Agent Morris got back on his cell phone and relayed the message to the caller. I suspected that it was Agent Sean because he mentioned in an earlier conversation that he and a couple more agents were going to head over to the clinic and wait for Bishop to get there. But, after hearing this call, I’m forced to believe that he hasn’t run into him as of yet. “Is that Agent Sean?” I blurted out.
“Yes. He’s saying that he’s at the clinic but Bishop isn’t nowhere in sight.” Agent Morris said.
It was definitely a shocker to hear that Bishop hadn’t gotten to the clinic yet. And not to jinx myself, but it wouldn’t surprise me if he got there and spotted the FEDS posted up and left. “Well, I don’t know what to say. He said he was going there. So, maybe he changed his mind.” I said.
Agent Morris spoke with Agent Sean for another minute or so and then he hung up with him. But less than one minute later, my cell phone rang. And my heart started pounding instantly. I knew it was Bishop before I looked at my phone. He was the only one besides Bria who had my number so this was a scary moment for me. Both agents ran into my bedroom the minute they heard my Blackberry ring. “Is that Bishop calling you?” Agent Morris asked me.
I looked down at my phone. “Yeah, it’s him.” I managed to say. My heart was beating uncontrollably.
“Answer it before he hangs up. But put it on speaker.” He instructed me.
“Hello,” I finally said. I tried to act as cool as possible. I couldn’t afford to bring any suspicion upon me. Bishop was already a leery man. And he trusted absolutely no one, especially after what Bria did to him. So, I had to play this thing right.
“Where the fuck you at?” he screamed through the phone.
I was so at a lost for words. I didn’t know what to tell him. So, I looked at both of Sean’s watchdogs for their assistance. “Tell him, you’re getting ready to leave the apartment.” Agent Morris whispered.
“I’m getting ready to leave the apartment.” I finally said.
“What are you fucking stupid or something? Didn’t I tell you to meet me like almost forty-five minutes ago?” he spat.
“Yeah, but I was trying to pack up some clothes, so that took a little of the time.” I explained.
“Did I tell you to pack up come fucking clothes?” he roared.
“Well, why the fuck are you wasting my time Lynise? I’m trying to get the fuck out of Jersey and you’re fucking around with my shit. Now, getcha’ ass out of the house now.”
“Ask him will he still be at the clinic?” Agent Morris whispered.
“Did you still want me to meet you at the clinic?”
“Hell nah! I left that place a long time ago. Niggas kept looking at me strange at that joint so I dipped.” He began to explain. “Meet me at the outlet mall and go to the food court and I’ll meet you there.”
“Ask him what kind of car he’s driving?” Agent Morris whispered once again. But this time, his words came out a little louder and unfortunately Bishop heard him.
I tried to muffle my phone but it was too late. “Who the fuck is that talking?” he flipped out.
“It ain’t nobody. That was the TV you heard.” I tried to cover it up.
“You’re a motherfucking lie bitch! I know what I heard! You’re trying to get me locked up like that other bitch! But I got something for y’all asses!” he screamed.
Immediately after he went on his ranting spree, the phone went dead.
I swear, I hadn’t been so terrified in my life. I thought Duke’s ass was crazy when I was fucking around with him. But Bishop got more serious problems that Duke. This damn man just threaten my life and I was definitely not okay with it. So, I looked at Agent Morris and said, “Thanks for putting me on his fucking hit list!” Then I got up from my bed and left my bedroom.
Both agents followed me down the hall. We all ended up in the kitchen. “Don’t worry about him. We have the best agents working on this case so you’re perfectly safe with us.”
I grabbed a bottle of water from the refrigerator and laughed at him. “You should be a comedian. Because that shit you just said was funny as hell.”
“Listen Lynise, it’s alright to be worried. But I promise you, you’re gonna be fine.” he continued.
