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Secrets Beyond the Moon: Strangers from the sky

Page 4

by NB Blackbell

  While sitting at the table with a cup of coffee, the girls sorted through Jasper's sketches. They were trying to figure out which ones were connected to what was happening or if any were related to Isabel's vision. Buddy was lying at their feet, stretched out, with not a care in the world. So far, there were a few she recognized from her dreams, but the one that stood out the most was a symbol. It was small, the shape of the moon and the sun together. It had jewels on both sides, and a feather. This was the same symbol the man in the square had on his neck and in the vision she had. Isabel held the picture in her hand as she stared at it. "It's identical, Jasper. Somehow, you and I are connected to each other. You draw my dreams. Even more, it's attached to whatever I saw in the vision. Do you think it's related to the shapeshifters?" Jasper knew how concerned Isabel was; however, she was always the strong one in all situations. "Our connection is good. Maybe we're psychically linked," she grinned. Isabel smiled too. Jasper reached over and took the sketch from Isabel. "Whatever this symbol is, I'm sure we'll figure this out. I have no idea if it's associated to the shapeshifters, but it's kind of odd you had that vision while all this is happening. So, my guess is yes, it must be related."

  Later that day, Jasper stood on the terrace while having a smoke. The courtyard was part of the reason the girls chose this place. In one direction, they could observe the bridge and in the remote distance, the ocean. Either way, there was a magnificent view. She knew what was taking place was much more than mere face changing. This was something that should not be kept between the three; others required to know. Putting out her cigarette, she went into the house. Jake and Isabel sat at the table. "We got a reply from that site," said Jake. "They said that Texas is over run by shapeshifters. They're reptilian-like and are somehow attached to all the murders and missing people. Folks are frightened to death and are clueless. Not too many can grasp the idea of shapeshifters being behind this all." Glancing up at the girls, he continued, "You know what this means? This is more than a local concern. What's going on in this city may be happening all over the world." Jasper gasped, "Oh my God! This is crazy! What do we do?" Isabel got up to grab another coffee. "We don't have any choice. It's time to find others who have seen this within our city." Jake glanced at Isabel and then at Jasper. "I read that book from the website earlier. It was unusual, but he didn't know much more than we do. He said he believed they all appear to be linked to the government, as he's never seen one out of a suit." Taking a deep breath, Jasper pulled out a chair and sat down. "I was afraid of this, and you're right, Isabel, we need to speak up. We can start at the café. I can talk to Faith tomorrow and see what she has to say about all of this. Who knows? Perhaps this isn't such a big secret after all. Jake, do me a favour. Find all you can on this. See if you can show proof of these shifters, murders and missing people occurring elsewhere. Oh, and the plane crashes, maybe we can see where they've been happening. I set my printer up in my room, you can use it. I'm going to go turn on the news and see if there is anything new. Then I have a few things to get ready for tomorrow to help it go smoothly. I hope we don't come off crazy telling others what stuff we've seen. I'm not staying up late tonight. Tomorrow will be a long day." They all agreed and started preparing for the next day.

  Chapter Three

  Laying there wide awake, Jasper wondered if she would ever get proper sleep again. She could hardly shut her eyes, thinking about all that was going on. Even Buddy was not the life force, he usually was in the morning. He lay curled up in her arms as if he knew how difficult of a night's sleep she had. She felt guilty, looking at him. He hadn't been out for a walk in two days, and she wondered how much longer it would be safe to walk the streets. She detested the idea of confining him to the backyard but was concerned about his safety. As much as she loathed the idea, after today, he would have to stay home for a while just until she knew it was safe. Today, nevertheless, she would take him to the park and pretend it was a typical day. She sprang out of bed, her heart fluttering at the thought of going to the café, but she knew it had to be done. Grabbing some clothes and putting her hair up, she headed to see what the others were doing.

