he took his mate with quick, deep thrusts. Each thrust was more vigorous than the last. Remy dropped to his arms as he licked a long path from one side of Gigi’s neck to the other. His mate turned his head, giving Remy what he was after.

  Remy sank his canines into the heady flesh, feeling the bond between them growing. Wolf shifters bit their mates during sex to show dominance, but it also strengthened their bond each time the practice was done. It would get to the point that he and Gigi would feel as one.

  They would know each other’s thoughts and what they were feeling. It also marked Gigi, giving him Remy’s scent. No other shifter would dare approach his mate. Not with Remy’s scent broadcasting from Gigi’s skin.

  Remy growled as he licked the wound, sealing it as his head fell back and a roar echoed throughout their quarters. His hand wrapped around Gigi’s cock, milking it until Gigi was crying out his name.

  Remy lifted his hand as he gasped for breath and licked his mate’s seed until his hand was once again clean. He couldn’t get enough of how magnificent his mate tasted. Remy pulled his softening cock free as he stretched out beside his mate. Gigi looked dazed, his eyes glazed over and a big grin on his face.

  “Since you came first,” Gigi murmured, “you can clean up the mess hall.”

  Remy groaned as his head dropped to the pillow. What good was it to be commander if he couldn’t command his men to clean the mess hall for him? Remy snickered to himself as he drifted off to sleep, his angel cuddled next to him.

  Colt stood on the spaceport as he looked over the inventory pad. He chuckled when he saw Gigi had added a long grocery list to his errands. The main purpose here was to obtain the explosive charges Crank needed so they could all get paid.

  “Everything in order?” Krull asked Crank.

  “Looks like it. I’ll have this chest carried onto my ship,” he said as he paid for the explosive charges. Crank nodded, and Blade and Colt lifted the chest and carried it onboard. He and Krull shook hands as Crank walked away in search of the items on Gigi’s list.

  He entered the food market area, stands crowding every street. The smells were delicious, but the crowd made him antsy. After what Borjan said back on Nebular Nine, Crank wasn’t too thrilled to be out in public where he was exposed to anyone’s bullshit. Any asshole out here with half a brain would jump at the chance to collect the bounty on their heads.

  Crank knew there was a price on their heads, but he hadn’t realized it was so
high that even their clients were trying to turn them in to collect. They dealt with a cutthroat crowd, but there should be some kind of honor. At least the Elite Force used honor in their dealings. Too bad everyone else didn’t.

  Crank didn’t care what century, species, or planet it was, credits were the root of all evil.

  He touched the inventory pad to check off what he’d already bought as he purchased the things on Gigi’s list. It got to the point that he couldn’t carry the packages any longer without the pile threatening to topple over.

  Crank spotted a young man with blue skin standing by one of the stalls. “Hey, you, come over here.” The young man ran over to Crank, an expectant look on his thin, blue face. From the rags he was wearing, Crank knew he was an End of the Line vagrant. “I’ll give you five credits if you take these groceries back to my ship for me.”

  The young man’s face lit up at the amount Crank was offering. “Yes, sir.”

  Crank gave him the loading dock number and handed the packages off to the eager guy. But before the vagrant could take off, Crank snarled a warning. “If you’re thinking about stealing my food, believe me when I say I can track you to the edge of the universe.”

  The man shook his head. “I may be a vagrant, but I’m not a thief. And if you haven’t figured it out yet, we’re at the End of the Line. You know…” The man waved his hand around. “The edge of the universe.”

  “Don’t forget about the point beyond here, brat,” Crank warned as he held up his hand with the missing pinky. He had to hold back a grin. The guy had balls, he’d give him that.

  The vagrant gulped as his face paled, gripping the packages tightly. “I’ll be heading to your ship now.”

  Crank nodded and stepped aside for the guy to do what he was paid to do. His arms felt lighter as Crank finished checking off the list. By the time he was done, his arms were full again.

  “Gigi better be one hell of a cook to go through all of this trouble,” Crank grumbled as he walked back toward his ship.

  “Excuse me. Aren’t you one of the crew members on the Lady Blue?”

  Chapter 6

  Gigi smiled as he watched the blue man stack groceries on the shelves in the kitchen. The man was meticulous, which was an interesting trait in one so young. He was currently stacking stuff on the shelf in alphabetical order. Gigi couldn’t get over the fact that the man’s skin was really blue.

  He knew Crank had asked the man to bring the groceries to the ship, but after seeing the sad state of the man’s clothing, Gigi decided to throw in a few more credits if the man would help put the groceries away.

  “Is this everything?” the man asked as he turned to look at Gigi, the empty bag held in his hands.

  “You tell me.” Gigi chuckled as he took the bag. “You brought the stuff here.”

  “This is everything that man gave me.”

  “Then I guess that’s it then.”

  “Is there anything else you’d like me to do?”

  Gigi arched an eyebrow. “Can you cook or clean?”

  The young man rubbed his hands together as he looked around the kitchen. “I can clean.”

  “You’re hired.”

  The man’s eyebrows shot up. “Hired?”

  Gigi grinned at the astonished look on the young man’s face. He stepped forward and held out his hand. “Hi, I’m Gigi. This is my kitchen.”

  “Uh, hey.” A blue hand clasped Gigi’s pale one. “I’m Pax…er…Paxton Chambers.” The thin material of the man’s shirt moved when he shrugged. “I prefer Pax.”

  “Hi, Pax.” Gigi grinned. “Do you have family, Pax?”

  Pax’s dark eyebrows furrowed. “What does that have to do with cleaning?”

  Gigi quickly held up his hands. “Nothing, nothing, I was just wondering if there was any reason why you couldn’t leave End of the Line. Do you have obligations here that would prevent you from leaving?”


