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Page 18

by Tina Donahue

  Precisely as he wanted, she struggled to reach Mitch’s cock, her tongue straining to lick him, every part of her aching to smell his skin and thick bush. He allowed their separation for a moment, then swore and moved closer, his warm, silky crown brushing her lips.

  “No, dammit—cut,” Connor snapped. “Make her work for it.”

  Mitch growled, “There isn’t a guy on Planet Earth who’s going to do that. Your reasoning is nuts.”

  “It’s his film,” Nikki said.

  Connor turned his fury on her. “I don’t need you defending me, all right? I don’t want you to—ever.”

  “Hey,” Mitch warned.

  “It’s okay,” Nikki said, her cheeks stinging from Connor’s admonishment. Tears pricked her eyes. She’d apologized for being such a stupid fool when they were young. She kept doing everything she could to prove she’d changed. What else did she have left?

  “I was only trying to be nice,” she explained, speaking more calmly than the pain in her gut should have allowed. “I am capable of that, and I can see you believe it, no matter how you’re acting.”

  “Of course he does,” Mitch cut in. “We’re all just tired and irritable. The sooner we get this thing made the better.”

  “I’m ready,” Alex offered.

  Connor returned to the spot where he’d been earlier. “Do it my way. As I directed.”

  “We will,” Nikki promised. She gave Mitch a pleading look not to say anything else.

  He bared his teeth at the ceiling, then stood where his brother had ordered.

  Good boy. What Connor wanted her to do might not have been easy, but it was possible. Soon, Nikki had Mitch’s crown in her mouth, her tongue teasing the small slit, tasting his pre-cum’s saltiness.

  On cue, the extras gathered on either side of him, stripping hurriedly, their cocks erect. Some of their shafts were quite long. Others surprisingly thick. All of them rising from a tangle of pubic hair and demanding her attention. As Eve would have done, Nikki gave all of her passion to her master, bringing him to an explosive climax.

  Mitch roared his pleasure.

  Connor ordered, “Lick him clean.”

  Gladly. Nikki tongued every trace of cum from Mitch’s cock, moaning at its texture and taste. She lapped his balls and the insides of his thighs, then snuggled her face into his groin, enjoying the rasp of wiry hair and the scent of sex.

  He panted, “Enough.”

  Never. She wanted last night back and all those years she’d missed with him and Connor.

  Having these moments, Nikki indulged herself in scene after scene.

  In the Great Room, the extras chained her to the mahogany-paneled wall, arms above her head, legs parted widely, candlelight illuminating her mouth and torso. The position caused Nikki’s breasts to spill out of the bustier and allowed a full view of her smooth cleft and lips. The cast reached out to touch her pussy and nipples, shoving each other aside so they’d be the closest to her.

  Mitch moved through them like a Viking invader, intent on taking what he desired. His stubble scraped Nikki’s cheeks and chin, his kiss ravished, hands roamed, leaving none of her unexplored.

  For hours they filmed, resting only briefly at the request of the crew, extras or Mitch.

  Through it all, Connor reserved his comments for what he wanted to see in his film, his previous irritation gone, replaced with cool detachment. He looked through Nikki rather than at her, much as she’d done to him in school. Even though she’d always realized how awful it must have been for him and Mitch, only now did she understand the totality of her actions.

  The reality sapped what remaining energy she had. The extras weren’t faring much better. Their sighs were loud, their cocks going soft as they slouched in chairs arranged in a semi-circle around her, indicating to the audience that she would now see to their carnal needs.

  “Maybe we should cut,” Alex suggested, sounding desperate to do so. “We’ve been at it all day. We’ve got tons of shots. More than we’ll ever need. It’s getting dark. Everyone’s tired.”

  “You got that right,” Mitch moaned. “I can’t take much more.”

  Nikki smiled. Out of camera range, he lay face down on the floor, arms folded beneath his head.

  “Is it okay?” Alex asked Connor.

  He regarded Mitch, then looked past her.

  “We can do some more tomorrow,” she suggested.