  In the kitchen, both sat at the table. Jake was dressed up as if he was ready for work. "Are you heading to work today?" she asked. "I thought you had time off. Laying down his coffee mug, Jake glanced up. "No, I'm not working, but I have to stop at a few places, including my office. I should get a closer look at both my coworkers and others within my profession. If these unusual events are occurring in the business world or government, I need to know for sure." Isabel clutched Jake's hand and assured him, "You're a smart man, Mr. Davenport. Jasper and I can handle the diner today. We'll see you back here later." She smiled at him and rubbed her fingers along the side of his hand. He reached forth and grasped her chin lightly, laying his lips gently against hers. His warm breath tickled her bottom lips, but within seconds she forgot all about it. She wanted to take hold of him as he pulled away, but she knew this wasn't the time or place. She glanced over at her best friend. "Did you get any sleep, Jasper?" Frowning, Jasper sighed, "Not a drop, but with everything going on, I should just be grateful I am still functioning." Isabel began laughing. "God's testing us, and what a test this is!" The three of them chuckled and finished getting ready for their day.

  "Buddy! Buddy, come get your leash on, Boy. We're going for a walk." Rushing down the hall with the cat on his rear, he headed to the door. Nookers flopped down onto the floor when he saw Buddy getting his leash on. Guess it was time for a catnap. Scratching behind his ear, Jasper yelled up the stairs, "Ready to go?" Isabel grabbed her purse, then kissed Jake on the forehead. After laying the folder with all the paperwork in her bag, she zipped it up. "Yup, I'm ready. I haven't been to the park in a while. It should be a refreshing walk. See you afterward, Jake!" she smiled as she headed towards the door.

  The sun took over the sky as the three of them headed up the lane towards the park. "You know, Isabel. I'm concerned that after today, it will never be the same. Up until now, it was always safe to walk down the street or walk through the park. Buddy tugged on the leash. He knew precisely where he was going. "Slow down, Boy! We'll get there soon," she laughed. This is my favourite thing to do, take him to the park so he can sniff the wildflowers and enjoy the fresh air. Isabel reached out and unlocked the gate to the park. "Well, one can hope today will go smoothly, and that we can find a way to end the terror in the city. When Jasper let the leash unravel, Buddy rushed to the closest hedge and lifted his leg like a ballerina. This made her snicker. "He always makes me laugh." Together they strolled down the path leading through the park. "So, how do we begin to explain all this to Faith?" Isabel looked over at her. "We just tell her what's going on. They either believe us, or they don't. It's up to others to decide what they think, but whatever that may be, they cannot change what is happening around us. We have to be the brave ones." Jasper nodded. "Yeah, you're right." The two proceeded to chat while walking Buddy. The wind was warm and relaxing. Jasper loved living next to the ocean, but she also craved the mountains. She used to think it was impractical to be stressed out living in such a magnificent place, but maybe she had been wrong.

  Standing outside the café, Jasper looked around. This was a place she loved to come to. She felt secure here, but now, not so much. Isabel grabbed her arm. "Come on. Lets' go in." Pulling open the door, the two girls headed in. Faith was busy wiping down the tables but quickly ran to grab the girl's coffee when she spotted them. "Oh, my God! I'm so glad to see you two! Where have you been? It has been so quiet around here, notably with all those folks going missing." Isabel knew Faith for most of her life, and Jasper knew her for the past seven years. It wasn't hard for the girls to tell she was troubled over everything happening. Isabel grabbed Faith's arm. "Can you sit with us? We need to talk to you." The girls headed to the window table. Faith took a deep breath and took a seat next to them, then immediately asked. "What's up?" Without hesitation, Isabel began her questioning. "Have you notice
d anything out of the sorts besides what's been all over the news lately?" Faith thought to herself and answered, "Well, I know a lot of people are frightened. They think perhaps the government is behind all of this. I don't know what to think about all of this. Why, do you know something more; something I should know?" Pulling the file out of her purse, Isabel handed it to her. "You should look at this and know that both of us have seen this first hand. Jake has also has seen this. He's out on business today; otherwise, he would've been here too." Faith opened the files, her eyes widening as she scanned the paperwork filled with information on shapeshifters being among us. There were articles from all over the world about murders and missing folks. She gasped. "Is this for real?" Isabel nodded wistfully. "Yeah, I think the only reason we haven't heard about all the other places on the news is that everyone is suffering like we are and are focusing on trying to help their own city, forgetting that the rest of the world exists. I know I have."