“I find that hard to believe, especially when we’re dealing with a motherfucker who killed his own sister because she ratted him out. He didn’t give a damn about her after he found out she was compromising his business. He didn’t care that they slept in the same bed when they were kids. So, do you think he’ll spare my life just because I fucked him a couple of times? Hell nah, he sure ain’t! He’s going to hunt me down like he does everyone he sets out to kill. And then he’s going to go into attack mode. Now I want you to remember that when he comes looking for me.”
After I gave both of those dummies my speech I went back into my bedroom. Agent Morris followed me back down the hallway while Agent Wise stayed in the living room. He tried to give me his little pep talk but that shit was bogus. That shit he was saying didn’t make any sense. I tried to block him out but I couldn’t so I said, “Please stop wasting my time because there’s nothing you can say that’s gonna make me think any different. I know how Bishop is. I spent a lot of time with him when we were in my hometown. I’ve seen the treacherous shit he’s done to people first hand, so I don’t wanna keep hearing you tell me that everything is going to be alright because it’s not. So, let’s face it. I’m fucked! End of story!”
“Would you prefer that we put you in Witness Protection?” Agent Morris offered.
“Hell nah! Are you crazy?” I spat. “Y’all should’ve left me alone and let me walk out of that front door and I wouldn’t be in this fucked up situation.”
“I’m sorry. But I was only going by orders.”
“Fuck them orders! They ain’t worth the paper they were printed on.” I said after I sat back down on my bed. I was livid to the point that I would’ve swung on Agent Morris if he was close enough to me. It was obvious that he didn’t know what the hell he was talking about. I knew what time it was. I also knew that it was a matter of time before he’d try to collect his money, his dope package and me.
My life is in shambles!
Cheaper to Keep Her part 3 Unique
Can You Say Psycho? – Chapter Twenty-Five
Agent Morris got Agent Sean back on the phone after Bishop screamed on me and gave me the dial tone. I heard him tell Sean about the conversation Bishop and I had. He also expressed his concerns for my well-being. He told Sean how Bishop threatened me and that they needed to get me out of this apartment. I couldn’t hear Sean’s response, but I could tell by Agent Morris’ expression that it was favorable. “Okay, we’ll be ready when you get here.” Agent Morris told Sean.
I was front and center during their chat but I needed to know the specifics so I asked Agent Morris what was their plan? “Agent Foster is en route and as soon as he gets here, we’re going to transport you to a secure location.”
“What’s gonna happen after that?” I questioned him.
“I’ll let Agent Foster brief you on that when he gets here.”
“Why do I have to wait for him to get here before I find out what y’all gon’ do with me? Now see that’s some bullshit!”
“Agent Foster heads this investigation. So, we have to wait to see how he wants to handle this situation.”
Listening to Agent Morris blow smoke up my ass was beginning to piss me off. I knew he had clout amongst the other agents so why was he playing games? This was my life hanging in the balance and all these two dummies wanted to do was walk around here like they had broomsticks stuck up their asses.
After hearing enough of the lies Agent Morris was telling me, I got up and excused myself to the bathroom. I had to take a dump real bad. But I held out all this time because I didn’t want to blow up the bathroom while they were here. Not to mention, I had a thing for privacy when I’m doing number two. I guess the privacy wagon went
out the window the moment those two agents walked through my front door.
“I’m in the bathroom if y’all need me.” I announced. Agent Morris nor Agent Wise acknowledged that they heard me so I closed the door and handled my business.
I sat down on the toilet and went straight into thought mode. I wondered how long they were going to detain me. And I also wondered about the possibility that I may not come out of this thing alive. The thought of that alone, scared me too death, but I had to be real with myself to be able to see the bigger picture. So believe me you, the writing was definitely on the wall.
Five minutes of bathroom time would generally do it for me, but after I took care of my business, I washed my hands in the bathroom sink and then I stood there and stared at myself in the mirror. I was a very attractive woman but it sure looked like I had aged a few years in these last couple of months. I believe that my circumstances surrounding my involvement with Bishop had taken its toll on me. And the only way I’d be able to reclaim my sanity is by getting out of here as quickly as possible.
