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Page 13

by Tina Donahue

  Her fingers fondled his balls. Her nails scratched the base of his sac while her tongue… The hot little thing swirled around his crown, pausing, then concentrating on the uneven skin with all the nerve endings.

  Mitch ground his back teeth. He needed to think about something other than what Nikki was doing to him or he’d come too soon. His attention darted around the room, stopping on his brother. Connor was naked to the waist, his tee draped over his camera, his sandals near the stool. He released his waistband’s metal button and unzipped the fly, pushing his jeans and Jockeys down.

  Nikki’s mouth went slack around Mitch’s cock, telling him she’d heard what Connor was doing…or had watched it in the cheval mirror. Her focus was now on him, absorbed, unwavering.

  Connor kicked his clothes aside and went to her.

  She moaned softly at his hands on her ass, separating her cheeks, touching her anus and cunt.

  About time, Mitch thought. It was good to see his brother’s face so hard with need, Connor’s rod as stiff as his own, dividing Nikki’s attention.

  She let Mitch’s cock slip from her mouth. Breathless, she said, “Do it, Connor. Mount me.”

  “Quiet.” He kept her cheeks separated with his thumbs. “Take him back in your mouth or you’re not getting anything from either of us. Isn’t that right, Mitch?”

  He grunted his approval. Words were just too hard to form.

  With fawning diligence, Nikki tended to him, her tongue’s laps oh so slow and enticing on his crown. Mitch battled the sensations whooshing through him, but lost the fight to keep his eyes opened.

  Seconds later, Nikki’s satisfied gasp and Connor’s relieved groan told Mitch what had happened. His brother was inside her at last, where he belonged. Where they both did.

  It’s only about sex. Nothing more.

  Connor repeated that mantra as he sank into Nikki’s depths—narrow, hot, wet—her body as greedy for his as his was for hers. She flexed her inner muscles around his rod, urging him deeper, to enjoy her.

  He didn’t intend to do otherwise. Afterward… He wasn’t going to think or worry about that. This was only about sex.

  His skin tingled at the sight of her mouth loving Mitch’s cock while working his in her cunt. To reward her, Connor dipped his fingers in her moisture, using it to lubricate her anus. Nikki straightened a bit, forgetting to squeeze his rod. Her sucking sounds halted.

  “More,” Connor demanded. “Don’t you dare stop. Right, Mitch?”

  His brother moaned as though the Religious Right had managed to outlaw sex. Mitch clamped his hands on either side of Nikki’s head and moved his hips, working his shaft in and out of her mouth. Not about to let any man outdo him, Connor lifted one hand to her breasts, fondling her nipples roughly, while his other went to her anus. He burrowed the tip of his finger inside.

  Nikki wiggled and moaned. It did little good in convincing Connor to offer relief. He probed her narrowest opening and dropped his hand from her nipples to her clit. On his first stroke, she went completely still. On his second, she whimpered, wanting completion.

  Not yet. She’d made him wait close to fifteen years for this. A goddamn eternity.

  Mitch seemed of the same mind. He growled, growing increasingly excited and focused on what he had to have. Nikki’s mouth seeing to his satisfaction. Her willingness to be here. Her desire to remain. Her love.

  Connor frowned, resolved not to think about that. Devotion wasn’t an option when it came to her. Only this moment was tangible, and what few others they had during this weekend.

  He rubbed her nub, gauging his pace and the briskness of his touch by her reactions, learning quickly that she liked her sex uninhibited with few constraints. As he manipulated her clit, he eased out of her and plunged back inside, as hard as he dared.

  Nikki arched her back, trying to get closer to him. She squeezed her inner muscles around his cock even as she continued to tend to Mitch. Connor witnessed the rapture on his brother’s face at Nikki licking and suckling his shaft. He recorded the scene in his mind, because this couldn’t last. He wouldn’t allow it.

  When they were back in Atlanta, he’d pay her enough for the film so she could settle her account with them and maintain the fiction that she didn’t want charity. She’d get out of their lives then, allowing them to find other women, someone to love as much as they did her…or rather as much as Mitch still did.