  Shaking her head, Faith played down the file. "This is scary! And you say you saw this yourself? Where?" Jasper pointed out the window to the fountain. "Every day, a man sits there reading his paper. I've seen it at the mall too." Isabel nodded, "I've seen stuff too. I find it terrifying that this is taking place in our city and all over the world. Don't you?" Faith nodded, "It's a bit tough to swallow, but I've known you two for a long time. Besides, you have a lot of proof in this folder." Standing up, Faith turned to the girls and said, "I'll be right back. I need to make a phone call."

  Faith grasped the phone and scampered off to the kitchen. She thought to herself as she dialled the number and waited for someone to pick up. 'I hope he's there. John, pick up! This should make sense, but it doesn't.' Just as she was about to hang up, she heard a voice.


  Faith whispered into the phone, "John, I'm so glad I got you on the phone. I think you're going to want to hear this. Jasper and Isabel are both here with a file. They have proof of what you were talking about; that the ministry is responsible for everything going on. But, there's more to it."

  John remained mute as Faith went on.

  "There are things called shapeshifters. They have seen them. One was right outside the cafe, believe it or not. They can explain a lot better than me." John took a profound breath and exhaled. "They have proof. Can I see this evidence? Do they know anything about us?"

  Faith whispered, not wanting anyone to overhear her on the phone, "No. I haven't mentioned it to anyone, as promised."

  John sighed, "Okay, set up a meeting for me to engage with them sometime tomorrow at the cafe. Love you, Faith. I have to go."

  Just before hanging up the phone, Faith murmured, "I love you too. See you at home."

  Heading back out to see the girls, Faith grasped the coffee pot and a few cups. "This is going to be a long-drawn day, Girls. I want to know everything you do." Laying the coffee pot down on the table, she went and locked the door and turned the sign to closed. As she sat down, she said, "This is the first day I've taken off in years. If any of this is going to sink in, I'm going to have to not worry about customers." Putting her feet up and leaning against the wall, she continued, "So, when did you first see this?" Jasper grabbed a cup and poured herself some coffee. "I noticed it about a week ago. Well, I think I saw it before, but I thought I imagining things." Isabel piped in, "Not everyone can see them. I can't, but I watched the videos online and saw it on there." Reaching over to grab some coffee, Isabel added, "I have strange dreams; as if they are recollections of a different life. Jasper has been drawing things from my dreams. The funny thing is I've never told her about my dreams or the stuff she drew." Faith looked at Jasper, shock written all over her face. Jasper giggled as if to ease the blow. "Yeah, I felt that initial shock too. We're still not sure what the stuff I drew meant or what Isabel dreamt about it. She was at the square the other day and had some kind of vision after a strange man bumped into her. Both the guy who bumped into her and the man in the dark robe had identical tattoos. I ended up drawing it." Drinking her coffee, Isabel looked over at Faith. "I've had visions before, but assumed they were some sort of déjà vu. Jake's experience with all this was different from ours. He was outside the mayor's office. He was relaxing in the courtyard, sipping his coffee when he saw a man who looked identical to himself. You can't imagine how much this freaked him out! He promptly turned away and noticed that everything was in a frozen state. He glanced back just in time to see the man as his face was transforming into a woman's right in front of his eyes. Then, suddenly, everything unfroze." Faith's mouth hit the floor. "I can't even imagine! None of this sounds real. I mean, how can it possibly feel real when none of us have ever encountered anything like this? I hope you don't mind, but I called John when I used the phone. I told him what you said to me. You guys are not the only ones with conspiracy theories. He wants to talk with you both but is not accessible until tomorrow. He's been leading a discussion with other individuals who have their own thoughts on what is taking place. You don't mind meeting with him? Do you?" Jasper took Faith's hand and said, "This isn't a secret. Of course, we will meet with him. We need people to know about this. There's so much more to it than we know. What if this is connected to the homicides and the missing people? We have to figure out what to do… how to stop it. I don't know much about shapeshifters, but the last thing I want is them knowing we know. I'm not sure whether their reaction will be good or bad. I'm assuming that they're dangerous, in light of everything that's happening."

