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A Lesson in Patience

Page 12

by Jennifer Connors

  “You too, Ginny. See you tomorrow.”

  Ginny stood up and walked back to the house. She hoped that it didn't escape Colby's notice that she did not bother to offer him the same.

  Chapter 15

  The next morning, Ginny had to deal with Nate, who was depressed over, once again, being left behind.

  “It ain't fair, Ginny. I can do anything Frank can do.”

  “It isn't fair,” she said, once again correcting him. “I know it isn't, Nate. It's just the way things are. You'll catch up, you'll see.”

  Nate kicked the dirt with his feet. Ginny had decided at breakfast that Nate could have a day off as well. They were outside trying to decide what to do with their day.

  The sun had already climbed up the sky and the day was turning hot. Ginny could already feel herself sweating through her layers. She only had two dresses, plus two more that Georgia had given her. If it got any hotter this summer, she would be doing laundry every other day.

  “I know. We can go to the swimmin' hole. It ain't far. We can ride there in no time. Please, Ginny, can we? Can we?”

  Ginny was starting to love his expressions. It occurred to her that she might not fall in love with Colby, but she certainly did love Nate. He was everything she'd always wanted in a child of her own.

  “Do you think that Georgia will join us?”

  “Yeah. You go ask her, and I'll go ask Vas. He'll come too, I bet.” Not a second later, Nate was off running toward Vas, who was with another horse in the corral.

  Ginny went off in search of Georgia. She had to ask her what they should wear to go swimming. Did they even have swimsuits in this time period? Ginny had no clue. One thing was for sure, she didn't want to go skinny dipping.

  It took over an hour to get ready. Everyone had a job to do: Georgia and Ginny collected towels, a blanket and a picnic basket full of food. Nate and Vas got the horses saddled and loaded the goods. Turns out that Georgia had some bathing gowns for the two girls to wear. Over that, Georgia gave Ginny a pair of pants and old shirt to wear while riding. At this thought, Ginny started to panic.

  “Listen, guys, I don't remember how to ride a horse.”

  Vas responded, “Don't worry. I'll stick close by you, and we won't go fast.”

  “But that's half the fun,” Nate whined.

  Georgia, seeing the look on Ginny's face, offered, “I'll ride ahead with Nate. You and Vas can take your time.” She smiled at them both, although Ginny thought it was meant primarily for Vas.

  “Thanks, Georgia. I owe you one.”

  Nate and Georgia took off in a run. Vas explained that it was better if they went slow since they were carrying the supplies. Ginny thought that Vas could be pretty sweet when he wanted. As they rode on in silence, she thought about their kiss. Truth be told, it was hot. As she had laid in bed that night, she wondered if she wouldn't have taken him up on his offer of sex if one had come.

  Vas had other things on his mind. Colby would be pretty mad if he knew about the kiss. Although they both claimed to not be married “officially,” Vas felt some jealousy from Colby after Ginny left them the night before. Colby had been his friend for longer than he could remember. He knew Colby didn't want to lose another teacher, but if he made an honest woman of Ginny, she'd stay on with the boys. Vas considered talking to Colby about it last night, but something held him back. He wondered if Colby didn't feel more for Ginny than he let on.

  Finally, Vas couldn't take the silence any longer. “About last night...”

  When Vas paused, Ginny thought that might have been an '80's movie title. It made her smile. She turned toward Vas and said, “Last night?”

  “Don't play coy, Ginny. You know I mean the kiss.” His dark eyes shone in the sunlight. Ginny was turned on just watching him.

  “The kiss. Yes. I do seem to remember a kiss.”

  Now it was Vas' turn to smile. “I need to talk to Colby about this.”

  Ginny felt something inside her tighten. She couldn't explain what it was, only that something inside her was warning her to not let that happen. Shaking her head, she wondered if those powers that be that sent her here in the first place were sending her a message. Grimacing, she thought she didn't care. Although truthfully, she did.

  “What do you plan to say?” she asked, her voice betraying her fear.

  Vas caught her tone and asked, “You don't think he'd hurt you, do you?”

  “What? No. I guess I'm asking if you want to continue our relationship. I didn't mean to make you think that Colby was ever violent. He can be a complete jerk sometimes, but he's never threatened me with violence.”

  Letting out the breath he'd been holding, Vas felt relief. The last thing he wanted to do was beat up his best friend. But if he ever found out he'd done such a heinous thing, Vas wouldn't think twice about putting things right.

  Now it was Vas' turn to feel uncomfortable. Did he want to continue their relationship, as Ginny put it? The kiss had been incredible and he was getting hard all over again just thinking about it. But was he ready to fully commit to a woman? Vas' parents had told him that when he met the right woman, he'd have no problem committing. He'd do anything to spend the rest of his life with that woman.

  “I like you. I'd like to get to know you better.” That was as far as Vas was willing to go at this point.

  Ginny felt him hedging and was actually relieved by it. Maybe he didn't want a relationship with her. Maybe last night they had both gotten caught up in a moment that really meant nothing.