  Connor remained turned away. “Call it,” he said to Alex, then left the room.

  “Ah, sure,” Alex said, then mumbled, “Cut.”

  En masse, the cast and crew filed out, heading for their rooms to sleep or the kitchen to eat.

  In spite of his fatigue, Mitch pushed to his feet, helping Nikki to hers. He touched the edge of the bustier. “Let me get you out of this damn thing.”

  “I can do it.” She cradled his face, rubbing the pad of her thumb over his bristly upper lip. “I’ll join you upstairs after I take off my feathers and glitter, okay?”

  The lines at the corners of his eyes deepened with his tired smile. “You better or I’ll come looking for you.”

  “Will Connor be joining us?” A foolish question, she knew, but Nikki couldn’t keep from asking.

  If Mitch had any reservations, he didn’t show it. “He wants you as much as I do, always has. He’s missed you as much. He’s stubborn and dumber than a rock sometimes—”

  “Hey.” She pressed her fingers over his lips. “Don’t say that.”

  Mitch moved her hand away. “Whatever I say doesn’t mean I wouldn’t die for him, because I would. There are just times he needs a smack upside his head or a few minutes alone to think things out. Believe me, he’s probably doing that now. What happened between all of us last night isn’t something he or any man could forget. All right?”

  She hoped. “I’m looking forward to the rest of the evening.”

  “Me too. I’ll get some grub and bring it upstairs for all three of us.”

  A half hour later, Nikki had scrubbed her face and body clean. Wearing the silk robe from yesterday, she bounded upstairs, at the very least expecting Mitch to be in the room. Connor would be a bonus. Neither of them was there. The tray from last night was gone, the bed made by someone—possibly a housekeeper—she hadn’t seen.

  Downstairs, a few of the cast and crew were enjoying grilled steaks and beer in the dining room. Several more guys were in the kitchen, where Mitch had been heading so he could bring them some grub.

  He wasn’t in here either.

  “Can we get you something?” Alex asked.

  Just my guys. “No, I’m fine.” She forced a smile. “I was heading for Connor’s office.” Maybe he was still alone. Maybe she could talk to him. Maybe it would help. “He does have one here, right? I was looking for it, but got lost. This is such a huge place.”

  “No shit,” Felipe said, then pointed his beer bottle to the left. “Connor’s office is that way down the hall, last door.”


  To the men’s credit, they gave her sweet, innocent smiles even though they’d seen her nude and fucking like an escapee from an all girls’ school attending her first frat party.

  The office was well away from the bedrooms and public areas. From the end of the hall, Nikki heard Mitch and Connor’s raised voices. They were arguing? About her? What else?

  Leave. Now.

  She couldn’t. Padding closer, Nikki stopped at the edge of light spilling from the opened door.

  “You were being a prick,” Mitch said.

  “You’re entitled to your opinion.”

  “Not opinion. Fact.”

  “I was directing my fucking film.”

  “And you couldn’t do it with a little consideration?” Mitch asked. “I don’t want you talking to Nikki like you have been. She’s sorry, all right? She’s put up with your shit again and again and again this weekend to prove that. Time to be a big boy and give her a fucking chance.”

  Nikki flinched at something h
ard smacking down. A book? Connor’s fist on a desk?

  “Like you’ve done?” he asked.

  “Hell yeah.” Mitch sighed loudly. “What’s with you? You went at her last night like you’d never seen a woman before or you missed her as much as I have, then afterward you shut down. Why? And don’t you dare tell me you don’t want her because that’s shit and you know it.”

  “So I wanted her, so what? This was about sex, Mitch. Only sex. I chose to have some fun just like any other guy and I did. Now I’ve had my fill. It’s over. I don’t want to see her again. At all. Ever.”

  A wave of dizziness hit so hard, Nikki placed her hand on the wall for support.

  “It’s not over for me,” Mitch said.

  Connor made a sound of disgust. “You’re actually saying you want her to keep working at the club or in my films? Uh-uh. Not going to happen. You bulldozed me into this weekend, but that’s all. As half owner of our company, I vote no to her being around. She’s through as of tomorrow when we’re finished filming.”