While I was still in the bathroom, my entire apartment shook. It felt like we were experiencing an earthquake. With the combination of a loud BOOM sound and the rumbling, I also heard Agent Wise scream and fear engulfed my entire body. I tried to figure out what was going on, on the other side of the bathroom door but I couldn’t make sense of it. One part of me wanted to stay in the bathroom where I might be safe, but then I decided that if it were an earthquake or a bomb, I needed to get out of here. So, I grabbed the doorknob and snatched it open. And when I stepped out into the hallway I couldn’t believe my eyes. Agent Morris nor Agent Wise weren’t anywhere insight but there was a fucking old beat-up car sitting in the middle of the living room. It became obvious that someone deliberately drove it into this apartment. But when I looked at the driver side of the car, there was absolutely no one behind the wheel of it. And after seeing this, I became pretty alarmed. “Agent Morris, where are you?” I yelled.
“I’m over here,” I heard him reply. But it was barely audible. And when I looked in the direction from which I heard his voice, I saw him in the kitchen buried underneath some of the rubble that came from the crash. So, I ran to his rescue and helped him get up from the floor.
Immediately after I helped him to his feet, I noticed that he suffered mild bruises to his face. But he was more concerned about Agent Wise than his cuts and bruises. “Where is Agent Wise? Is she okay?” he asked me.
“I don’t know. I heard her scream while I was in the bathroom. But when I came out here, she was nowhere insight. And the driver of the car ain’t nowhere insight either.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, I’m positive. But I know Bishop had something to do with it. He knew I was here because the car he gave me was still parked outside, so to shake me up, he made this happen.”
“Come on, let’s look for Agent Wise and then we’re gonna hurry up and get out of here.” Agent Morris said.
Agent Morris and I walked towards the living room that was only a few feet away but we had to step over a lot of debris before we could get there. I stumbled a couple of times but Agent Morris kept me from falling. “You better be careful.” he warned me. But I wasn’t too worried about me falling, I just wanted to hurry up and find the other agent before something else happens. For all we knew, Bishop could’ve been waiting for us to come outside to blow our fucking heads off. He also could’ve had those two cats that roughed me up, standing outside to do me in as well. Bishop had unique ways to carry out his death sentences. And the people he preyed on never knew the exact time they’d take their last breath. All they knew was that their life would end. What a fucked up way to live in the final hours of your life.
He’s the fucking devil!
Cheaper to Keep Her part 3 Unique
Finally Getting Some Closure – Chapter Twenty-Six
Agent Morris and I searched through the rubble and finally saw Agent Wise. The devastating part about finding her was that she was the fact that she was dead. She had gotten ran over by the car. We could only she part of her face and it was saturated with her blood. Luckily she was facing the opposite direction because her eyes were open, so I didn’t think I’d be able to handle looking at her head on.
Agent Morris immediately radioed Agent Sean because he lost his cell phone amongst the debris. Meanwhile he communicated with Sean, I ran back into my bedroom to get my things because I knew it would be a matter of minutes before we got out of here. “We’re about two hundred feet away from you so stay put.” I heard Sean tell Agent Morris.
“Copy that.” Agent Morris replied. Soon he was down on my heels. “Come on, we got to get out of here.” he said.
I grabbed my things I had packed earlier and followed Agent Morris to the front door. Several seconds later, Agent Sean appeared with five other agents. It was one female and four men. All of them including Sean were dressed in military issued fatigue gear, bulletproof vests inscribed with “FBI” on them and the heaviest, most deadly artillery one man could carry in their arms. They looked like they were ready for war.
Sean grabbed me by my arm. “Come on, let’s get you out of here.”
I swear, this was the first time that I can truly say that I was happy to see his ass. And I was convinced that he would risk his life to save mine. He was geared up and ready to serve and protect.
A few of the neighbors stood outside while Sean and two other agents escorted me to the car. Local police even joined the party. “We’re taking you somewhere safe.” he told me.