  “Well, how about you hold off on that talk just now. How about we be friends first?”

  Smiling, Vas said, “Never had a friend who was a woman before.”

  “Well, you don't know what you've been missing.”


  The swimmin' hole, as Nate put it, was more like a lake. Not huge, by any means, but large enough to fit a few boats on. It was picturesque, with a waterfall on one side and a shady meadow on another.

  “Do you know how to swim?” Nate asked Ginny as they put their stuff down and walked to the water's edge.

  Ginny could swim like a fish, but couldn't admit to that since she had no idea who she really was. So, she stuck with her usual answer. “I don't know. I don't feel any fear, so maybe I do.”

  Smiling, Nate took off his outer clothes. Wearing only his drawers, he jumped into the water and started swimming toward the waterfall.

  Ginny couldn't help herself when she called, “Be careful, Nate.” The sentiment made her smile. She could really get used to this mothering thing.

  Georgia and Ginny removed their clothes and waded into the water slowly. The bottom was rocky at first, but then they reached the muddy part. Ginny felt the sendiment squishing between her toes and thought that some women in her time pay big money to get this stuff rubbed on their faces.

  The water was cold, being fed from snow melt in the mountains. Still, it felt good on the warm day. Holding each other's hands, the women made their way into the water up to their waists. Georgia was giggling and Ginny was smiling. All of a sudden, Vas came running to the edge, throwing himself into the water with a giant splash.

  Georgia started to laugh, admiring the view of a half naked Vas, swimming in Nate's direction. Ginny was admiring it as well.

  Staring at Colby's sister, Ginny noticed something in her eye that she hadn't noticed before. It hit her like a brick to the head. Oh my God, Georgia likes Vas.

  Trying to be subtle, and failing miserably, Ginny asked, “You've known Vas a long time now, huh?”

  Turning her view back to Ginny, Georgia replies, “Yes. My whole life really.”

  “He seems like a great guy. I've only spoken to him a few times, but he's very polite. Charming, some would say.”

  Looking down at the water's surface, Georgia face turned dejected. Lowering her voice, she said, “Yes. There are many women who think so.”

  “Do you think so?”

  Never taking her eyes off the water, Georgia
nodded. Then, Ginny saw some tears hit the water.

  “Georgia, what's wrong?” Ginny reached over and pulled her face up to meet hers. Georgia immediately turned away and started to make her way back to the shore. Once out of the water, she sat down on a large rock. Following her out, Ginny sat next to her and waited for an explanation.

  Taking a deep breath, she explained. “Vas looks at me like I'm his little sister. No matter what I do or say, he just pats my head and walks away.”

  Trying to be reassuring, Ginny said, “Men are pretty stupid. And they can't take a hint if it hit them on the head. Maybe I could talk to him. Get him to see you for what you are... a beautiful, young woman.” Ginny paused as she turned to watch the two boys playing in the water. “Is that what you want? Is Vas who you want?”

  Looking Ginny in the eye, desperation marring her pretty face, she replied, “Oh yes, Ginny. He's the only one I've ever wanted. And you know how many men come to call on me. I only compare them to Vas. He's always been the one.”

  Ginny resisted the urge to roll her eyes. Instead, she decided that she would help. Or interfere, depending on how one looked at it. Ginny had some experience in setting couples up.

  “Okay. Then I'll do everything I can to make it happen.”

  Georgia's face looked confused. “But I thought you and Vas were...”

  “Were what?”

  “Oh, nothing. I just thought he might be interested in you.”

  Ginny scrunched her face in confusion. Where would she get that idea? Had either of them done or said anything that would lead the others to assume a relationship? Oh well, it didn't matter.

  “I think he likes me as a person. As far as romance, he may have thought of me as his only option, since we haven't gotten him to look at you yet. But don't worry, he will.” Ginny smiled and winked.

  The two women got back into the water and swam over to the guys. The day turned out to be a lot of fun. Ginny hadn't played in the water for a long time. In her real life, there were so many other things to do. Even on her last beach vacation, she'd spent more time sick, than swimming or boating. Most of all, she liked spending the day with Nate and Georgia, who she was coming to think of as her own family. Even Vas was entertaining, telling stories of his more PG rated adventures.

  When it was time to leave, Ginny suggested that Georgia ride with her brother again, then she and Vas would take up the rear. At first, Georgia looked put off, but when Ginny gave her the “remember what we talked about earlier” look, she smiled and thought it was a good idea.

  As they rode back to the ranch, Ginny asked Vas, “Georgia certainly has grown up, hasn't she?”

  Confused, Vas asked, “You've only known her a couple of weeks. What makes you say that?”

  “Sometimes I can see the little girl she was. But mostly, she's so beautiful, inside and out. Obviously, she's stunning. But she's also so sweet and kind. You know that she's helped me out so much since I came here.”

  Vas' face remained neutral when he asked, “How so?”