  Isabel reached in her purse to grab her phone. It was from Jake.

  "Hey, What's up?"

  Eagerly, Jake replied, "I have so much I need to tell you when we get back to the house. What time will you be heading back?"

  Isabel glanced over at both girls. "We can head back any time. Did you find out much?"

  Jake took a deep breath. "Yeah, a lot more than I wanted to know. I'll be at the house in about an hour. I have one more stop to make. Did you talk to Faith?"

  Holding the phone tighter to her ear, she responded, "Yes, we told her, and it was hard for her to digest, but she's on board. Do you mind if I invite her to the house to discuss this further?"

  Jake paused. "Sure, they should know this too. See you soon, oh and miss you."

  Isabel grinned ear to ear, "Miss you too."

  Hanging up the phone, Isabel looked at Faith and urged, "Do you mind if we move this discussion over to the house? Jake will meet us there, in an hour." Faith stood up, "No, not at all. Let me do a few things, then we can head over there." Faith went off to the kitchen.

  About twenty minutes later, Faith came out, coat and purse in hand. "All right, shall we take my car, or are we walking?" Isabel thought to herself. She wanted to get some lunch prepared for everyone before Jake got back. "I think we'll take the car," said Isabel. Piling out the door, Faith turned to lock up the café. "Can't be too careful," she said. Hopping into the car, the girls headed back to the house. Buddy pressed his face tightly against the window, excited to head home.

  Jasper mused to herself as she went in the house and took off her shoes. It was nice that Faith took it all so well. This could have gone bad in so many ways. Casting her coat onto the floor, she headed up the stairs. Buddy ran ahead, searching for the cat to play with. Jasper passed the living room and went right to the kitchen. Her smokes were still on the table. Smoking was a habit she had not heavily indulged in before, but lately, it seemed she had been smoking a bit more than usual. Seizing a cigarette, she went out to the patio, leaving the door cracked so she could still speak to the girls. Jasper moved her neck around, crackling it ever so lightly. It felt good since her neck was a bit stiff from not sleeping well. Looking around, she knew the city wasn't ever going to be the same. Life feels so different right now. She missed going to the cafe to write or sketch. She also missed going on daily walks with Buddy or taking off to attend an art class. It felt like a few weeks had passed since she was at the club with her friends letting loose. Shaking her head, she finished h
er smoke and headed back into the house. Isabel was at the counter, making sandwiches while Faith sat at the table, seeming a little frazzled. "Any of this sink in yet?" Jasper asked as she took a seat next to her. Faith nodded. Jasper took a deep breath.

  "You know, I googled a few things last night. There have been over two thousand deaths in the last month in our city alone. They all end up in the same place, left in front of our local police stations at 6 a.m., just after the sun rises. There have also been seven cases of people suffering from amnesia wandering aimlessly in the streets. There's been a total of four thousand missing persons. This is only one place on this huge earth, yet so much has happened and to think, this is happening everywhere! I can't even imagine how many worldwide have suffered."

  Just then, Jake walked in the door. "I'm back." Quickly entering the kitchen, he blurted out, "If this were a virus, I would have to say it was widespread." Shaking his head, he added, "I never knew how closed-eyed I was; they're everywhere. There's a psychiatrist right in our building that is a shapeshifter. Can you believe it? Right down the hall from me! I dropped by to talk to him about a case I'm working on. Of course, that was just an excuse to speak to him, but it was long enough for me to notice his eyes change colour just like you described, Jasper. It was tough to pretend I didn't notice. Oh, and Marcy was telling me a friend of hers has been to three funerals this week just for her family alone yet doesn't remember anyone dying. She's convinced the grave is empty. After all, wouldn't you remember someone you love dying? They both are dropping by later. I hope you don't mind." All three women sat at the table, looking at him. Glancing at them, Jake started to blush as he reached over and kissed Isabel's cheek, "I'm so sorry. I forgot to even say hi." Isabel started to chuckle. "It's okay and no, we don't mind if Marcy and her friend drop by. Have you noticed how empty the roads are? Took us barely any time to get home." Jake nodded.


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