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Secrets Beyond the Moon: Strangers from the sky

Page 13

by NB Blackbell

  John pulled out his phone to check his messages. As he opened it, he saw messages sent from other cities: 'This is a bloody mess, John. These creatures are everywhere we look, and now there's green fog. What are we supposed to do? Do you know what's going on?' John started to text back: My friends, this is a horrible mess. Nothing that anyone saw coming. It seems that we are under some kind of alien invasion. They no longer feel a need to hide since they've been discovered. I hate to say it, but we needed to know. The green fog is toxic. It causes hallucinations brought on by fear. We are lucky enough to have some folks who are not affected by it. The rest of us cannot go out in it. We're getting gas masks today from the army surplus. Perhaps you folks should do the same. Yesterday we spotted hovercrafts but we’re not sure what else since this fog has appeared. We heard that wearing red keeps them from seeing us. We're testing this theory today. John pressed send, but before he had a chance to put away his phone, he received a reply. It said: We could see them from the top of our building last night before the fog came. There were so many we couldn't count. One more thing… countless buildings are missing, and the city looks much different from what it did before. I will message you later. I will send a team out to retrieve masks and then do some exploring. John placed his phone in his pocket, his stomach felt like it had dropped to the floor. He looked over at Jake, "This is more than just us. It's hard enough when we think it's just within the walls of our city, but this is worldwide. If one fails, we all will. From now on, we'll work on figuring out who they are and how we can get rid of them. I'm not sure where we start or how we go about it. We don't even know what's safe to do and what isn't anymore. Did Larzo and his men leave yet?" Jake nodded. "Yeah, they left about twenty minutes ago." John reached over and patted Jake on the back. "Okay, then I need to go find Faith" He turned and headed out the door. "We'll meet later and see what Larzo has come up with today."

  Meanwhile, across the city, Larzo and his men pulled into the army surplus parking lot. "All right, Guys," said Larzo. "Let's make this quick. Grab any kind of mask you can find. We also need flashlights. You never know when we'll lose power." It took about twenty minutes, but the guys managed to find what they needed and fit it into the trunk. After hitting up a few different places to gather supplies, they stopped at the IGA. It was time to stock up on food. A couple of the men headed in to get started, while Larzo and Mark stood outside. Larzo leaned against the door and looked around, his bandana tightly wrapped around his face. "I feel ridiculous in this getup. I don't think I've ever worn red before. I'm worried it will make us a target." Mark shook his head. "Yeah, but they said it will protect us. I want to believe they're right. Don't you?" The two shook as they heard a piercing shriek and the sound of something heavy dragging. Mark took a step back. "What is that? Did you hear it?"

  Larzo nodded and motioned for him to be quiet. Crouch down behind the garbage can and be quiet." Within seconds, two large lizard-like creatures tore around the corner, their dragon-like tails dragging behind them. Larzo's eyes widened. A typical reaction would be to shoot them, but he remembered what happened the last time they met. He closed his eyes tightly and hoped they wouldn't see him. All he could think was, 'Holy shit! We're as good as dead!' The creatures came towards them as the two men crouched silently. Within moments, they passed them by. Larzo's eyes popped open as he thought to himself, 'What the hell? There's no way that they didn't see us." He glanced over at Mark and asked perplexingly, "Did they look this way?" Mark shook his head. "Yes, they looked right at us, but yet almost right through us. Possibly the red does work. I'm never taking off these clothes again." Larzo smirked. "Guess we have one more stop to make today." Mark chuckled to himself, "Yeah, somewhere that sells a lot of red." The men spent the next few hours completing the run and then headed back to the hotel.

  Larzo and his men started loading the supplies into the hotel. John motioned for some guys to help take in the rations. Jake watched as they carried in boxes of masks and commented, "Excellent; that should protect everyone." John smiled and added, "That's the first step to winning this war." Jake looked at him, "War? Hmm, guess I never thought of it that way, but you're right. This is definitely a war. I always imagined a war would consist of bombs dropping and gunshots being heard everywhere. But then again, that's what's showed on television."