  All of that crap was in the past for Connor. She was simply a beautiful woman, a means to pleasure. Seeking it, he slid back into her, losing his breath as he did.

  Purring sounds flowed from Nikki, reminiscent of a contented cat. Proud at what he’d accomplished, Connor pumped even harder, working her clit at the same speed, making certain not to neglect her anus, the passage stunningly tight and hot. He’d have her there too, as would Mitch. They’d make it a game to see which one of them took Nikki there first.

  They’d revel in every act, then say goodbye. For good this time. There was no other outcome.

  He still wanted her.

  Proof of that was in the way Connor tended to her pleasure along with his, paying attention to Nikki’s body language, adjusting his moves to every sound she made. He wasn’t simply scratching an itch or having a bit of fun as she’d anticipated and feared. This had meaning to him, just as the lovemaking between her and Mitch. Off camera and on.

  They should have been recording these moments. The brief glimpses Nikki caught of them in the mirror were amazing, what few erotic movies offered. Three people devoted to one another’s happiness despite what had happened in the past, born to be together no matter what.

  How well they all fit.

  With her throat opened, Nikki had already managed to take most of Mitch inside. He was a big guy, sure…however, she was more than determined. On Connor’s next thrust, the tip of her nose finally touched Mitch’s dark thatch of curls.

  She shivered at the musky odor of his skin, Connor’s balls spanking her ass, his cock sliding in and out of her sheath, his hands… Oh God, his fingers were driving her batty. The combination of him rubbing her clit and penetrating her anus while plunging into her was more than any woman could endure.

  A storm of enjoyment swirled within Nikki then broke, rushing from each opening to her legs, her arms, the back of her throat, the top of her head.

  She came fast and hard, followed by Connor, then Mitch. Her men released their ejaculate into her, each of them shouting in what seemed an attempt to best the other.

  To Nikki, it was a tie. Panting, she released Mitch’s cock at the same moment Connor pulled out of her. She was on the floor in a flash, sprawled out and gasping with greater effort than she’d ever done at the gym. Mitch sank to his knees and slumped to his back on her right side. Connor hung onto the table, face lifted, body bared for her to see.

  Nikki was unable to look at each part of him enough to satisfy her craving. He was as gorgeous as his brother, though different. Mitch’s torso was all smooth skin while Connor had a sprinkling of chest hair, the same dark shade as that on his face, head and groin. He was as hairy as Mitch there, but his cock wasn’t as dark or quite as long. Instead, it was thicker, his balls a trifle bigger than his brother’s.

  Nikki wondered how often they’d compared their equipment, with each insisting he was the better man. She bet they’d spent many a night during their teens debating it. Now that they were adults, she was going to make certain the subject didn’t come up again, not with her giving them equal attention.

  She rested her forearm on Mitch’s shoulder and lifted her other hand, offering it to Connor palm up, wanting him to join them. He had to be uncomfortable slouched against the table. His legs seemed ready to give out.

  With a weary grunt, he fell to his knees. They cracked hard against the floor.

  Nikki winced. “Oooh, ouch.”

  “Huh?” Mitch asked. “Did I hurt you?” He patted her arm, then let his own drop, his knuckles hitting the wood.

  Connor we
nt down the rest of the way, chin pointed to the ceiling, chest billowing, his body well away from her.

  A sliver of unease ran through Nikki. She chose to ignore it. He was too tired to move closer. He’d fallen where he’d stood. She’d drained him of all of his strength. Rather than worry needlessly, she should ask if he was all right.

  “I want more,” she blurted.

  Mitch groaned, no different from a typical guy who needed time to recover and just wanted to sleep. Making no sound at all, Connor draped his arm over his eyes.

  To shut her out?

  Maybe not. The corners of his mouth had edged up. Nikki wondered if Connor realized he was smiling, and figured he didn’t.

  “So, is that my punishment?” she teased. “No more of this?”

  “This what?” Mitch asked.

  She kicked his leg. “What do you think?”