  “She's given me extra dresses, because I only had a couple. She's teaching me how to knit and helps me keep an eye on the boys. She helps Nizhoni in the kitchen. Did you know that? Your mother is teaching her how to cook. She's spectacular. She makes the best biscuits.”

  Shaking his head, he replied, “No, I didn't know that. She's always been a sweet girl.” His voice trailed off at the end, as though he was considering something he'd never considered before. Which was, of course, exactly what Ginny wanted.

  Smiling, Ginny remained silent the rest of the way home. Once the seed was planted, it takes some time to grow, although Ginny planned to water it a few more times to see if it took hold.

  Chapter 16

  When they arrived home, Nizhoni informed them that Colby and Frank had come home only long enough to pack up some extra supplies and head east. Some of their stock had wandered off in search of better grazing, so the men needed to round them up and bring them back. They would be gone a few days.

  Ginny had to admit that she was pleased by this. For one, she wouldn't have to deal with Colby. But it would also give her time to put her plan into action, getting Vas to see Georgia as something other than a child.

  That night at dinner, Ginny made a few more subtle comments, directing Vas to what a good wife Georgia would make. How considerate she was for helping with the boy's schooling and what a wonderful mother she'd be someday. Vas smiled and acknowledged her comments, keeping quiet afterwards, hopefully thinking.

  It wasn't until late the next day, after Ginny and Nate had worked through some challenging math equations together, that Ginny bumped into Vas again. He was mucking stalls in the barn, looking hot, sweaty and simply delicious. Ginny had to wonder why she wasn't grabbing him for herself.

  “Hi Vas,” she said, walking over and sitting on one of the bales of hay.

  “Hey Ginny,” Vas put the rake down and walked over to where she was sitting. “Where's Nate?”

  “He's still working on math. Got to say, not my favorite subject.”

  Vas smiled and took the seat next to her. Looking at his feet, he asked, “I was thinking about...” When he paused, Ginny turned and looked at him.

  Prompting him, she said, “You were thinking about...”

  “Aww, Ginny. I don't know how to tell you this.”

  “May I suggest you just spit it out.” He looked at her, and she smiled back.

  “I was thinking of courting Georgia.”

  Ginny's face lit up like the sun. “That's great, Vas. I happen to know that she really cares about you too.”

  “But... I thought... you and I...” It was almost sexy watching him sputter.

  Putting her hand on his arm, he watched her intently. “I'm sorry if I led you on. To be honest, I really like you, but I don't think we were meant to be together. The kiss was... well, it was spectacular. But I obviously have a few things to work out with Colby before I can consider another man. Thanks for making me feel special.”

  Vas turned his head slightly, then whispered, “You are special, Ginny. And if things don't work out with you and Colby, I know a few guys who would love to show you just how special you are.”

  Strangely, Ginny felt tears in her eyes. She turned her head, not wanting Vas to see how she felt. She'd had two guys fall in love with her and make her their world. Maybe she was just getting used to the feeling. Colby did not make her feel that way, that was for sure.

  Standing up to leave, Ginny said, “Thank you. If I can do anything to help you out, with Georgia I mean, just let me know.”

  Ginny walked from the barn, feeling both elated and deflated. She was happy that Georgia would get her happy ever after. Still, being stuck in this limbo didn't sit well. She remembered how she sat for a year waiting for Colin to return. She certainly didn't want to go down that avenue again. Maybe it was time she moved things along. But how was she ever going to get Colby to stop being so angry with her and fall in love with her instead?

  Chapter 17

  Colby, Tim and Frank were gone for four days. A lot had changed in that time. Vas was courting Georgia at a furious pace. Ginny had warned both of them to keep their time together respectable. They had plenty of time to get to know each other biblically after they were married. Ginny caught them kissing a couple of times, always breaking them up and sending Georgia away. Vas would smile at her, but she let him know that she was in charge of keeping Georgia out of trouble, just as much as Nate and Frank.

  The trio returned early in the afternoon, with Nate running out to greet them. Georgia and Ginny had taken the cart to town to retrieve a few things from the mercantile. Nizhoni knew that Vas was asking for Georgia's hand, and wanted to make a special dinner to honor it, so she asked the girls to get a few supplies.

  It was after three o'clock by the time Georgia and Ginny returned. Georgia stopped the cart in front of the house, so Ginny could deliver the needed supplies to Nizhoni. Jumping down, she rounded the cart t
o pick up the food when the front screen door slammed against the house. Out came Colby, looking his usual pissed off self.

  Walking down the front steps at a face pace, Colby turned to his sister. “Is it true?” was all he asked, but everyone knew what he was referring to.

  Georgia's head dropped to the reins in her hands. Barely above a whisper, she responded, “Yes. I love him.”

  “What?” Colby screamed. Ginny jumped at the sound, watching Colby to make sure he wouldn't do anything violent. Colby gave the impression of bite, but, so far, he'd been all bark. Ginny didn't want to know what would happen if that changed.


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