  John nodded and headed towards the board room. "Larzo, when you're finished, meet us in the board room." Jake followed John. In his head, he whispered, Jasper, the guys are back. If you can hear me, we're heading to the board room. He giggled to himself. If someone had asked him a few months ago if someone could talk to another person in their mind, he would have told them no; that they should make an appointment with his secretary. As they entered the room, he heard Jasper coming down the hall. She smiled as she entered the room. "I was in the kitchen. So, the guys are back? How did it go? Did they see the aliens or the hovercrafts?" John turned to look at her. "Slow down with the questions. I haven't had a chance to ask them yet. When they're done bringing the supplies in, they'll join us here, and then we can find out what's happening out there." Jasper sat down at the table. "I can't help it. I'm just so curious. We can't see anything out the windows anymore. It's like wearing blinders." John took a deep breath. "I can't say that I understand. I'm so on edge just thinking about it. How do I keep people safe when I'm not sure what I'm protecting them from?"

  Moments later, Larzo and Mark entered the room. Larzo blurted out as they headed towards the table, "You guys are not going to believe the day we had. We hit up the supply stores as needed, and in the far distance, we could hear hovercrafts zipping all over the place. They sounded like nothing I've ever heard before. It's like a deep hum." Both guys found a place to sit. "I wish the fog wasn't there. It really does keep us from seeing anything." Jake leaned back and crossed his arms. "Maybe that's their plan." Larzo reached down and grabbed at his shirt. "This red shirt saved us. Two of those creatures walked right by us and didn't even see us. I thought for sure we were goners.

  We grabbed all kinds of the red stuff. That's what took us so long. I thought it might help protect us if we put red cellophane up on the windows. What do you think?" Jake smiled as he unfolded his arms. "Well, look at you this morning. You were all bent out of shape about wearing red. Now, you can't get enough of it." Larzo blushed. "Hey, it worked, and that's enough for me. Although I still don't understand it, I won't question it again." Jasper glanced over at Larzo. "I think it's because they are colour blind, but I'm not a hundred percent sure on that. I'm sure if you were noisy, they would hear you, but wearing a red shirt helps block the heartbeat, and for some reason, that makes a difference. Now, if you're driving a big blue car wearing a red shirt, they may miss you, but they won't miss that blue car. So, you still need to be super careful." John looked at Larzo. "She's right. Caution needs to be taken." Larzo's forehead wrinkled as he looked at Jake. "How did you know about the colour red being a weakness to them? I'm pretty sure we know barely anything about what's happening, yet you have an important fact like that." Jake glanced over at Jasper then at Larzo. "It's sheer blessing that we have that information. We happened to receive a phone call by an anonymous source who told us about it, and I've never been so thankful for it." Larzo looked down at his shirt. "Who would have thought that such a bright colour could be such a blessing? I don't think I've ever had such a hard time on a trip." He looked over at Mark. Mark nodded. "It was a tough trip. I know we were wearing the bandanas, but I was paranoid as shit. I didn't have any reason to be either. It's not like those creatures were sitting right there on top of us. It would be different if we had to hide while being surrounded by them, but most of them were out towards the outside of the city. We had to hide every once in a while, due to a hovercraft passing by. We saw five. It's not like we can see very far, but you can definitely hear them coming.

  The whole city is buzzing. I figure the paranoia was coming from the green fog." Jasper got up and walked over to the window. "So, do you think
there are more of them than we first thought?" Larzo jumped up and headed towards her. "From what I can see, yes. There are lots of them, but how many, I can't tell you. If the fog weren't there, it would be easier, but at least we have a bit of information to help keep us safe." Jasper leaned against the window. "I'm going out in it tomorrow. I need to know what's going on past these walls. I don't want to go alone, though." She turned and looked at John. "Can you find someone to go with me?" Larzo tapped her on the shoulder. "I'll go with you." John got up and turned to Jake and said, "You can go with her too. The three of you can explore tomorrow and hopefully get the answers we require." Jasper felt relief and fear at the same time. "Thanks, John. We'll do our best. So, you guys hit up the grocery store, right?" Larzo glanced over at Jasper. "Yes, we mostly got canned and packaged foods. I don't think anyone has restocked the grocery store for a bit, but we grabbed all we can." She looked back out the window. She thought about what could cause the green fog. "How long will the supplies last?" Just as Larzo went to answer her, the room went dark. The five of them stood in the dark.