  “I—” He didn’t finish. A prolonged yawn interrupted him.

  Nikki turned to Connor. “Well?” she asked. “You’re the director. Is this the extent of my punishment?”

  He swallowed, then lifted his arm. Sin was in his dark, dark eyes, along with something Nikki couldn’t quite read.

  “There’s more,” he murmured. “Far more.”

  Chapter Nine

  Given his tone, Nikki knew Connor wasn’t kidding. However, he did intend to make her wait for whatever he had in mind. He slid his arm back over his eyes. His fingers went slack and his mouth sagged open as he fell asleep. Mitch was already there. Both of them oblivious to her.

  In Connor’s book, Eve might have used this moment to her advantage and tried to escape. Silly girl. Nikki pushed to a sitting position. She played with the chain attached to her slave collar, amusing herself further by studying them, comparing features and body parts.

  The tufts of hair in Mitch’s armpits were a smidge lighter than Connor’s, with each shade appealing to Nikki. Before the day was through, she was going to press her face into that part of them, smelling their scents. She shivered at the thought, a tiny moan slipping from her, though not enough to wake either man.

  Her perusal continued, their slumber granting her the right to stare at them as they’d done to her when she’d stripped in Mitch’s office. Their nipples were similar in color and size, their navels again displaying their differences. Connor’s was a horizontal slit with a bit of skin hooding it at the top, while Mitch’s was circular. If they’d been identical rather than fraternal twins would that part of them been exactly the same, just like their features? Would their balls and cocks have been indistinguishable from the other’s?

  For the first time, Nikki wondered if they did have different fathers as the rumors always claimed. Had they wondered about that themselves? How awful. She reached out to touch them, then snatched back her hands, not wanting to disturb their peace. They’d had so little of it when she’d first come into their lives.

  Those days returned with amazing clarity, beginning with the tentative smiles they’d shared, followed by laughter, teasing, such good times, then silence and hurt. Her sorrow and shame was the last thing Nikki recalled, not even realizing she’d fallen asleep until she awoke with a start.

  Mitch and Connor faced the wall where the tools of discipline hung, arms crossed over their chests, which broadened their backs even more.

  Talk about dying and going to heaven. Nikki ogled all that luscious male muscle and skin, their tight asses, long legs and sinewy calves dusted with dark hair.

  “Think you can get it right?” Connor said, speaking low.

  Mitch matched his brother’s volume. “You honestly believe I’d do anything to risk fucking it up?”

  “Fuck what up?” Nikki asked.

  They looked over their shoulders.

  She sat cross-legged, not attempting to hide her wonderfully used cunt or the desire she continued to feel. “What are you talking about?”

  Connor couldn’t seem to pull his attention from her cleft, still damp from his cum. At last, he sighed. “Your punishment.”

  The straps, whips and riding crops looked no different from what Nikki recalled upon first seeing them. They were unbelievably menacing and completely exciting. “Oh yeah? What’s so hard about getting it right?”

  “Retakes,” Connor said. “If we have to do any, you’re going to get sore.”

  Mitch cut in. “That is, if you want to do this at all. You don’t have to.”

  “I don’t mind.” Many of Nikki’s fantasies revolved around men disciplining, then mounting her. Until now, she’d never allowed herself to engage in the actual act, afraid Ty or one of the other guys she’d slept with might actually harm her. “Which of those things are you going to use on me?”

  “You’re sure?” Mitch asked.

  “Yeah. So which one?”

  He mumbled. “Your choice.”

  Awesome. Stroking her chain, Nikki joined them by the wall, then ran her fingers down the riding crops, the cat o’ nine tails, the straps in a variety of widths. Having read The Story of O with her girlfriends in college, she avoided the crops and focused on a broad strap of thin leather as soft to the touch as her skin. “I like this one.”

  “It won’t leave any marks, right?” Mitch asked Connor.

  “Not if you do it correctly. That’s why I asked if you think you can handle this.”

  “Don’t you recall me saying that I have no intention of fucking it up? If you get the shot on the first take, we won’t have any problems.”