“Okay,” I replied.
When Sean helped me into the exact same black Suburban that followed Bishop and I down the New Jersey Turnpike, I shook my head. Who would’ve thought that I’d be traveling in it after Bishop noticed it on the turnpike and it was parked a couple of blocks from the house he shared with Keisha? Strange things intend to always happen.
While I sat inside of the truck, both of the agents guarded the truck from the outside. The windows were tinted so no one was able to see what position I was sitting in. “Do you have everything you need?” he asked me.
“Yeah,” I said.
“Well, hold tight and I’ll be right back.”
“Can you please hurry up? ‘Cause I can’t stand to be out here another minute.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll be right back.” He assured me and then he ran back towards the apartment.
I looked around the surrounding area and saw how most of the neighbors were migrating towards my apartment to see what all of the commotion was. I also watched as Sean, several police officers and the other agents were inspecting the old car that smashed in the wall of my living room. Moments later, I watched as the city tow truck service had arrived on the scene. Agent Sean said a few words to the tow truck driver and then he walked away from the truck. From that point, the tow truck driver proceeded to pull the car back out of my living room.
Before he was able to remove the car from the apartment, Sean and four police officers and the other two agents had to lift the car up so the tow truck driver wouldn’t pull Agent Wise’s body with it. And only after they struggled for ten minutes, the car was finally removed.
Immediately after Agent Wise’s body was attainable, a coroner had arrived, bagged up her body and then they took her away. I didn’t know her, but watching the coroner take her body away was a sad thing to see because I could’ve very well taken her place. I just hoped that she didn’t have any kids. It would be a sad day if she did.
A few more minutes passed but it seemed like time stood still. The crowd outside of my apartment grew larger by the minute. The agents and the police used yellow crime tape to secure the crime scene. It felt like I was watching an episode of CSI. But with the horrific scenes of that crime drama, I wasn’t ready when Sean came back to the truck with some more grim news.
After he climbed in the back seat where I was, he closed the door and said, “We just found Bria’s body in the trunk of that car.
And it looks like she’s been dead at least two days.”
Hearing the words, Bria’s body, took a few minutes before it registered in my mind. And when it finally did, I was completely taken aback. But for some reason I needed to know more. “Was she shot?”
“She was wearing a blindfold and it definitely appears that she died from a gunshot wound to the head. So whoever shot her did it execution style.”
“Whatcha’ mean who ever did it? We both know that Bishop did that shit! That crazy motherfucker killed his own fucking sister. Now how fucked up is that. I swear, I hope y’all give that son of a bitch the death penalty when you catch his ass.”
“Listen, we’re gonna need you to help bring this joker down. Now Keisha has already agreed to help, and since you’re already on board we need to get you out of here right now and take you somewhere safe until we take him into custody.” Sean said.
“Well, I’m ready.” I assured him.
“So, you know, we’re taking you to a Witness Protection Program.”
“But, I don’t wanna go in Witness Protection. I already told Agent Morris, I wasn’t feeling that. People that are snitching go into that program and I’m not that kind of person. I was forced to help y’all. And look where it got me.”
“Okay listen, not all snitches go into that program. That program is for your protection. It’s government funded, so we can use all the resources to make sure nothing happens to you.”
I sat there with my arms folded and thought about what other options I had. And I came up with absolutely nothing. I did have Bishop’s dope and sixty-eight thousand dollars. So, after all this mess is over with, I’d be well equipped to go on my merry way.
Once I was able to ponder on this situation I finally told Sean I’d go to the program but I made him promise that as soon as Bishop was locked up, I’d be free to go. He agreed and then we shook on it. But before he got back out of the truck he looked at me and said, “I’m glad you agreed to get protection because when we looked in the trunk and saw the garage bag, it had a note taped to it that said, “Lynise this will be you next.”
Cheaper to Keep Her part 3 (More Money More Problems) Page 16