  Mark whispered, "Did I forget to pay the power bill?" Jasper reached into her pocket and grabbed her phone. She flicked on her led light and pointed it towards Mark. As she did, she noticed her service sign was gone. "What the hell? I have no phone service?" John pulled his phone out. "My service is gone too. Shit! How am I supposed to get a hold of the other cities without it? Jake leaned back in his chair, "Hmm. Slowly, they are removing anything we depend on." Jasper slowly made her way over to Jake. "What do you mean?" Jake folded his arms behind his head and looked up at her. "First, they took our view. We now have no way of seeing them coming. They also messed with our air by making us feel insane when we ingest it. Now the power and the phone service are gone. We are walking ducks in the dark, aren't we?" Larzo jumped in, interrupting Jake, "I grabbed a bunch of flashlights and candles today in case of emergency. Guess that was a smart move. Something tells me this is not a temporary situation." John sat down at the table and encouraged the others to do so too. "Larzo, grab the flashlights and candles and hand them out to the others, then bring the supply in here." Larzo nodded and grabbed his phone. He turned the LED on his phone and headed to the supply room. John leaned back in his chair. "Well, isn't this a kick in the nuts?" The three of them snickered. Jasper glanced up at the window. She silently spoke to Jake within her head.

  Something doesn't feel right, Jake. None of them have even noticed the sun hasn't risen since the attack. We've sat in darkness ever since. I mean perhaps they haven't noticed since the first day there were grey clouds and then suddenly there was green fog. I have been staring at the moon for a couple days, waiting for it to go down.

  Jake looked out the window and up at the moon.

  You're right. I knew something felt really off, but I never noticed that the sun never came back out. Funny, I looked forward to the sun rising every day, and when it stops, I didn't even notice. I guess my mind has been overly occupied.

  Jasper took a breath, then continued,

  Something else, I noticed. All these occurrences happened over a short time. Like a wave of huge change. I think it was set in motion somehow. I don't think they know where we are, maybe all of this is to flush us out. Do you think they know we are not immune to their games?

  Jake rubbed his head. I'm getting a headache maybe because this is so new to us. We can talk about all of this after we deal with the issue at hand. Jasper gave a grimace of a smile, then looked at John. "We need to keep all doors locked up tight and have someone watching them at all times."

  Larzo shone the light into the room as he headed back in. He laid the box of flashlights and candles on the table. "We have supplied the rooms with what they need, these are for in here. The other folks are not freaking out as bad now that they have light. Mark is with the other guys grabbing the generators out of the basement and putting them in the kitchen." John nodded, "Good job, Larzo. Please let the others know I appreciate their good work, just in case I don't say it enough." Jake glanced down at his watch. It was hard to keep track of time without the sun. He was glad that the watches still worked. "It's getting late, Guys. I'm going to head up and get some sleep." Jasper got up when Jake did. The two of them grabbed a flashlight and headed towards the stairs.

  "Guess we'll be using these now that the power is out." Jasper gazed up the stairs. "Glad we are only on the second floor." The two quickly made up the two flights of stairs and went into Jasper's room. Buddy went nuts. "I'm so sorry, boy. It's been a super busy day." She cleaned up after both pets, filled their bowls, and then proceeded to rub Buddy's little belly. "I hate leaving him alone so long; it feels so unfair." Jake flopped down into the chair. "I miss the furniture at your house. It's a lot more comfortable than this." Nookers sleeked across the window sill. It made Jake laugh.

  "It's nice to know they're not affected by all of this; it must be their innocence. We need to talk about what's happening with us."

  "Are you there, Billy?" Jasper asked. Both Jasper and Jake looked at each other as they heard, Yeah, I'm here. Jasper smiled. She wasn't sure how this was happening, but it was kind of cool to have such a connection. Billy, when I talk just to Jake, do you hear me? Seconds later, Billy answered, No, only when you include me in the conversation. Jasper continued, "Good. Not that I mind, but that means no one else can either. I'm not sure why we all can do this, but I think it's a good thing, and I don't think we should tell anyone about this part just yet." Both Billy and Jake agreed.