  “Yeah, I know. I’ve made a few of these films without you in the starring role, okay? Still, shit happens. I’m just trying to plan for all eventualities.”

  “Like what? Nikki getting hurt? You think that’s even a remote possibility? If you do, then we’re not going through with—”

  “Hey, hey,” Nikki interrupted.

  Both brothers turned to her, their teeth and fists clenched.

  “I’ll be all right,” she said, not wanting them to fight, especially over something that involved her. “I want to do this. Hell, I’m looking forward to it.”

  Before they could get over their obvious surprise, Nikki lifted the strap from its hook. With it draped over both palms, she offered it to Connor.

  He didn’t take it.

  “Go on,” she coaxed, pushing it closer.

  Connor stepped away, his shoulder bumping a riding crop. It fell from its hook, smacking into the floor. “Give it to Mitch. He’s going to be—”

  “No,” Nikki said. “I want you to punish me.”

  “What? No. I can’t.” He flung out his hand, gesturing to his camera. “I’m going to be filming it.”

  “Mitch can do that,” Nikki said. “All he has to do is point the camera in the right direction, which I would guess is my ass, then shoot.”

  “It’s not that simple,” Connor argued, “He’s never done this before.”

  “Neither have I. Nor have you.” Smiling, she leaned close and murmured, “Looks like we’re all virgins at this.”

  Mitch laughed.

  “It’s my fucking film,” Connor insisted.

  “No one’s trying to take it from you.” She rested her palm on his pec, her fingers playing with his springy chest hair. Lord, but it felt good. “I want you to be the one to punish me.”

  His irritation turned to unease even as a spark of lust crossed his features. “Mitch isn’t going to fuck up. He won’t hurt you, believe me.”

  “I know. You won’t either. Will you, Connor?”

  His face turned red. He focused on something past her. To hide what? His longing for retribution? Not physically, but emotionally for what she’d done to him.

  Nikki should have given up, changed the subject, joked that she’d been kidding, but couldn’t. In a quiet voice she said, “I’m sorry for what I did to you. I’ve regretted it every day since. I have no excuse. I just want you to know that as much as you and Mitch haven’t been able to rely on me in the past, I’ve always trusted you both to do what’s right. You’re
good men, the finest I’ve ever known, and I’m willing to be as vulnerable as you’d like…as I’d like. Please, let me have this chance to prove myself to you.”

  Connor looked at Mitch.

  He lifted his hands in surrender and backed away. “I’ve made my peace. You’re on your own.”

  “It’s a film,” Connor muttered to her. “Nothing more than pretending, just like in the BDSM room at the club. Of course I wouldn’t hurt you deliberately.”

  Nikki kept herself from sighing at an answer that skirted the issue. She’d have to reach his heart another way, whatever that might be. “Then give me some pleasure,” she said. “As deliberately as you can. Make it sexy, dirty and hot. Exactly as I like it.”

  “She’s not lying,” Mitch said. “Trust me, you won’t be sorry.”

  Connor ignored his brother and her. Rain drummed against the roof and the sole window, sounding too loud, its metallic odor permeating the room. Wavering shadows from the candlelight fell across Connor’s face. At this moment, he looked so young to Nikki, the same as when they’d been in high school. All he’d wanted then was her support, to know she had his back.

  He and Mitch would always have her love. Not that Connor would allow himself to believe her. Nikki brought back her hand, not wanting to push him too far, afraid he’d call off the rest of the weekend.

  He muttered something beneath his breath, then turned to Mitch. “You even know how to operate a camera?”

  “Of course he does,” Nikki blurted, amazed he’d agreed to do this. “Right, Mitch?”

  He rolled his eyes. “It’s not brain surgery, babe.”

  “Tell that to Nikki if you fuck up,” Connor shot back. “Fine,” he said to her. “I’ll do it. No restraints. Just like with Eve and her master in my book.”

  “Whoa,” Mitch said. “Not that intense.”

  “I don’t mind.” She kept her attention on Connor. “I want this to be realistic. I want it to blow me away. Let’s make a film.”


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