  “I don’t give a fuck if she works at Wicked or in your precious movies. Hell, I didn’t want her to from the beginning, no different than you.”

  “Then what you’re saying is you intend to start dating her or have her move in with you. Or are we planning an engagement and wedding here? She did all that crap to both of us, she came back only because she needed us to help her, to be her friend when no one else would, just like in high school before she suddenly became popular and you—”

  “That’s not true,” Mitch snapped.

  “What isn’t?” Connor argued. “Her waiting to come back until she was up against the wall financially or her being the same person she was when we first met her? If you honestly believe she’s changed, then why didn’t she contact us when she was in college and was supposedly past all that teenage crap, or during her good years when she and that jerk she was married to were on top of the world?”

  “Maybe she was ashamed at how she acted. Maybe she figured you’d behave like a goddamn SOB. “

  “Maybe she didn’t care then like she doesn’t care now.”

  “Connor, dammit, don’t do this.”

  “Do what?” he growled. “Look out for our own best interests? You sure as hell aren’t. You keep siding with her over me.”

  “I’m not siding with anyone.”

  “Sure you are.”

  “I want her, okay? I love her. Always have. Always will. And if that means going against your code of honor or whatever the hell you call it, then so be it. Do what you want, but if you say one more unkind word to her, if you even look at her the wrong way, you and I are through. You’re no family of mine, got it?”

  Nikki’s hand flew to her mouth, muffling her moan. She’d never wanted things to reach this stage or to ever come between them.

  She hurried down the hall before they could realize she’d heard their argument.

  It’s over, Connor had said.

  He was right. Always had been. What she’d done didn’t deserve their forgiveness and no way would she allow Mitch to make a bad decision that would affect his relationship with his brother.

  She didn’t have that right. After so much foolish hope, Nikki finally knew what she had to do.

  Chapter Twelve

  Wearing his “everything’s just great” face, Mitch entered the bedroom, a tray of goodies in his hands.

  The mattress was empty. Nikki wasn’t sitting in any of the chairs.

  He turned slowly, scanning the monstrous room, all the plants she wasn’t hiding behind, and then he sniffed, catching her fragrance. Not what remained from last night. This scent was stronger, as though she’d applied more perfume to herself as she had in one of the film’s scenes, running it beneath each breast, around her areolas, the tips of her nipples, the length of her cunt.

  Maybe she was in the bathroom. Hoping for that, eager as all hell, Mitch headed that way. “Nikki?”

  She emerged naked, her forehead and cheeks shiny without the makeup, freckles exposed, her hair freshly washed, her eyes brimming with tears.

  Oh shit. Had his damn brother come up here and yelled at her while Mitch had been in the kitchen throwing together their meal? “What’s wrong? What happened?”

  She stepped back. “Nothing. Why? I’m fine.”

  Bull. “You’re crying.”

  “What? No. Something was in my eye.” She swiped at them. “Probably a lash.”

  “It better not be that stupid glitter.” He put the tray down and cupped her face, studying her reddened eyes. Tears spilled from them.

  “I’m okay,” Nikki whispered. She moved into him, slipping her arms around his torso, the side of her face on his shoulder. “Make love with me, all right?”

  Did she honestly believe she had to ask? Mitch ran his hand down her smooth back, resting his fingers on the dimples above her cheeks. “You’re not too sore?”

  “Are you?” She held him even harder, her mouth to his neck, her breath heating his skin. “Do you want to forget about it and just sleep? It’s okay if that’s the way you feel. I understand.”

  “Yeah, I can tell.” He eased her hold on him and leaned back so he could see her face. Nikki kept her head down, though not enough to hide how she sucked her bottom lip. “What happened…did someone say something to you?”

  “No.” She sagged back into him, caressing him once more. “I just wanted to make love with you again before the night was over.”

  Hell, it had barely begun.