  “Are you interested in a job aboard a spaceship? I can’t offer you a lot of credits, but you will have free room and board.”

  “My own room?”


  Gigi could see the hesitancy in Pax. He wanted the job, and he wanted it bad, but he was also cautious. Gigi wasn’t exactly sure how to reassure the man. Something told Gigi that having Pax onboard would be a good thing. Gigi wanted to make it happen.

  “What would my duties be?” Pax asked.

  “Mostly cleaning. I cook for five very large crewmembers. That means a lot of dirty dishes. I could use the help. A few other duties might come up like helping keep the ship together and in working order.”

  “But I’d have my own room?”

  “Yes.” Gigi frowned. Pax seemed to be hanging on that one point. Realization suddenly dawned on Gigi as Pax chewed on his bottom lip, and he wanted to rip something apart. “You will be assigned your own room with a lock on it. No one will be allowed access without your permission except the commander.”

  “The commander?” Pax’s face paled to a translucent blue.

  “His name is Remy.” Gigi waved his hand around in the air. “This is his ship. He has access to every room on the ship, but he won’t enter your quarters unless it’s an emergency. He certainly won’t enter your room for anything else.”

  Gigi crossed his arms over his chest and narrowed his eyes at Pax’s pensive look. “And the commander belongs to me. Lay a finger on him, and I’ll push you out an airlock.”

  Pax’s face flushed, and a small twitter of laughter came from him. “Understood.”

  Gigi smiled. “So, do you want the job?”

  “Are you sure it’s okay?”

  “This is my kitchen,” Gigi said. “If I want to hire someone to help me, then I will. Besides, they aren’t about to argue with me. They like their home-cooked meals too much.”

  “Can’t they just use a food replicator?”

  “We don’t use food replicators on this ship.” Gigi growled. And they never would again if Gigi had anything to say about it. He refused to be eaten by an appliance.

  Pax’s eyes widened. “Okay.”

  Gigi flushed. He hated food replicators, but there was no reason to take it out on Pax. “I’m sorry. I had a bad experience with a food replicator recently. Damn thing tried to eat me.”

  Pax frowned, looking confused. “They can do that, I guess.”

  Gigi chuckled. “Come on, I’ll go introduce you to the commander, and then we can get you settled. Is there anything you need to go get? I’m not sure how long we’ll be here, so if there is, you need to go get it.”

  “No, not really.” Pax shrugged, glancing away. “Don’t have much.”

  “Yeah, I didn’t either when I joined up, just a bag.”

  “That’s more than I have,” Pax snorted.

  Gigi watched Pax as they walked down the corridor toward the bridge. The man wasn’t too much taller than him, maybe a couple of inches. He had wavy black hair that seemed to curl around his face, the bangs hanging down over his eyes as if to hide them from everyone. Gigi couldn’t imagine why. Pax’s eyes were the most vivid blue he had ever seen. They were the perfect match for his pale blue skin.

  Gigi saw Pax fall back when they reached the bridge. He hovered around the entrance as Gigi walked in. Gigi immediately searched the room until his eyes landed on the sex god he sought. He smiled and made his way over to his mate.

  “Remy.” Just seeing Remy made Gigi feel better. He wrapped his arms around the gorgeous shifter and leaned his head against Remy’s back. “Missed you.”

  Remy chuckled and reached back to pat Gigi’s side. “It’s only been a couple of hours, angel. You saw me at breakfast.”

  “Still missed you.”

  Gigi stood up on his tiptoes to receive the kiss he knew was coming when Remy turned around. Remy always kissed him. Personally, Gigi thought his wolf was a little addicted to kissing. Luckily, Gigi had no problem with that. He might be addicted himself.

  “Did you
get everything packed away, angel?” Remy asked when he raised his head a few moments later.

  “Uh, yeah.” Gigi bit his lip and glanced over his shoulder. “And I hired someone to help me in the kitchen.”

  Remy’s eyebrows shot up. A low growl began to rumble in his chest when he looked up and saw Pax standing by the door. “You hired someone?”

  Gigi nodded.

  “Without talking to me first?”

  Gigi leaned in close. “We need him, Remy. I don’t know why. I just know we do.”

  Remy stared for a moment then looked down, his eyebrows drawing together as he frowned. “Are you sure, angel?”

  Gigi nodded again. “I’m sure.”

  “All right, if you say so, but I still want him checked out.” Remy glanced back up at Pax. “He could use a bath and a fresh set of clothes, too.”

  “I told him he’d have his own room, Remy.” Gigi swallowed hard. “It’s important to him.”

  “I’m sure we can arrange something.”

  Gigi’s heart thumped hard in his chest as he gazed up at Remy. “Thank you for believing me.”

  “I’ll always believe you, angel.” Remy smiled and tapped the end of Gigi’s nose with his finger. “Now, let’s go meet your new friend.”

  Gigi turned and gestured to the frightened-looking man. “Pax, this is the commander, Remy. Remy, this is Pax, my new kitchen assistant.”

  Pax could feel his lips trembling as he smiled at the biggest person he had ever seen. He felt like he was shaking all of the way down to his toes. He couldn’t remember ever being this scared. And yet, he felt safe at the same time. He couldn’t explain it, but he did.

  “Hi,” he said then swallowed hard when the large man’s smoky grey eyes landed on him again. Damn, the guy was big.

  “Welcome aboard, Pax.” The commander smiled at him but didn’t try to shake his hand.

  Pax wasn’t sure if he was relieved or disappointed. He wanted to be a part of this crew, but he couldn’t figure out why. Pax backed up to the wall when two other men appeared on the bridge. Maybe he should have thought this through before agreeing to take the job. Large men were just plain scary.


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