  Jake spoke up, "Okay, we'll fill you in on stuff. We just wanted to see how you were and make sure you can still hear us. I'll come to see you tomorrow and tell you all about what is happening." After saying goodnight to Billy, Jake turned and looked at Jasper. "This is weird. Do you have any ideas on what is going on?" Jasper pulled herself up and leaned against the wall. "The person on the phone said that you and I will be going through a lot of changes. I'm starting to think they know more about us than you and I do. If I didn't have so many memories inside my head, I would start to wonder if my life was a lie." Jake shook his head. "I was thinking the same thing. I know it's weird, but I actually remember something from a long time ago, yet I know it didn't happen." Jasper looked at him. "What is it? Tell me." Jake leaned towards her. "Okay, but it can't be real. I remember being a teenager around the age of thirteen. I remember you and me down at the beach. You were about ten years old. We were there having a picnic with our family. That's all I remember. Weird, right?" Jasper wrinkled up her forehead. "We're not even related. That's a bizarre memory, and you've never met my family, so I wonder why you have that memory." Jake smirked. "I know, right? And it wasn't my family either. I don't remember my family. I was in and out of foster homes most of my life. It feels strange to see me with a family. I imagine it's just something I desired, and it appears due to all the stress in our lives." Jasper smiled. "I like that you added me to the memory, making me your sister." Jake shook his head. "You've been the closest thing to a sister I've ever had. I miss Isabel. It's pretty bad when I look forward to her coming to me in my dreams. What do you think she's trying to say in them? Do you think perhaps it's for real or just something we want? I would give anything to have her back here with us." Jasper picked up Buddy and laid him down in front of his food, then turning to Jake, said, "I think it's real. I feel as if she's speaking to us. I don't know if it's from the other side or if she's really alive, but I think she's watching out for us either way."

  Jake got up and walked over to Jasper. Leaning over, he hugged her. "Well, then if that's the case, she has said numerous times she's here with us. There's a good chance she's alive and in need of rescuing. I'm heading back to my room to get some sleep and, hopefully, I will hear from her. If you need me, just give me a shout." Jake headed out the door, and as the door shut, he heard Goodnight.

  Chapter Nine

  Jasper woke to Faith rushing into her room. "Get up, Girl. We need to put this stuff up on all the windows." Faith
stood at the window, spreading red cellophane across it. "The men are sure this will make us safer." Faith glanced over at Jasper. "I'm frightened. If putting red plastic over the window keeps me busy enough not to think about our dilemma, then that's what I'm going to do. In one sense, I would prefer to be out, knowing what's going on. The alternative makes me want to hide under the bed like a huge old chicken." Jasper wanted to answer her, but Buddy was washing her face with his tongue, and the thought of opening her mouth to speak and having her tonsils cleaned did not interest her very much. Buddy jumped down and went to his food dish. This gave her a chance to get out of bed and help her. As Faith reached up and taped the corners, she asked, "Have you noticed we've had no sun? I don't think any of the men noticed yet, but I'm confident you noticed." Jasper nodded.

  "Yes, I've noticed, and so has Jake. I'm glad you realize there's more than green fog going on. I'm not sure many know how to react to all of this. They may not even know the extent of the danger they're really in. Think about it, Faith. The sun stopped rising. Something is very different about our world. I need to get out there and see what's going on." Faith finished putting up the cellophane. "I'm coming with you. My eyes are open. I'm not blinded by any of this, and, unlike some folks, I know the danger we're in. I figure if I come with you, I'll spot stuff the others may not see, so please take me with you." Jasper thought about it. "You're right. I think you should come with us. Let, John, know. All right? It'll be you and me, Larzo and Jake. John can get you ready for this mission. Don't forget a gas mask."

  Faith took off to speak to John while Jasper headed to find Jake. "Come on, Boys. You two can run around for a while. I have some stuff to do today, but I'll see you later." Jasper stopped before she got to the top of the stairs. In her head, she searched for Jake. 'Where are you?' Seconds later, she heard his response: I'm in the gallery. Jasper skipped down the stairs and headed towards the kitchen. She was rather thrilled by how easy it was to speak to him. This new gift of hers couldn't be a bad thing, could it?


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