  He swept Nikki into his arms, carrying her to their bed. Even after she was on the mattress, she didn’t let go, clinging to him as she hadn’t done earlier. It didn’t take a mind reader to know what was going on with her.

  “Connor will be up later,” Mitch lied. No way was he going to tell her what his brother had said or that the fool didn’t want her at the club any longer. He’d work things out, somehow. Now wasn’t the time to go into that. “He’s talking to one of the crew about something. Shit that couldn’t wait.”

  “Make love with me,” she whispered.

  Mitch stretched out beside her, cuddling Nikki instead. “Everything’s going to be okay. You do believe that, don’t you?”

  “Not if you don’t fuck me right now.”

  “Hey.” He placed his hands on either side of her face and pushed to one elbow so he could look at her. The desperation in her expression matched what he’d heard in her voice. “We’re not going to fuck, we’re going to make love just like you said, remember?”

  Her grin wobbled. “Vaguely.” She grew serious. “Do whatever you want. You’re my master.”

  “Connor and I both are,” he corrected, continuing to pretend, hoping for the best. “And don’t you forget it.”

  She giggled at him, rubbing the tips of their noses together. She sighed contentedly as he entered her.

  “Does it sting?” she murmured.

  Like crazy. The last time he’d been this sore was in college when women—the really hot ones—began throwing themselves at him because they hadn’t known about his sorry past, how he and Connor had lived in squalor with their grandmother. His tees and jeans hadn’t been designer then, but they were new and always clean, the same as his dorm room and later his apartment. “Don’t worry about me.” He kissed Nikki’s throat, damp with perspiration from the sticky weather. “I’ll work through the pain.”

  “No.” She dug her nails into his back. “I don’t want to hurt you ever.”

  “Then quit clawing me.”

  Immediately, she stopped and rubbed the areas she’d scraped. “Oh my God, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean—I didn’t want—I shouldn’t have—”

  “Hush.” Mitch quieted her with his kiss, both tender and deep. He made love to her not as a horny guy who needed relief, but as a man who’d been drifting too long and finally found sanctuary.

  His shelter was within her eager caress and willing body, the halting breaths she took, the moans that poured from her, followed by a s
eries of gentle sighs. He kissed the corners of her eyes, tasting a trace of her tears’ saltiness. He eased out, then slipped back into her repeatedly, creating a gentle friction between them that built too fast. The noise of his body smacking into hers soon filled the space, along with their huffing breaths, her whimpers, his groans. He wanted to hold off forever, but shouted his release within minutes, mere seconds after her, resigned that it would have to do.

  Until the next time.

  With Nikki and him, at least, there would always be that.

  * * * * *

  Mitch slept without interruption or dreams, jerking awake for no reason he could discern. He squinted at the outside light, the sun finally making an appearance in the nearly flawless sky. Plump white clouds hovered on the horizon not daring to get closer. Dropping back to the mattress, he reached for Nikki, wanting her again.

  Twice more he’d taken her last night. The truth was, they’d never been separated. While he waited for his cock to re-inflate the second and third time, he’d remained deep within her cunt, their bodies joined as they should be, his kisses lazy and exploring, matched by hers. They necked as they’d once done in her parents’ garage.

  She didn’t ask about Connor, why he’d never joined them. Mitch hadn’t mentioned his brother again. In a way, he’d been grateful Connor was still being a pigheaded fool. It allowed Mitch to have Nikki all to himself for a change, to be the sole man responsible for her whimpers, sighs, laughter and wanting moans.

  He rolled over, fully expecting to land on top of warm female flesh, but got a pillow instead. Tossing it aside, he frowned at the empty bed, chairs, room.

  “Nikki!” he hollered, figuring she was in the bath when he needed her sweet little ass back here.

  Mitch called for her once more, but still didn’t get his wish. Pushing to one elbow, he listened for water running in the shower or the toilet flushing and got the irritating wail of gulls instead. Had she gone downstairs to get them breakfast? Had Connor cornered her in the kitchen, spewing his venom that was nothing more than his fear of her hurting him again?


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